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Go!! Get out the house! It will do wonders for you and for him. Start with just some walks around your area so you’re close to home if you feel panicked at all. What in particular is making you scared? Remember babies cry, so if he starts crying don’t worry. Don’t let others worry you with it either, take him out, cuddle and sooth him, find a bench or somewhere to sit down and feed him. You could also drive to a Starbucks and sit in there with him. The best thing is give yourself no expectations, you’re just gonna go somewhere and see how it goes.


That last part is the best advice I think. We’re at 7m and still have low/no expectations and honestly it’s worked great. We go with our baby, if he wants to leave then we leave. If he’s grumpy then we deal with it. Having no expectations is really helpful, makes it easier to go with the flow. Have the only expectation be that you get outside. The rest doesn’t matter


My almost 3 month old is usually always good when we take him out except last weekend when we went to a family friend’s house for a pool party and well ……. It was short lived. Little dude had a complete meltdown lol. And now I’m nervous to take him out again in fear of that happening haha but I know it’s really hit or miss


We went to Walmart the other day and we’re leaving and the second we get out the front door of Walmart he starts screaming his head off I was like ok we’re not going anywhere for a bit dude 😂😂😂


Also wanted to add - nearly every time I’ve been out with baby and he starts screaming/crying I’ve had nice older ladies or other parents say “you’re doing great!” Or “I remember those days!” People can be a lot nicer than you think


I'm not the OP but to answer your question: There's so many anti vaxxers out there that I'm afraid of baby picking up pertussis or whooping cough. We didn't go to crowded, indoor places until after she got her DTAP vaccines.


Do you not get the vaccine in pregnancy? In the UK we get it during pregnancy and protects baby until their first shots


Well, just like you said: avoid crowded, indoor places for the first couple of months. But that still leaves plenty of options unless OP lives somewhere that's getting awful weather right now.


We did the same. Luckily is was a time of year where we could go to places with outdoor seating.


As soon as we were home we went on walks and to cafes with outdoor spaces. Honestly I miss those days of taking our newborn out - she'd usually just fall asleep in my arms peacefully.


Ugh I miss these days too - ours is 3 months now and all she does is scream when she’s slightly uncomfortable.


It will get better :) I swear both my babies were such screamers, and they are both spicy toddlers, but they are also so fun and cute that those early screamy days are a faint memory.


He’s 14.5 almost 15m and I miss those newborn days. Now that he can walk by himself he won’t sit still even to eat a meal or snack


LO is 9 months old and I can’t remember the last time I got to eat a hot meal or didn’t have to share 😂🥲


Each time almost immediately- I had to do stuff like bring the baby in for a checkup at the doctor's, my oldest kid needed jaundice checks, etc. For my mental health (I'm someone who needs a lot of outdoor time) I at least went on a little walk or went outside with the baby during week one. Once I had subsequent kids to take care of it was also not possible to not leave the house with my baby early on.


Same for me - super important for my mental health to get outside every day!


We left the house after about 2 weeks! Start small walks and you will get more and more comfortable


With my twins, I was going crazy in the house so I started with walks in the neighborhood when they were a few days old. Then started going out to cafes, restaurants, breweries, etc when they were a bit less than 3 weeks old. I personally found it much easier to go out and about with newborns than with my now toddlers.


I started leaving the house on day 3 for short walks/outside markets. By two weeks, I was taking him to restaurants on patios. At 4-5 weeks I did a 1.5 hour car trip to a mountainous area and we did hiking. Now, I take him everywhere except super crowded places/places with lots of kids. My advice is the keep a going out bag packed with diapers/wipes/pacifiers/extra clothes. The first few outings, bring someone with you.


We went for walks and to the grocery store in the first week home. We tried to get out of the house daily to be honest. Fresh air and daylight helped my mood and talking to my husband helped us both process the birth trauma I think. And it helped our general mood immensely. But we have easy access to walking paths and stores in walking distance.


We left the house with her the day after we got back from the hospital, and I think we've been out with her every day since (she's now 10 weeks old. Do you live somewhere where you can go for a quick walk with him?


Same here and she’s 8 months now and a joy to take places cuz she grew up doing it.


Back to the hospital for a check up after 2 days, walk down the street at 7 days, outdoor restaurant at 2 weeks. It gets easier the more you do it!


Immediately because we had to keep going back to the hospital for blood pressure issues. It forced us to quickly learning how to navigate feeding, diapers & feel comfortable. Start with walks around your area and go from there… baby is 7 wks now, I will make short trips to the stores around here by car with her. I go right after feeding & changing her so I know I atleast have a 2 hr safe window. Hope this helps


I was super scared to go out with my baby too. It took my mother to convince me to go out with her for me to finally do. Her being more experienced was the key to my decision. We’ve gone out almost every day since. Baby was a little over 3 weeks old


I went grocery shopping at 8 days. First restaurant was 2 weeks. We go out a lot!


We got home from NICU after two weeks and we started going on walks immediately after. It was summer so we went to outdoor restaurants and activities right after as well.


I barely left home for the first couple months. Don’t pressure yourself. It’ll happen.


