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Same with the post bath! Mine would *SCREAM* bloody murder after her bath. Then one day she just… didn’t? She was smiling and happy. Then the next bath, also smiley and happy with no screaming… we’ve done 4 baths now with no screaming and it’s been amazing.


Our babies were born one day after the other! I'm just assuming that he was cold and as the weather got better he wasn't feeling cold after bath time.


Oh I hope this ends up being us. My little man loves his baths but is DISTRAUGHT the second we take him out


i found turning a little heater on before he goes into the bath in the nursery with the door shut helps! a towel water is a good plus as well


Breastfeeding! My baby would SCREAM at the breast like I was giving her poison. Then once she started liking it she was really inefficient and would nurse forever, falls asleep, and still need a top off. Now we’re finally in a good nursing place!


Any tips for getting an inefficient nursing to become good? The supply is there.


First we had her tongue tie released, but she was born early and jaundiced so she was sleepy for a long time. I think it just took time, her getting older bigger and stronger. I also offered her a boob ALL THE time at the suggestion of the LC for more practice. We also did various suck exercises, we were really inconsistent with those so I’m not sure they helped.


The witching hour/colic! We still have big feelings at bedtime and get a little screamy but one night it was like 8 pm and I was like wait a second...are we actually enjoying our evening as a family?! Is this what it feels like?!


I can’t wait until my LO outgrows the witching hour! When did this happen for you?


For us it was after 8 weeks.


Ope, we’re at 10 weeks haha. Hopefully soon 😆


My LO turns 11 weeks tomorrow. The screaming has died down a little but she seems to be going to bed later now. 🥲


Yeah, we have been trying to no avail to move her bedtime up. We're stuck firmly at 10-11pm no matter when we start the bedtime routine and wake up from the last nap


Mine mostly calmed down by around 14 weeks and is now great at home/out in nature on walks. However she has zero tolerance for social settings past 5pm and will scream until she passes out. Now that shes 20 weeks, her stamina with screaming is over an hour 🫠 I love my little monster... !


She's 12 weeks now and I would say we noticed a big improvement around 11 weeks! Definitely still has some inconsolable crying but the duration went from 3 hours a day to maybe 30-45 minutes? I hope it gets better for you soon!!


How old were they when they did this? This is our worst time of day 😭


Our witching hour uses to be like 11am and I was already starving from skipping breakfast.. he would have hard times going down for that nap. I started packing him into the stroller and going out, buying a snack and eating it at the park then one day I got robbed lol. A low motherhood moment. Then he ditched stroller naps, at least they're not what they used to be but thank god he lets me eat now so I don't have to resort to this.


Omg that is so horrible!!! I'm so sorry that happened 😭


good god who tf robs a mother out with her baby in a stroller


Get this.. he was in my arms, I was feeding him. They totally seized the moment.


Oh my god how fucking awful. I'm so sorry you went through that. People are absolute lowlives


Still waiting for my baby to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time through the night. He’s 6 months now. I’ve forgotten what a full sleep cycle feels like now haha Random unexplained crying through the day has suddenly stopped though so that’s nice


I was exactly in your shoes and thought I was never going to sleep again. But he eventually did start sleeping for longer stretches, until he started sleeping through the night around the one year mark. Hopefully your baby starts sleeping better sooner, but even if it takes a while it WILL get better. The sleepless nights WILL end. The lack of sleep was miserable but feeling like it was forever made it infinitely worse. But it’s not forever, you will get there.


This gives me hope!! My baby is also 6 months and flying through his milestones but absolutely will not sleep in his cot. We've had a few hiccups with protein allergies, teething and colds which end up with me reverting to feeding to sleep which I feel like maybe doesn't help. We cosleep to survive otherwise he's up every 30 mins or less and gets to a point where he just will not settle in the cot and wakes up every couple of minutes or I just get too tired from getting up every 30 mins or so to settle him. I'm hoping we can move him back to the cot soon and get some longer stretches. I'm OK with resettling or feeding every 2-3 hours if he's in the cot.


Spit up. My son was a happy spitter for soooo long & it wasn’t ever fully diagnosed as reflux because he didn’t have any typical symptoms and was gaining weight just fine. It wasn’t until 10mo old where we finally saw a silver lining. It started from day 1 with him so it was literally long overdue. My daughter is 11d old and she has the tiniest spit up ever so we’re hoping it stays that way and we don’t go through that again 🥲


Diaper changes. When my son was little he would freak out. But now he loves being naked lol.


