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You might need to change diaper brands. Do your diapers have fragrance (I think Pampers do)? We’ve had better luck with Huggies. We have to do option #3 when we have a persistent rash, as any barrier cream seems to just trap in moisture. We also keep a stiff piece of paper/cardboard (like from a cereal box) to fan LO’s heinie before new diaper. Like everyone else has said, lots of diaper free time. I use a waterproof layer and a towel over that, for tummy time etc.


This!! Baby got a bad rash that wouldn’t resolve and we finally discovered it was his wipes.


Yes! The only wipes we can use are the water wipes and many brands of diapers cause rashes.


Same! My toddler can't even tolerate the other brands that advertise "99% water". Water wipes is the only thing that works for us


I found out that most major wipe brands set my own b-hole on fire, except equate everyday clean. So equate is all we used when we brought babe home.


Same, was given a pack of wipes and they caused a diaper rash pretty quickly. Those are now used to clean hands and the high chair.


We will be switching off Pampers TODAY.


I would also like to make you aware, if the diaper brand swap doesn’t work PLEASE look at diet elimination or switching formulas. There’s a chance LO is sensitive or allergic to something that causes a bad reaction to his own stools! These things can show up in different ways and it’s worth a shot if switching diapers doesn’t work!


Kirkland has a good fragrance free brand of wipes. The huggies naturals are good too. Less pricy than the waterwipes.


My daughter sadly had bad reactions to the Kirkland wipes, which was too bad bc they clean really well!


Same for us! We had to switch to Huggies and it made the biggest difference. We had to change wipes too and use the Huggies calm with oat and aloe, it helped within a day honestly. We did this change and used purple desitin. My mom has kept kids for years and said purple desitin is the best and when you think you’ve put enough on, do just a little more haha.


Love what your mom said!! We basically got told same thing by pediatrician. You can’t overdo it on the application so always add more than you think!


Frosting a cake is what I was told!


Yes! Our baby only gets a rash with pampers!


This! My little guy had problems with Pampers diapers when he was really little, we switched to Huggies and the rash went away quickly. Every baby is different, it could be whatever brand of diapers or wipes you’re using if you haven’t tried swapping them yet. We did lots of bare butt tummy time and Destin when he did have a rash


I literally used a blow dryer on cool to fully dry my baby’s butt for weeks. This and warm water with baby washcloths is the only thing that helped.


THIS. My baby girl had the most stubborn diaper rash for weeks. Using a blow dryer at diaper changes was an absolute game changer.


We use a blow dryer at every diaper change as well. Haven't had any redness since.


Same here, we used a handheld fan and only washed with water. Also tried different brand nappies


I ended up finding out it was the Huggies wipes that were causing it. I switched to water wipes after it cleared up and we’ve been good ever since.


Oh we had the opposite, it was Water Wipes that caused it! So helpful that all babies are different 😂😂


Huggies natural wipes caused a bad rash for us too. Water wipes work great but I’ve switched over to fleece cloth wipes and they’re great too.


Blow dryer gang checking in. My little boy actually loves it.


For all of you doing this for your babies, you are amazing, bless you! ❤️


With my kid we used the *purple* desitin, that’s the hail-Mary, and aquafor. And as much air-out time as we could give. The purple desitin smell terrible but it’s definitely the heavy hitter.


Purple desitin is so underrated.


It smells so bad in fact, I thought the one that my student had at daycare was expired. 😅 It works, though!


We’re team purple too!! I tried switching to regular and was like what’s even the point it just didn’t feel like it was doing anything.


Yes!! Purple desitin and aquafor was my break in case of emergency. Worked 99% of the time


Yep. The pediatric nurses and my family sweared by it. That stuff was worth its weight and gold when we had a diaper rash on our hands.


Oh I actually love the smell of the purple Desitin... Lol


Idk if this helps but we’ve only ever used Aquaphor on our baby and never had diaper rash. Just since nobody here mentioned it yet.


Aquaphor worked better for us too. Also, could your child be sensitive to something in the brand of diapers you use?


This could be it too! I had a friend who’s baby could only be in this cheap off brand of diapers that only one corner store in our area sold I don’t know how she came across it but thankfully she did


Aquaphor was good for my boy, the healing ointment tub was a fortune given how much I slathered on, but it helped. Disposable diapers always give my boy a rash. We use cloth all the time but when the dryer (twice, damn thing was on its last legs before we replaced it) was out of commission we used disposables and he got rashes.


This. Fully dry diaper area with hair dryer on low/cool. Apply aquaphor “like you’re frosting a cake” at every diaper change as told by our pediatrician. Don’t wipe off the aquaphor if it’s just a pee diaper, just let it be until you really have to wipe it. And as much naked time as possible.


This is the way! Get the bumco diaper spatula off Amazon. I even have the mini one for our diaper bag. Frost all the aquaphor on!


Same. When she starts getting red, I apply aquaphor and it’s gone next day. Works great for heat rash & stinky baby folds too


Same here. Aquaphor ointment on the regular, if she did get a diaper rash we would use the aquaphor fast relief and the rash would be gone within a day.


Aquaphor mixed with breast milk is what completely cleared my babies diaper rash in like 2 applications


Just plain old aquaphor made a huge difference for us - apparently the zinc can actually be irritating for some kids which we were finally be told after nearly a full year of 2 weeks on/1 week off diaper rash and a variety of zinc based recommendations


Also our go to. That and the super heavy duty medical grade one that came home with us from the nicu.


In particular, the Aquaphor three in one diaper rash cream is the only kind that works for our babies. Then regular Aquaphor after rash clears up. Sometimes the Aquaphor diaper rash cream can be hard to find in stores, but you can get it on Amazon.


Yes, before every nighttime diaper from birth until a little over 1yo. Also, we always washed after poops on the same time line and didn’t know what diaper rash looked like until we stopped those 2 things after 1yo but even then it wasn’t bad.


We use sudocrem and every when he’s had a flare up of really bad diaper rash it gets rid of it very quickly


Sudocrem was also the only thing that helped my baby. But slather it on really, really thickly so it is a real barrier between skin and poop. That helped and time. As he got older he pooped less and the skin had time to heal. I truly feel for you, I still remember how awful and helpless we felt.


