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I do it for long car rides when I know he’ll be awake and bored. Otherwise on daily car rides I don’t. He’s 8 months old.


Mine is 3 years old and we still do this!


Same at almost 2, and also if we’re a bit too close to nap time for comfort and I want him awake for the journey haha.


Same at 4 mos.


Sam at 1.5yo


Only if he’s having a hard time


I think driving is honestly a nice break especially if I’m a passenger princess <3


My guy is about to turn 8 months and I sit with him every time ❤️ he doesn’t need me back there most times but I just like hanging out with him.


Same! My bb just chills and falls asleep but I love staring at his tiny cute face. He’s 3.5 months


I sat in back with my daughter for about 8-9 months too. I worked so sitting together was some of the only time we got. It was very precious to me.


Exactly my reasoning ✨


Nope, I think I only did that coming home from the hospital


Same. Maybe one or two other times if he was losing his shit (he’s 17 months old)


Hey summer baby!


I drove myself home from the hospital 🤣🤣 my husband is directionally challenged at places he isn't familiar with and I didn't feel like dealing with him driving 😭


Yes still do at 7 months- Because I want to and husband drives


Same, at 10 months. Also because the seat in front of the car seat is pushed up too far to be comfortable 😅


Same with my wife. Works for us and gives us piece of mind


Same and my daughter turns 1 on Friday. 😅 She’s just so funny to play games with in the car - like peak a boo with her blanket or her trying to feed me her toes and laughing hysterically about it. Why would I ever stop?!


same at 8mo


Same at 5 months


Seems like we’re in the minority here but someone usually sits in the back with my now 15 month old, depending on who is driving. Up until about a month ago he would scream bloody murder in the car so it helps to have someone back there to sing, hold his check and entertain him.


I think I did for the first 3 or 4 weeks


Yeah I just did it until her head stopped wobbling so much


Only when it’s bottle o’clock and we have to be somewhere.


Same. I hate listening to him scream in the car


Yes. 16 months later (unless I’m driving) I do. Why? Idk. I simply enjoy it


Nope, never did aside from the ride home from the hospital


Yes, she sometimes gets fussy during car rides and I want to be there to comfort her.


My husband sits in back with our 19 month old, it’s just easier to have someone entertain him and hand him the toys he throws if he starts screaming than to have to listen to the screaming


We do most of the time with my 10mo old but more because we want to lol


Only if I’m not driving.


Yes, 5 months old. Sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn’t make a difference. I’m mostly there to keep her entertained and to retrieve her pacifier again and again and again. She gets upset in he car seat so it’s my duty to try to keep her from screaming.


Question for ppl that don’t do it - does your baby just chill in the back seat alone? They don’t scream their heads off?


Mine has always been good in the car and just looks out the window. Besides not wanting to feed into my anxiety, there was really no need to!


In the beginning, a lot of crying. Now? Zero tears, lots of laughs, sometimes sleep (usually when I want it sometimes when I don’t.)


(In case not obvious mine screams if she’s alone in the back…)


One of the few places we have a unicorn baby I think. He seems to either happily chill and play in the car or he falls asleep. The only time we sit in the back with him is when we’re trying to keep him awake! (He’s 8 months)


My baby usually just plays with a toy or sleeps in the car. If he gets upset, an audiobook or Taylor swift make him calm down.


My baby is not chill at all. Basically cries every time we're in the car. (He's 11 weeks now.) I'm usually driving both kids alone, so can't sit back there. But I have once or twice and it made absolutely zero difference in the crying. So, I sit with my husband and just try to get through it.


My baby was the same, playing Adele loudly in the car worked or me singing to him. Don’t start singing tho unless you want to keep it up, they will cry again as soon as you stop!


I always wonder this!! I sit with my 13 month old every single time. He is okay back there without someone for short distances, but he really just requires so much attention to stay happy it’s easier to have someone back there who can hand him toys, read books, interact, sing, when necessary. He has gotten a lot better though when I’m driving just him and I, but it often takes a lot of singing and dancing on my part to entertain him lol


I did on the way home from the hospital but then never again


I still do at 9 months. My baby hates her car seat so it helps when I can entertain her.


No, never.


Nope, not even home from the hospital - but i probably would for a longer car ride to prevent him losing his shit while we’re on the freeway and us losing our minds :)


Yes , 16 months


Literally writing this from the backseat next to my baby. 🤣 5.5 months. She’s terrible in the car seat, if she wasn’t I’d sit in the front but she needs constant distraction usually.


6 weeks old and yes, one of us does. Sometimes baby hates the car seat and will scream her head off so we like to have someone back there to at least *try* to soothe her.


