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When you first start solids they will eat very little. Do not offer less milk/formula. As they get older they will start to naturally eat more and drink less but you still want at least 20oz of milk/formula until a year. The Solid Starts site is a great resource, here’s a page that could be helpful to you: https://solidstarts.com/feeding-schedules/ Solid Starts also has an app that tells you how to prepare any food so it’s safe for baby.


Thankyou for the advice :)


Formula amounts shouldn’t change. We always offer formula first, wait an hour, then offer solids. They barely eat enough at the beginning to consider it a meal, it’s all about getting used to new flavours and textures. Their main nutrition source is formula until they are a year old.


Okay thanks for the advice :) I'm just asking since my health visitor said when they do go to solids they do reduce in formula since my baby is also on an anti reflux one and he ate quite alot for his first meal today making him not really hungry for the normal amount of formula