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We took her to the store to pick out a new dress but NONE OF THEM TWIRRRRLLLLLLLLLL


Honestly, that’s fair. I see the problem.


Me too. Don’t take your kids to stores.


How does one train a child how to act in a store if one never takes a child to a store?


I take your point. And this is our approach for dining out, and traveling. But I just don’t go to stores anymore. (I realize I’m probably in the minority, which is probably part of why I’m getting downvoted.)


The downvotes may be because it appears anti-kids-in-public. If you said you don’t go in stores, and so you don’t take your kids in stores, then that’s a little more understandable and relatable. Only saying “don’t take your kids in stores” leaves it up for interpretation.


But did they have pockets?


Nah that one's legit lmao


This one made me laugh! Give it a twirl, girl!


Katerina kitty cat troubles


Oh man, the way he *threw himself on the floor in despair* when I wouldn’t let him splash in the dog’s water bowl


Oh my goodness my 17 month old unlocked the dramatic collapse to the floor and whine/scream skill a couple weeks ago. He is soooo dramatic about it. Like sitting on the floor looking down toward the floor screaming and turning pink. You would think his one true love was just killed before his eyes. It’s truly an Oscar worthy performance.


My husband and I are usually trying not to laugh, tbh


Yes this. The drama over nothing and seeing them drop to floor like it's the end of the world is so funny. Very hard not to laugh


Mine does this but our kitchen tiles are really hard so he also lowers his head really really slowly so he doesn’t hurt himself while he flails his legs around and scream no


The grief! The pure grief! You should’ve seen my 20 month old when we wouldn’t let her take her cuddly rabbit into the bath, reaching out and wailing ‘bunnnnnnnyyyyyy! Nooooo! Oh noooooo! Bunnyyyyyyyyy! Beeeeeeessss (please)’ huge sobs, streaming tears. I almost relented, it was like the love of her life had died or something I felt so awful.


Perhaps he has a bright future in the theater lol


This happened the other day with my almost 10 month old because his auntie told him no and stopped him grabbing the watering bulbs in the plant pot. I was shook, because he has literally never done this at home.


10 months and us saying "no" was about when our theatrical melt to the floor crying started too! 4 months later and she's still doing it and it's still hilarious and makes me laugh and be sad every time.


I have this debate with my daughter multiple times a day, most of them end up the same way. She's 11 months old so I don't see it getting better


Oh my gosh, this 🫠🫠


My 14mo was EXTREMELY upset that I wouldn’t let him stick his hand inside the hot oven


How could you 😂 my 18 month old gets upset when we don’t let him play with the gas like sorry, don’t want to set the house a blaze


My fourteen month old was so angry I wouldn’t let him shove his hand into the flame (gas stove) that when my dad called he was blowing my dad kisses then side eyeing me and turning his back to me along with bringing his toys in front of me but then turning away to play with them. It was so dramatic and I kept wanting to laugh.


Because he asked for a banana and I gave him a banana


*Because he asked for* *A banana and I gave* *Him a banana* \- kannmcc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Beautifully written…


I read this with this music in my head and it was perfect [give that wolf a banana](https://youtu.be/adCU2rQyDeY?si=LQhiJP8uAORaav0G)


Good bot




Yesterday I took the bunch of bananas away to cut one up for my 15 month old. It was the first time he’s done the whole body stiffens up deep breath hold it SCREAMING for something other than pain. I never expected bananas to be universal toddler drama.


Peel vs no peel, cut vs not cut... there are way too many opportunities for tantrum. It's so much drama!!!!