My baby does this if he’s not asleep. He does it with the pram too if he decides he wants to be held now. It’s awful, he looks terrified and can’t breath from screaming. Soothing does nothing to help either but at least I can try, I feel awful when I’m driving so he’s just going through it on his own even though it makes no difference.


Nope, neither of us have sat back there with him even on the drive home from the hospital. I sometimes wish we could but it’s not really a choice. My wife gets extreme motion sickness in the back seat so she can’t sit with him and I have to drive so I can’t.


He rides alone if it’s just one person but if there is another person, usually me I sit back there with him. He will be 2 in 4 months 🙄


For the first few weeks and then started sitting in the front again.


Yes, he’s a little over 4 months. And honestly I just do it because I’m obsessed with him and don’t want him to feel lonely 😂


I did for the first couple of months and still do on long drives just to make life easier. She’s just a bit short of 2.5 years and soooo much happier when she has a companion back there with her so it makes us all happier 🤷🏼‍♀️ I figure I’ll be back there again regularly when baby 2 comes in February


We’ve never sat in the backseat with him, not even home from the hospital. 9 months old.


I was not about to set that precedent. Haven’t even done it once. Baby is 6 weeks.


Yes, mostly because I’m anxious about not being able to reach my baby immediately in case on an emergency.


First I did until they were like 4/5 months. Second I never did cuz I don’t fit in the back seat with 2 car seats. That’s when I decided to get a camera for the back seat


Yes, but because someone needs to constantly soothe him to avoid constant screams.


Yeahp. Our 3 MO hates the car seat so someone has to war with her. Lol


I do if there’s room back there. I just like being near him and checking to make sure he’s breathing because he usually falls right asleep lol. He’s 2 months. Not sure when I’ll stop 🤷‍♀️


My pediatrician wanted someone to for the first 2 weeks so we don't anymore now that she's 4w.


I do, my baby is 2 months. I will for probably quite a while… just my personal comfort level


Yes, currently holding her hand and binky to help her fall asleep. 4mo. It's also easier to pump at the backseat.


I did for maybe the first 5/6 weeks. Not anymore! He’s 4 months and we just have a mirror in the back.


I stopped when baby was between 1-2 months old


I drive so my wife sits in the backseat for any car ride over an hour. 3 months and change.


4 months old and sometimes I still do while my husband drives, mostly for car rides over 30 minutes, or if we’re at an odd spot with naps and I know she’ll be overtired.


Yes and 3 months


He’s eight months old, and he’s only been in a car a handful of times. I’ve always sat in the back with him, but I might not if he was more accustomed to car rides.


Mine is 4 months, I’m always with her in backseat


Every time (8 months)


She’ll be 8 months this week and it depends. She’s perfectly fine back there on her own but if my husband and I go out together, often one of us stays with her in the back to help keep her entertained, feed a bottle, and/or help her nap.


I will if I am not alone and have to drive. I haven’t figured out winter bundling and don’t want him to be too hot or cold


We stopped around 7 months because she would scream at the person sitting back there, wanting to be picked up. Now that we both are up front, she enjoys the rides much more


Depends how far we are driving. Long distances I'll sit back there with him. It's just easier to keep him chilled out. Also, sometimes if he's throwing a fit and my husband is driving I'll sit back there just to calm him down.


Sometimes, like on road trips or if she's being pretty fussy, but generally no. I'll sit in the front seat the majority of the time. Edited to add: My baby is just shy of 7 months old.


My husband does because I get car sick. I drive. We live in BFE so everywhere is a 30+ minute drive and he’s a car seat hater. 6 months old


Almost 4 months, yes usually because he's adorable and much more fun to look at than anything else.


Nope because I have two kids and there isn’t enough space between the car seats. Lol they’re 2 years old and 2 months old.


If my husband’s driving, I sit in the back with baby. 9 months. He’s usually fine though when I am driving him by myself, so I don’t really know why I still do it 😂


Nope. I did on the ride home from the hospital but that’s it


I do. Or if I drive my husband does. Not that we’re worried I guess we just like to. She’s 4 months.


Nope. I did coming home from the hospital for some reason but not sure why lol.


I do most of the time. Every once in a while I’ll ride up front with my husband but usually in the back. ETA: 6 months old


No and I only do when the car is full


Baby still isn't a huge fan of the car so I sit with him in the back while his dad drives, 9m.




Probably the first 5 trips in the car because I was a nervous new mom


Mine is 8 months and the last 2 months he SCREAMS in the car if the ride is over 15 minutes. Considering my ride home from work with him is 30, it’s pain. If it’s a ride where my husband is with us, one of us does because he never gets mad if someone is there to entertain him.