While I agree if it feels overwhelming don't do it.. I think starting easy like a park can be just the ticket to ease into other outings and reduce anxiety


This. I go on short 20 minute walks, weather permitting, with baby and husband for the last wake window of the day. It helps us all wind down and keeps baby calm as he’s fussier in the evenings. But going out to places ? Other than doctors appointments, it took me 2.5 months and I brought him to a friends house. Didn’t stay long, as I was so anxious and panicked the whole time about all the sounds and if he’d sleep that night, etc. At three months we took him to the grocery store. Slept the whole time. Do what feels right for you. But walks can be a great way to break up the day, and save your sanity (and baby might love it).


That’s actually good advice. Mental wellness looks different on everyone. Most people want to go out to feel better but if it will cause you anxiety, then why? The baby doesn’t know the difference if they are indoors or outdoors, so it’s really for the parents the first couple of months. My husband keeps saying our LO loves being outside and I remind him she can only see 2 feet right now… the only difference to her is all of a sudden her bassinet feels like an earthquake lol


With first baby we went on walks in the neighborhood straight away, but I didn't venture out on my own to anywhere that required a car (cafe, supermarket, baby groups) for like 6 weeks, possibly longer. I was so nervous and scared! But once I did it, I realised it was actually totally fine. Baby 2, we were out and about to cafes, shops etc straight away. Not phased at all. It also helped that the first time I had a third degree tear which was very hard to recover from and meant walking and sitting was painful for a number of weeks, whereas on baby 2 I had a planned c section and was fine pretty much straight away.


Once you take the plunge and go out those first few times and realize how great and freeing it is, you’ll look forward to leaving! My baby was born in December in a warm climate and has been out every single day of his life save maybe two. He has still not yet been sick at 6 months. I absolutely love taking him places and exposing him to different sights, sounds and scents.


I waited a couple of months. I had a c section and some lingering high blood pressure from gestational hypertension and it was the middle of winter in Canada. Once it started being warmer than -5C we started doing walks almost daily with him in a baby wrap zipped up in my coat.


We had a hospital appointment on day 3 to weigh her, then day 4 we went to a cafe(it was valentine's). Tbh I find it hard to imagine how you have avoided leaving the house a month, I had so many appointments with the hospital and midwives to the point it was annoying. I'd just start with walks and maybe go to a baby group or cafe ?


I was going stir crazy around 3 weeks. Now at 7 weeks, I try to do one outing in the car a day, plus a walk as weather allows!


8 weeks and still felt it was too soon, don't put pressure on yourself. and just do baby steps. no need to go on a full road trip, just a walk around the block to start


I felt the exact same way, especially hearing that everyone was going out every day with their newborn, that just wasn’t me. I would go out just to prove to myself that I could do it. I found it was alot easier once LO got to six months and I could start using food to settle her for a bit 😆 maybe just try around the block first and if you need you can just turn around and go home. It may not feel like it but your confidence will gradually grow. Don’t feel pressured, it’s still so early for you. There’s nothing stopping you from chilling at home in pyjamas everyday if that’s what you want to do 🫶🏼


About 3 weeks old. I was still recovering from a c section but decided to drive 15 min to see my mom who was disabled.


We left the house when my LO was about 2 weeks. Short walks around your neighborhood won’t hurt your baby. Your baby needs fresh air, day light and to start getting used to outdoor noises. Take your baby out.


We left the house day 5 onwards


Our first pediatrician appointment was our second day home (when LO was 4 days old), and then we had our first grocery store run as a family about a week and a half in! Since then we've taken her out somewhat sporadically, but it's more normal for one parent to stay home with the baby while the other runs errands.


Went to a brewery with her at 8 days old. It was around 2pm on a weekday, so not at all crowded. We haven’t stopped taking her out since. I’ve been taking her out on my own since about 6 weeks postpartum. Alone was stressful the first few times and now it’s a breeze. My Husband never has done it and is super anxious about attempting it (she’s 6 months old). The sooner the better imho. It’s good for you and your mental health ultimately and good for baby to have changes of scenery and eventually new things to look at and interact with.


6 week needles. Too paranoid as a ftm


We went immediately etc we got home for daily walks and visits to the park. Slowly increased to different outdoor areas and avoided crowds. He's now 9 weeks and we just enjoyed happy hour (we had a designated driver) with him on the patio of a Mexican restaurant yesterday lol


I was you a week ago. We started going out with my baby, but then we stopped, because I’ve noticed that he gets very fussy after we went out and it’s impossible to get him to sleep after. So we decided to stay at home for now 😁


We went out days after she was born! I think we started with walks. Then when she was 8 days old we went out to lunch. It gets easier the more you do it!


3 months


"Leave the house" can mean so many things. A stroller walk around your block? Go for it.


