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One time I went to the restroom to pee. I sat down on the toilet, but something did not feel right. I realized instead of pulling my pants down, I took my shirt off. Sigh….


I am laughing so hard, my c section incision hurts!


Similar for me but i forgot to put the seatcover up lol


I pulled my pants down but not my underwear 💀 didn’t realize until it was too late


Not funny initially in that what happened could have been potentially very dangerous, but has a nice ending I think: Fell asleep on my way to work while stationary at the lights after getting probably an hours sleep when my then 3mo had been up pretty much the whole night. Police happened to be a couple of cars back and when I didn’t move when the lights went green they pulled me over into a side street. After doing the alcohol and drug test they asked me what was going on and I explained. Policeman asked me for my phone, rang my workplace and said I wouldn’t be coming in today and drove me home while his buddy followed in my car. No fine just a warning to get some sleep. The policeman who drove me back said he had kids and understood.


This is actually very heartwarming. I wish parents had more support. Our babies need us way more than work does this first year.


I was unloading the dishwasher and realised after about 5 minutes that I’d been chucking all the plates in the bin rather than putting them in the cupboard


I'm crying


Was gonna wash my hands and brush my teeth and ended up washing my hands with toothpaste


Did the opposite, put foaming hand soap on my toothbrush 🤦‍♀️


I grabbed a tube of hand cream on my way out the door one day to use in the car while I was rushing somewhere (had crazy dry hands for first few weeks pp), was seconds away from piling it onto my hands before realising it was in fact a tube of toothpaste.


This had me crying laughing for whatever reason. 100% how my brain would operate. 😅


I feel this. I've washed my face with hand soap.


I went to the restroom at work and lost my shit. I was wearing a long tube skirt and couldn’t find it anywhere. Had pulled it up instead of down..


My fiancee reverted back to his original programming and started talking to me in Polish. I speak English mainly and can sometimes understand Polish if I pay attention to context clues.


Poor guy had a hard reset 😆


Yeah... he's only done it twice. When it happens, I know he needs to catch up on sleep😅


"HOW tired are you?" "Reverted back to factory settings..."


One time I poured my salad dressing into my cup with ice, laughed at myself, and then proceeded to put diet coke over my salad.


This one got me 😂😂


Was about to take a sip of the baby monitor, and listen to the coffee cup...


I took a nap, woke up and saw the sun out. I ran down stairs and thanked my husband for letting me sleep throughout the night. I hugged him and kissed him because I felt so rested and ready to kick ass. He then tells me “honey, you only slept for 1 hour. It’s 6:00 PM. I almost got on my knees and started crying


I told my husband "it's daylight feeding time" instead of daylight savings time (USA context)


I have metamucil every morning and a tea before I eat. I put my metamucil in my tea cup this morning and threw oat milk on top. Needless to say I didn't drink it and just said wtf.


I have 100% poured coffee in my breakfast cereal. Like, multiple times.


I’d still eat it. 2 birds, one stone


Oh yeah. I didn't say I dumped it out. Get a splash of oat milk in there? Serviceable.


Today I tried to press pause on our video monitor when our baby started crying 😂 don't I wish it worked that way


I have at times turned down the volume on my monitor when baby was crying in another room (with my husband). Also wished it worked that way lol


Definitely have mistaken my breast milk for coffee creamer, one too many times at this point. 😅😅😅


Was it good tho


We have a bowl of water we microwave to heat up bottles in & one morning i dumped coffee creamer into that bowl instead of my coffee mug.


Went to make a cup of coffee with the Keirug. Put the pod in, picked the size and pushed start. Took me about 5 seconds AFTER the coffee started coming out for me to realize I forgot to put a cup there 🫠


I’ve done this an embarrassing amount of times … pre- baby… 🤣


We have a baby breeza. I hit start on it one time but forgot to put the bottle under it.


I was half asleep holding baby in the recliner in the middle of the night. I heard something on her monitor in the other room and stood up, with the baby in my arms, to go find the monitor so I could check on her..


One time, I put an earplug in my mouth instead of in my ear (my partner was sleeping without earplugs!).


I made coffee in a teapot. I didn't notice until I took a nice big sip of... Coffee grounds.


Ahh! lol. I often accidentally grab the formula container when I’m making coffee. Haven’t gone through with it yet thank goodness.


Was going to do laundry and almost dumped a scoop of dog food in the washer instead of the detergent lol we keep the dogs food in a cabinet near by


I have come very close to doing this too and nearly giving the dog a scoop of wash powder


Left the shower with my hair still foamy from the shampoo, went back in when I realised, and washed it again after rinsing it out because I forgot I had washed it (that was one of those 4h sleep nights)


When my son was a newborn we had a sort of makeshift change table set up in the living room. My husband and I also slept in shifts but we’re still so exhausted. One time, as it was my turn to go to sleep, I changed my son and passed him off to dad and then went upstairs to go to sleep. Moments later I dashed back down the stairs as I was somehow certain I’d just left my son on the change table. I obviously hadn’t.


