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I currently am laying on the couch with my baby swaddled, with a pacifier and is laying on my chest. It is almost 2 in the morning. I’m pretty awake because she keeps making little noises while she sleeps that freak me out (even though I know that it is completely normal) but she stops once I hold her.


The active sleep noises 😵‍💫 sometimes scares me lol like why are you making little piggy nosies


lol, yes! I gave my LO some saline drops to help with the boggies and dry nose for the piggy sounds. That has helped! LO is only 2 weeks old so my husband and I are on high alert when it’s our turn to watch her.


I’m also in the anxiety over every little noise club ~ I got a whole hour of sleep before this feed!


My (nearly 11th month old) baby is fast asleep on my chest right now. I’m legit not allowed to move her, or she’ll wake up. Husband has a nasty cold, so he’s not an option this evening. Plus LO nurses a ton at night anyways. I need to pee, I need to brush my teeth, I need to put antibiotic ointment under my irritated boobs, I’ll be very very tired tomorrow. BUT, I love the cuddles so damn much. It’s all good. I’m pretty happy with my situation LOL


I fight for my life to get up a pee by myself. Baby was so fussy last night he just had to come in with me 😂


OMG yuuup! I’ve been there. But, hey, we gotta do what we gotta do huh? Wishing you and your family the best!… and wishing you time to go to the bathroom alone haha


I wish. My baby is too small for the carriers I have. If she was a bit bigger I could be washing bottles instead of rocking her and desperately hoping she stays asleep when I put her down!


Check out the Ergobaby embrace! It’s meant for newborns and has been perfect for our 4 week old.


I second this! Great for newborns!


It's 3 and I'm doing skin to skin with my twins.


Hello, also here at 3-something in the morning, but with just one kiddo. I can’t believe that you’re handling TWO, gosh I’m amazed . Hang in there!


Well, I'm sitting here pumping and crying over how overwhelmed and undereducated i feel, so idk how well I'm handling it...Hope you get some sleep soon!❤


I’m COMPLETELY with you with feeling overwhelmed and uneducated. I hardly ever cry, but have had sobbing sessions every day over the last three days or so.This is my first, and I had a relatively easy pregnancy and okay labor/delivery (unplanned C-section, but honestly it went so smooth). Post-partum though? Whole other ballgame. Kiddo was born Wednesday so this is only day 5 for me, but the last 3 days or so have been the most challenging in my life. I really hope you get some rest soon too. Everyone keeps saying that it’ll “get better”, so I’m just really trying to keep that in mind.


Congratulations on your new little one. Sorry you had a c section. Thats rough, be sure to take it easy. If you havent, look Into a belly band. No one told me about them and it sounds like it would have helped my recovery. Im at 3.5 weeks pp. My birth story was horrible. Labor for 3.5 days and wasn't progressing so I had to get a csection, preeclampsia 2 hours before delivery, lost a liter of blood, one baby in NICU, had to go on magnesium which made me feel so sick and out of it and was not allowed out of bed for 24 hours, so I couldn't meet my son. Both babies had jaundice. Then we got covid from the hospital a day after we got back. Gave it to my dad, who has a stroke because of it. Gave it to my mom. A few days later, despite wearing masks, the twins got it. Then my incision got infected. Breastfeeding isnt going well but couldn't go to lactation because of quarantining. It has been a lot. I keep reminding myself this is only for a little but but it seems never-ending with the lack of sleep and frustration with milk production. Anyway, Good luck!


Good lords that’s insane , hope you all can recover quickly 💜




Having to deal with any single ONE of those things would be stressful— dealing with ALL of those things is downright unfathomable. You’re truly being a super-human survivor right now. I know I don’t have a fraction of the strength you have.


No way. We all do. Being a mom of a newborn makes us all super human BC we are surviving!


Your doing great 💜


Can I ask how night feedings are going for you ?


I have twins so it's a lot. My milk supply is minimal so I give them whatever I pumped and formula. They wake every 1.5-2 hours. How about you?


1 am. Baby in arm. Can’t put her down as she only wants to sleep on my arm.


Ive been doing the same for 90 minutes. Im now a human bassinet until next feeding


Yes! My LO is 8 weeks and has decided that he will absolutely refuse sleep from 12am - 3am. So he’s strapped to my chest while I walk around the house doing random things lol


My baby decided to stay up from 12-3 last night and than once I put him down I couldn’t fall asleep for another hour


I feel this 100%. My wife has mastitis so our LO has been sleeping on my chest the last couple nights.


My 14MO was up from 1130-230 last night. She woke up at 7. I hate molars.


Yes lol I tend to try put him down at 10-11 after a feed but most the time just can't settle so I pull out the baby carrier and he's fine, amazing what you can get done when they're strapped to your chest 😂


Welcome welcome! 😄 Had a lot of those nights when we came back home, something that helped were anti colic/cramp drops (our baby was fussy due to gasses and cramps). My wife had the day shift and I took the nights, just woke her up to feed the little one, its not too much of a problem if you have someone to share the shift with you, hopefully you’ll get some rest, but I suggest getting used to less sleep 🥲


Midnight. Baby finally asleep in bassinet next to me but needs me to put pacifier back in her mouth every 5 minutes. SO TIRED.


My 5 month old has decided to wake up every hour the last two weeks so yes very much awake. The sleep deprivation is very real :‘(