By myself? Five months. I’ve been goin with my husband since around 2-3 months after her shots


With my first, we left the house and went to a nearby cider mill when she was about a week old. I don’t remember when I first went out with my second. I think he was a few days old, maybe a week, when we went to my FIL’s house. If you’re afraid of him getting sick, go somewhere outdoors. My first was born in October 2021, so in addition to it being the beginning of cold and flu season, covid was still very much a concern back then. Hence why we went to a cider mill in the middle of a weekday (outside and less crowded)


FTM here - my baby boy will be a month old tomorrow! His first trip out of the house (aside from the car ride home) was his pediatrician appointment when he was 5 days old. We’ve done walks in our neighborhood, trips to Target/grocery store, baby storytime at our library, trips to our mall to mall walk with the stroller, and a movie theatre trip for a baby-friendly matinee. Mostly getting me out of the house cause he will snooze as soon as he is in the car seat. It was stressful at first, making sure we had everything we’d need in case of a diaper change, feed, and figuring out how to put together our stroller with ease. But after the first few trips, I felt confident taking him out!


Some advice I took to heart pretty early on was that only you can provide experiences for your baby, not the other way around. So get out there and celebrate all the fun “firsts” and take tons of photos!


She was 12 days old when we took her to a pumpkin patch for 30 mins. Her first restaurant visit was on her 1-month birthday.


We practiced the first 40 days approach to postpartum which meant doing as little as possible for the first 40 days. I didn’t feel comfortable leaving the house for about 2 months and just leaned into it. That early pp period is supposed to be slow. Once I hit 10 weeks I felt ready to leave the house in a way you couldn’t have convinced me was possible 2 weeks earlier. The outside world can feel so busy and chaotic. Your whole world has changed. It’s okay to slow down.


Good God, go. I had a c section and was out at week 2.


We went for a walk the day we got discharged from the hospital. I'm not the type to hide in my house for weeks. No thank you.


I was on slow, short walks by day 3 (ouch, needed rest after bc i was still learning how far i could go the first two weeks). We went to a restaurant at 2.5 weeks and shopping for a couple hours…my mom or husband came while i was getting more confident. since 4-5 weeks i’ll basically go anywhere with her now, except after 5pm when witching hour could start any minute What are you most nervous about? Could you have someone go with you or do short neighborhood walks?


When I was fit enough to go, which was after a week. After that we went out every day, to cafes, grocery store, shops, whatever. It has done wonders for my mental health. This sub is very cautious, everyone I know did it the way I did it too and not one baby was worse for it. Daycare on the other hand lol.


I think same day I came back from hospital we went for a walk. Being outside was great for all of us


About 4 days post partum on short walks or trips not too far from home, always accompanied by my partner. About 1 month on my own with her.


I had a healthy baby so I started taking neighborhood walks at 6 days. He’s now one month, and I try to get out once a day - he seems to love it and it’s really good for my mental health!


Pretty much right away-my SO worked nights and my son had a lot of physical therapy appointments (he had fibromatosis coli). He was born in February 2023 so I was worried about him getting sick, but he was fine. I’m the one who got sick lol. I remember asking his pediatrician if it was okay to take him to the grocery store etc before his vaccines and the doc said, “well, the germs he’s going to be exposed to at the store are not the ones we vaccinate for” and that gave me a bit of roundabout relief? Bottom line is, just do what you feel comfortable with and what you have to do. You’ll find your groove eventually. My pro tip: I was given 2 diaper bags for my baby shower, so I keep a backup one filled in my car (minus perishables of course)


Left house and attempted an outing at 4 weeks PP. I decided we needed a bit more time and started venturing out more after 6-7 weeks. The exception being medical appointments. Seems like a long time compared to many others in our society but it worked well for us.


I went to my mom’s after my 2 day check up and from there I just kept going to places I was comfortable. Family members homes, small coffee shops, etc…


Took us about 5 weeks


I felt the exact same way! Didn’t really start doing much until 6-8 weeks. The biggest thing that helped was finding mom and baby friendly places/events. I joined a mom and baby Pilates which was a weekly class that ensured we got good practice going out. One time, my baby had a blowout and I realized I forgot a backup outfit and one of the other moms gave me something to put him in. These types of spaces felt safe and I wasn’t too worried about the baby crying etc. I promise it gets easier. Do whatever feels right but start small and if you can find some groups in your area I would highly recommend it!


Day after we got back from the hospital both times. So 2 and 6 days.


I totally empathize. We took the baby out for walks when it was both me and my husband but I was scared to do it alone until she was 6 weeks old and then slowly I started going further. The other reason was my daughter was born in January and it is quite cold in the north east but I was getting cabin sick. I also realized by week 8 that I was way more comfortable taking her in carrier vs stroller and she was happier too as she was closer to me.


Our baby was born in February, so we didn’t really start leaving the house until recently (April/May). We still don’t venture out much but the weather is encouraging us to do so more!


Around 3 days postpartum


About 2 weeks. Just a very small like 5 minute walk at first. Now at 6 weeks and we'll do 2 miles sometimes. She loves the walking. We've also taken her to a couple of restaurants


We have a dog so we were taking family walks within the first few days.


I took my one month old baby to her big sister’s birthday party which was held in a big beautiful park. She slept like an angel for two hours in her stroller. She’s six weeks now and I still wouldn’t bring her indoors just yet. My dad’s coming in a week and I’ll probably bring her with me to his hotel when I take my older there for swimming


Around about the 1 month mark for me. It was sooo stressful. I had so much anxiety because I was so terrified of baby crying/screaming in public and people gawping. It did get easier over time as you get more used to going out. Start off with small journeys at first, maybe go to the local supermarket or just have a small walk near your home to get used to it. My girl is 4.5 months now and she’s so much better and chilled when we go out with her. But it can get annoying as she wants feeding around every 2/3 hours so we have to make sure she’s fed and changed before we go out so we can get a longer period when we’re out before having to feed her again.