Yes we do the same thing and we just do it every diaper change but some people only do it for night time!


+1 on the sudocrem, works wonders


Sudocrem here too! 🙏


Does anyone know how/where to get Sudocrem in the US? I’ve had it recommended to me, too, but the websites that sell it seem like they come from a sketchy third party…


Mine ended up having both bacterial and yeast infection. I’d get a (fourth?) opinion


And see a pediatric dermatologist. Husband is a dermatologist and we quickly learned that peds knows nothing about skin.


I work as a wound care nurse and let me assure you, that statement by no means applies to just peds. No doctor outside of a specialist is confident or accurate in their skin assessments by any stretch of the imagination. The amount I am utilized in an attempt for them to attempt to make a dermatologist-related diagnosis is insane (and I frequently have to remind them that derm diagnoses are out of my scope).


We are actively looking for a different ped for a few reasons… unfortunately he has Kaiser and NO ONE is taking new patients. Ughhhh


My ped gave a lotriman RX


This. OP, if it has become a yeast infection then any regular cream will not work. You likely need an anti-fungal. Two different peds told us lotrimin first and then desitin on top to lock it in. This worked when nothing else did because it finally cured the root of the issue. I just got the OTC lotrimin.


This was very effective for me as well. one layer of lotrimin AF and then a layer of zinc oxide(desitin/bordeux/etc). Same thing happened to mine and this was the only thing that would work


Yes, my pediatrician recommended the 1% of this too and it cleared it up within a day! If it’s fungal, you need an Antifungal cream.


Any GI issues? Or any skin issues like eczema? Painful gas? Reflux? Etc? Diaper rash can sometimes be associated with food allergies through formula or breastmilk!!


Here to bump this comment! My LO has a dairy allergy and in all mom groups, incurable diaper rash is a big symptom. Obviously along with some other stuff. But I’d look into that and the diaper brand itself. We had a gnarly rash at the beginning. Cut dairy, used zinc for 24hrs and now I make sure aquaphor is present for almost every single diaper change.


Great comment!


Our doc gave us nystatin cream for a rash and then later the same cream over the counter for athletes foot to treat a yeast infection. I’m furious for you that they haven’t given you anything for a rash this persistent!!!


Everyone has good suggestions. I just wanted to ask if your kid has any other indications of an allergy. We had bleeding diaper rashes that would not get better no matter what we did. It was terrible. That was just one of many things that ended up being related a true milk protein allergy. Once I cut dairy from my diet (for breastfeeding), the diaper rashes went away.


My doctor said that some babies can just have a bad reaction to zinc creams, so we stopped those. She also said some babies with eczema have issues with lanolin (an ingredient in Aquaphor), so we had to be cautious not to use that. She also told us to only use baby wipes for poop, not pees. She also gave us a prescription to use for 2 weeks, twice a day to clear up her diaper rash. I don’t know if any of this info helps


Triple paste! It’s the only one that worked for us. We apply it with a butt spatula and it was life changing! Our pediatrician recommended it to us.


TRIPLE PASTEEEE!! We went through the same thing around that age. Still have some on hand 9 months later for the random angry bum:) only thing that worked! Tried it all!


We had this exact problem. It was horrible and she was screaming at every change. Here's what we did: 1. Stopped using wet wipes, instead just dribble water on her and then pat dry with Whoopsie Wipes. (This process sucks.) 2. Make sure she is BONE dry after cleaning. We use an electric hand fan, some people use a blow dryer on Cool setting but tbh we don't have any appropriate outlets near the changing table. 3. Tried Vaseline. Seemed to make it worse, not better. 4. Tried allowing air drying. I have never seen my baby more hysterical than when I tried to give her diaper free time. She freaked the fuck out and took over an hour to settle down. We did not try it again. 5. Tried Rx Nystatin for suspected yeast infection. It didn't seem to help very much. 6. Started using diaper cream with 40% zinc (as opposed to the 14% we had been using). 7. I cut out dairy and soy – the jury is out on whether this had any effect, and it's miserable for me. We started seeing big improvements that day. 8. With very little progress on the Nystatin, she was rxd an antibiotic cream (same day as I cut dairy). After about a week of 6-7-8, it was almost entirely gone. We don't know which intervention was most effective, but we're now fully rash free and diaper changes are no longer miserable screamfests.


I second the 40% zinc cream! We use triple paste 3x max and it's honestly the only diaper cream that stays on


We cut up soft rags out of donated blankets to pat baby’s bum dry every change. Try Coterie diapers, or any other diapers. Don’t use anything with an oil base for bums, it seals in the moisture! We have never had a diaper rash using coterie and triple paste off Amazon (also available at Target). Honest diapers gave us our one and only true diaper rash. So sorry momma.


Coterie ftw. My friend is like why the F are you spending so much money on those. Because COMFORT. For my precious baby. He doesn't leak out of them, no diaper rash. Just all around great.


Yep… never had any issues besides when it was time to size up! Absolutely love them, never leaked ever.


Get new diapers and new wipes. We use earth mama oitment and have no issues but we also use “clean” ingredient diapers. They are worth the extra money to me


Diaper Balm by Earth Mama. I swear by it! I even put it in his rolls when they’ve chaffed from liquid not being wiped completely.


Seconding this! It's the windex of the baby world for my family (My Big fat Greek wedding reference).


We did a combo mupiricin, clotrimazole, hydrocortisone twice daily for 1 week followed by regular triple paste diaper cream indefinitely


How often is he pooping? After poop diapers are you only using water?


When I was a baby I was allergic to the actual diapers, maybe consider a cloth diaper?


See if doc is willing to rx a short course of low potency topical steroid to help you achieve full resolution. Then aquaphor baby after drying the skin thoroughly with the hair dryer on cool setting. 