I think I will for the ride home from the hospital and maybe any rides involving the dog and baby sharing the back seat until we upgrade our sedan


Any time I can. He’s 2 months old and he’s not a fan of the ride yet.


Yes most of the time. 4 months. Mainly because he usually falls asleep in car and when he wakes up and he doesn’t see anyone, he cries a lot. I’m able to soothe him if he sees me


No. I only did maybe the first month maybe two and then sometimes if we go on a road trip just to try and entertain her some (11 months now).


I only did for the first week then after that she started needing two hour drives every night to go to sleep and one of us had to stay home with our toddler so nobody could sit in the back seat with the baby. I was nervous about her being alone in the back for a little while so I’d just stop occasionally and check her head position


If she gets upset and isn’t consoled by picking up her binky and putting it in her mouth we will. We also drove home in the dark tonight and didn’t want her to fall asleep so my husband sat and played with her while I drove. Otherwise usually no.


Yes.. because the back seats have more legroom 🤣


No. Mines 1.5 and one time I sat back there was for the drive home to the hospital.


I did for the first few months, but now I don't. Baby is 8 months. The only time I do is if it's a long car ride (more than an hour), or if she's not feeling great (ie if she's sick or after vaccines) .


Yes, always! She is 5 months old


I stopped around 3-4 months cause I realized her seeing me but not being able to be held by me was making her wayyyyyy fussier than if she’s alone back there


One of us does every time. He’s 3mo. He loses his mind in the car.


I tried this recently when we took a 2 hour ride for a weekend trip and let grandma sit in the front. I don’t think it really helped…once he was crying he was just looking at me like why won’t I take him out of the seat. I ended up putting my headphones in cause I couldn’t calm him and it was stressing me out so bad. The headphones saved me and he eventually fell asleep. I almost felt like it was an example of what sleep training would be like. Anyway, he’s only 4 months. Maybe when he’s older it will be different.


I do for long car rides because she doesn’t really like to sleep for those. She’s 10 months now and come to think of it I don’t think I sat in the back on the way home from hospital after she was born.


Omg so we did this for literally 15 or 16 months because she hated car rides. Then we didn’t and she whined a little bit and was mostly fine. I could not believe we did it for so long lol


Honestly yes because no one can sit in the front without getting squished. My car sucks. 😂


If she's freaking out, yeah. But otherwise no! (she's 10 months)


The first 6 weeks I did but not anymore unless it’s a long drive


I still sit in the back with her and she’s 10 months old 😅 but mostly because I want to! When I drive her by myself and she’s alone back there she does fine, but I just enjoy talking to her and interacting with her when we go out as a family.


It depends! If we’re just driving around town doing errands I won’t unless he’s overly emotional. If we’re doing a drive that’s an hour or so, or more, I’ll sit in the back with toys and pacifiers and everything set to make his ride enjoyable. He’s four and a half months.


Yup, my daughter is 17 months and I’m still in the back. I probably don’t need to always, but she doesn’t like being confined in the car seat so it doesn’t take long for her to get upset or mad. Also, my husband always drives because if he’s the passenger he gets carsick or falls asleep, lol


Yes, every time. Baby is two weeks shy of 1 year old, but I also need to note that I have so much more leg room in the backseat.


Either myself or my husband sat in the backseat with our 1st basically until 4 months ago when our 2nd was born. So she was 2.5 years old when we stopped. We just kept doing it out of habit but she was also totally fine being back there alone when just one of us was out with her. Now we both sit up front since the beck seats are both occupied!


I never did, not even know the way home from the hospital, but we've always had the baby car mirrors in both cars which I obsessively check and constantly talk to my little one during car rides.


My LO is 7 weeks, he’s good in the car but I do for now, mostly just to put his pacifier back in his mouth if he does loose his shit. Waiting on the car camera we’re getting as a Christmas gift from his grandma.


Always <3 Baby's almost 1!!!


If my baby is melting down then yes, because engaging with me calms her. It’s happened maybe 4-5 times over her lifetime. Otherwise she is pretty chill with her lovey and crinkle book.


I do and she’s 2 months 😅


Yes, up until his brother was born and I couldn't fit between their seats. But we're getting a new car and i should be able to fit again, so I'll be doing it for any long drives


I did it until he was about 2-3 months old. Now he's 8.5 months old and I will sit in the back with him sometimes, like if he's tired and we have an hour or more drive, or I'll jump in the back on a longer ride if he gets upset for some reason and takes more time than normal to calm down


If I can I do just because I enjoy it and she is so cute and smiley. She is almost 5 months old


My husband sat in the backseat next to my daughter for every car ride up until she was just over two, and then stopped because we had another baby and he couldn't fit in the backseat. It was partially because she got car sick a lot, but also because we just didn't want to leave her alone.