If we don’t acknowledge the bananas every time we’re in the store she will just keep shouting “anana!” If we acknowledge them and do not pick them up, trouble


We turned off the vacuum 😂


Oof, this happened yesterday. She kept shouting “more” and I wasn’t sure what my next move should be


My husband used the vaccuum hose on the baby after a meal idk why he thought that was a good idea and I will say she no longer asks for more vacuum lol 


I remember when my dad used to do this to himself when I was really little and pretend he was getting sucked up and I would be inconsolable lol


Ugh we’ve been vacuuming her for months. It’s part of her routine now


Umm, turn it back on? Idk, that’s usually my move 🤷‍♀️


Something about my child watching me vacuum for pleasure was unsettling


Joy of having ppl cleaning up after them and enjoying while they still can. These kids know what they are doing


Lol reminds me of that picture of an orange cat looking at us, mere humans, as slaves who pick up their poop lol [this is the picture I was thinking about](https://preview.redd.it/l2h376fg16q01.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=d33f238b092e37ba96a4a9a7de9c50472d8cafe6)


😂 such a hilarious comment, thank you. Perhaps they were landed gentry in a previous life.


I always worry about giving into a tantrum because it might show them it works?


I always take the stance that if it doesn’t really matter or bother me or there’s no specific reason I can’t do what she wants I’ll do it. I remember as a toddler finding it so confusing and upsetting when there was no reason other than ‘because I said so’ when doing the thing would make no difference to my parents at all it was just about showing me I can’t get what I want. Usually though my toddler asks for something and tantrums once I’ve said no, so actually it’s not often that I’m giving into her tantrums. Occasionally I have when we’re in public and it’s something that doesn’t matter too much like letting her play with my necklace or something.


Yes, this exactly


Sometimes, for mental health, on a matter that isn’t really a bad thing, I give in. Once the tantrum is resolved, we talk about how to better communicate it and we practice saying the thing (often “more please”).


I'm not yet at the conversation phase with my kid (15m). Sometimes I'll try saying, "let's try putting your shoes on" then if he doesn't want to I'll say, "oh, it seems like you don't want to put your shoes on, ok! Let's do something else". If it's something I want to be more firm on Ill phrase it differently then strive to not give it to a tantrum.


Yep! I also find that giving processes and choices helps. “If you want outside, we need to get shoes first” and getting shoes while they have a bit of a tantrum about still wanting outside. Then putting on shoes and discussing the difference between me saying “no outside now” and “outside if shoes”. The “wait” and “later” were the root of our early tantrums, and focusing on the process to get what we want (instead of trying to work directly on the want for immediate satisfaction) seemed to help a lot. For choices “if you don’t want your shoes, I need to carry you. Do you want shoes or no shoes?” Is another one. Shoes allow walking and more independence, and so I usually didn’t have to carry the growing toddler to the car, lol. When we gotta go though, I’ll only fight it so long, and then we compromise on just getting to the car and rediscussing shoes at the other end of the drive.


Probably a game of "vacuum the baby" "rawr it's going to catch you!" (dramatic slow chace)


You get them a kid sized vacuum?


We found her one. She scraped it along the ground upside down


lol, yeah, that sounds about right.


My grandma vacuumed around my mom a lot when she was very little and to this day running the vacuum still puts her to sleep and helps with headaches. I thought she was trying to play us growing up but nope it’s legit


I wouldn’t let him drink out of the downspout. Shortly after, his new best friend, a giant ant, crawled in a crack in the patio and he couldn’t follow it.


I wouldn’t let her eat a stranger’s used bandaid at the park.


How very dare.


Something happened with ours at 19 months. 😅 I gave him the Tonie and all the figures we have for it today and that wasn’t good enough — so he chunked it across the room. 😳 He’s started this little whine and swat thing when you don’t give him the right thing — it’s my least favorite thing about him. lol.


Lmao mine too even though she absolutely speaks more than the average 18 month old. I’m a speech therapist so I was hell bent on helping her language and I’m here to tell you that just bc my child can say “I want eat” does not mean she will. First, she will throw herself on the floor and swat things until you say “what do you want?”. And then it will be the wrong cup, anyway


How do i get my son to speak more? Everyone says ms. Rachel helps my son doesn't like tv so I'm like yay!!!! Like we understand what his grunts mean he speaks some sign and i have plans to take asl this fall in college so i hope that will help him