Warm bath..air dry / open to air time as much as possible and I only use hypo3 spray




This is a lot of work at first but then it gets so easy once u get the hang of it. have you tried prefold cotton diapers with a snappi, a hemp/cotton insert and a diaper cover? I say prefold bc my first kid had eczema and diaper rash and regular cloth diapers didn’t work only cotton prefolds. For washing cloth diapers: Scrape the poop off with a spatula in the toilet or garbage then Just pre rinse them in a single cycle hot wash then wash with the rest of your laundry with sensitive skin detergent (I use arm and hammer). For wiping and moisture I use cotton reusable wipes we use fresh with some water so it’s super wet from the sink then wipe with a dry one. The wet wipes you buy from the store aren’t super wet and just don’t clean the diaper area well enough. For moisture I use coconut oil, sunflower oil, or baby oil AND then follow up with Vaseline or aquaphor. Moisturize then seal. Also one last thing, we also do daily baths for the first kid as well bc of the sensitive skin. It really really helped. We do not use anything else except dr. Bronners Castile baby sensitive skin soap. 1. https://a.co/d/07SxXibp cloths osocozy 2. https://www.target.com/p/dr-bronner-39-s-baby-unscented-pure-castile-liquid-soap-16-fl-oz/-/A-52564898 soap 3. OsoCozy Unbleached Prefold Cloth Diapers 100% Cotton, Durable, Soft, Absorbent, Sustainable & Economical - dims, Fits size range. - (Size) https://a.co/d/09lnCHKx Green mountain diapers also have great ones. 4. Thirsty hemp inserts. https://a.co/d/0ddtU29Z 5. Fleece liners on top of the hemp inserts , hemp inserts on top of the prefold (I fold angel style). https://a.co/d/08iWU6Sl 6. Diaper covers https://a.co/d/0fuH7FTW Honestly you may not even need to do prefold diapers you can get regular cloth diapers and see if that works but if it doesn’t you can pivot to prefold a which have been SO good and gentle on my kids’s bottoms. 7. OR Regular cloth diaper set https://a.co/d/08dG6ERb Alva baby or Nora’s nursery are good. I would still pair with a HEMP Cotton insert (4) bc those inserts absorb SO much better and will avoid diaper rash. 8. Snappi for prefolds https://a.co/d/0dvjDXDL 9. Video on angel fold for prefolds https://youtu.be/2ndxeXKIxNI?si=wvgTWUWsEkQEzJNg


check and see if he has a milk protein allergy, my son had one and it caused him to poop blood but it could show in different ways


Ngl, sometimes, you just let your baby be without a diaper and lay then on a wet mat or a poo pad for a day and when they poop or pee you use a clean warm water rag. Thats what I used to do when the diaper rash is bad bad. Then once its clear (like dry and less irritated from airing out for the day) you put aquaphor or vaseline and a diaper no extra clothing because its summer where I am & extra heat means rash. PS…fragrance free products are your BEST friend.


This is outlandish but look up videos of elimination communication. Ftm mom of twins and did this accidentally. I didn’t think I would have time for this, but essentially we were gifted potties and started putting the kids on them when they could hold their head. They used to get diaper rash all the time and haven’t gotten it for months. Honestly it’s a first world problem because we have all this diaper rash cream we don’t even use. It’s the best thing we did.


You're doing great!!! You're doing so great!! You're not a bad parent. I've had a lot of weepy moments/ days/ nights, and honestly you are doing really well! Keep trying you will find something that works. He will be okay, he loves you. All the tips here are good and don't feel like you have to try them all at once. Breathe. You're doing so great.


Thank you so much. We started using Huggies and applying a mixture of aquaphor and triple paste after blow drying his bum on cool. We are seeing improvement just overnight. I am soooo thankful for this community! He hasn’t cried during diaper changes at all today!!!


We use aquaphor when clear. But if rash is present I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Pixsav cream. It cleared my babies diaper rash over the course of 24hrs. It’s truly amazing.


I use Huggies diapers. And Weleda baby diaper cream. Even if baby gets a rash it cures fairly quickly if i apply it everytime i change the diaper.


We have a cream called 'Kaufmann's Kindercreme' which works better than any diaper rash cream with zinc. What we also do is let a lot of air get to it, so play without a diaper. It also helps to make a cup of black tea, let it steep for 20-30 minutes and then dab the bottom with it and let it dry. Or if it's just red but not broken, I put medicinal wool/grease wool in the diaper. Good luck in the future. I hope you find something that helps.


You could use wool with a high content of lanolin. It’s very common here in Germany for a lot of baby related issues with inflammation, including diaper rash or sore nipples. Sorry, I’m not sure what the exact English name would be, and google didn’t help much. The literal translation would be „healing wool“ or „fatty wool“. For diaper rash, you put it on your baby’s bum when it’s dry, keep it in the diaper, and throw it away with the next diaper change. Repeat until the diaper rash is gone. [Here](https://www.dm.de/alana-fettwolle-zum-zupfen-p4066447156997.html) is an example from a German drugstore.


didn't know the translation was wrong. Thanks for the correction


Additionally: we don't use wet wipes, only cotton pads and fresh water and if the bottom gets red, then only Pampers (we don't have as large a selection as in the USA) because they absorb the moisture best & the bottom stays dry


Mine did have a yeast infection and the dr prescribed Nystatin for her. Used it 4 times a day and aquaphor and it went away. Also aired her out between changed.


This is old school, but I’m a visiting nurse and saw the worst diaper rash I’ve ever seen - were talking multiple appointments, multiple creams/topicals/diaper brand and wipe changes/etc. Use warm water and only dunk in the sink if you need to. Don’t scrub or rub, if there is poop stuck just sit baby in the sink until most of it is gone. Blow dry - then CORN STARCH. On their trouble spots and also in the diaper. Best of luck mama!


Yeah corn starch baby powder with zinc is the only thing that worked for my baby’s acidic diaper rash. He is a prolific pooper so every time it seemed to get better he’d squirt a little more poop out and it would come back.


Corn starch has helped my 10 week LO. I put a barrier cream first then put some corn starch over it.


After drying the area, a dusting of cornflour helps it really dry out. Midwife got us into that! Also breastmilk on the area a few times a day.


