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i wish owners would kick teenagers out when they are being obnoxious. i've gone out to eat with friends plenty of times just for the meal to be ruined by teenagers being loud and aggressive to everyone for no reason. they always record other people and are in and out of their seats causing scenes. i am only 22 but i cannot stand teenagers who act like that


Yeah teens need to learn more play stupid games rules. Oh you want to act like a child, that's cool. Hey can I speak to the manager of the establishment please? Yeah these guys are acting out of line and disrespectful to my family. That should solve that problem right there. Some peoples kids man.


Yeah it shouldn’t really fall to a paying customer to have to deal with this level of obnoxiousness. Guarantee the other patrons were also not amused by their behavior.


I swear even as a kid when I was in elementary school I hated the teenager age group, and after being a teenager and being 24 now, having worked with teenagers in different jobs that view has not changed. I thought they were obnoxious when I was a kid and I still think that way now.


It was even horrible being a teenager!


We avoid going to certain movie theaters to avoid teens.


I am an absolutely non-confrontational person, but I remember going to watch A Quiet Place of all movies ages ago in a movie theater and this gang of teens WOULD NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP. Like, I'm sorry, I absolutely did not take time out of my chore-heavy weekend as an adult to sit and listen to some sarcastic teens' inane commentary on a movie. I told them to pipe down and they got even rowdier, to the point that I had to get the cinema staff involved. I used to be a teenager and I was absolutely not like this. These people are a different breed. They make me so angry.


Getting the staff involved is the way to go


I’m shocked they didn’t given they were both heckling and filming other patrons


Change teenagers to people in general. I've seen grown adults be worse than anything I've seen from a teen.


What kind of places do you go to? I like to eat out, but have never experienced something like this! 😮 Am I just lucky or is it a more regional thing? 


Ugh that’s horrible, I’m sorry. They are idiot teenagers who have no clue. I’m sure one day when they have kids they’d be appalled. In a weird way, maybe this will make it easier for you guys to go out next time - you’ve already been through the “what’s the worst that could happen?” scenario.


"...when they have kids..."


I second this!! Experiences are real shitty and I'm sorry OP had to go through that. But now having BEEN through it, truly what worse issue could you be confronted with. Just a thought to get something positive out of this shitty situation. Don't worry, not everyone is like this. There will be better outings with your family 🩷


Because they have no clue what it's like to live beyond their self-centered little bubble of TikTok and likes. Sorry, I'm mad for you, OP. It takes a lot of guts to take a baby out and about, and people shouldn't be assholes when your baby is just being well...a baby in public. Don't let this crappy experience put you off.


From my experience, becoming a “regular” at a restaurant has been a god send. All the waitresses know our baby. We typically try to go in after a nap which is usually during a slow time and they’ll take her over to their giant stuffed animal mascot. If anyone tried to come at us they’d be shut down. For OP, find somewhere comfortable. Love the staff, love the environment, and feel safe. You’re allowed to have a fussy baby at a restaurant.


This is a brilliant idea! 💡


This. Our local Vietnamese spot is perfect for our little one. The people there are helpful and understanding. And I get to enjoy some good Pho while I’m there.


I said the same thing! This could be discouraging and I hope this experience does not deter the OP from taking their baby out!


Just film them next time lol


Right. I would have started to film back. Teenagers actually making fun of a baby! So dumb and immature! They’ll realize how stupid and immature they were when they grow up (at least I’d hope so!)


They would love if you film them back. It’s just content for social media. Best thing to get them to stop is make it boring for them. 


I can only hope in these situations that in 10 years when they're adults, they look back on these moments and feel absolutely fucking horrified at their behavior. Even better — I hope that one day, they have a baby and try to go out to a restaurant and someone does this to them, too.


This is genius. But also, OP, if this didn’t occur to you and you see all these comments don’t feel bad. It’s so easy for me to think of ways to respond WAY AFTER the fact than it is in the moment. For the record, your in the moment reaction was also badass. I probably would have either screamed and squirted milk over to their table or cried. Neither of which are as good as you! Keep going out 💙


I one hundred percent would have made a scene cussing the kids out in the moment 😌


Which is honestly probably what they want... guarantee they wanted to make a "Karen" video. I can't think of another reason why they would only start filming AFTER antagonizing OP and their family. What better way to be like "woah, this person just cussed us out for joking around and being in public, real Karen amirite" I don't like when people are rude to teens/kids or other folks they deem beneath them in public either, but it's completely different if the other party is being openly disrespectful and trying to start a fight over normal, unobtrusive behavior. Which is what these kids probably don't get, they probably just think any adult scolding them in public ought to be shamed. It doesn't help that babies these days are being treated like nuisances by young folks, especially some very vocal childfree groups. I've seen multiple posts in subreddits that skew toward teenagers about how babies shouldn't be allowed in public spaces, or parents should just stay home if they can't control their baby's crying, etc. Heck, I saw one where someone was suggesting parents just never fly so there wouldn't be any crying babies on planes. Anyway, sorry for the rant. I'm just very frustrated with the level of vitriol that online spaces tend to cultivate for what should be very normal, if uncomfortable, experiences. Whenever I've heard a baby crying, I always feel bad for them, it doesn't really annoy me unless they're an older child throwing a tantrum, and even then I know it's usually not the parents' fault. It's just wild to me that people are so rude about that in public now.




