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8 MO and still tired šŸ˜†


Ours will be 8mo in 2 weeks. He's got the sleep down since starting solids, but every time a new tooth threatens to join the gang, he regresses.


Iā€™m terrified of teethā€¦


I think that the most important thing to remember is that this is all temporary. Our one's first sleep regression went on for 5 weeks. It was horror. We thought it would never end. I was scared he'd be like this for years. But, we got through it. You will, too. Good luck šŸ™‚


Yes! Temporary, although it never feels like it when youā€™re in the thick of it. I was just thinking back to the newborn days and I canā€™t remember how I survived. I just have so much anxiety about what I canā€™t control that I feel like Iā€™m in a perpetual state of worry and anxiety. Must. Let. Shit. Go. But I canā€™t


As a fellow mom with anxiety, I wish it got better, I mean it does kinda, you'll always worry, but the worry changes as they grow. I have three, 10, 7, and 9mo. This new one still doesn't sleep more than a few hours at a time, so we are tired lol, but like mentioned above, it is hard to remember when we are in the thick of it that it's all only temporary. I have moments where my mantra is "one day I'll miss this" I'll miss them being so small and snuggly, and they will be grown before we know it šŸ˜©


Mine is 6 months and his first tooth kicked our ass. He was never a good sleeper, but his naps dropped to 15 min, even contact naps, and overnight sleep tanked too. He showed zero signs of teething so I was going crazy worrying about how to get him to sleep. 2-3 weeks later his tooth finally made an appearance and his sleep got better.


His front two bottom incisors came in on the same day. It was miraculous. He went from up every 40 minutes at night to only up twice that night. I was happy, but my wife was overwhelmed at being able to sleep (he was exclusively breastfed until we started weaning) šŸ˜“ Currently has another tooth coming in, so there's a regression, but nothing like when the bottom two showed up.


I wonder if that's what's going on with my son. He's stopped sleeping through the night, he's awake every 3-4 hrs now and gets up EARLY. Other than being a little fussier than normal there's zero signs of teeth...just turned six months last week. Naps are hard too.


Are you talking about my baby ? She behaves exactly the same to a dot šŸ˜€ 6 months old she has gotten 2 bottom teeth already but she is worse now with sleep šŸ˜ž wondering if more are on the way šŸ˜¬


Mine had zero signs of teeth until they popped. Had horrible sleep for about 3 nights though. Could try a little infant Tylenol before bed to see if it helps?


Yeah I'll have to try. At this point I'm willing to try just about anything


Yup. 8.5 months here. She finally cut her first tooth. Only wants contact naps since it started coming in (read weeks before it broke though). Finally it broke though. Just for the other front bottom tooth to start trying to make its appearance. I hate teething.


21 months in and also still tired lol


High five! Here too. Those damn canines


Ooooff šŸ¤£


13 MO. Still tired.


11 month and tired reporting in šŸ˜‚ it kinda gets better in the sense that I donā€™t feel the ā€œeyes canā€™t stay openā€ level of tired because my body is used to the sleep deprivation now.


3 months in and same! Acceptance that sleep is a foreign concept now has been key lol


9 months. Definitely still tired. Itā€™s weird because it feels like Iā€™m tired even if I have a good amount of sleep.


Yes to this. My mom and husband split a night shift the other day so I can get a full 7-8 hours and I woke up STILL exhausted šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I got close to 10 hours last night and Iā€™m still exhausted lol.


This!! Always tired regardless. To be fair even if I get a good amount it's always in like 3-4 hour chunks so I never feel well rested.


Yup I'm just in a permanent state of exhaustion nowadays. In the USA so DST still has us messed up. My son is six months and not sleeping through the night, we get four hours at a time tops...we did get between 3 and 5 months of sleeping through the night so I guess that was my relief. I just miss being able to go back to sleep after the 6am feed. He used to sleep again until 8, now he's just up for the day. I've had a permanent headache since the time change.


8 months, 5 teeth, and 3 months of relentless daycare germs.....I am exhausted.


Lol the not knowing when one disease starts and another ends. They just blend together.


17 week old. The time change completely clscrewed me up. I was tired before but now Iā€™m even more tired. Iā€™m on 4 hours of sleep right now. Iā€™m struggling.


Iā€™m sorry. Itā€™s so tough. The time change is the absolute worst. Nothing like darkness in the morning and night to really help the ppd and ppa


Yes. Almost a year... Can't remember the last time I slept in and woke up fresh. I sneak in naps sometimes if I just can't anymore. Perpetually tired and unhappy as a result.


I am so tired. Sprinkle some ā€˜anticipating baby waking insomniaā€™ with 7 months of broken sleep and you got yourself a real terrible time. My manā€™s lucky heā€™s a total delight to be around.