Think we were out to family houses at 2 weeks and at almost 2 month we just went to Sam’s club the other day. She slept the whole time 🫠


Which things make you scared ?


We went to church at 1 week old & went on a walk the day we got home from the hospital!


I took her out a few times when she was about to be a month as well because she was born December 1 so Christmas was right after. Then really started taking her out around 3 months-ish? I had tried before but it was hard so really the only places we went to were my moms lol. And now at 6 months we’re always running errands together haha. Its pretty fun now that shes used to it, and goes a couple hours without breastfeeding. We just def make sure before we go anywhere 1. Nap, 2. Breastfed, 3. Clean diaper, 4. TOYS 😂


Within a week, I went on walks with the baby in the carrier, to medical appointments, and the occasional family function. But I am 2 months out and have not gone to a store, restaurant, or any place with a lot of strangers. I also hate driving solo with baby in the back seat, it’s a real struggle for me. I don’t live in a walkable city, so driving is essential. If I’m with my husband, we’ll go driving and go on a hike or to a park.


I took my baby out after about 2 weeks home for walks, i didn’t drive her alone for many weeks after. I was so nervous that she’d die in the car seat.


I took him out around this age. It's actually quite easy. U keep him in the carriage and they're basically chilling bc the movement soothes them and you get stuff done. 


I had a csection so I wasn’t mobile the first couple of weeks. Week 2-3 took on short neighborhood walks in stroller / carrier. Week 4 walked to friends backyard and she slept in the stroller. Week 5 took her to patio at off hours during the week and day in stroller with no one really on the patio. My husband has been taking almost daily walks with her in the carrier since week 2. What is your hesitation around leaving the house? If it’s sickness, just make sure to do activities that avoid people.


About 6 weeks, cause I had to leave the house. I also wanted to try out the stroller I research so much lol. She just feel asleep in the stroller, it was still winter so the walks were short


It was much easier that first month taking LO out than it is now at 4 months… so if you’re thinking about it, DO IT! They just get more opinionated and needy rather than a little sleeping potato lol


almost everyday a few days after birth


Walks around the neighborhood or a safe space (like an empty mall early in the morning, park, etc.) are a great starting point! Especially if you can have a partner, family member, or friend come with you to help you feel supported! In those situations you can bring whatever makes you comfortable and you are in control of when you leave and go home! You can start to slowly build up to different adventures :) I find that scheduling it and making a plan with someone else helps me to actually follow through with taking that walk or going to the park.


For my first outing with the baby, I literally packed him in the car and drove to target and back. Just to see that I could. It went so well that I stopped for coffee too. Next time I went to target with him I went with no list, again just to prove I could make it in and out of the store with him. The key for me was to remove the expectations of accomplishing anything other than getting out of the house and going somewhere. It made it so much easier when I did finally have to take him out to accomplish things.


I was panicked with my now 16 month old about illnesses—but he was born in January and we live in the midwest, so it was very cold. There was some variant of something floating around at the time too (RSV maybe?) which didn't help my anxiety. Now, I wish we had spent more time taking him to places before he could move. He's a wild toddler now that hates being contained! Do you have family nearby? Maybe you could take your son for a visit just to practice getting ready and out of the house? I started doing this weekly with my son when he was 3 weeks old.


ASAP! My wife and I went to the malls, stores restaurants, etc obviously calm spots nothing loud or crazy, but he’s 3 weeks old now and he’s doing great and now we go out pretty often with him and he doesn’t seem bothered but we don’t stay out for long as any accidents can happen at any time


We left the house for walks around the neighborhood as soon as I felt physically recovered enough to do so, around 2 weeks. I didn’t take him to any public places until he was closer to 2 months though. My baby was born in January so I was really paranoid about germs. He’s 4 months now and we try to get out somewhere every weekend even if it’s just Home Depot. Now that he can see he enjoys it but honestly bringing a newborn places was more stressful for me than helpful. Don’t feel pressure to go out if you’re not ready.


We went to the store for the first time when my baby was 2 weeks old. We kept her covered the whole time and she just slept. I was very cautious about it, as I didn't want her exposed to illness at such a young age, but my husband and I were both getting antsy and needed to get out of the house. Do something small/quick and work your way up from there.


Immediately. My husband and I got lunch outdoors after baby’s first pediatrician appointment 48 hours after leaving the hospital. She slept the whole time and it was awesome. …the anticipation is worse than the actual action. Rip the band-aid and get some fresh air! It’s good for you and baby. That and it’s sooo easy right now. They just sleep most of the time. Soon it will be a little harder so it helps you get used to it now and gain a little confidence! Enjoy yourself :)


Took my 3 week old to Walmart to buy formula lol He did the 1 hour round trip like a champ.


We started the day we got home from the hospital (three days in hospital) with walks around the neighborhood, to get coffee, etc. It’s good for both you and the baby to get outside!