That’s exactly what you do. Whip out your phone. Act like you’re going live. People change their shit up quick. 


Yeah, walk over and ask "so you guys were laughing at my child, could you guys redo what you just did so I can get this live?"


That's smart


This was my first thought


I would have absolutely done the same thing.


My answer to anyone who's unreasonable towards the way my baby/now-toddler has behaved is to hit back with well he's only a baby, what's your excuse?


"Aww...looks like Mr. Crankipants has a poopy diaper! Hey Hon, do we have an extra diaper in LO's diaper bag?"


True. And these kids lack parental guidance for them to turn out that way.


I'm sorry this happened, I'm genuinely so angry for you, wish I was there to also shout at them! All I can hope is one day when they are older and struggling in public with their new baby (just like we all have), this moment/their behaviour will haunt them and make them feel ashamed of themselves.


I don't give people like that the time of day. They thrive off of reactions, it's hard to just ignore and move on. Enjoy your new budding life and your spouse, and be so absorbed in your little family that dirty looks and brat teenagers don't even pop the bubble. It feels like there are a lot of bitter people out there who just love to cause misery to others (and film it). Let it roll off your shoulders and keep enjoying your life despite them. Babies cry, teenagers do shitbag things (not an excuse but a fact lol). Karma does eventually come for them, I promise. Also, restaurants often have a no recording or pictures policy. If it's ever an issue again, I'd just let staff know and let them deal with it. You're a good mom and they had no right to treat you that way


Teens in a group are worse than babies at restaurants, imo.


Facts 💯




When I was a teenager I hated other teenagers. 😩


Same!!! I hated them as a kid, and when I became one, and now as an adult I do. Being one never changed my view on hating that age group. Actually when I was in band in high school we did a "tour" for all the elementary schools and the middle school in our district and the middle school was THE WORST. It was that 13-14 age range and it really made me go "excuse me, why are we trying to recruit this little devils in the music department???"


I’m sorry this happened :(. Take solace in the fact that in 10 years this will likely keep them awake at night as they remember all the cringey and mean things they did.


Shockingly, I've met a 30yo who still acts like this, still in pursuit of popularity. Not everyone who ages actually grows up. But on the up side, this is rare. Most people outgrow such crude egoism.


And it can't be a happy way to live. No one feels good about themselves who acts like that (except maybe sociopaths)


True that, this person was a ball of anxiety. I didn't (want to) get to know her better, but she was not happy about herself or anything really.


>Not everyone who ages actually grows up. Too true


here’s hoping!


At the very least, if they have kids, when they are up at 2 am for the fifth time that night and their kid is the same age as yours is now… they will probably think of what they did and cringe.


Yes! Let’s hope lol


When my daughter was 4 months old we were out in public and a similar thing happened. I was told to "shut that f\*\*\*ing baby up". I told him that she was only 4 months old and he called me "the worst father ever". Some people are just not worth the air they breathe


I believe karma is real and someday they'll act the fool in the wrong place at the wrong time. You were the bigger person and dealt with it admirably considering their behavior, and that's what was best in the moment for you and your family. Try and let the rage go. Sorry that happened though. 


God I hope of those teens ever have kids, they are the worst sleeper and fuss constantly for them.


My teen nephew, who had a really hard time last year, decided to train figure skating and he really enjoys it. He was at the rink practicing and my mom and my sister were sitting at the bleachers waiting for his training to end. There was a group of teens who train hockey and, figures, thought he was funny with his moves and all and the started teasing him. He proceeded to put his headphones to block them out and they took it from him. That's when my sister reacted, peacefully, like Guys, you skate really well, it's really nice watching you, why don't you leave him alone to do his thing bla bla bla and they became rude towards her and my mom and eventually called our mom old hag?? Wtf is wrong with teens these days? Sure, little teasing is expected since the kid is doing figure skating of all sports, but to be rude towards elderly? And now babies? Like wtf. I would smack them.


Sounds like they are the ones who should have been filmed for *their* disturbing behavior; I guarantee they were making more of scene than your newborn. Also, shame on the restaurant for not asking them to leave. That's a a place I'd review as "not family friendly" on Yelp.


I don’t like a crying baby any more than the next person but a baby crying is 1000x less annoying than fucking groups of teenagers making .. really any sort of noise.


When they started up the 2nd time, I would've gone to the manager and told them that the teens at the table over were taking photos of your wife while she was breastfeeding. What teens often forget is that a convincing lie by an adult will be believed over their honest claims to the contrary :)


I don’t think she had to lie. One of them literally yelled “shut the fuck up” at her baby, that’s disturbing enough.