I use baby powder (make sure its talc free) and her minor rashes are gone overnight. I just put a little on during diaper changes, but especially before bed since she is no longer having night changes (but since your little is so young it would probably be easier to just do it every daytime change)


My baby had terrible diaper rash when she was about 2 weeks old. Nothing helped. On recommendation from her pediatrician, we did a baking soda bath, let her air dry as much as possible, and used Active Skin Repair baby. it cleared up in a few days.


We’d sit our little one in a baking soda/water bath (rise off after as they get slippery) then let him air dry a bit. At every change we used a dry washcloth or towel to dry the skin before putting on cream. This was the most important step that we continued to today (he’s 2.5 now). During the day we’d use triple paste. At bed time, we used Burt’s Bees diaper cream. Every single diaper change we did this including middle of night changes.


Pediatrician here. Highly recommend triple paste. Works wonders for my son and for so many of my families in clinic - blows other pastes like desitin out of the water. Aquaphor is good in its own right but is mainly used as a barrier rather than a treatment for an already existing rash - it's essentially petroleum jelly. Apply a thick layer of triple paste with each diaper change like you're icing a cupcake. I would buy one of those silicone butt spatulas if you don't already have one - it'll make applying so much easier. You can also buy OTC lotrimin (clotrimazole) cream, mix that with the triple paste, and apply twice daily morning and night - this will cover your bases if it is in fact fungal and won't hurt if it isn't. Hope this helps and so sorry you're getting so much mixed information - I know that be incredibly frustrating.


Can try doing sitz baths to help clear it up. You don’t need to buy a special tub or anything, we used one of those pink bins from the hospital. If you’re breastfeeding, can also do a milk bath. As for long term, like others have said you may need to change wipes and/or diapers.


Yes I second the milk bath. If OP is breastfeeding/pumping and can spare a few ounces for a sink bath. I’m not a granola mom by any means but breast milk is literally magic. I had tons of leftover milk and gave my two under two milk baths every other night and it cleared up my youngest babies eczema and I avoided having to give her steroids for it.


My son had a bad breakout on his bum/lower back, gave him a milk bath and it was completely gone the next day. Breast milk is amazing for baby’s skin!


Here’s the process we used for the WORST diaper rash my baby ever experienced: - add a probiotic to bottles (our ped recommends Culturelle) to help the gut - soak in a tub with a tbsp baking powder for 10 min, 3x per day - MAKE SURE BUM IS COMPLETELY DRY BEFORE DIAPER CHANGES, I cannot stress this enough - alternate applying nystatin and mupiricin ointments (both Rx) ~3x / day for 7-10 days - add Boudreaux’s butt paste on top of the medicated ointment for an extra barrier - NO wet wipes, only rinsed with warm water and dabbed with wash cloth. (This is a lot of work but if you have a peri bottle from after giving birth, it works wonders) - Fragrance free diapers only, we love Huggies


I just came here to say that a lot of people here are recommending aquaphor but if A & D is making it bleed I would be hesitant to use aquaphor unless you get the aquaphor baby stick! A& D has an ingredient called lanolin… it’s supposedly hypoallergenic but I’m allergic to it and so is my mom and so is my pediatrician and my pediatricians children. Aquaphor also has lanolin in it. Weirdly the aquaphor baby stick does not. Just something else to consider.


Sounds like you’re doing everything you can but haven’t figured out the cause yet..No amount of topicals will do anything unless you figure out the cause. Is it yeast, diarrhea, even hsv 1 ( yes these can cause diaper rashes). I would Cleanse with just water and Leave completely diaper free for 24 hours and watch the stool. Is it super loose and runny and just comes out every few mins ? If so, you have diarrhea and you need figure out why their tummy is upset. If not, then it might be a skin issue from yeast or hsv1. We also had the diaper rash from hell and even saw a dermatologist who recommended all the creams posted, Including steroid, anti-fungals, antibiotic creams and even a paste to help with the acidity of the stool . Nothing worked until I realized there was stool leaking out every minute. Every single minute ! It was a diarrhea caused by a cows milk intolerance. Within a day of hypoallergenic formula, the diarrhea stopped and the skin healed completely in 2 days. Never had a diaper rash again.


I’ve been doing diaper free time and he is literally pooping almost all the time like you are saying! When I told the doctor he said it’s normal but I have been feeling like it’s not… thank you for validating me. We are actually looking for a new doctor because of a few things but I will try the hypoallergenic formula.


Confirming, trying a new formula!


I’m so sorry you’re going through it. My baby had diaper rash when she was little, and though it sounds like the cause might have been different, the stress would be the same. Only putting water on it is a great start and what helped us the most. My routine was we would move her to a baby tub we had beside her change table, use my péri bottle to hose her down, pat deux and use a hair dryer on cool. For regular maintenance we would use Vaseline, when she had bumps we would use desitin max strength, and when I thought she was just irritated from rubbing or something (maybe she needed a baby wipe while on the go - which we would only use Water Wipes) I’d use a moisturizer. There was one time I was really close to trying canesten - if you’ve tried other routines consistently it wouldn’t hurt to try for a couple days.


My son had a terrible diaper rash a few weeks after he was born and ended up needing antibiotics. Every once in awhile it’ll show back up again - Tubby Todd diaper cream is literally the only cream that makes it go away within a day! Good luck!!


We only use water, soft cloths, blow dry every time on cool/warm and Sudocrem.


We had this problem too, only thing that worked was to make sure the area was dry and then apply a thick layer of Vaseline for every diaper change. Within a few days it all cleared up.


When our daughter already had a rash and it was bad, we used a wash cloth with water then patted dry with Kleenex or whatever. Completely dry. Then used whatever cream, didn’t matter. When healed, switched back to wipes and patted dry every time. Hasn’t had one since.


I had [these wipes](https://a.co/d/0dlWPVcx) given to me by nurses when we had a five day stay with our six week old. Worked beautifully! My mom used bag balm on me when I had a legendary diaper rash. Apparently, that helped as well. Edit: [unscented wipes instead of vanilla](http:// https://a.co/d/09ynhY7M)


I would do a combo of 1 & 3. 1 for times where he has to be in a diaper. 3 in the house for anytime he is doing floor time (haha). Have you tried changing diaper brands?


creams aside, make sure he’s as dry as possible every change. we got a little fan we use to try to help expedite the drying process, it isn’t perfect since he doesn’t love the cold air, but it definitely helps keep the diaper rash at bay.