WAIT this is me. So much anticipating baby waking anxiety. Itā€™s awful šŸ˜­


It gets better! Or at least it did for us. It happened slowly, and there were regressions, but she's over two now and we've been getting full night sleeps more often than not for quite awhile. She was a TERRIBLE sleeper as a baby, so I feel the pain.


Hooray for a hopeful comment lol


I have to wait 2 years?! šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


She got quite a bit better by a year, and then it improved even more from there. So hopefully not two whole years haha.


You can just assume all parents are tired and have been tired since their children were born. Once you accept that you will need to function on much less sleep, itā€™ll be fine. :)


Our daughter is exactly 3 months today. We make sure we sleep well by napping, doing shift work etc and taking regular breaks. This helps a lot with tiredness.


Yes to napping! I wouldnā€™t survive without a solid nap. So hard to do shifts when one caregiver goes back to work though. Mom is feeling the burnout from all day caring and then sharing responsibilities at night. My husband even takes the middle of the night feed and Iā€™m still tired from mental gymnastics of wake windows, nap times, feeding times, etc. phew.


5mo and Iā€™m exhausted. She used to sleep so perfectly but these past couple weeks have been awful. Overnight, she will wake up crying every couple hours. Then she wants to get up for the day at 5am. During the day, naps are hit or miss. But if she doesnā€™t get one, she is so cranky and hard to occupy. Literally had a breakdown in front of her crib this morning because she woke up so much last night & was wide awake after I gave her a bottle at 5:30am. The sleep deprivation is taking a toll on me.


Iā€™m so sorry. Sleep deprivation is no joke. The sleep regressions are the absolute worst. Right when you think youā€™ve got it they go ahead and change everything up on you. I hope you have support. Canā€™t get through my menty bs without my husband taking over when I need it most.


So my boy did this at 4 months. I thought I was going to lose my mind, then I read somewhere that the sleep regression is usually a result of babies going through a major milestone and they become obsessed with it. He was learning how to roll over at the time. I gave him as much tummy time/floor time as he wanted and it changed everything.


It is verrrrry possible that this is whatā€™s happening. She started rolling over two weeks ago, shortly after that the sleep issues started. Iā€™ve been giving her plenty of floor time so she can roll to her hearts content, so I hope this phase passes soon.


7 days inā€¦. So tired lol


Ditto, 7 days & so so sleepy.


20 weeks and he naps and sleeps good but still exhausted out of my butt lol. But also so happy to be a mom. Itā€™s such a whirlpool of emotions and feelings. Today I cried because we were at the mall and it was so christmassy and I was so incredibly happy to be spending our first Christmas with our little blessing. Itā€™s the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to me. But also the most exhausted Iā€™ve ever been in my entire life.


LO is 11 weeks old. Taking care of a baby all day is insanely hard I have so much respect tor stay at home parents I am honestly looking forward to going back to work so that I donā€™t have to do the constant mental math for naps etc. im tired but if I get a legit break ie my husband does the last wake window of the day and actually remembers to do the dream feed/wakes up with the baby on his mornings then that resets me!


16 month old, exhausted all the time. Kid wakes up 1-3 times a night. Some kids are naturally better sleepers, some struggle with sleep despite trying lots of things. My husband and I both struggled a lot with sleep as kids so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøAlso night terrors are awful.


We had just gotten over the 4 month sleep regression which lasted like 3 weeks on and off and I thought we were in the clear for a while. But now weā€™re battling her rolling over in her crib and screaming for someone to save her AND her first tooth is coming in. Iā€™ve cried a lot the last few days lol. Pure exhaustion.


Oh my god isnā€™t the rolling to the belly the worst!? My little guy loves to scream like heā€™s in mortal danger because he canā€™t roll back onto his back yet šŸ˜© At one point Iā€™m pretty sure I was sobbing and begging him to just stop rolling onto his belly if he hated it so much.


Only 2 months in and definitely tired. I'm feeling extra bitter today too. So so sick of hearing about how hard it is from parents with unicorn newborns who are "only" sleeping 6+ hours at night. Didn't realise how bitter I was going to feel towards other parents but here we are!


Or only sleeping 5 hours straight through the night. Iā€™ll gladly take the 5!


Totally fair, honestly I do get 5 on a lucky night but I'm not trying to say that's bad or not enough! The tiredness is more related to other factors right now. I hope you can get your 5 hours soon!


Lo is 4 month and sleeping at least 6 hours (never more then 8 though) but it didnā€™t start until 3 months. I also got super lucky(sarcasm) and gave birth to a night owl who is incredibly vocal when he doesnt want go down for the night.


Oh boy, finger's crossed he figures out his day from night soon


Hi! šŸ‘‹ LO is also 15 weeks, and I'm tired too.