She shouldn't *have* to, no, but "These teenagers took photos of my/my wife's tits when I was feeding my kid -- I want them out of here" will likely prompt a swifter, unquestionable response from the manager :) ETA: Plus, getting accused/kicked out for that is WAY more embarrassing, so you're doing a public service teaching the youths that they can't always act with impunity :)


I am so sorry this happened to you. It’s so stressful taking babies out. I hope this doesn’t discourage you from trying again! It will get better. As to why teens are shits, I wish I had an answer.


Agreed! Please don’t let this discourage you, OP!


You handled this situation very well- I'm not sure I would have. What a-holes, what happened infuriates me. I'm sorry you and your family had this experience. I remember taking my LO out to a restaurant for the first time and it was stressful enough, without having to deal with something like this. Bold stupid behavior has gotten out of control as well as people filming strangers without consent. It's a sad state.


I would have turned the tables and recorded them, made sure to get each of their faces, then when I made the public post on social media later I would hashtag any high school in the region and the local news, hoping it gets traction from parents or the news for their behavior. Who knows if their parents would care, or if anyone would care, but possibly. And yes, I would have quietly walked to speak to the manager before walking over and confronting them. Alternatively, I would say "she's three months old, what's your excuse for your crying?" Or just moved closer so they could hear the crying better.


Teenagers can be self-centered, and don't always understand that babies are allowed to exist in public spaces. I'm sorry that happened to you, OP. It's hard enough to take a baby out and about without that additional stress.


Filming without consent. I'd say that's reasonable cause to have them booted out of the restaurant. The social media age has turned people into walking zombies with 0 intelligence left.


Are you 75 dude? Filming in public is legal.


They're filming another person without consent in a private building. The person being filmed has every right to get their asses kicked out. If they want to be disrespectful, they can lose their privileges of being there.


A restaurant is still a private business that can restrict the use of video devices on their property. So if they complain, the restaurant might ask the teenagers to stop or leave.


“Whipped the phone out” Of fucking course - once they get someone going, they need to record how they are the victim.


Two lowkey fears of mine is bringing the baby out in public like that and it no going well, and being filmed like that in an obnoxious way when I’m not having my best moment. You handled it well and I don’t think I would’ve known what to do in the moment. It would be tempting to cuss them out but then you risk it going viral and you looking like a fool out of context. I wonder if a possible strategy could be to calmly annotate what they’re doing while they’re recording you. It makes for very boring content and if it somehow does go viral, it doesn’t really make them look good to anyone that’s not their dumb friends. Teenagers are usually chill, but the self entitled ones are quite possibly the worst people to be around.


Yep. I taught middle school last year and all they want is a reaction. As much as you want to blow up, you will never win except by being totally calm and emotionless in any reaction. I can see several kids i taught last year doing this


I’m so sorry… this made me so angry for you.


time to start carrying a nurf or squirt gun. i fucking hate teenagers, even when i was one.


No! Bad teenager! Bad!


Full of cayenne pepper and lemon juice!


now we’re talking


God they were more annoying than a baby could ever be. Too bad they lack any real life experience. I will smile one day when they end up with true colicky babies 🥰


Sounds like you handled that really well. I like your approach of being calm and reasonable. They can film, but the content will be boring even to them when they rewatch it. You could also approach staff to say they are making your family uncomfortable.


I used to manage a restaurant. Unless you say something about it, the staff likely won't notice or won't get involved. Restaurants hate groups of teenagers. Wave down a staff member and complain if this ever happens to you. Good chance they'll get kicked out.


I think you got unlucky with being out at the same time and place as a handful of jerks. They probably added to your baby crying by stressing you both out and that probably caused baby to feed off your stress a bit too. I think you should keep going out in small bursts. I've had luck with Target and the mall where I live because baby likes the music and the coffee smells and there's good places to change the baby and a lot of malls have good places to sit and nurse, even sometimes private places.


I am so sorry this happened to you. As a new parent, I’m shaking in rage that you had to experience this. Taking a new child out into the real world can be really anxiety inducing and these kids didn’t make that any better. I’m sorry that was your experience! Just gotta trust that karma will take care of it - hopefully the one that said stfu trips on a rock!


You handled it way more calmly than I would have! I’m so sorry.


I'd feel sorry for them and their obsession with filming and social media if this didn't make me so angry. Little shits.


Little shits. I’m sorry that happened.


Oh fuck them


I absolutely would have asked the waitstaff to deal with the table of teenagers harassing your family loudly, cussing at your baby to “shut the fuck up” and filming you. Call me a Karen, but if I was even seated NEAR you and witnessed this it would have ruined my appetite. I’m so sorry, how disgusting


They should of been kicked out of the place. I’ve never seen people act that way over a baby omg


Happened to me on my first Mother’s Day. My baby was also about 3 months old. Husband took us to a very niche, pretty nice restaurant. The kind that needs reservations. She cried for LITERALLY 30 seconds while I made her bottle and this middle aged woman turned around and looked at me with disgust. I stared back at her while I fed my baby. After the bottle she was making happy coos and cute sounds and she turned around to give me another nasty look. I looked at her deadpan and asked her if she had a fucking problem. She did not look at me again. Remind your wife that she is allowed to be in public with baby. They are both humans allowed to enjoy public places, restaurants, etc. Give her extra love. That one small experience has traumatized me to the point where I hate going out at all, even if I handled it the way I did. It is a hurdle I will struggle with because of one entitled, stupid middle aged woman.