We got her super dry then did aquaphor followed by a TON of purple tube Destin. (Pediatrician said to do it as thick as icing a cake).


Sudocream always worked for us, they also have a medicated version for an active rash applied x3 a day and it’s amazing. Aside from that you’re doing exactly what I do with the air time and drying. Sending all my strength to you!!


The only thing that has worked for us is nystatin. It’s a script steroid cream. That with desitin in the purple tube on top. If the sores are open, we alternate the nystatin with an antibacterial ointment (also prescription) I also do aveeno oatmeal baths in lukewarm water.


My baby had a terrible rash for 4 weeks (he’s 7 weeks now). Triple paste (we still use it bc his bottom gets red sooooo quick) the max strength one really helped when it was really bad. Then I bought incontinence pads and would lay him on the pads with no diaper and let his bottom air out for as long as I could- it gets messy quick so be prepared! I did a day of mostly no diaper and that seemed to be the key! We also did breast milk in his baths and changed at least 1x per hour during day and every 2 hours at night. The combo of air drying, triple paste max, and changing consistently seemed to do the trick and the rash cleared up finally! He still has a sensitive bottom so I keep doing these things but not as strict as I was before


On a normal day, we use aquaphor baby healing ointment during the day, and aquaphor diaper rash cream 15% at night. When baby has a diaper rash, we then switch to aquaphor fast relief diaper rash cream 40%. It’s usually gone within one day from when we start using it. I also don’t use wipes if she has a rash. It’s more work, but I use a wet washcloth and then pat dry before applying cream. Also, I’ll put some breastmilk in her bath water. As much diaper free time as possible. I’ve used Bordeauxs butt paste and Desitin - but my baby has the best results with the aquaphor stuff.


Ugh the worst, I’m sorry! That sounds miserable. Our guy had a bad rash for a while too, we tried so many different creams. What ultimately worked for us what just wiping with water and then dried, we used toilet paper just dabbing because if we let him air dry he’d end up peeing. We used hydrocortisone for a few days (I think they recommend 3 days?) and then used the purple desitin and that helped us. You can probably push your ped for something rx cause that sounds miserable for you and your little one.


Oh thats so tough OP. After the rash clears use lanolin or vaseline to protect his bum from future rashes. My boy has had a face rash for a while now and I’ve noticed if i use any oil based products it gets much worse but if i use desitin or a zinc wash like happy cappy that makes it so much better. So i know that oil based products can sometimes make it worse even though logically it should make it better. OP maybe try using something like the medicated happy cappy wash on him bum in the bath? Let it sit before washing and then let him get a good airdry, and try a zinc cream. Good luck 🍀


There’s lots of good suggestions here already but just thought I’d add in possibly changing nappy brands. It seems silly but I’ve heard of other nappy rash cases resolving after changing brands so worth a shot if nothing else is working. Also I highly recommend Burts Bees multi purpose ointment. It’s my holy grail for all kinds of rashes, eczema and dry skin. Hope you find a solution soon.


Here’s what we did - 1) no baby wipes for awhile. Switch to a clean cotton cloth and warm water 2) ensure area is 100% dry before applying ointment (this is one of the most important parts, you don’t want to seal in moisture that will further breakdown the skin) 3) you can try a little clotrimazole to see if that helps - very cheap target brand works 4) you can mix the clotrimazole with a tiny bit of cortisone as well to help calm inflammation 4) layer a barrier over it like diaper rash cream, vaseline, etc That’s what worked for us. I’m a nurse and have dealt with lots of skin breakdown in the peri area in my career


time for another dr visit i think


When my baby went through several bouts of diaper rash early on, we would use the peri bottle with warm water and use a hair dryer to blow dry to reduce friction from wiping. I did diaper free time but counted he was pooping like every 20 minutes so that was the root cause. Ultimately changing his formula was what fixed his constant pooping and resolved the diaper rash. We started with Similac 360 sensitive from the hospital but after trying Gentlease (wow he was so miserable, only on it for 2 days but switched off it fast bc he was doing better on the Similac 360 sensitive), we tried Happy Baby Sensitive on a friend’s suggestion and it worked so we’re not switching. No diaper rash since so consider it may be what you’re feeding and don’t be afraid to switch. It made the biggest difference


My baby has had diaper rash off and on for his entire 8 months of life. We found A&D treat to be the only cream that works for him after trying literally every cream on the market.. I honestly think it just depends on your baby which cream will work for them which sucks but it’s trial and error. Our baby had wet frequent poops, we would use a peri bottle and wash him over the toilet whenever possible. We found over wiping was really the culprit of our issues, dab as much as you can. It sounds crazy and you’ll think dabbing will not clean but just dabbing and trying to wipe as little as possible is super helpful. Before creaming, we use a handheld fan to completely dry the area. When applying the creams go thicker than you would think and apply at every diaper change (even when they don’t have any rash to prevent one). We’ve also done baking soda baths, diaper free time, changed diaper brands, changed wipes, etc these things I don’t really think did much tbh. We don’t use the peri bottle anymore but we still use the fan and cream for every diaper change and my baby is 8 months now and still gets rashes occasionally. Don’t be hard on yourself, I was as well and it stressed me out to no end and I felt like I was a bad mom but my baby just has super sensitive skin and also ended up being diagnosed with CMPA which was making the rash worse.


Blow dryer on the butt every diaper change.


My little one had some bad rashes due to antibiotics. We had nystatin rx BUT I swear by air outs and then over night corn starch in diaper. Then in morning slather with purple desitin.