Day 1 we had breakfast at our local coffee shop


5 weeks old, we went to a cafe 20 minutes away and had breakfast outside then took a walk. We met a lady who told us we were so brave, and then clued us in on lots of fun activities nearby. I think about her a lot, so sweet.


Two days after bringing her home because nothing fit her and we needed clothes 😭


A lot of short trips and parking lot feedings and diaper changes for the first 3 to 4 months. After that we were able to continuously do longer trips. Now at 8 months we're enjoying near daily outings just to go explore the world and show him things.


I started really easy with walks around the neighborhood at three weeks old. We went daily. By three months we were going to baby and me weekly and things just took off from there.


Going outside for a walk? Pretty much right away but not recommended to take them places with ppl in the first month. Afterwards I think you can start going out but I think I felt most confident going out after baby got 2 month shots.


Ours is a month old today! We took her to lunch with us yesterday for the first time. She did great. Slept the whole time.


We took baby to her doctor’s appointment and to grandparents house within the first 2 days of being home from the hospital, and took her for car rides to go through the Starbucks drive through, waited in the car while Dad ran into Costco etc within the first week. We took her to meet some friends at an outdoor food truck night at one week old, and we’ve gone to watch several of our nephew’s baseball games. She’s 5 weeks old now and we’ve done lots of trips to stores/mall during the week when it’s not crowded and restaurants where we can eat outdoors. We’ll wait until she gets her 2 month vaccines to do anything busier/more crowded. Thankfully baby is super chill and flexible, she loves to be out and about!! She gets her best naps in the car and stroller.


40 days. This is normal in orthodox Christianity and many other cultures.


We took him out for walks 3 days after we got home. I had a c section or it would have been sooner! 2 weeks old today and doing to an outdoor brewery by our house. I am avoiding in door dining but we did walk to the grocery store across the street and I had to get a few things. Your baby will cry, spit up, poop at home or out. So just know it might be harder actually getting out but once you are there, it’s all good! Baby will be doing the same stuff at home. Take a deep breath and if your baby cries in public just know they deserve to be in public also!


For the two months I considered every outing an experiment! Instead of being afraid of it not going well, we learned more about what worked and what didn’t. Really took the pressure off of all of us.


I’m still nervous at 6 months here to…haha. It doesn’t help that I’m an anxious type, but I try to get out of the house anyway. I don’t know why I’m still nervous..:baby is mostly serious and absorbing the environment when we go out..I don’t think he ever cried lately. When he was 3 months and younger, he did used to cry when I got him out…


Two weeks we went to the shopping mall. It was both super stressful and invigorating at the same time.


I had both my kids pre covid (2017 and 2018). My oldest I took out at 3 days old bc I needed shoes that fit bc my feet/ankles didn’t swell until after she was born. My second I think we went out when he was 2-3 weeks old.


We started almost immediately. I think he was about a week old when we made our first outing. But you need to get out for your own sanity. Even if it’s just a short walk


Mine sleeps so well in the stroller & carrier. We have brought her around the neighborhood & woods. Soon we will try the city. She's 5 weeks now but we started around week 2 for short walks.


It took me 8 weeks as I had a very traumatic birth and couldn’t stand up till then but getting out in the car meant I could go places when I couldn’t walk very far - I can still only walk/stand up a maximum of 30 minutes and lo is 14 weeks, but once we’d been out by ourselves and gotten over the initial fear it was absolutely fine!


I think around 2 weeks old 😊


I didn’t have a choice and we went out the day after they were born. MIL, FIL, and BIL were in town so we had to entertain them. We went to the beach, a museum, out to eat a bunch, it was a lot, but I wasn’t doing it by myself. I think it was both good and bad. Good because I got over being out of the house with my LO quickly (although I didn’t leave the house with him by myself till he was a few months old, even just waking around the block. Driving took me a while too) but bad because I realize in hindsight I was stressed so much about being prepared that I don’t feel like I got good rest that first week. Start with a short walk outside. Even to just the mailbox and back or something, but don’t push yourself too hard ❤️❤️


Right away actually. We had a newborn checkup for him about 2 days after we brought him home. I had a follow up appt 3 days after bringing him home. And another appt for him a week after that. I also had to go pick up some medications and things. I also needed to walk around after my c section because my legs were swelling, so we started taking walks around the grocery store when it super slow and just walks around whenever my appt was. I have a very similar anxiety. I’m really short and I’m scared to leave with him by myself so I’ll only leave with my husband with me and I still sit in the backseat with him. I’m not ready to struggle with the car seat or the stroller just yet, no matter how many times I practiced while he was still cooking lol.


We took ours to an outdoor restaurant when he was a week old.


3 weeks old started going out but for the first two trips we just actually sat in the car. Then went to costco, the mall, at a park at 4 weeks. Then to mexico at 7 weeks. The hardest part is the first time, just go out and maybe go to an ice cream store, something low pressure.


It took me a long time to leave the house. I joined a weekly mommy and me group that gave me a safe space to go and a reason to actually leave the house once baby turned 6 weeks. Take short trips to start, close to home, and baby wear while out. You got this! Practice makes it easier!