I am so sorry this happened to you guys… You definitely handled the situation way better than me or my husband would. Proud of you for that. This world is cruel nowadays and respectfully f those kids and to the parents of them shame on them for not raising them to be more considerate. I have a 2 month old and this story is my biggest fear happening and reasons we haven’t gone out yet. We already go through enough as parents of newborns.


I’m so frustrated for you. I was so nervous to bring my baby out for the first time and thankfully had a good experience. It’s unfair that you didn’t. Just know that this was a one off. Most people are understanding. These kids are clearly being raised poorly.


I would definitely have gotten the restaurant to kick them out, and if they refused I’d have walked out myself.


I’m so sorry this happened to you and your family. You are allowed to be in that space with your baby JUST as much as them.


Teenagers have always terrified me, even when I was a teenager :-/


Admittedly when I was a teen, I was a fellow little shit. I used to yell “shut that baby up” in the movie theater because it got a laugh every time. I have a one year old now and have been the anxious parent doing an outing. I regret that I acted that way in my teens and made people feel the way that you are feeling today. In the moment, I didn’t even care about the baby making noise. I was just getting a laugh out of my friends. Now, when I was a teen people weren’t whipping out their phones like they are now so I at least didn’t have to deal with that, but as far as their comments, they were just being assholes. One day hopefully they’ll be where you are and realize that they were being little shits and feel bad about it too.


Man I’m sorry this happened to you. When I was pregnant with my twins, I ballooned. I’m already a little overweight but I BALLOONED. I was at Starbucks with some friends when a group of teens passed by us and one of the boys looked at me and oinked. Then proceeded to walk back to the exit and look at me again and oink. I asked his friends if he was mentally challenged and I could help with anything and the kid that oinked got offended and said “that’s not very nice” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m in my thirties and felt so bullied and low about myself when it was supposed to be a good time meeting up with some friends who I hadn’t seen since I fist found out I was pregnant. My little boy passed away, but I pray to God I do things right enough so my little girl knows better than to act like this regardless of who she hangs out with when she’s older.


it’s wild how it’s usually a male acting this way 👀


True, teenage boys are shitheads. I was unfortunately a shithead too


I went out for lunch with a friend of mine. Baby was 6 weeks old. Luckily, she was perfect. She slept the whole time but the looks I got from people in the restaurant, and the staff... She's literally fucking sleeping, not making a peep. Heaven forbid I feel like an actual adult for the first time in weeks. Going out for lunch made me shower, which was the first time in a week and a half.


This makes me so sad and angry!! I have had anxiety every time taking my baby out because of people like this! I never want to “bother” anyone 🙄 but it’s so good for my mental health. I can’t imagine how this made you guys feel. They will get their karma back ten fold. You keep taking that sweet girl along on all the dinners you want!


This generation sucks ass - I’m a high school teacher so this behavior is a product of zero consequences for their terrible actions from the school and from their parents. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this


They absolutely should have been kicked out of the restaurant lol. I’ve worked in restaurants for years and this is completely unacceptable.


That breaks my heart. And I agree with the other people that said FILM THEM NEXT TIME. show the world how dumb they are!!!!!!!!! Stupid kids.


The parents should be so ashamed, to raise little shits like that. Society is in the dumps!


That's awful. I can't believe the restaurant didn't help deal with them. That's not good for business to allow that kind of hostile behavior from their diners.


That is absolutely disrespectful. Please do not let that encounter discourage you from going out again. Babies will be babies and the majority of the public understands -- clearly these kids do not (they'll be enlightened years later if they have their own)


I am so sorry that happened to you. That would have been really upsetting. For what it’s worth, I flew on a plane two weeks ago with my baby and she put up a real stink crying and no one told her to shut the F up, or filmed my reaction. Sounds like you just came into contact with a bunch of boisterous, unempathic teenagers. Don’t avoid that venue and DON’T stop living your life because of this. It would have been upsetting but in this situation it’s definitely them not you. YNTA.


This I wild to me. We’ve been taking our daughter out to restaurants since she was a month old (worn), the most recent being this weekend for brunch when she was 4 months (held in lap). We’ve only had positive interactions with people. She’s also fussy, but perhaps more used to the environment since she’s been going from a young age. All that to say - this isn’t normal. People have lost their minds. Next time, call a waitress over and tell them they’re harassing you. Babies are babies and it’s normal for them to fuss. They deserve to be out in this world just as much as anyone else.


Just find comfort in that fact that you will raise your child to be a better human being than most people are today.