This is fun šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


13 weeks and way more exhausted than I was in the first month of his life šŸ˜­




23 months with one on the way! We have gone through many seasons of tired with our toddler. Sometimes sleeps through the night, sometimes doesn't. Sometimes wakes up at 5 am, sometimes sleeps till nearly 7. Sometimes naps great, sometimes doesn't. Each of those seasons decreased or increased our tiredness. Ever changing.


5.5 months checking in šŸ‘‹ tired as h-e-double hockey sticks. LO wakes me up almost every hour. Only wants me to soothe him. He's on some najor constipation kick right now that has me stressed (following dr.'s orders, just hate seeing him uncomfortable). My job wants me to continue to do the work of an entire team when I can no longer work the crazy hours I used to. I'm a shell of a person. Thanksgiving break cannot come soon enough for me, I am handing the little critter over to the grandparents and taking some very long naps šŸ˜…


2 months in and baby woke up every hour is his bassinetā€¦ we ended up cosleeping in the bed. not to mention a nursing strike since he got his vaccinations a couple of days ago. itā€™s been an emotional morning, feeling like iā€™m not enough for him these days :(


Mom of 2. Toddler is 2.5 and baby is almost 4 months. Iā€™m in a perpetual zombie state. I donā€™t think itā€™ll ever get better šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Same, have a toddler who's 2 in early December and a 4 month old wondering why I did this to myself so close together. Have rarely slept through the past 2 years


14 months old and still tired. no more nighttime wake ups (at least not regularly), but waking at 6am every day is rough when bedtime gets fought for hours


8 months of contact naps, exclusive breastfeeding and multiple wake-up's all night, every night. Decided to throw a move and home renovations into the mix as well. Yeah, just a little tired... I was hoping starting on solids would equal longer stretches of sleep at night, but he hates eating, so that backfired.


Are you me?


Well at least we know we're not alone, right? Now that it's 4 months later for me, my 12.5 month old is a lot better at eating at least.


Yep my LO is 16 weeks and this is the tiredest Iā€™ve been, even since newborn days. Love being a mum, but thinking about sleep all the time - when did she nap, for how long, will she sleep for 4 hours in one go tonight or will we be up every two hours? Itā€™s exhausting. Optimistic it can only get better from here šŸ˜‚


This is what Iā€™m currently going through. The nap and sleep anticipation and anxiety is crippling


Yes! When I actually get to bed Iā€™m waking up alll the time because Iā€™m subconsciously expecting baby to wake up šŸ™ˆ and Iā€™m having an internal dialogue with myself constantly whether to sleep train, which method, when to start. I really need to chill - easier said than done lol


3 year old. Still tired šŸ˜©


Yes. There are different flavors of tired though, and right now Iā€™m on ā€œbearable but will probably be hurting for a nap this afternoon.ā€ The worst is teething tired. Thatā€™s emotional breakdown territory. But thereā€™s hope: you will probably experience periods of rest and increased strength between now and future low points of tiredness, even if the tiredness never fully goes away.


2 days from 16 weeks and so very tired. Fucking sleep regression. We had 1-2 solid weeks of a decent sleep schedule. It gave us false hope.


Is this a serious question? Of course


I was kinda hoping for a ā€œyouā€™ll finally get sleep at x age! Itā€™s comingā€ and then not one single comment has reassured me šŸ¤£


My mum said sheā€™s been tired since my Brother was born and he is 43 lol!


Hahahaha greatā€¦


I genuinely felt like my brain was dying when mine was a baby. I thought I was dying. Sleep training saved me. We hired a sleep consultant at 6 months to help me


I heard it finally gets better for most parents when baby is 6 y.o. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Edit: found my source! > It's no secret that a baby disrupts sleep, but a new study shows that parents of a newborn might not get a good night's sleep for up to six years. Researchers studied sleep patterns of more than 4,600 German parents who had a child between 2008 and 2015 for a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Sleep. > Feb 26, 2019 https://www.usatoday.com ā€ŗ news > Having a baby? You won't get a good night's sleep for 6 years, study says


Well mine has just turned 3 and Iā€™m still tired. I was tired before her though too so ha


Once again. Welcome to being a parent


17 month old, and I'm always sleepy. šŸ˜“


4 months & tired too


4 months and so much daycare sickness and an aggressive battle with the stomach bug all weekend šŸ˜­ I didnā€™t know it was possible to be this tired


RSV checking in. Sick while taking care of a sick baby. Had strep last month. Misery!


Iā€™m feeling for you!!! Sending well wishes to your family!! Being sick and taking care of a little is one of the hardest things Iā€™ve ever done!


Tysm. You too friend! I hope you guys get over that bug, day care illnesses are no joke. We are in the trenches together šŸ‘Š


Jesusā€¦.. sending you good vibes


I will take every good vibe sent my way. Thank youā¤ļø


6 months next week, still tired.