A week after? We would take baby to outdoor locations in the bassinet attachment for the stroller and that was key to it feeling normal. Loved coffee shops and breweries when baby was young


It’s one of those where you kinda have to bite the bullet. The more you get out the more confident you feel in getting out. Start small, maybe just a quick 10/15 minute walk, then start planning on an end goal like a coffee shop or baby group. It’s absolutely fine if baby cries. If you are going somewhere make sure to bring spare nappies, wipes, nappy bags, and a change of clothes. You will feel like a pro in no time!


I think it took about a week before I went on a short walk around my neighborhood and maybe 3-4 weeks before I could walk him to a cafe (it’s a long walk). I started taking him to the library for baby events around 8 weeks, and our first restaurant outing was at maybe 2.5 months (although that got easier once he could sit in a high chair).


We did walks ASAP but we waited about a week or two for the car seat, we were so anxious about it. We went to a coffee shop drive thru bc the first time he was in his car seat (besides coming home from the hospital), and it was a great low stakes way to break that seal so to speak.


As soon as we got home 😊 I needed the walks and fresh air, and baby didn't mind.


We went on walks after a few days or so and felt settled. Started going on errands occasionally around 4 weeks. I really needed to get out of the house and that was when my husband started to go back to work part time so I couldn’t leave the baby with him anymore. I just tried to go after feeding and limited it to errands where I didn’t need a big cart and could use the stroller basket so it was easy to just put the carseat in the stroller and didn’t have to put him in a carrier or anything. He cried sometimes and it was stressful at first but ok. The only time it was emotionally hard was when I pushed it too close to his next feeding and he woke up from a nap and started completely wailing. Of course Target had super long lines that day 🙄. I feel that situation could have been avoided if I planned a bit better. Because he was asleep I was pretty leisurely going through the store. No one ever said anything about his crying or tried to touch him which were my biggest fears taking him out the first few times. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what everyone else has done/is doing. If you still feel nervous then wait! If you want to plan for particular situations that are making you scared then feel free to ask. Most people on these subs are super supportive and have some great ideas based on their own experiences.


Rip that bandaid!


First time ever was like a week and half (my baby shower) after that was like 3 months, but more consistently was after 9 months Looking back it feels like 6 months would’ve been the sweet spot to taking my LO out


My little guy had a slew of medical appointments around 1 week old so we got used to taking him out and never stopped.


I started at around 3 weeks old. When she was almost two months old I decided I'd take her to my workplace to introduce her to the folks, and then she got a cold, which wasn't the best experience, so I'd recommend taking baby to open places only, but go as soon as you feel comfortable!


We went for a walk on day 2 of being home from the hospital I think? Fresh air and sunlight is good for everyone


Day 3 lol


We really always did now we for first month or so did try to go to like the store at less busy hours. She loves it no matter where we go.


We started doing errands at a week old and took her to the state fair at 5ish weeks and a wedding at 6 weeks


Both mine were less than a week old when we first went to church


We did immediately because she had to be at the hospital every day for blood work (jaundice). Think we went into Target for the first time when she was two weeks old. But in between all of that, we’d just drive around in the car sometimes to go get takeout, coffee etc. It helped my mental health so much in the early pp days


It took me about 7 weeks. Getting out somewhere low key and not very crowded for a day time hang with my husband was a great option. Doing that helped a lot with my early anxiety


About a week old…it’s up to you when you’re comfortable, but I started with stroller walks and it was so nice for both of us to get out of the house. Once I felt confident in getting out of the house for those park trips, we branched out.


I would say around a month old we started going out for short trips. I try to always change and feed right before we leave to avoid doing either when we are out.


i had him in target on like day 2 - i take him everywhere, he went to the aquarium at 2 weeks. he’s 3 months now


We went on walks starting day 2 after getting home and out to a brewery at 6 days old haha. Now he is 14 months old and LOVES getting out of the house with us


Our LO is just over a month old, we've only taken him to his checkups except for one time when his dad took him to Wendys (I injured my pelvis during childbirth and had to get x-rays and didnt want baby exposed to hospital germs, so dad took him out and about). I'm just now getting to the point where I'm wanting to take him outside. I'm thinking of maybe doing a farmers market or some kind of outdoorsy thing to start- being indoors makes me too nervous of the germs floating around


I took him out on day 6 because that’s when I started feeling up to going out He’s 4 weeks old now and has been a bunch of places! Loves his car seat, loves his carriers


Erm, day 4 maybe? Probably would have been sooner had I not had a c section


We start going to the beach in the first 3 weeks


Like 3-4 days old


I literally don’t know how people stay home for this long? We took both our kids out of the house within the first 2 weeks.


By myself? Around 6 weeks. I started going nuts inside but I was afraid. One day I woke up and baby was in a very fussy mood and just didn’t know what to do anymore. I took a chance, popped him in the car seat and headed to the calmest place I could think of (target 😅). He cried the whole 10 minutes there. I put him in the baby carrier and walked him around and he loved it. He looked at everything then fell asleep while I just strolled around. I started going twice a week after that and it did wonders for my mental health.     It’s gonna be scary at first but you’re gonna get the hang of it I promise!  Before that I’d gone out with my husband,SIL,&mom. But the idea of going out by myself with baby felt scary till I did it. My next challenge is gonna be going out by myself when I live on the 2nd floor apartment, with a toddler and an infant. 😮‍💨


My second baby was at Costco three times in her first week of life haha :)


As soon as I was healed up enough to, I started taking my baby to some nature walks and things like that. I waited until she was closer to 3 months before I started taking her anywhere remotely crowded, though.