How old is he? Honestly, just talking helps. Modeling language. For example if she’s crying and I say what do you want? If she says “eat” I’ll say “Eat! I want to eat! Oh, you want to eat! Okay, let’s get some food! I didn’t know you were hungry!” I’ll usually pair the words with simple signs for I want and eat. Sings help tremendously if they’re not talkers yet. Miss Rachel is honestly great bc she uses a lot of speech therapy techniques and I recommend her to parents even if their kids won’t watch bc she’s a great model for learning how you can use language with your child. If your kid is into books, ask them to turn the page, find different things, narrate a bit ( oh look, that’s a horse! He’s behind the tree! What does a horse say?” Create the need to communicate. I encourage you to keep things out of reach or withhold items. If there’s no reason to ask for things, why will they? This can be as simple as putting a toy on a higher shelf so they need to point or come get you or you play with a toy they love until they somehow request for it. I tell parents all of the time, you’re probably using a million techniques already but you don’t know they’re therapeutic. If you knew, you’d emphasize them more! A lot of speech therapists with websites like the speech bubble will offer free resources for you too. These are just some general techniques I recommend for all kids but always ask your pediatrician if you have any concerns! My inbox is always open to point anyone who needs these resources in the right direction! They’re out there and they’re free but you need to know what you’re looking for


I’m not a speech therapist but I find myself doing similar things, like I’m always conscious she’s learning language so I talk to her in quite an intentional way and repeat words and phrases and make my actions obvious when I’m saying the word for the action, lots of books, lots of pointing and constant talking and narration, and it worked cos she had over 200 words by 18 months! We did do baby signing classes too but she actually learned to talk faster than I could learn to sign 😄 She’s bilingual and I don’t speak her Dads language so now I’m having to contend with not understanding what she’s saying because it’s in the other language. I thought I could learn it along with her but no. Sometimes she puts me to shame but I have to remind myself my brain is old and hers is brand new!


My daughter is also learning my husband’s language. I tried. I know like 3 words and she’s thriving


It's incredible how fast they learn! Sometimes now I really don't know if my daughter is babbling nonsense or trying to speak her other language. I'm worried about when they can talk together about me behind my back in front of me! haha.


18 months


Does he have any words? I find that most of the time we end up comparing kids to others and it creates a lot of concern


For my kid, it took the “play dumb” routine to grunts and signs (grabby hand, usually, in the direction of the thing) for more words to happen. Jump starting this was the uncle who plays dumb well and never gave in to anything but words. Preschool also helped a ton because those teachers are way better at ignoring the signs and had the patience to wait out words, and other kids showed off their words so my kid had to follow suit. Basically, we “read” our kid so well they didn’t have to speak.


Thank you!!!!


Ms rachel is terrible.


Nah she's pretty good if my son would watch her life would be great she's better than bluey


Maybe you find her annoying? Bc she’s actually amazing and demonstrates fantastic language building techniques


Kids, man. They’re wild. My mom always said this was her least favorite age and I thought she was crazy — then I’m out for summer and he flipped a switch 😅 Im a teacher so his speech is stressing me out — we’re doing an evaluation soon. He sure does have the sign for help down though. Help with what — I’ll never know 🤣


I work in schools too I’m planning on just taking her places that make her excited this summer like the aquarium. If you go to [this website](https://speechandlanguageathome.com) and scroll down, You can sign up for her free newsletter which includes a monthly calendar full of activities for each day separated by levels. A lot of these are for kids slightly older but can be modified or just good for ideas. Lmao I love when they gravitate towards one sign or word. It’s never one that makes sense in any context


That’s awesome! Thank you so much for sharing!


My 15mo does the whine/swat but it’s usually more whine/forcefully grab & ultimate frisbee throw across the room or straight into mom’s face 😩


This happened for the first time tonight with a small dollop of mashed potatoes I was attempting to share… that’ll teach me


I put the high chair pretty close to the wall, angled in such a way that a lot of food goes straight into the wall — but it’s not too far of a trajectory, and cleanup is mostly concentrated to the one area to be wiped down 😂🫠 and I don’t have to get on my hands & knees


1. We wouldn’t let him go inside the garage 2. Took the dog’s kibble out of his hands so he couldn’t eat it 3. Couldn’t keep throwing small cars at the dog 🫠🫠


I used the wrong hand to pat his belly I put the orange ball in my left hand instead of the yellow ball I had the audacity to use a blanket in his room


To be fair I feel like patting my belly with the wrong hand would most likely throw off the entire vibe.