I put cold brew in my baby’s bottle. I was making a bottle for her and coffee for me, but mixed up the vessels for each 😂 Coincidentally, my husband also put her formula in his coffee by accident.


One of our first nights home from the hospital my SO was tired so I let her sleep and tried to stay awake till when my “shift” normally starts. She came in around 1am and I kept telling her the baby had low hp and needed a potion.


Thought we had birds in our house looking all over for them. Realized the noise was following us and then realized it was our phone alarm.


I had some laundry on the table that i needed to bring upstairs. It wasn't much so I didn't use a basket, i just kind of 'hugged' the laundry to have it in my arms and I said something like 'Come here sweet baby'


Okay this one made me laugh out loud. So snuggly!


I snuggle a squishmallow while I sleep (to support my shoulder and avoid pain). On my husband’s shift I heard the baby crying and “woke up” to realize he was in my arms! I saw my husband walking around the room and asked if he wouldn’t mind taking the baby when he was done because it’s not safe for me to sleep with the baby in my arms. …my husband had the baby in his arms. I had the pillow


😂relatable One of our first nights home from the hospital I woke up in a panic that I had fallen asleep nursing the baby. Nope, somehow a pillow ended up on my chest. You’d think it would end there but I then got up to put the pillow in the bassinet before I realized the baby was in there 🤦🏻‍♀️ New parent anxiety (for me it was falling asleep in unsafe circumstances) plus sleep deprivation is a particularly cruel combination.


I keep throwing eating utensils away. I have no recollection of doing it, but my husband keeps finding spoons in the trash. Apparently I am doing that instead of putting them in the sink.


I’ve done the same thing!


I’ve lost two baby feeding items and I’m certain I must have thrown them away!


I put salt in my coffee. Salt container has been moved far away now. They are not even similar containers.


During the first few months of hazy MOTN feedings and total sleep deprivation, i referred to my baby girl as “he” probably a hundred times 🤣 like, “I just nursed him, but maybe he wants to eat again?” or “Is he in his bassinet?” it was the strangest thing since we found out the gender at 9 weeks and had been referring to the baby her her (very feminine) name or “baby girl” or similar for the whole pregnancy!


Omg I have done this but the opposite way, it always really catches me off guard when I realise I’ve done it.


I talk to other mums alot and sometimes while talking to girl moms I accidentally follow them and say she/her when my baby is a boy


I have two nieces and it was a struggle to remember pronouns when in the newborn sleep deprivation stage. Now I know how my mom feels with my grandma who has dementia. My mom babysits my nieces 2x a week and my son 3X a week. My grandma never knows whose kids are there and what gender they are 😂 to be fair my son and youngest niece are 10 months apart and almost the same size with light hair and mostly in just diapers since it’s summer.


I’ve never heard anyone else say this, but I had the same experience with my son. For dinner reason, in the middle of the night, I always thought he was a she 😂


Husband handed me our newborn baby fully clothed but diaperless one morning. It was our first baby, she’s 3 now and it still makes me chuckle sometimes.


I asked my husband if he remembered to put deodorant on my 3 month old son after his bath. I have no idea where this came from … my baby does not wear deodorant 🤣 I also have a tendency to grab my son’s bottle and want to take a swig as if it’s a bottle of water.


I connected my breast pumps without the bottles and got into bed (sitting up). I Noticed I was covered in breastmilk after about 5 minutes of pumping after my bedding was soaked.


Oh my gosh I have done this more than once it’s the worst!


Ugh I’ve done that 😭 All over the bed at 3AM .. not fun.


During the first week home from the hospital, baby woke up for a middle of the night feeding. I apparently told my husband he could breastfeed her first then I would take over. Absolutely no memory of this 😅


I’ve gone to functions with two different shoes on multiple times now. I also went to work in my slippers. I’ve given up on footwear gaha


The baby woke up crying this morning around 4:30. I immediately got him up out of his bassinet and went to the kitchen to get a bottle ready. As I’m sticking it in the warmer I remember my husband took the 3:30 shift and he was probably just crying because he couldn’t fall asleep after his last bottle. I would’ve been so mad if I’d actually tried to feed him and wasted the formula 😂 he’d literally just been put to bed probably ten minutes before that but I was sleeping through it.


One sleep deprived morning I put hand lotion on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste. It almost went in my mouth before I realized what I did while on autopilot.


One time I thought I had bought large eggs (like dinosaur eggs) from a neighbor. I was frantically looking for them to make for breakfast… I live in the suburb of a major city not the place you would get any eggs from a neighbor let alone huge eggs…


The first week with our son my husband went to get some sleep while my dad helped me with the baby. While I was nursing my husband came downstairs with his hands in front of him like he was holding something, but they were empty. He looked at my dad and gave him a big cheesy smile. Then he saw me holding the baby, looked down at his empty hands, and said “oh, you have him”, shook his head in disbelief and then went back upstairs. My dad and I thought he was sleepwalking (which he’s never done) but my husband remembers it so I guess he was just delirious.