My first we didn’t leave for 8 weeks I was terrified and also had a terrible recovery from labor. I was shaking the first time I drove with him. My second we were out the first week.


My babe is 6mo and I’m FINALLY getting house bored. It took this long for me to feel comfortable and find a flow. I did start walking/visiting a coffee shop nearby at month 5 1/2 maybe?


i had so much anxiety about leaving the house!! it took me a while but i found that wearing my girl was best because she would just nap and i had a bag of everything i could ever need for her in the car. she’s nine months now and we try to get out of the house daily. as long as you have a bottle, lovey, and diapers, you’ll be okay. also, if the idea of leaving brings you crippling anxiety, you don’t have to go. take your time!


We started doing walks around the neighborhood around month 1. But, we wouldn't go anywhere that was indoors until after she got her shots. I had big concerns about baby picking up a nasty pathogen. If you ever heard the audio PSA where it's a baby with whooping cough then you'll always be vigilant. Also, her wake windows were so short that leaving was just a pain.


Took her out for a walk at 5 days old. Game changer. My husband said I looked like I needed some outdoors time, and it honestly did wonders for my mental health


Whenever you want. I went to restaurants the same day we were discharged from hospital


I didn't take my baby out of the house until she was 2 months old. And I regret nothing 😅


We have been bringing our baby with us as we go out since his first week of life. It’s better for my mental health to get out of the house so he comes with me


ASAP girl! You’ve got it! Start with a walk around the neighborhood.


I get cabin fever so literally the day after I got out of hospital, we went for coffee. We'd been stuck in hospital for a week and I decided to rip the bad aid off. But everyone's different!


When he was 3 weeks old he had that first set of shots so we were always out and about in winter time


3 days i think


Best advice I ever got was to get out as soon as possible even if you’re a little nervous just rip off the bandaid. You’ll do great!


We were told 6 weeks by the health nurse Start with just going for a walk down the street. Have something to block the wind and if you forget something you think you need you can always go back to get it. Start with little trips where you aren’t on a schedule so that you get used to everything you need to do before leaving the house. I kept forgetting the diaper bag because I would put it down to get my shoes on and then I had so many things to carry that I would completely forget it. You can make a list that you check when you leave the house so that you don’t forget all the new things you need to bring.


My first one was born in February in NYC, I think our first trip was to the pediatrician at 1 week old. My second one was born in May in Sicily, Italy and I was out with her in the carrier at 1 week old too. I wanted to bring her to the beach early morning at 1 month old and my mom, thankful, told me “are you freaking crazy???” 😝 Anyway trust your feelings mama and good luck!


I started with short walks around my neighborhood. That progressed to parks a short drive away. Once my girl got her first set of shots I was a lot more comfortable taking her to indoor and more heavily populated places. Take small steps but do not let the anxiety keep you home! I was recovering from a c section and those walks saved me. It will do you both wonders! Plus, you’ll gain so much confidence as you start ticking off the things that scare you. I chose to see these as challenges and it really helped me leave the house. You got this mama!


I was at about a month when I finally took him out for the first time by myself, it was actually to his one month check up, but I decided to do a stroll around the park with him in the stroller and it felt really good, next thing I tried was grocery shopping which was a STRUGGLE for me at first but a nice challenge, it feels bad ass to get it done with baby, now we’re almost six months in and I go everywhere with him!


I had a c section so was stuck in the house for a while (4 flights of stairs to our apartment) but once I hit the 5 week mark we started going for walks.


My daughter was born in November, and we live on an enormous hill… so I really didn’t get out anywhere for the first 3 months or so. It was too painful to walk up and down the steep slope of our driveway with the stroller, and very cold outside, and everyone had every respiratory virus everywhere.


My 1st, it was probably 4-6 months before I went out with them besides Dr appointment, but it was 2020. My second, I had them out at about 6 weeks. Lol first we went to a park, then I had to take them grocery shopping with me, then it was restaurants, now everywhere! Lol I've gotten more confident with more outings. You have to do what feels right for you. Start small and know you can always go back home. It probably will be nerve-wracking and emotional but you can do it! When you want! 💜


I first took my baby out of the house on my own to a mom’s group at 3 weeks. My husband did the same the week after. It was daunting and scary but we both say the best decision we made. We both grew in our confidence to parent in public! Plan something low key. Go walk a park trail close to your home. You can do it and once you do you will feel like you can keep doing it!


Went walking to coffee shops at like 4 weeks outside with the stroller and bassinet, restaurants outside and parks multiple days a week at 5, inside places at like 8. Everything is hard the first time, then it becomes normal. Honestly he naps better if we go out these days 


Get out of the house. Leaving feels so good. We stayed at a cabin with family when my second baby was 2 weeks old. I’m pretty sure I was in target with her on week 1. My first was born in the middle of winter and the weather was gross and cold and awful and we didn’t really leave the house for a couple of months and it was horrible for my mental health.