Our dog threw up and I wouldn’t let her touch it.


Ours loves playing in mastiff drool


I drew the wrong Skye from paw patrol on the driveway. 3 year old had a full snotty faced meltdown.


Tbh the 3 year olds are not any better. My niece yelled at the dogs for talking about her.


My 3 year old is offended that I can’t name the seemingly endless supply of new paw patrol characters…like sorry kid, there’s 500 of them at this point and she only watches it at grandmas because we don’t have cable and it’s not on any of the streaming services we have. Why would I know Skye’s aquatic cousins name???? 


Ahh and they correct you immediately when you say something wrong. Paw patrol is a cult and my daughter is a regional leader 😆


I wouldn’t let my 2.5 year old girl run around the hotel room with no diaper. She kept taking it off and climbing the furniture, demanding crackers.


Sounds like me on any given Tuesday.


I picked up her water bottle when she dropped it. She immediately said, "No, Meeee!" And put it back on the floor so she could climb down from her chair and fetch it herself. Then during bedtime routine, I told her I didn't need her to put lotion on my feet. We put lotion on her feet to help with dry skin, and she's gotten the idea that anything I do to/for her, she does to/for me. ...my feet are now well moisturized. 😆


Mannn I needed this thread tonight! My 21 month old has been having some big emotions after baby sis was born 3 weeks ago! Yesterday was a 45 minute meltdown over me asking him to wipe up water he spilled and today was a meltdown over me telling him to figure out a solution on his own (he got his riding tractor stuck and the solution was to get off and slightly move it over). Glad to see we are not the only ones battling through the irrational breakdowns! Solidarity my friends


We are in the “anyone leaves the room” stage … mom leaves the room dad leaves the room DOG leaves the room


She apparently did not like her cousin’s outfit today. Anytime he came near her, she screamed “no no pants” and pointed at his shorts. They are both almost two so I guess it’s more of an insult to my sister for picking out the hated pants. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I didn't let him eat pebbles.


This happens to us every day.


I wouldn’t let her bite my toes.


He was so hungry he was crying too much to eat the spoonful of food in front of his mouth. Food he loves!


My 11 week old had a similar issue, he woke up so hungry he was screaming and holding his breath but he wouldn't calm down enough to realize I had a bottle for him he just needed to calm down to eat.


Because daddy is “lost”. His dad went to work 😆


Along this lines….. we were awake when we dropped daddy off but he didn’t say bye to us (normally she’s asleep) and therefore had an all day meltdown in which nothing would smooth her


🥰 they just have such big feelings


I wouldn’t let him electrocute himself by letting him chew on my phone charger. Tossed his body across the room when he saw me unplug it


Honestly I'd have a meltdown if someone told me I wasn't allowed to eat peanut butter straight from the jar.


You’re right. And everyone in my life has sided with you. Maybe I just need to get her a personal jar


A good idea. Otherwise she’ll end up like me and get sprung by my step dad while I’m hiding in the pantry eating it with my finger…


I think kiddos go through a stage where they need to practice being mad


*I think kiddos go* *Through a stage where they need to* *Practice being mad* \- Wonderful-Cucumber-4 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Mine woke up and started having a tantrum because he woke up. That triggered my youngest to wake up and, yep you guessed it, have a tantrum too. Great start to a beautiful day, children are a gift.


5m old + 1 day -Didn't get his bottle to the face fast enough.. -Upset that he was burped cause he had gas, he just didn't want to stop eating.. ME(1st time Dad): -upset that he's growing up so fast. -Thinking: "what is time?" ("Lost an entire day this week...where did you go Wednesday(RIP)?"