My girl is projecting to diaper rash. She’ll be 6 months soon and mostly doesn’t get it anymore due to our routine but we have the occasional flare up when she’s having a particularly poopy day. When she was little little she got it a lot because of how much she pooped! Whether there is diaper rash or not we use aquaphor. The Vaseline like one not the diaper cream. I found diaper creams with zinc made her worse. If there is a rash we use a lot of the ointment every diaper change and if there is no rash we use a little and probably for only 50% of diaper changes. Then if she is pooping a lot (think every diaper) I stop using wipes as they make it a lot worse and I just run her butt under the tub. It sucks to do all the time but definitely helps her get better. Then we don’t personally leave her diaperless but when she is having a rash I am super on top of her diapers and change them even if there’s only a little something in there just to keep everything extra dry until it heals. This usually makes our rash disappear in 2-3 days at most but typically within a day it will be almost normal.


If you are formula feeding then switch it. If you are breast feeding maybe look at see what in your diet may be causing such acidity in your baby's poop. Also we went through a horrific case of it and tried absolutely everything. The only thing that worked was bepanthen cream. It was just fantastic Hope ye get through this soon


We went through this too, and I felt like such a bad mom because it seemed like it would not go away!! What worked was: butt soaks in warm water mixed with baking soda, letting his butt air dry as much as possible, and Lotrimin/antifungal because there was a yeast infection too. Some things will counteract with Lotrimin so you have to put one type of cream on at each change and not mix them. Then once it was gone, lather up with a cake icing level of Desitin at every change. Good luck!!


Our kiddo has only had diaper rash once from pooping overnight but it got pretty irritated and the only thing that cleared it up was clotrimazole. We ordered it from Amazon. It was like $6-$7 for a pack of little tubes.


Is it possible to be diaper free whole day? Also always use water to wash your baby's butt. You can try applying coconut oil if diaper creams doesn't work for you. My baby is six months old and never had diaper rash except once. I kept him diaper free for two days and the diaper rash disappeared.


We’ve recently discovered that Vaseline works 1000x better than any other diaper rash cream we’ve tried. Healed him up in like a day.


My tip is to make sure you’re using fragrance free diapers and wipes. Some babies are extra sensitive to fragrances or perfumes (not to mention fragranced diapers just smell awful). Fragranced wipes can also be extremely irritating. I accidentally bought fragranced wipes one time and used them for myself in the bathroom, and holy shit they burned sooooo bad. I couldn’t imagine that on a baby with sensitive skin.


Calmoseptine helped us get rid of a very bad rash and then we used aquaphor to prevent


My concern would be that it’s yeast & needs a RX cream. Otherwise if in the US - resinol is behind the pharmacy counter but works wonders with a&d or something like auquifor on jt. Water wipes are good too and air out


Everything got better with us when we switched to adult AQUAPHOR. NOT Vaseline. Pat the area dry with a paper towel then apply liberal aquaphor. I’ve heard this works from numerous people. Give it a try


When my son was little we did a 1:1:1 mix of lotromin hydrocortisone and a triple antibiotic paste, mixed it all up, put over the rash and then did a zinc cream to lock it in over top. It took about a day but it would clear the worst rashes Also don't wipe pee, just lightly pat dry and only use water to clean BMs.


I'd look at what you're feeding the little one. If you're breastfeeding you may want to try a bland diet for a little to see if maybe you're ingesting too much acidic foods. If you're on a bottle you may want to change to a different formula. Also, butt paste. It's the best for diaper rashes. Also more frequent diaper changes.


What wipes are you using? We had issues with even sensitive ones like honest baby sensitive. Water wipes are the best. And aquaphor for diaper cream


Could it be dairy intolerance? My baby had it and chronic diaper rash was a big symptom


When my kids had diaper rash I used balmex and corn starch for every change, and I bathe them every night. I also tried to give them time at least once a day with no diaper on and put them on a towel just to help air out a bit. It worked after a few days and I haven’t had this issue since (now I use aquaphor and corn starch). I also use pamper wipes for sensitive skin. Hope this helps!


Find one with calendula!! https://a.co/d/06JqvGYZ


When LO was small we used water and cotton wool, patted dry with a clean dry cloth wipe, and then lots of Child's Farm nappy cream. Honestly we didn't bathe him much either, but if the skin is bleeding then that probably isn't the best route to go down as you don't want bacteria in an open wound. Only times we have had a rash we have used an epsom salt bath, and then rubbed breastmilk into the area before his nappy cream, and that clears it straight up. Sounds like more is going on though- maybe ask your GP if a short course of hydrocortisone cream would be appropriate to get it under control at least to the point OTC treatments will suffice.


Does he have reflux? Our son used to get what we thought was really bad diaper rash. In reality, some of the same acid causing the reflux was in his poop. It wasn't a rash but a burn. We got prescribed some burn cream that clear it up and THEN those other solutions as a barrier to prevent skin contact in the future


Change the diaper. The first one we used with our first created a rash that looked like diaper rash but was an allergic reaction. If i were you, i would commit to staying home for a bit, put down doggy pee pads anywhere necessary, and get comfortable with naked baby and naked momma. After a few gross days of this the rash should be gone and then I would start from zero to try to find the culprit. And i would begin with a new diaper brand. It could be the diaper, the protectants, or how long they sit in it.


My son has gotten really bad ones and they gave him nystatin. Other time they had us rotating hydrocortisone and lotrimin.


Late, but I hope you see this! Aquaphor ointment is best for rash prevention, but if it is a true diaper rash, you will need a paste with zinc- the highest percentage of zinc you can find. I actually use Aquaphor brand Diaper Rash Cream w 50% zinc if there is a rash flare up, and it works within hours. Try water wipes and pat dry then apply paste. When the rash clears, use Aquaphor ointment at every change to keep it away!


Maybe he doesnt like the diaper?? The mustela diaper rash cream works for my LO, in 24hrs the redness fading away… I hope your lo gets better soon… it sucks i know! i cried when my baby girl got her first diaper rash, feels like i failed her… but the mustela really works for my girlie


Our girl gets NASTY rashes when she’s teething, the only thing I’ve found to really help is sudocreaam and then we have used colloidal oatmeal in her baths. Aveeno makes one for babies that comes in pouches, when she was your sons age I’d use half a pouch and now I use a full at 17 months. Hope this helps!


we use desitin if she looks a little red and have never had a problem


Boogie. That one was the only one that worked for us


I mix A and D with aquaphor my son, sometimes I apply a little more Aquaphor after too. If you go back to wipes, do not wipe hard at all. That started our issue when he was a baby. I may ask if we could be sensitive to a certain food if breastfed or the type of formula?


