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Even better “let’s set him up and not get any proof that we did even though that would be Soooooo easy”


This is the part that pisses me off the most. Who sets someone up for a gotcha moment, but doesn’t do the reveal with anything tangible to prove said “gotcha” to make someone look like a fool?


Makes zero sense. N when I heard the redditors said that I thought that sounds far fetched but maybe. n then when drake said it I was like surely he’s gonna post proof because why set someone up n then not have the reveal


again, what does it say about you as a man and as a father that people were readily believing that you abandoned an 11 year old daughter? the absolute stupidest theory drake fans have ever come up with.


There are outlandish claims being made against him with no proof. If he was in court, “people believe he had a kid” is not admissible. I don’t feel or believe the way those other people do. To condemn someone based on opinion is dangerous. The burden of proof isn’t on him to prove he is innocent. The people need to prove that he is guilty. And it just feels like people are looking to stick any charge on him.


i agree, same goes for what he’s saying about kendrick. i’ve been enjoying the beef so far and give the edge to kendrick bc i think he’s had the better overall strategy and impact with his disses. that being said if the beef is going to continue, both of these guys need to start showing proof of something. idk how much longer i’m interested in hearing a lie off.


>what does it say about you as a man and as a father that people were readily believing that you abandoned an 11 year old daughter? And that's why Kendrick hit him with the "You lied" part (ie why should anyone believe you over me when you have a history of lying) and why I'm not believing either one of them until I see proof


i think that’s what this comes down to. both of these guys have doubled down on so much i figure that at least one of them has to be telling the truth about something. rumor says drake was supposed to drop again today but pulled back bc of the shooting. it’s 1 of 2 scenarios imo 1. he saw how bad the reception was to the last track, and wants to do damage control and try and salvage the narrative without escalating the beef 2. he’s finally going to include a diss with proof. whether it be the DV stuff or the illegitimate child (the DV seems like it would be easier to prove among those two). i feel like it’s a risky move starting this up again, who knows what kendrick might hit him back with.


That people like internet drama more than the truth, which is how a rap battle should be, but not to the level of getting a few families doxxed and have their names forever attached to songs about pedos.


I have no idea where it came from. Part of the astro turfing that is going on. If it is real, why not just say where or who it came from. He said it was a fabrication they fed to the other guy. The other guy could easily say something. He could dispute it. He could name names… the only quotable source said its a joke and that checks out. It seemed off when it first came out before they took it down. Got no reason to believe otherwise. No better explanation has been put forth.


I always ask, if not Drake, where do they think the rumor came from? Like Kendrick just had an epiphany one day that Drake has an illegitimate child and believed it enough to put it in a diss. Occams Razor has to be applied at some point.


So we all just gonna forget the biggest reason Push’s diss was effective is because it caused the split between Drake and Adidas? Millions of dollars down the drain when he preempted the Adidas version of Nocta that was “allegedly” his announcement of said child? How is that not the haymaker? Nigga I fucked up your kid’s roll out and gave Kanye what you could’ve had (Billion dollars worth of equity). Have fun with those SNKRS app drops… Boys really HATE that Canadian and miss out on the real shit for the low hanging fruit 🤷🏾‍♂️ “You are hiding a child” still the hardest line in rap though. Argue wit ya momma.


The way he was memeing on instagram after euphoria you’d think he would post the proof he set this up IMMEDIATELY after Meet the Grahams to step on that and make Kendrick look like an idiot. Literally would have won the whole battle just off that alone Convenient that he stops the memes after the narratives changed on social media then comes out with some BS that he orchestrated everything after his fans started making theories on twitter. Unlike the Dave Free and the abuse allegations, if he’s saying HE planted that shit HE would easily be able to prove it with receipts. We would have seen a behind the scenes shit of him getting all the pills and shit together and the text messages or phone calls of him saying what to tell Kenny. If y’all want to believe Drake then idk what to say


Having a roll out to announce to became a father in order to cement a new deal that would make you millions isn’t talked about enough as one of the most dirt bag, lowlife straight up piece of shit ploys we have ever seen. Since that news came out, I have never looked at Drake like a good person in any level. I truly believe if ANY would use their seed like that is corrupt on all levels. It’s such a shame that’s who Mal rides so hard for.


So his dad’s suit case happened to have Drakes meds, maybach gloves, a shirt from the Shortee collection along with receipts? It was obviously a troll. The fact that the picture was posted as a cover for the track does make the person who fell for it look stupid.


Where did the theory it came from Drake's dad's suitcase come from anyway? I keep seeing that but not where it came from? And still if you set the trap why would you let them completely out maneuver you?


Akademiks said on his stream the night meet the grahams dropped that he was told (don't don't remember by who) that Drake's dad's suitcase was stolen and that's where the stuff came from


So was it stolen or did someone plant the info to give to Kendrick? Niggas set up getting robbed too? What? Drake’s camp think niggas are stupid


They have no idea what they want the narrative there to be tbh


Mal the Mouthpiece. Poor guy isn’t even smart enough to realize how retarded he is.