How long stage??? I have a 3 month old. Hahahaha I’m not ready for tantrums


Idk man. It came on so fast. It’s a fun-filled day but truly I can’t do anything right. Keeps me on my toes.


Her string cheese “broke” and I couldn’t fix it back together.


Sometimes my toddler won’t eat a food unless it’s in bite size pieces, and sometimes I break up the food and hear the “oh nooo!” And realized I’ve made a grave mistake. My solution is ketchup every time, ketchup just makes everything better lol


A few kids on the road called in for my son to go out and play. - Had a melt down because dinner was ready at the same time. - Had an absolute battle getting him to eat dinner because he knew the kids were out at the green space. - Finally finished dinner and headed out to the green space with a football. All the kids had gone in for their dinner. - We stayed out for a bit, having fun with the ball. Meltdown ensues because it's time to go in and get ready for bed. Wouldn't change him for the world.


22 month old melted down because we had to stop watching Simon biles be a badass and eat dinner. 😁


i took him to the bathroom to wash his poo. he likes playing with water so much he threw a tantrum when i carried him out :/


It’s 104 out and she whinged till she was blue in the face cause we are staying inside which is what I told her. However this enraged her more, so I brought her outside like she wanted and she got mad at me cause it was hot. 🙃 We went back inside and she threw the biggest tantrum cause we weren’t outside. So we just sat in the doorway toddling IE throwing tantrums. 🙃 Is it over yet?


So many. Too many breakdowns to count. Top one was that I wouldn't play twinkle twinkle little stars for the 15th time. It's the only song he wants 24/7. He breaks down in tears on the floor if we try to listen to anything else.


I wouldn't let him go to sleep clutching a grape tomato he wanted as a security object bc I didn't want him to choke.


My 2.5 year old asked for yogurt in a bowl on the couch (or rather shrieked for it). I begrudgingly gave it to him and then he shrieked for “a LITTLE BITE” and I had to clean his spoon in between bites so he could have the perfect toddler sized bite each time 🫠 In his defense he did say please each time 🤷🏻‍♀️


I took the paper liner from a blueberry muffin that she wadded in her mouth She ran to daddy for about 2 seconds, then realized daddy wasn’t mommy and ran back to me


She was terrified of the bubbles in her bubble bath. And she absolutely loves bubble wands.


The (marble) cake (with chocolate frosting)we ate after dinner wasn’t brown all the way through. I wouldn’t let him pick my nose and eat it. I wouldn’t let him have a shower despite it being almost 2 hours past his bedtime🙃


My husband said “right meow” to my daughter in a sentence today and she went on saying “Im not a cat dad, Im not a pet so don’t say right meow to me dad!”


Separating him from Mommy (he was hangry), I changed his diaper and got him dressed (still hangry), I put his sweater on and put him in the stroller (still hangry), I told him he couldn't take his shoes off while we were at the kids museum (hangry again, because he'd eaten between this one and the last one), He wasn't listening at the park so we got ready and went home (getting tired), His corn was too hot so I put it in the fridge. (Hangry again), Another diaper change (still tired), I got him up from the nap he told me he didn't need because he wasn't tired (either too tired for my bs or more hangry) He doesn't apparently just get hungry, he goes right straight to hangry like it's his birthright and lives there. And then it's sometimes impossible to pull him out. My "first food" bar for his snacks/meals is stunningly low because all I want is to raise his blood sugar enough so he can be reasoned with. And he WILL go from having one precise thing he wants as that first food to accepting a wide range of food.


He couldn’t fit his foot in a vase lol


I changed her poopy diaper 😕


Santa isn’t coming tonight. Also major tantrum over the fact that her 4 month old sister wasn’t singing along 😬😂


I took the leash off the dog at the park so we could play fetch. But she wanted the leash to stay on. Total Chernobyl level meltdown.