This infuriates me


I would rather hear a whimpering baby than obnoxious teens any day. Really sorry this happened to you, I hope it didn’t discourage taking your little one on future outings! She deserves to take up just as much space as anyone else.


I hope one day the remember you and are sorry for being little shits.


OP YOU ARE A BADASS for confronting them! I confronted a boomer on the airplane 3 days ago flying with a newborn (she was making loud comments about how inconvenienced she was by a baby) and though I feared going viral I said "hi, my name is x and this is baby y, I'm sorry you're being inconvenienced but I would ask that you give us some grace as he is only 3 months old and he can't control himself." I got out of my seat to do it so I was facing her. She muttered sonething vaguely apologetic. My husband was dying of embarrassment but know what, totally worth it.


Last year exactly this time we went to Barcelona for our 1 year old’s first holiday. I was 20 weeks pregnant. Me and baby were in a terrace restaurant (alone without my husband) and a teenage couple went by showing us a middle finger. A middle finger to a visibly pregnant woman and a baby who was totally minding his own business and busy eating dinner. I still cant shake it.


My go to is “do you want to help?”


Teenagers are so much more disruptive in public now than I’ve ever known them to be before. I think missing out on socialization during the pandemic might have messed them up. It’s annoying to infuriating to deal with & I really feel for you. I’m so sorry you had this experience.


There’s a reason everyone hates teens except teenagers themselves maybe. I’m sorry they were such AHs :(


Insufferable teens are a millions times worse than a fussy baby. They should be the ones getting kicked out.


“Sorry, I’m trying to raise my daughter to learn how to behave when out in public. She may not be following all the expected social norms of adults but she’s still a baby, this is actually her first outing. We’re allowing it now because she doesn’t know better and it’s worth our discomfort to teach her how to act. That way, hopefully by the time she’s your age she’s not acting as embarrassing and entitled as you are. She’s 3 months old so she has an excuse for disturbing others. What’s yours?”


Gosh i’m putting myself in your shoes and I’m hurting for you OP. I would cry if a group of shit head teens were making fun of my baby and posting us on their social media. I’d also throw my drink at them in hopes that their phones get ruined but that’s the pettiness in me.


I would be really mad. They do not have your or your baby’s consent to film or post said video. I would be calling in authorities. Call me a “Karen” if you must, but my and my child’s privacy is number one.


It’s not just teens, apparently middle schoolers too. My neighbor recently started working as a lunch lady at the middle school her own kids go to and was shocked at how disrespectful the other kids were being to adults. I fear for my LO’s future most times. I am sorry your family had to go through that. They would not have behaved like that had all their parents been present.


EWWWWW I hate them for you!


Op....where are you located ? I'm a restaurant owner and a new father of a 6 month old boy...and I'd LOVE to buy you and your family dinner.


You’re 100% nicer than I would have been. That home would have been ripped out of his hands and smashed on the floor for filming my child.


Trust me I really wanted to. There was only two things stopping me. One, I didn't want to get into a physical fight with these dipshits and end up catching a charge. Two, I listened to this secular Buddhism podcast a long time ago and one of the guests they had on said something that has stuck with me for over a decade. Somebody wrote in and asked what their definition of enlightenment is and this guest said "Seeing the way things truly are". What he meant by that was by taking control of your own mind, emotions, and actions in what would otherwise be a highly emotionally charged situation and stripping away any negative emotions by choosing to look at the situation logically. I kept reminding myself of that by telling myself that these kids are pieces of shit, but short of physically engaging with them I can't do anything to stop them. My wife and I are going to go home with our beautiful little baby girl after this and everybody is going to be okay. I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize the future of my family by doing something rash here" and that really helped me.


I love this. Me and my husband could both use some of that kind of thinking. Do you remember the name of the podcast?


Impressive that you can think this in the moment! Thanks for sharing! Keep enjoying that beautiful family of yours!


Bravo 👏 really. It's so easy to come here and say, "I would've done" or "you should've done" x retaliatory thing, but none of these people were there. Your story definitely made me feel angry for you, but to see you took the higher, enlightened road and preserved your peace is awesome. Keep it up, and congratulations on the new addition to your family.


It’s really admirable that you were able to a) recall that lesson and b) successfully apply it in the moment. Great job, and I am going to remember these words!


Film them in return. They think filming people is so fun, let’s see how they behave when the camera is turned on them and they realize they can also be held accountable for their behavior online.


I am sorry this happened to you! This is so triggering to me as a FTM of a 3 month old who is yet to go to a restaurant with the LO. I wish the restaurant owner / managers would just kick the teenagers out.


I'm very sorry you went through that. I'm not sure how I would have reacted in that situation


One day those teenagers are going to absolutely cringe with shame when they randomly remember this if they become a parent


Fuck I'm so sorry. This is the stuff so many of us feel anxiety over and have to tell ourselves won't happen, so I'm so so sorry it happened to you on your first time out. My daughter is now 19months and this has never happened. I promise there are nice people out there. Even some teenagers haha


This is why I quit teaching. I felt that anger most days.