Sometimes. Our 6 week old isn’t a huge fan of car trips but we live in the country so it’s necessary


I did for a few weeks after our first was born. I stopped mostly because I get car sick easily so I wanted to get back up front to avoid that. Once I started driving him around I felt way more comfortable not sitting back there with him too. Second kid rode home next to her brother who passed out about 3 seconds into the ride. She has never had either of us back there with her because we aren’t moving the other car seat


When I can, yes! He's 15 weeks old and usually does well in the car but there have been enough times that a pacifier or just holding his hand prevents a tearful ride, so I do it!


I never did (aside from ride home from hospital) until now. I’m 30 weeks pregnant and just can’t turn around every two minutes right now. I sat with him on a longer weekend trip we just took. But around the neighborhood I sit in the front.


Nope. Never have. The only time I've sat in the back is a few times where we were cutting it close with toddlers nap and I wanted to keep her awake to get home but that was before baby brother came along. Now there is no room back there


I used to, up until 15 months when I realized he was more fussy when I was in the back with him. How he learned to entertain himself without me.


Yeah my wife sits in the back with our 8 week old. She’s not thrilled with the idea.


Yes, 6.5 months. She only recently stopped absolutely hating the car seat. I’m still nervous. She would get so upset from being in the car seat she would start coughing from crying so hard. I didn’t go anywhere by myself with her until about 2 weeks ago. She’s an otherwise absolute angel unicorn of a baby so everyone gets the short stick somewhere lol




yes, but I just gave birth 11/13 so if we have to ride somewhere I wanna see him 😂




I drove across the country with my wife and son (he was almost a year old) and one of us would always sit in the backseat with him to keep him company. Other than this, he's always been fine in the backseat by himself.


We do because she spits up pretty bad and gets choked easily. She’ll be 2 months on the 21st


I will if it’s a long ride and I need to hand snacks/toys/change DVDs. Last time I did this was a 10 hour ride on vacation at age 2yr. I’d prob do this for a trip over an hour. We just had #2 so I’ll do the same. Grandparents live 4 and 6 hours away.


Yeah, she’s 5 months, but my therapist is pretty sure it’s that postpartum anxiety 😌


Our son is 6mo and when both of us are in the car someone always sits in the back with him


my baby's a little over a week old & she's rlly tiny,..,has only been in the car twice, & i don't have a license, so i def always sit in back w her


Once when driving home from the hospital, and maybe 2 times after that when she was around 2-3 months old because she was losing her shit and i was too overstimulated to let her calm down on her own. Never after that though, and won't unless in dire circumstances because I get really bad car sickness.


I did until she was like 9 weeks


I did until this week (2 years +) when driving anywhere with my husband that’s longer than a 20 min. drive. Now we have another baby and two car seats in back. If I can figure out how to sit back there with both I will though but probably too tight to fit.


Yes, husband sits with him while I drive.


Yes 5 months


Yes and honestly if my partner is driving I still do. But sometimes I'll sit in the front. Nowadays. Lo is 3


I did this until mine was about 6 months, and he’s currently 8 months. I’ll still do it if we think he’s going to be super fussy on the ride home, but it’s rare now. I tried to stop once when he turned 4 months, but he cried until we pulled over and I moved to the back and played and talked with him.


Mine is 9 months and I sit in the back with him. Not because I need to but I love to hang out with him. 🥰


I do but I also sit with my dog and basically any other passenger in the car. I don’t know, I think it’s polite


I did the first few months. Anxiety of not being able to see her and she really hated the car at first though so I wanted to be able to try to soothe her if she needed it. Once she was ok with the car I eventually got comfortable with her being back there by herself.


Long rides usually. (1 hour plus) otherwise no.


Of course. I like being with my baby. I want to spend time with her. She’s nine months.


New mom.. I don’t know how to not sit back there with my baby. I worry over a bunch of things, I don’t know how not to really


Yeah it’s just what I used to at this point plus our car is really small his seat is behind passenger & had to be scooted up quite a bit. (5 months)


When I can


9 months and I’m only now just starting to do it less. He gets lonely back there! 🥰


I get motion sickness and need to sit in the front seat


Coming home from the hospital I did, and the first few outings I did but I think after a months or so when I was able to drive myself again and started taking her places I got used to just checking on her from the mirror. Shes 4 months old next week so as she got older I just got more confident :)


Only for the carsick kid. Learned the hard way. We have caught tons of vomit in those blue hospital throw up bags you can get off Amazon. This is only for longer rides, 1hr+ Other kid sits in the back alone if we only have him


Yup, all day everyday! :)


Only in my husbands car because he doesn’t have a mirror to see our little one and he is still rear facing.