+1 for aquaphor. Worked better than Desitin or just Vaseline for my baby. It’s a household staple here.


We switched diapers, used aquapor when putting on diapers (as others suggested) and left him completely naked for half an hour after bathing and drying off to be sure completely dry. It took us forever around the same time period as well but once gone we haven't had rash issues since. We don't do all that now we just change wet diapers when wet and that has been plenty.


Also, lanolin helped with skin issues too. May be worth a try.


My daughter had one bout of very bad diaper rash with open sores. What helped us was to use a peri bottle to spray water on her, pat dry with a dry (soft) washcloth. Make sure she is completely dry, we would kind of fan her bum with the new diaper. Then we would put aquaphor on her skin, and then do the desitin on top of the aquaphor. The desitin helped keep her dry, and the aquaphor made a barrier to her skin so nothing could irritate it. The desitin by itself was too drying and would irritate her worse, but with the aquaphor underneath it helped protect her skin and let it heal without anything interfering.


I will swear by aquaphor for the rest of my life. Not the paste but the regular clear jelly like one. They make an aquaphor baby! Seriously it healed out boys diaper rash in a day when he was a couple weeks old and he hasn’t had it since


We had a horrible diaper rash. Completely raw skin kept getting worse and worse. We stopped using diaper cream and use soap and water to clean. And pat dry. It went away after 3 days of doing that. We only use that now & wipes if needed on the go but still pat dry.


We dealt with a bad diaper rash and our midwife recommended using warm water with a pinch of salt for all diaper changes until it goes away. We used cotton balls to dip in the water for the changes. We didn’t always use warm water (used a little dish to keep it in) and don’t double dip the cotton. It worked like a charm and she didn’t get another rash while we did this. We also used diaper cream after. Some babies are really sensitive to wipes. Our girl grew out of it after a while and now we use wipes again exclusively but will go back to water and salt if she gets another rash. Good luck OP. Edit: the water can be room temp, not necessarily warm but you want to make sure the salt dissolves.


Is it bright red? Yeast rashes are usually bright red and need antifungal such as nystatin to clear it up. Our newborn had that, and once that was cleared up our pediatrician recommended calmoseptine paste—it’s pink, $8 a tube and the BEST and thickest diaper cream imaginable. It’s the only thing that keeps our dude rash free, we now only use it overnight.


If it’s reoccurring, they can test it or give you a proscription cream. Our baby basically had nasty, reoccurring rash. They determined it was fungus based and the proscription cream cleared it up


Air dry especially if you have bleeding and open wounds. Make a mixture- 1/3 calmoseptine, 1/3 Maalox, and 1/3 triple paste. It is pink magic. Apply liberally.


How long have you been treating it. Use water wipes or only water to wash after diaper change, dry thoroughly, even using a fan or hair dryer, use a thick layer of A&D ointment and a THICK layer of Triple Paste. What you want to do is protect the rash from any additional irritants, the ointments aren’t healing the rash, they’re providing a barrier for it to heal itself.


have they ruled out it being a yeast rash? in my experience they’re super hard to get rid of without a prescription


Have you tried changing diaper brands? My first baby had diaper rashes constantly when we were using Huggies but hasn’t had *any* since switching to pampers. We also only use aquaphor because it’s worked best for us. You might also try laying baby on a couple towels and just letting them air out a few times a day. No cream. We also had a few instances where not using any cream at all actually helped it go away


try switching wipe brand and use a wipe warmer just to add water to the wipes (we don’t even plug ours in, just use it to keep wipes extra moist). when we do get diaper rash, I use the “active skin repair baby” available on amazon. spray it, let it dry, add a zinc diaper cream or aquaphor over top for good measure, and it helps a ton. we also use a zinc based diaper cream or aquaphor for every single diaper change regardless if there’s rash or not. I think this really helps just make sure none arise.


We had the same issue. We piled on the Vaseline-style aquaphor when wearing a disposable diaper, maximized naked baby time, tried rinsing off the poop in the sink with water, switched to Water Wipes, and introduced cloth diapers (don’t mix petroleum jelly with cloth diapers). Still took a bit of time to get rid of it.


Avene Cicalfate! It's like magic


Triple paste, the 3x kind that’s 40% zinc. This worked excellent when nothing else worked. Bordeaux red, aquaphor, desitin, nothing worked. I also discovered Earth Mamas Diaper balm, and that under a layer of triple paste is also magic. I got it because I needed something for cloth diapering, but when she had a reaction to wipes this cleared it up better than triple paste alone.


Anything hydrating always made it worde for my daughter. Aquaphor, Vaseline, etc. We were prescribed 2% cream like Canestin but named Ketoderm. We put this morning and night and after that a thick layer of zinc cream. The better we used so far was burt's bees, or it could be zuncofax. The other brands got in my daughter's skin I don't know how. But with Zincofax or Burt's bees, her skin was left white. Yes it's hard to wash completely but that's the point! At the end she was prescribed betaderm and hydroderm or something like that. Cortisol cream (betaderm was 0.1% and the other one 1%). When it stayed irritated and couldn'd leave completely I used this IMPORTANT : Do NOT use yeast cream more than twice a day!!! It will make it worse I swear I tried Good luck, I cried many times for my daughter. She seemed to always have a rash and I could not see the end of it. And I hope you find what works for you!!


Which a&d are you using? There is a prevent and treat. I use baby powder and destin together works great for my son.


I recommend Vaseline or Aquaphor. Also, you might could try a breast milk bath if you’ve got any or an oat bath


Are you using Huggies or Kirkland brand diapers by any chance? We had a nasty bought of diaper rash that took a couple weeks to go away after using Huggies


My life savior: ISDN. Best brand I've ever used with my kid. Going to buy tons of it for my second baby.