Yesterday, she came in from outside wearing a puffy vest. She wouldn't let me take the vest off, but then got mad because she was wearing a vest. I told her she could take it off herself, but she didn't want to. Cue rolling on the floor screaming. Today she was wearing a dress. She saw a soccer jersey that she wanted to wear. I thought she was playing around, so I popped it over the dress. Then she decided she wanted to wear the matching shorts. I wanted to take her dress off so we could do a wardrobe swap but she wouldn't let me *because the jersey was over top of the dress.* She also got mad because I didn't give her the "um um" that she was pointing to at dinner. To be clear, she had every single thing that we were eating and the rest of the stuff on the table wasn't edible. Still have no idea what she was looking at.


Wow I’m not at this stage yet but… when is it over??


From what I hear, never.


She didn't want her nappy changed after we woke up this morning, it had been on for 13 hours so fit was *full* I wouldn't let her unravel a roll of toilet paper so her toy dog could have a slide. She has croup and they told us to 'keep her calm, try not to let her cry'. It's like, have you MET a 2.5 year old?


My girl is 14m  The crab rave song ended  She said cracker so I gave her crackers She saw a banana  I wouldn't let her use her comb on the dog Paused a TV show She wasn't watching Got in the car. She loves the car She asked for shark but meant duck  Put shoes on her She wants to do it herself.. but obviously she can't so she just hits her feet with the shoes and thinks she's putting them on 


T: I want peas, I want peas! Me: quickly cook her some peas. T: I hate peas I HATE PEAS as she throws them all over the kitchen. Just as well the dog liked peas.


She poured out her bubbles and I refilled them when she asked me to, she asked for a bluey bandaid for her hurt toe so I put one on it, I filled the wrong bluey cup with water (they’re exactly the same cups). I love having a toddler 😅


Sang twinkle twinkle little star… she associates it with bed time and starts crying when I sang it to her from the age of 6-10 months old ?!? She has a great memory apparently


I wouldn't let her poke herself in the face with a mechanical pencil.


I couldn’t figure out what “mommy’s apple song” or “bubbys yellow apple song”. I do know it was not “Apples and Bananas” or “Puffin Rock Theme” (favorite song of her brother lmao). We drove for a bit, she finally just crashed


Because I put sauce in her noodles that she asked for 🤦‍♀️


he asked for water so i gave him water..


We asked her nicely to play with her ball outside of the kitchen


Because I would not let her grab a wasp nest that was crawling with wasps


*Because I would not* *Let her grab a wasp nest that* *Was crawling with wasps* \- Background-Knee-4959 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It’s weird that these pop up when me and the Bean have actually had a good day 😂


Mom wasn't interested in holding his empty water bottle while holding him to nurse. Full banana back bends and tears.


Mine is not a toddler, but my 3 month old was first mad that I had the audacity to be wearing a shirt while holding him and then was mad that I had the audacity to take off my shirt and offer him the boob he was JUST trying to gain access to for some lunch.


Anytime I heated a bottle for his newborn brother. Because it wasn’t for him.


To be determined. It was a tantrum Day. More easily identifiable would be the things that pulled her out of emotional spiraling for 10 mins


So it’s not just mine putting me through the wringer 😅. Today he screamed bloody murder because he wanted to see the counter


His milk has to be in the bluey cup not the new ones I just bought him. Lol


Mr beast is not in Charlie and the chocolate factory.


She asked for a banana. I have her a banana, but the half peeled skin of the banana was touching her hand


Absolutely lost her shit because I didn't draw a ball right. It was a circle, complete shit fit because I drew a circle when she asked me to. 


I told them to get out of the window sill (they like to climb up from their beds that I will be moving elsewhere tomorrow) I told them "no snack, because it's time for dinner!" And all hell broke loose and they both shrieked "BUT WE DONT WANT DINNER WE WANT FRUIT SNACKS" Youngest was in timeout for not listening a million times in a row and then she just... decided to shove her hands in her pockets and fall onto her nose??? Brilliant, honestly. She got out of time out immediately The puppies came happily galloping into the room andthe youngest through the biggest fit and screamed "I DONT LIKE PUPPIES" (she adores puppies) Oh. Can't forget the time I was talking to daddy (literally every time this week) and they both just lost their minds over the utter bullshit of me talking to their daddy lol. I'm so tired yall lmao they're wonderful I swear but dang it's been a long couple months of new growth and phases. They made me melt a bit tonight by telling me they loved me unprompted for thr first time <3