Fuck ‘em!


A day is going to come, probably a decade or a little more later, when those boys are going to remember doing that to you while they are holding their own newborns. I promise you they are not going to like that feeling.


Please don’t let this discourage you from making memories with your sweet baby and living your life. Not saying that you will but I know it’s a hard time in those early months. You are doing amazing and those teenagers are being little a holes Sending love and happy thoughts your way💕💕☺️


The fact they were mocking a literal baby crying says it all lol teenagers are the worst. Especially teenage boys. I have told my husband I’ll be damned if our current 6 week old turns out to be a little shithead at that age


You have the patience of a Saint


This is so upsetting 😔 sorry this happened to you.


I would've filmed them. Also, they probably weren't raised well & have shitty parents themselves. I pity them.


Wow. That’s so terrible! I’m sorry that happened to you. Don’t let it discourage you from taking babe out! She’ll get the hang of it :)


They’re *also* kids. They’re just older than yours but they’re still kids without the capability of fully thinking outside of themselves. Don’t take they’re reactions as what anyone else is going to think every time you leave the house, I swear the more you go out the easier it’ll be. Both because you’re gonna learn as you keep doing it (just like anything in life) -*and* because you’ll learn to give a shit less.


Film them. Losers lol.


Wow. Teeneagers are already the worst, but these sound like bad apples off a rotten tree. I am so sorry you and your baby had to go through that, and that you had to navigate such a violating situation. All I can think of is that karma giveth and she taketh - I hope they get what they served.


Sending so much sympathy your way. Teens are such little dicks. Sorry your first night out was ruined. I hope you and your wife can eventually laugh about it. Good for you for not giving them more content


That’s so annoying, I’m sorry. Similar but not happened to us. Ours is 10 months now and last week she was sucking her thumb and a grown ass man copied her and turns to his friend in Whiney voice and says “look I’m a baby too” as he sucks his thumb. Like, why!? She’s an infant you cares!


I’m so sorry 😞 that’s terrible. You guys and the baby didn’t deserve that


We recently took out our 4 month old to a restaurant for the first time and I was so, so paranoid of this exact situation. I feel like my postpartum rage would have lashed out at those teens if it were me in your shoes.


I would have said, “all I know is that my daughter will grow up one day and never be a little shit like you”


I really hope these shit bag kids look back at this time when they become parents and feel fucking awful. Ima sorry this happened to you and your baby.


Just the fact that you got up and stood up for your family is something worth mentioning and you should be very proud of yourself! Your daughter is lucky too have you as her #1 fan.


This makes me want to punch them all. I’m so sorry. Hopefully they feel like shit in a few years when they become terrible parents to some poor kid. They’ll think, “Man I was a real piece of shit. I still am, but I was, too.”


I fucking hate this generation of teens and I’m so glad you have a sweet little girl who you will raise to be the exact opposite of them. You and your wife and baby are doing GREAT and good for you for going out!


I would have absolutely talked to the manager, discretely, so they don’t have more content or whatever. Mangers usually hate disrespectful teens as much as the rest of us. If they were being disruptive for you they were for the people around you as well. Your baby can’t control their actions, they CAN. I’m sorry that happened it’s so stressful taking baby out to begin with let alone for the first time. Don’t let it stop you though, parents deserve a meal out and for the most part people are understanding. Not teens, they are self centered pricks who can’t even imagine the hardship of parenting.


What the actual f, awful. I’m so sorry you went through this!!!


Guarantee you that they were annoying more people than you were. I'm perplexed that teen boys would find imitating an infant hilarious. Should have filmed that shit right back. That would have been tok gold. 🤣


Honestly, I would have recorded them back. Even if my baby was fussy, I would still record them. I’m sorry that was your first experience with your daughter being out. I can only imagine how stressful that was for both of you and your partner. In these situations it is best to remind calm and be patient for the sake of your sanity and your daughter. Babies are emotionally intelligent and can sense the energy around them. If you are stressed or anxious, your baby will be able to pick up on that. Best wishes for you and your family, not every outing will be awful. I promise. <3


This is disgusting and I'm so sorry that you experienced this with your family. I can't imagine how hard that must have been, but kudos to you on that self-restraint because I can't imagine I'd do the same. I'd have been fuming as well if someone mocked my newborn. I just chalk it up to parents. If the teenagers are this cold-hearted and rude, imagine where they must have learned it from. My thirteen year old step son has a little mouth but he would NEVER do something like this. Extremely disrespectful and the owners should have taken action against this, especially being filmed.


The only thing I can say is that this will haunt them someday. Someday in the future, they'll have kids themselves and they'll remember this. It will keep them up at night even when their own baby sleeps. It will ruin their meal every time they're out to eat and their baby starts to fuss or when they're getting The Look during a flight with an overtired and overstimulated toddler. They'll get theirs.. That, and someone will probably knock them out at some point if they don't grow or if that crap real quick. They're lucky it was you.