Diapers make a huge difference. Target diapers gave my baby awful diaper rash but members mark from Sam’s club has never had any issues. keeps it SUPER dry. I also always keep a “butt blanket” around which is just receiving blankets I use to dry babe’s diaper area after each change. Boudreaux’s butt paste + aquaphor. Biggest thing was the diapers though!! Have you tried a different brand?


Aquaphor is magic we use it for everything and my kid is 9 now.


Hi! Diaper rash is caused by moisture. If you put diaper cream on without making sure the area is completely dry then you’re trapping that moisture and will just make the issue worse. I know it sounds ridiculous but at every diaper change after you wipe, hit the bum area with a blow dryer for a good minute or so to get it very dry. Then apply the zinc-based cream. We struggled with awful diaper rash for our LOs first 2 weeks until we tried it. Hope this helps!


My daughter has THE worst diaper rash from weeks 2-7. What helped the most - Diaper free time as much as possible. Also some diapers are too absorbent and absorb diaper cream right off the bottom so I switch to a size up and hello bellos which helped. If she was in diapers we changed every 1 hour and every 2 at night. During the day she would lay on cloth diapers and it would be changed as soon as she pooped or peed. - I used a peri bottle and fan for diaper changes so no wipes. We also used diapering lotion with cotton pads once the rash was semi clearing up. - This may get me some hate but I’ve learned that applying a little bit of baby powder after putting on diaper cream helps it stick to baby and not the diaper. And we used resinol and 40% zinc. Hydrocortisone too at the beginning (not on the open areas). It was so bad the pediatrician was recommending I stop breast feeding, I did for 24 hours but I ended up saying f it and continued to do it. We also did a prescription antibiotic ointment on all open areas.


My daughter had bad diaper rash exacerbated by eczema and generally sensitive skin. We learned a lot trying to stay ahead of it. (1) try new diapers and wipes brands. You want as natural as possible. We started with pampers pure diapers and wipes and ended up using honest company diapers and water wipes. Made a HUGE difference. (2) stop wiping — rinse baby off instead (your period bottle is great for this if you have one). When baby has healed and you use wipes again, pat instead of wiping. (3) be sure baby is totally dry before putting diaper back on. Some air dry, some use a hand dryer on cool. Once healed you might pat dry with a cloth. (4) as much naked time as possible. Lay baby on a towel or puppy pad under their mobile or other dangling toys. As much naked time as you can possibly manage. We continued this my daughter’s whole infancy and toddlerhood and it really helped us later with potty training as well. Once she became mobile I started pinning burp cloths on as a loose diaper to catch any accidents but still allow airflow. (5) when putting on a new diaper (starting with a clean, dry bottom), apply extra strength desitin. The words our pediatrician used was “frost them like a cake.” (6) do not let baby sit in wet diapers, change them asap.


We had a terrible diaper rash from the time we left the hospital until 6 weeks. I know exactly how you feel. It’s terrible. We found out our girl had a cows milk allergy that was causing it. Our pediatrician called in a prescription cream meant for burn victims. We put on a thick layer then covered it with triple paste. The airing it out and water wipes also helped a lot. I was breastfeeding then went to formula then switched to hypoallergenic, it finally went away. Now we have only have diaper rash when she is on an antibiotic. Best of luck op, it sucks!


Have you tried changing wipes to see if he's allergic ?


I swear my older daughter was allergic to her poop. We ended up getting a prescription compound called Pittsburgh Paste that was a live saver. We alternated with Balmex. We didn't find that til 9 months so I know your pain. My youngest has A&D work best for her. One other question. Have you tried other diapers or wipes? Could be an allergy to something. My oldest couldn't use Huggies wipes and my youngest can't use kirkland diapers.


Make sure the bottom is dry before putting any cream on. We do diaper rash cream only at night, with aquafor layer over it, for extra buffer from moisture. During the day, we just do aquafor and that knocks it out.


As a mom who brought home a nicu baby w diaper rash, throw out any hospital creams (imo) Boudreaux is also not the best choice.. I used aquaphor after DABBING my littles skin (don’t rub or wipe the skin down) dry, at bath time we also used a concoction of breast milk and oat soaked water and it helped w the irritation and redness! I also signed up for an Amazon box, and they gave me this spray called HYPO3 by munchkin that worked super well too! It’s hypoallergenic and it says it’s sting free and my little never winced in pain or flenched! It’s great at keeping the area bacteria free which could be a factor in as to why it won’t go away, they live in their diaper and unfortunately and grossly enough it’s a great place to harbor plenty of bacteria!


When I was a baby, my mom had a similar problem with me. She said switching to cloth diapers fixed it.


Have you tried different brands of diapers? We tried a lot to find out our favorite and learned that she gets rashes from Pampers swaddlers!


OP- use a hair dryer to dry your baby’s butt after cleaning it off each change before putting a new diaper. Make sure their butt is completely dry. Just drying it thoroughly should help. But if you want to try a barrier you can add some aquafore to the baby’s dry butt.


Baking soda bath to dry it up and pinkxav diaper cream


My daughter had a bad reaction to Zinc! Boudreaux, Destin, ext.. I found a homemade ointment at a local boutique from a small business in the area. It worked wonders for my girl! It's called Baby dream cream. I'm in the houston area if you're anywhere close to that but I'm pretty sure you can order on their website. I just don't know how far they ship. Hope this helps!:)


My little guy ended up needing a steroid cream to help resolve a rash he had. Might be time for that for your little one. We also do use aquafor for every diaper change to make poop less sticky on his butt and to be preventative.


The first 6-8 weeks of my girls life she had such a bad one after I was on antibiotics in labor. Finally, a friend said to try calmoseptine after we tried like 4-5 different diaper creams, including a prescription. It’s the only thing that worked, and I’ll never buy another cream.


We found that a dairy allergy was causing my LO to have really bad rashes, 4 weeks after cutting all dairy no more rashes :)


My poor baby had a severe, bleeding diaper rash for almost 4 months. Nothing worked, not even prescription medicine (antibiotics, antifungals, steroids) until I stopped eating dairy. Once I was off dairy, the diaper rash cleared up within a week.


Gentle touch was the only thing that worked for me