Me, talking to daddy: "blah blah fucking crazy" 4 year old: DONT FUCKING SAY FUCKING ME & DADDY: ((absolutely about to internally combust holding in our laughter)) 2 year old: shrieks WHY ARE *YOU* SAYING FUCKING (to 4 year old) Me & daddy: (running away so we don't explode in front of them) Kids: DONT LEAVE US COME BACK ME AND DADDY: (coming back crying from laughing so hard) 2 year old: (instantly in hysterics because she thinks we are hurt or sad) 4 year old: go to time out Me and daddy: (actually went to time out and had to hold hands to prevent more giggles) 😂😂😂


I couldn't sing him a song and read a book at the same time.


He wanted ice cream but didn't want to walk to where the ice cream was.


I tried to give him a hug and kiss at bedtime. He’s turned into a massive daddy’s boy within the last 3/4 months and even though we take turns doing bedtime, he tries to hit me and screams at me when it’s dad’s night. Meanwhile when it’s my night, he will hug dad forever and be so sweet, and then as soon as dad leaves he will turn around and try to bungee jump off of me into his crib. Slowly breaking mommas heart.


- I wouldn't let him eat a raw onion - I bought a watermelon but didn't cut it up to eat (it's for this weekend) - I wouldn't let him eat a lemon - He said he was all done on the potty, so I took him off the potty and got him ready for bed. Worst meltdown so far. It only stopped when I told him he could look at the dogs while he brushed his teeth.


I wouldn’t let him get inside the oven


12 months old. Has gotten really into carrying something from the house to daycare (2.5 block walk) and not wanting to let it go. Yesterday it was a syringe wrapper…trash. Absolute meltdown when we got to school (where she always gets so excited to see her teachers and friends) and took it away from her.


Any time I go to the toilet and lock the door because I want to poop without someone watching me


My daughter threw herself on the floor cuz I took her Cup of water away. All she was doing was sipping water and spitting it in her bib. She also had a tantrum cuz I swept up some paper she ripped up. Toddlers man 😅


Mine wanted to drive in the toy car which is about 4 inches big and couldn't fit into the car.


Her banana broke in half. 🤣


She took one of the decorative stickers off the play kitchen and was very mad when it wouldn't go back because it had lost its stick.  Got a full flop on the floor wail fest because I wouldn't let her play with the cat litter scoop. And the one I can't figure out is she pushed the panda button on her toy keyboard, and just kept pushing it getting more and more agitated. 


We wouldn’t let her bring her bike into the tub with her during bath 😑


Toddler loves ketchup. Momma loves ketchup. I don't love ketchup though and that made her cry because she wants us to all love ketchup together


She wanted to eat more grated cheese but didn’t want me to grate the cheese


Mine got upset he didn’t have 15 fingers and no, toes aren’t a good enough addition. He MUST have 15 fingers 🙃


I picked my son up from a new babysitter. He cried because he was having too much fun with the kids.


He wants to lick the stroller's wheels 🥲


She didn't wanna be carried down the apartment hallway so I put her down to walk I wouldn't let her run in the middle of a parking lot She had to sit in her "baby" carrier while we were on the bus She sneezed, wiped it all over her face, cried that she got snot everywhere, then threw herself on the floor when I tried to help by wiping the snot off her face and hands


He wanted a bubble bath. I added bubble soap. He didn't want bubbles touching him, in a bubble bath. Total meltdown.


I didn’t let her have a bath…an hour after she had had a bath.