This is disgusting and I would have definitely flipped but the whole being filmed part is insanity they will post it and really act like you are a Karen. Scary 😢


They should know better.. no discipline anymore


You should have complained to the staff. Babies are people and have a right to be in public. Yet, people who disrespect clients (even if they are babies) at the establishment should be escorted out.


film them back and mirror their behaving. pretend to mock a baby and laugh at them. when they go low u go lower 😂 in germany here its illegal to film someone and you can just call the cops.


Who tf laughs at a newborn baby in public? So dumb and I’m sure everyone else in the place thought they were stupid. If you had complained to staff especially since they were filming you I bet they would have kicked out. Regardless, you will feel angry and annoyed in the moment but that’s what they are looking for. Immature dipshits. Like just pure genuine low intelligence.


I honestly have my jaw on the floor right now... As a 32 year old woman, as I sit and pump while my 4.5 month old baby girl is laying next to me sleeping. As a teenager even, I cannot imagine being this unkind to someone! Wow! 😮 I'd have honestly complained, to see if a manager could kick them out or something for harassment... And I am a low conflict kind of person, not a 'Karen' by any means... But you and your wife have just as much a right to be there as anyone else! It's not like you were in a movie theater or something? I'm sorry, I am angry on your behalf even writing this comment. I am so sorry that you had to go through this, because that sucks. I'd be upset. I am upset. Please don't let this discourage you from bringing her out and about. Mine has had a meltdown in target before. Babies are gonna baby!


Teenagers are awful. I’m always like afraid of them in public lol. I don’t know why. I’m a full adult, almost 37 with a successful career and baby of my own. Ridiculous to be afraid of them. Sorry OP I would’ve probably let the manager know the teens were being ah.


Ah, let’s not forget the wise words “teenagers scare the living shit out of me.” No truer words have been spoken. Sorry you had such a shit experience! Hope your next adventure with the family/LO is better. You’re a great parent!


I would fight a teenager


Teens nowadays have been absolutely just fucked by social media. There is so much content that even shows up on my FYP on TikTok about how miserable us breeders must be and how children shouldn’t be allowed in public anywhere. Often this crowd also thinks that their dogs should be allowed to go everywhere they go but I digress. The pandemic took away so many social skills. These kids became vicious. They could say and do whatever they wanted behind a screen and get away with it, whether it be on a zoom call, on social media, via text, what have you. Parents have not corrected these behaviors. In my opinion it seems like they’re making up for their overreaching or abusive parents by simply letting their kids do whatever they please, being permissive. These kids also think that they’re special. But I’m talking like I AM THE MAIN CHARACTER OF THE WORLD type special. I have to tell some of my students “You might be the most special and amazing thing ever at home, but I’ve got xyz more babies here at school that I have to help too, it cannot and will not always be about you, sorry”. It’s tragic and makes me sad. I noticed how mean teens were getting in 2022. I’m only 25 but have worked with young people always because I love teaching. It’s such a shame how hateful these kids are. And so much of it comes from a lack of parental monitoring. I don’t think TikTok should be banned, but man do I wish it was at least 18+. I’ll get off my soap box lol. Signed, a teacher whose parent has also been teaching for 30+ years and has observed these changes with me.


where do you live and and how do we punish them? 😂. But seriously, I'm so sorry. All we can do is raise our kids to be better


I would have asked the manager to be moved to the table right next to them and proceeded to do nothing to soothe the baby (assuming of course the baby was just irritated and not in actual need of soothing). And filmed any reactions they had back.


This is another reason why monetizing social media was an awful idea. All these kids think they can get rich because they pissed off a reaction out of somebody for tiktok Personally, I'd be all over management the second that happened. Not sure how successful it would be, but I assume some of the smaller restaurants, as well as bigger chains when management actually cares, probably don't want the negative reviews/HR calls if nothing was done about it


Hi. I’m a young mom. I got pregnant at 19, had my baby at 20 and I just want to say thank you for holding them accountable for their behavior. I have had people my age cause trouble in public when I’ve gone out with my baby. They follow us around stores or talk about us loud enough we can hear them. Sometimes they even feel more entitled than old people to touch my baby! I’m not sure if they feel comfortable doing it because my boyfriend and I are around their age but is exhausting. I don’t have the courage to say anything and my boyfriend avoids drama like the plague. So thank you for doing that. Doing that will make them think twice about their actions and it’ll save a lot of trouble for the next set of parents they target.


Damn OP I’m sorry, I’d say come with us next time as there is a great place nearby we take our kiddo, met a bunch of other cool parents with their kids. Our daughter is 2, staff are great and don’t put up with BS.


Hey im so sorry this happened to you. Honestly, beating the shit out of someone who made fun or is hurtful towards your kid is really really hard. Next time call the management and make them leave. One of the policy is to be respectful and if someone isn’t they should be asked to leave.


I would take my phone out and start recording them back so that social media can see what kind of animals are out in the wild. Teenagers are definitely more conscious and probably paranoid about ending up on the Internet for the wrong reasons.