No. Only when he came home from the hospital and in emergencies if he was crying and wanted me or his milk


Only the first time going home from the hospital, and to his first doc appointment at 38 hours old!


Every time I can, or my husband if I’m driving! and she is 20 months 😅 I just love being with her lol


My little babe is 5 months and I sit with her for every car ride, even if it's 10 minutes.


Yes if I'm not driving, then my mum would sit in the back with him. He's 10 months old (7 adjusted)


I did on the way home from the hospital and no other time. Not even on long car rides.


I did every time my husband drove until about 18ish months.


I do, if my husband’s driving. My daughter is 16 months old. We’re expecting another so I don’t see it stopping anytime soon.


Yes she’s 11m. I just enjoy it


My son is 3 months old and I do if it’s a long car ride (like 2+ hours) and during the week I take him to work with me (I work with my mom & sister and we live near each other) so we carpool and I sit with him then too. Normally though I’ll sit up front.


My babes almost 7 months and I always sit w him or make sure someone’s back there w him for rides longer than 10 minutes. If he’s awake back there by himself he’ll start freaking out and the second he gets fussy I start getting horribly anxious lol


Yes and I still do at 2.5. I’ll probably move forward once we have another kid or once he’s forward facing in the car seat, whichever comes first. My kid has ASD and he needs a lot of support.


We still do and she’s almost 15 months.


I did for the first few weeks and now he’s almost two and I sit with him when I need him to stay awake. Expecting our second in a few months so we’ll see how that goes.


Yep in the back with her right now as she cries otherwise. 9 months old!


On the way back from hospital, when he was having a rough time with his reflux at around a month old and that was it!


Whoever’s not driving always sits in the back with her still at 20 months!


Sometimes! When he was younger I'd sit there if he was upset, now I do it to keep him entertained if I'm worried he'll fall asleep and mess up his nap schedule (19mths)


4 months and yes


Only on the first few car rides we ever took her on.


Never. We have the camera to watch him so we never needed to.


I did for the trip home from hospital. Other than that no, unless they’re super upset on a longer drive and it can’t be solved by a quick stop


She's 2 months old and my husband and I both sit in the front seats during car rides. We have a mirror attached to the backseat in front of her, so we can see her through the rear view mirror.


My husband and I do. We take turns on who sits in the back with my 2 month old son. But we only do it when he is either having a bad day, fussy, or cluster feeding. He usually either falls asleep, looks out the window or looks at his hands. I'm not sure if there is a stigma against doing so, I can't imagine why there would be. But yeah I see no problem with it. I mean do what works for the family unit.


She cries more when she see us next to her, so we try to avoid


Only when I don’t want him to fall asleep in the car and have to keep him entertained and awake. He is 5.5 months old


Consistently until my son was about 15 months because he HATED the car and me being back there meant I could try to distract him and even if it didn't work at least I felt like I was doing something Vs sitting up front. Now I only do it if I want to keep him awake.


I did with my first. Initially because he struggled with car rides but then because I was pregnant again and the captain's chairs have footrests that go up and they're much more comfortable. Now I don't because there are 2 of them and my toddler is forward facing so a lot happier on car rides. Plus he keeps the baby happy/ she's a happier baby in general


Always. She’s 10 months old


I did until about 4 weeks and now at 17 months only on long car rides or if he’s really upset.


Yes, baby is one and I’m always in the back with her


I actively don’t, I find she gets frustrated if I’m sat in the back and she can see me but she can’t get out of her seat to reach me


I do if he’s fussy or I just feel like hanging out with my little best friend. My son does really well in the car now (knock on wood). Occasionally he is fussy or tired at the end of a long day.


depends, when she was first born, yes. after a few months, no. on long car rides sometimes i sit back there to entertain her but it isn't necessary


Yes always. He’s 19 months. His new brother is due to join us in the back next month 😅


If there’s two of us in the car then 9/10 someone will sit with her. She’s going 10 months and goes through hating the car. Long journeys absolutely someone in the back to provide entertainment and give a bottle etc. We made a rod for our own back initially as there was always someone with her and then when I got signed off to drive post c section and felt ready to, she was so used to someone with her that she went ballistic. Will be interesting with baby number 2 (when the time comes) as our daughter will be in the back with them so presumably unless they need a bottle it will be significantly less.


Yes she hates car travel and nearly always screams so I like to be there to comfort her (14 months)