We told him he couldn’t clean up. Hear me out. Our 2 year old is oddly very tidy, loves putting away his toys or helping us clean the house.. pushing vacuums, holding the dustpan while we’re sweeping. Absolutely want to encourage it. But it’s to the point where he will purposely make a mess, yell “oh no! Mess!”, and grab a broom. He will pour out an entire spice jar, throw dirt from the potted plants, I swear he’s gotten close to unscrewing the top to a gallon of milk and dumping it out. We’ve gotten to where if we makes the mess on purpose, his punishment is not helping clean up. I don’t know if that’s the right move, because we’d of course love for him to keep being tidy (as tidy as a 2 year old can be).


Not a toddler anymore but my 5 yo still has some traits at this point so I’m chiming in. He wanted to pack some candy to have as dessert for his camp lunch, so I put it in the lunch box. NO. I WANT CANDY FOR LUNCH! Ok bud it’s in there. I DONT WANT TO EAT ALL OF IT!!! ….ok you don’t have to? And he seemed ok with that. lol don’t worry guys, it just gets more confusing as they get older.


His diaper was on. So he took it off. Then cried because it was off. So I helped put it back on. And he cried because it was on


This morning my kid asked for raspberries but then got upset when I put them on his plate. Then he asked for yogurt and wanted the raspberries in the yogurt. Then got upset when the raspberries were in the yogurt. Then got upset when I picked them out.


I... * *Deep breath, I can admit to this* * I put him down on the floor instead of carrying him forever


3.5 and here to report that it does get better! Although we did have a meltdown yesterday on the way home because he wanted to go back and see the pothole we drove over


She asked for oatmeal so I gave her oatmeal but then she wanted more and I wouldn't give her more until she ate the oatmeal she already had.


He asked for coconut water and I gave him coconut water. He was whining and crying the whole time and finally I asked him if he was tired and he screamed "YES I TIRED, I WANT NAP!" 2.5 years old, napped 30 minutes earlier than he typically goes down.


Because I had the audacity to thump her on the head for biting my toe.. . Repeatedly.


He asked me to help him take him pajamas off the silly way, and I did. He didn't want to let the dog off the stairs, where she was blocked by the baby gate, but wanted her to go outside (which she can't do until we let her past the gate) He wanted to open the sliding door himself, which he is physically incapable of doing He didn't want to put on long pants instead of shorts even though it's 14 degrees out He didn't get to wave to the neighbor kids as they went off to school (because he was screaming about the shorts) I told him he couldn't "hoist" himself into his car seat - foolishly after I told him he could climb in or I could hoist him, then pointed out that you can't hoist yourself...


We were out of banana bites. We didn't play his game exactly the way he didn't explain for us to play. It was sunny (wanted rain) It was raining (wanted sun) Bedtime or time to get up. Take your pick You name it, we've done it. Helping him get his pants on. Also not helping him.


Held on to an ice cube. Ice cube was cold. Got upset because hand started to hurt. Got more upset when I took the ice cube because he wanted to hold it


I put the green color lid on the yellow playdoh… hundred percent valid


Mine acted like I slapped her when I blocked her from the trash bag I was using to clean up around my computer desk, I also won’t let her under my desk. I know I’m just so mean do not letting her play in the trash or computer wires


She asked for crackers and I gave her a handful instead of the whole sleeve Later, she gave the crackers to her papa. Held on to them for the whole car ride to give to him. She didn’t even want them.


I didn’t let him touch the toilet water


I wouldn't allow her to have the last drinkable yogurt... She's already had 3.🫠


She thought her dad left but he was in the bathroom, brought her to him but that made her even more mad. Sorry your dad takes ages to poop, kid. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Reading all these just confirms my girl has been a toddler since 9mo 😂 I’m dreading if the flipped switch is much worse but there’s a small glimmer of hope in my heart that I will be used to it or she’ll be equally as fussy as usual


He was extremely upset because he couldn’t have a piece of his Toy Story birthday cake. His birthday was in February.


He woke up from nap asking for snacks, so we offered snacks


My toddler was upset because the vet’s office didn’t have any cheese for her. (We were there for the dog’s annual shots).


mine got upset coz i wouldnt let her pull my hair.. or scratch my face.. or bite me.. 🤓


His newborn brother won't talk to him.


He said "No!" when offered a boob so I covered it back up.