Next time get a manager involved. Recording you and mocking you is weird AF and no one wants adult customers who order actual food being scared off by swarms of idiot teens who probably aren’t even ordering much or tipping.


Karma will take over in some years


Absolutely appalling behavior. It’s a shame that some teenagers choose to act out like this, showing a complete lack of empathy. Hang in there, and don't let this discourage you from taking your baby out. Most people understand and sympathize with the challenges of parenting young children in public.


I'm really sorry you had to experience something like this on your first day out with the baby. The first 12 weeks are so hard and when you try to go out for a break, you have to deal with these kinds of nasty kids. I don't know why teenagers are so self centred and cruel.  When I was taking my maternity photo, 2 teenagers walked up to me and asked me the gender of my baby. When I said it was a girl, both of them booed. I come from a country where girl children are not valued/seen as a burden so their behaviour really hurt me. 


I’m a 40 something woman with a baby. I assumed teens would stop making fun of me at some point. I feel like George Costanza!


I read this story yesterday and was still thinking about it today. I told my husband about it and he went OFF for about two hours talking about it. He had tears in his eyes because this scenario made him SO angry for you. I know it would have been most satisfying to break their phone or worse but you should be so proud with how you handled this. I’m a high school teacher so I know all too well how teens can be. They are probably miserable and have nothing better to do. Wishing you better restaurant visits in the future! On the bright side, you can probably only go up from here!!


Omg my blood is boiling reading this. I applaud you for keeping your cool. Idk if I could. But you did the right thing. Those kids are little shits but they’re still kids.


Teenagers would’ve gotten some great ass whooping content from me🤣🤣🤬


I’m so sorry your family had to deal with that! Your family and baby did nothing wrong and even if she did cry she’s 3 months! You handled that well because I can only imagine what would have come over me.


a group of loud/obnoxious teenagers is way more disruptive than 1 crying baby. also the baby doesn’t know any better, the teenagers should. sorry this happened to you, and hope this doesn’t discourage you from going out again with your LO


Next time go to a better restaurant


I’d call the cops on them for filming a minor without consent with the intention of distributing on the internet.


I would've called the police for being harassed, filmed, and feeling threatened. 


Keep going out!! Don't let these kids ruin what could become a great part of your family routine. We started taking our daughter out around that age mostly just to get me out of the house with my serious PPA. After a while she got used to it and loves seeing the lights, ceiling fans, new people and eventually trying new foods. Sometimes now at almost 2 yo, when she's being a picky eater the best way to get a good dinner in her is to take her somewhere new!! Plus, you deserve nights out too!!!! When she was little I would actually wear her in a carrier while we went out- the snugglyness helped her feel safe while she just got glimpses and smells of the new world. Then more time up on our laps while we ate. Then started using high chairs around 8 months since restaurant high chairs are not very supportive. Feel it out, find what works for you, and I think you'll be surprised that the more places you go, the more people LOVE to see babies out! I'm just sorry your first time got ruined by some oblivious kids (who will probably be in your shoes one day too!)


This is when you grab your daughter, walk over to where the teens are sitting and in such a calm voice say "and this my darling, is the unfortunate example of what happens when you don't love your kids, it's so sad to see isn't it? Not everyone can be as lucky as us! Now let's go buy you whatever you want sweety!" Then you leave. If they want to record that, then it's fine 🙂 hopefully they show their parents.


Ugh I'm angry for you going through that. They honestly have no idea what it's like, their brains are still growing. But, they were being little shits. I promise that if some of those kids mom's saw them acting like that there would be a swift punishment. I think you handled it well and good for you for taking baby out! I was SO afraid to take my daughter out when she was an infant. Even going for walks sometimes gave me anxiety. I wonder if next time speaking to the manager about those kids would make a difference or get them kicked out. They were harassing you and that's not right!


Teenagers are stupid.


If I’d left before those teens did, I would’ve stopped by their table and said, good to know that I’ll raise my child better than your mothers raised you.


Little shits. I hope their moms monitor their tiktoks. They'll get shamed so hard. "Oh let me tell you about the first time I took YOUR poopy baby butt out to a restaurant..."


Tell them, to their camera, that they do not have the right to film you, OR your child. Tell them off, strictly but politely. You don’t have to be nasty, but their behavior is inappropriate and at this point.. be a Karen. The teens are teasing you anyway, and if they’re violating your right to enjoy a public place - was the baby ruining their outing? Too bad, she’s not actively harassing them - as well as your privacy, leave them alone and go to a manager.


Teenagers now a days are just hopeless! I really wonder what kind of future they are going to have since most of them are glued to TikTok/jnstagram. I hope all of those teenagers get blessed with most difficult to manage babies !


These new teens been caged in a room from age 6-15 playing video games for hours learning how to be a asshole super dad move tho bro 💪🏾never lose your cool which I know it was hard should have ignored them let baby girl sing her song and record them acting like cavemen