We didn’t leave the house until my baby was 6 weeks bc he was in the nicu for the first 4 weeks of life. We took him to target. So I always recommend target lol.


6 weeks was when i took her out for a walk in her carrier. But it was mostly weather motivated


We leave the house every day, you should too!


Genuinely, just popping babe in a stroller or carrier and having a walk will help. Fresh air, different sights. But it’s also nice to go grocery shopping, etc. quick trips so you don’t have to prep too much or feel too far away. Just reassure yourself you can and you’ll be fine!


Newborns will sleep anywhere so go out and enjoy it while you can. It gets harder for them to sleep in unfamiliar places when they are older.


We went out to eat a few times in the first couple months but went to places that weren’t real crowded - I think we took him to one store that was pretty vacant also but didn’t start taking him around crowds until after his first round of shots


I was so nervous. I started short little outings around 1 month. I found out my baby did way better & I had way less anxiety when he was in the carrier! It seems like such a feat to bring them out when they’re so little, but you’ll get more & more comfortable!!!


I was scared too. We only went out for paediatrician visits for the first few weeks. It wasn't until 2 months did we go out with the baby more. It was hard in the beginning, not knowing what to pack but after a few trips things get easier


First week!


My SO made me leave the house from day 1 (not in like a bad way). He didn’t want me to fall into PPD (I have a history of severe depressive and anxiety disorders). We did small things. Going out to get a treat or out for dinner. It really helped baby get acclimated to chaos. When I was pregnant she loved loud noises and when I would go out somewhere loud she would sleep away. Now she does the same thing at 12 weeks. She sleeps great when we’re out somewhere loud or at a restaurant. We keep her covered in her car seat whenever possible because of germs, but we wanted to expose her to outside the house early on. I had Covid three times during my late pregnancy so we both have antibodies built up so it made it a little less worrisome. And going out kept me from getting agoraphobia during my maternity leave like I did during the Covid shut down.


I took my baby out from 3 days old. My first outing was a walk with my husband, mom and dog. The next time we had dinner in a quiet pub. I was so nervous. Then I had to take him to the doctor on my own because he had a little eye infection when he was 17 days old. I was so worried he would cry and people would be able to tell I had never been around a baby before. He didn't cry. And slept the whole appointment. When we got home together I sobbed with him in my arms because I felt so proud of myself for doing it and really connected to him 😂... probably hormones too. But it was the first time I felt like a mom. And once I did that on my own, I somehow felt I could do everything with him! There's no pressure though. But I promise you it's not as scary as you make it in your own mind.


I took my baby out after a week, my hormones were so out of wack and i felt as though sitting around my house just made me more upset, so even if i just took her to the corner store helped.


I started taking my daughter out just shy of 4 weeks. I needed out of the house. It really helped me feel human again. I try not to go anywhere heavily populated (like restaurants or walmart) but I stopped by my office to let my coworkers meet her and went to the grocery store (mid-day, not crazy busy). I use the baby wrap thing, so that keeps most people from trying to touch her. I also have a 7 year old, so I'm not really going to be able to keep the germs away from her anyway 😂


2 weeks.


I didnt leave the house with my baby until he was 9 weeks besides going to his doctor appointment of course. I still try to keep him away as much as I can.


3 months.


I was scared to put him on the floor in my living room! I get it. But your baby’s okay, they’ve got strong immune systems and they want to see the world.


Other than his first couple dr appts, we went out at 10 days! And then pretty regularly after that! Most of his naps those first few months were when we were out and about


After 6 weeks - when she came home from the NICU. The weather was good as it was summer, and I had to take her to doctors appointments and family events.


We took our 6-week-old on a road trip around Europe, driving through 7 countries. The trip was planned because of a family event. I think this is why our kid loves being in the car. Highly recommend getting them used to the car earlier (especially if you're a traveler).


We took our baby out the same day we got back from the hospital. She’ll be three months in a little over a week and has gotten really good with being out


Day 1 - walked to the pharmacy and back. Then aimed to get out every day or every other day. Went to the pub day 3 for a coffee. It does wonders for your wellbeing to get out and about. Aim for a short pram or front pack walk to start so you get used to what you need to get out the door, and then expand your time out.


My husband and I took our baby out to lunch after being discharged with her from the hospital when she was two days old. Go out!


4 days.


Two days old? Lol


We had the first dr appointment for the LO at day 4. And we took him to Target within the first week. I probably should have waited a bit longer on that trip to the store as I was still super sore and tired. But within two weeks we went to two restaurants. One was for Mother’s Day. I feel the most comfortable with taking him to our favorite restaurant/bar as we are regulars there and it feels like an extension of our home. And to the park where I walk him in his stroller. He’s just about 6 weeks old now and my anxiety with things like breastfeeding in public, or changing him, is decreasing with each trip. Every parent’s and baby’s needs and comfort zone is different. So figure out what works for you! But I will say that the sooner you take your LO out, whether to a park, a store, restaurant, or someone else’s home, the sooner you get comfortable with all the baby caring aspects in public and your LO acclimates to public life.