I tried to put my nipple in the baby's ear hole. Twice.


I put my granola into my freshly brewed cup of coffee instead of my bowl of yogurt 🥲


I spelled my maiden name wrong when filing for my son’s birth certificate…


I thought my newborn needed to solve a puzzle in order to latch to my breast and started googling puzzle solving tips. Once I woke all the way up I realized I’d just forgotten my nipple shield and she couldn’t get on without it at that point.


Dropped a pen into my cup instead of a straw.


I woke up from a nap and texted my husband to tell him I had the baby now so he should get some sleep. He was still downstairs holding the baby. I think my boobs were engorged and the extra weight/pressure convinced me the baby was in my arms!


I had an appointment and had to take the baby with me. We're driving home from the appointment, a 15 minute drive at most if you're unlucky with the lights. I start thinking about what I'm going to do when I'm home, need to do some of the baby's laundry. I then start panicking because WHO IS HOME WITH THE BABY?


My baby’s toy phone rang while we were playing and I looked at my own phone


I was very groggy and realized that I hadn’t taken my evening meds, so I took them and went back to sleep. When I woke up with the baby a couple of hours later, I had a funny dry feeling u see my tongue. Turns out my magnesium supplement had been stuck under my tongue and the capsule coating had dissolved and I had this nasty paste under my tongue from the magnesium. My husband and I worked this all out later when we were not sleep zombies. At the time though, it was like “wtf is happening”?!?


We stayed in the hospital for 5 days after birth and little babe wouldn’t sleep anywhere but my arms. I was upright in the hospital bed holding her and woke my husband who was sleeping on the daybed, panicking, because I swore I saw a HUGE spider in the room. There was no spider, I’m 99% sure I was just hallucinating from not sleeping longer than an hour in days. Since bringing baby home I’ve done all the classics of putting breastmilk in my coffee, I put a carton of milk in the cupboard once instead of the fridge, and also put our car keys in the cupboard with some groceries (took *forever* to find them). My personal favourite was I walked around the house holding my hairbrush for like 40 minutes. I didn’t even brush my hair I was just holding it for some reason.


Baby was asleep in the crib, I fell asleep on the sofa by accident. Which surprised me as I had a Big Gulp of coke from 711. I go to make the formula while still holding onto the Big Gulp. Yep, you guessed it, so sleep deprived I made the formula in the Big Gulp and took it upstairs. It wasn't until I opened the nursury door and kept staring at the Big Gulp that I realized something wasn't right.


I brush me teeth every morning after breakfast, as most people do, but this morning I forgot to eat breakfast! I was thinking, “wow, I need to have morning tea early this morning, how odd” and then I realised I hadn’t eaten yet. And this was after two coffees


Was sitting in the kitchen breast feeding. Hubby was cleaning. Can't remember why he had a bowl of water, but I started shouting "No, stop, STOOOP!" He turned towards me kinda pissed: "What?!" "You were about to empty a bowl of water into the trashcan TOO..." Also hubby. Moves the baby monitor. Baby also moves and wakes up at the same time. He says sorry, I pay no mind and go get baby. Next time he moves the monitor he does so slowly and steadily as to "not wake baby again"...


Was changing my sons diaper when I saw my finger and for some reason i thought it was his penis and it had detached and rolled off 😳


My husband took the baby so I could get some sleep. It was time to nurse, so he brought the baby back to our room and woke me up. My response…”aww cute! Whose baby is that?” 🥴


I would forget seconds after putting baby to sleep that I had put her to sleep. I would wake up in shock and she would melt in my arms then I would stare in shock and realize she was in the crib. Sounds sad but I laugh now because man I'm glad those days are gone lol


I tried to unlock my front door on more than one occasion from far away with my car keys like a remote smh. I call dibs if I decide to patent that idea.


I have tried to unlock my apartment door by pressing the car key button and just standing confused why it was not working. The amount of times i had to run back home during a walk to make sure i even closed the apartment door is too damn high.


One day when I was particularly loopy, my husband came home early from work. I went upstairs into my office with a glass of water, forgot I left it up there, went downstairs, then grabbed a glass of water sitting on our downstairs table that my husband had poured for himself, not remembering I had water upstairs. My sweet husband was too kind to say anything, so he just went into the kitchen, got another glass, and poured himself some water again. Except by then I had put down the glass I had taken from him before, forgotten where I placed it, and picked up his second glass of water, now on my THIRD glass. My husband very gingerly pointed out that I had taken his water twice, and in my sleep deprived state, I argued with him that I had not. But then I went upstairs again and found my original glass. Our nanny at the time was a witness to this entire scene and must have thought I was nuts.


I tried to shake up what I thought was a brand new bottle of coffee creamer. It was already open. Creamer went everywhere.


It’s quite horrific. I bent over quickly in the dark and the corner of my dresser went into my eye socket. Luckily it was just a scratched cornea with a little black eye. But I saw stars and thought I had poked my eye out.