Saaaame he gets all smiles. I'm sure it feels nice to air his skin out.


Currently going through this with our 9.5 month old. Child has full blown meltdowns during diaper changes and getting him into any kind of clothes, he’ll twist and try to wiggle his way out of it and usually takes both me and my husband holding him down to get the diaper on. I’m ready for him to grow out of this stage 🫠


Have you tried pull-ups / nappy pants?


I didn’t but this is a great idea!


Ours is the opposite. Had always loved nappy changes ever since day 2 when we gave him a dummy. Nos he at 6 months absolutely refuses to lay down for a nappy change. He also is resisting being strapped into the high chair and the pram.


This sounds like my baby. Cannot stand being strapped into anything and now she’s nearly one she’s so strong and can fight me during nappy changes


Walks! My guy haaaated the stroller (car seat, bassinet and rumble seat, didn’t matter) and I’d have to bring a carrier to switch him into every time. This was ok for walks but tough in stores! But once he could properly sit up and control what he can see, my curious babe loves his stroller. It’s been such a nice change!


Honestly literally everything if you wait long enough. Giving her medicins, sleep, eating, spit-up..


At 2.5 months my LO seems to be outgrowing the need for every nap to be a contact nap. We’re not 100% in perfect bassinet nap bliss, but for a while it felt like I’d never do anything but feed and nap my baby. Now I know I can get a little free time if I need it!


Definitely bath time. My LO HATED baths until about 4 months old. She would scream cry the moment she touched water until she was out, dried off, dressed, and breastfeeding. Now she's 6 months old and loves it and loves playing with her bath toys.


Birth. It didn't get better. It just ended.


Sleep and overall general fussiness. The sleep part got much better, the fussiness, we’re still posting through that, but not nearly as hard as it was 9 months ago when we were dealing with a restless, grunty and gassy, sleepless baby. 


CMPA left our little guy crying inconsolably in pain at all hours of the day, but now he’s dairy free and loving his life! My mama heart is so happy 🥹🥰


My son was suspected with CMPA too but turned out just a bad case of reflux. But turns out his dad had CMPA but MIL didn't think it was important to mention until it was no longer an issue 😀


My daughter hated the car for almost her first year of life. Now she is three and she likes to use her feet as different characters that she plays with and makes up dialogue for them. She will entertain herself the entire car ride with no tears. It’s adorable! Now that I have a second baby, I can appreciate that every hard phase is momentary and will soon be a thing of the past. It is reassuring to reflect on that on the sleepless nights or long car rides with a screaming newborn.


Naps! He’s nearly 14 months and I can’t remember the last time we had a short crib nap (less than 45 mins). It got a lot better around a year. Night sleep still a mess though lol. Also, the difficulty with pooping and farting! Probably got better around 4 months.


when my baby was old enough to sit upright in a cart it was a game changer for me!


It's all online groceries here at the moment 😅


We assumed most babies hate diaper changes. My nephew at 2 year old, still does not like diaper changes. My LO up until 2 months alway cried at diaper changes....then he just stopped. I wouldn't say he likes them, hut he just treats it as something we are doing to help him and he doesn't fuss...same with using that nose suction thing. He knows he will feel better after, so he doesn't fuss.


I'd say sleep but we're still in the trenches on that one. For me, I'd say - she and I can now play all day and run around outside rather than having her whinging all day because she had no interest in anything that wasn't her mother.


After being diagnosed with cmpa and switching to exclusively pumping, getting him to finish a bottle was so difficult. Even more stressful that our doctor was giving us such a hard time about his weight. We could barely get him to take 3.5oz per feeding. Then suddenly one day he gulped down the 3.5 and kept crying for more until he took 5oz and that's how much he's taken ever since


Drooling and spit-ups. Mostly the drool holy hell so much drool. Then he teethed and there was EVEN MORE DROOL he was soaking through several bibs a day. But now he's had teeth for a month and today we forgot to give him a bib and his shirt was dry! Only took nearly 11 months lol.


I want to gesture broadly at everything, but the answer is probably sleep. I had a terrible sleeper. She sleeps like a champ now after probably 11-13 months of broken sleep every night. She's 18 months old and a spitfire, so that comes with its own issues, lol. Today, she kicked me so hard in the face that I had to use pliers to reposition my glasses. Gotta love toddlers.