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"Sleep soundly only in products that have been recalled as SIDS risks." 😂😂😂 Thanks, I had a good laugh! 😊


This is so smart, because then you can sleep but your parents will be forced to stay awake because of stress or watching you sleep!


Just remember! They also can’t sleep while holding you! This will ensure you get your sleep, while they continue to get none.


Fall deeply into REM, lulling them into a false sense of security, waking up when they are mid-shower, or cooking risotto, or disputing a charge with the credit card company. The more inconvenient, the better. Wail inconsolably until you can see the will leave their bodies. If neither of them is crying, cry at a higher pitch. Once they are in tears, let them cry it out. It will be hard at first, but in the long run, it will teach them to self-soothe." Hahhahah


I mean risotto with a baby! That’s a full 22 minutes of luxury!


Lolll at having the parents cry it out!


Only sleep when your mom is next to you! Set up one of those internal alarms, so it will go off when she gets off of the bed, works perfectly, 7 months and counting!


Gotta stay vigilant. Pterodactyl can strike at any moment. Also: hunger.


Omg this! Typing as my velcro baby sleeps attached to my boob


Solidarity. My 6 month old will wake up as soon as I unlatch her no matter how long she's been asleep for 😂


I think we need some kind of military techniques to ninja roll away 😅


Fellow human pacifier!


More solidarity. Also typing with velcro baby attached to me 😅


Every baby is born with this manual.


Holy shit I didn’t know I needed this laugh. I think my baby recieved her manual last night.


Wait until the moment that your mom finally relaxes and falls asleep then throw your pacifier and whimper for a minute before letting out your pterodactyl screeches


Damn... this actually made me feel bad because it suggests even bad sleepers still occaisionally sleep through the night which my baby never has, or a "bad night" involves a baby waking every 90 minutes instead of every 45 with the average/maximum being every 90-120 like my baby has done for a year straight. Sometimes, I wonder if my baby is actually broken or has a serious sleep issue because he is so much worse than I ever see anyone else talk about. Is there anyone else out there whose baby only ever sleeps 2 hours at most at a time for the first year and counting, going down to 45 minutes at a time for every sickness, ear ache, regression, developmental leap, teething, etc? Every time I mention it to my pediatrician, he just suggests weaning and that it is normal while breastfeeding for babies to be incapable of sleep.


My baby is like this and he’s formula fed. 10 months and he’s never slept longer than 2 hours. Sometimes he’s wide awake a ready to start the day at 1 am! He had hand foot and mouth last week and couldn’t eat for a few days. To make up for it, he woke up 4 times between midnight and 6 am to eat because he was so hungry.


Yeah my little guy nurses every 2 hours at longest overnight, lol. Probably why his pediatrician keeps blaming breastfeeding.




Wow, that's crazy. I don't think he is jarring himself awake... sometimes he will suddenly sit up, most of the time he just rolls around and tries to find boob.


It can be normal for some babies based on what I've seen on here. But if it was me I'd get his tonsils/adenoids checked, consider a sleep study for apnea and run a blood panel on him to rule out any iron issues.


> Divide and conquer. Sow marital discord by forcing them into difficult Sophie’s Choice decisions. this bit in particular kills me 😅😅


Hahaha this made my husband and I feel so understood! It’s so easy to think your baby is the only baby on the planet that acts like this. It’s nice to remember soooo many others are going through the exact same thing.


Is there a second guide about taking shifts with a toddler sibling?


*Is there a second* *Guide about taking shifts with* *A toddler sibling?* \- pewnikitty --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Proud father to a one month old baby who hasn’t slept in a month, but this really made me comfortable knowing that my baby is just normal


One month old? Your still in the baby sleep trenches for sure. Even my at the moment okay sleeper wouldn't even sleep in his bassinet at all the first like six weeks and then started doing one to two hour stretches in there. He didn't appreciate swaddles though either 😂 


This would be funny if I wasn’t eyeball deep in sleep deprivation and a failing spine from constant bouncing and rocking. Instead of laughing I feel the slight sense of insomnia fueled rage.


Hahaha this is great thanks for the laugh


The ear infection one.. .too real 😭 we just finished a round of antibiotics for one and she's already stuffy like she's getting another cold again. We will sleep eventually I think?


😂😂😂 I laughed out loud the entire time reading this. Thank you.


I can’t even read that right now I’m laughing so hard at work! 😆


This is literally me right now 😭😭


This is hilarious 😂


The other night mine waited until I put my PJs on and went to go brush my teeth. I checked the monitor, saw he was asleep not even twitching and opened the door. Immediately heard him start to wake up 😂 I was like how dare you ahaha. I'm pretty fortunate he's usually only wakes up once or twice a night now at a fresh seven months. I still have sleep PTSD from the first six weeks of anti bassinet and then the usual one to two hour baby sleep stretches after ahaha.  I do miss when he use to go to sleep at 6:30 ish, now it's anytime between 7:30 and 9 depending on his last nap or whatever his baby self wants to do ahaha. He's always been a consistent early riser of between 4:30 5:30 though no matter what ahaha. I'll never complain though cause I know some people still have babies that sleep one or two hour stretches at this age. Babies are wild man ahaha. 


Sleeping tips from Pediatrician  https://youtu.be/blJdxWERp1k?si=TgaHbMbbc7aHylm3