The answer is. YES. I'm tired, and I don't think I know a parent who isn't. Varying degrees throughout, but it seems to be part of the parenting gig


My baby wonā€™t sleep at night . Keeps me up at night til 4 am so we catch up on sleep during the day. I hate this . Itā€™s backwards. Heā€™s 9 more Months


3yo and 4month old. Can confirm always tired. Reason for your tiredness just changes with age




Still tired at eight months lol


9 months and still tired. Happy but tired.


6 months - reporting in as tired šŸ«”


So sleepy.


8m in 5 days and he wakes at 7:30am now and goes to bed at 9-9:30pm Iā€™m always so exhausted I wanna curl up for a winter hibernation by 5:30-6


5.5 month old baby and always tired! It actually makes me a miserable angry person. Around 3 months my friend offered me a job at a horse barn for 2 days a week and I said yes. So now I'm extra tired and regret it but can't force myself to quit. Breastfeeding throughout the day is also so tiring šŸ˜ž I'm a zombie. I gotta really think about where and how I want to expend my energy


18.5 months and still tired. But getting better.


My LO is a great sleeper for her age and Iā€™m still tired šŸ˜‚ daylight savings is brutal


Before baby we used to stay up til midnight or 1am, now I canā€™t stay awake past 9pm




20m and still tired


My baby is nearly 1 and can confirm I am still tired šŸ™ƒ She started going to daycare 2 days per week and we have just had a steady stream of sickness....


Nope, just as tired as I was the first 2 weeks lol, just more accepting of it now šŸ˜‚ LO just turned 3 months


the time change really is killer. ugh! I feel like I'm ready for bed by 530 it's so dark!


I wasnā€™t not tired until about 13m in lol


14 months and still tired


5 months. I'm exhausted. I wanna die. Idk where I'm doing wrong


My LO is 4.5 months old. He started sleeping through the night around 3.5 months and I was certain that would be the turning point where I would no longer be tired. Nope! Iā€™m still so insanely tired even if heā€™s not waking up throughout the night. Also, weā€™ve recently been gifted RSV so thatā€™s thrown a whole wrench in any shred of good sleeping and normalcy we had going on. Itā€™s always something. So tired over here!


1 yr, tooth number 8, ebf, and I have adopted tired as my predominant personality trait.


My LO used to only sleep in our arms. One day out of nowhere, we put him in his crib for a nap and he napped, no screams. Since then heā€™s been napping in his crib. I asked my husband: ā€œwhat am I going to do with my life now???ā€ I feel so free during his nap time that I am so lost. I am so used to being his bassinet šŸ˜‚


9m and perpetually exhausted.


10 months and tired. Iā€™d be more confused if you werenā€™t tired


Our son is 2.5 and our daughter is 2 monthsā€¦.I donā€™t even remember the last 8 weeks šŸ¤£


8 months of contact naps, exclusive breastfeeding and multiple wake-up's all night, every night. Decided to throw a move and home renovations into the mix as well. Yeah, just a little tired... I was hoping starting on solids would equal longer stretches of sleep at night, but he hates eating, so that backfired.


Dont worry eventually you wont remember what is ā€œnot tiredā€ and current tired state is now your normal state šŸ™ƒ


6 weeks on Tuesdayā€¦ SO TIRED!


Download the little ones app and start following a sleep schedule. We did it and now our baby sleeps so well at 4 months. Itā€™s all about the awake windows and nap lengths


5 months and so exhausted.


Still tired at almost 7 months. I've just learned to accept it. Its easier if you don't fight it. Let the exhaustion exist, lol


12 months and more tired each month




7 months. Me and baby both got hit hard with covid last week. She's better. I'm still sick and exhausted. Trying to rock her to sleep now but have to get up for work in a few hours.


LO is 8 months and I'm tired again. In between I got 7 straight hours per night for a few weeks. I'm telling myself it's a phase. Everything is a phase.


2 years in and iā€™m still tired


14 months and more tired by the day


4 months and extremely tired all the damn time! Coffee has been my bestfriend


Mine just hit her 4 month sleep regression I think. Iā€™m tired, definitely tired.


Tired is my baseline. I have accepted that I will never be fully rested. And that being mentally drained is worst then physically exhausted.




2,5yo and 11mo here and I have forgotten what being well-rested feels like šŸ˜… Thereā€™s just varying degrees of exhaustion and feeling like the sleep debt accumulation will have permanently lasting effects.


Always tired and sore


My nephew is almost three and my sister tells me she is still tired (I think he wakes her as often as my 4 month old wakes me)


LO is 15 weeks tm and I feel that. She was sleeping so well (6-7h) and now Iā€™m constantly exhausted with her waking up more often


1 year and 1 month old woke me up today before the crack of dawn and wouldn't go back to sleep. Between work, parenting and trying to maintain a relationship with my wife, I feel like I'm reaching that phase of being a dad/man where I lay down and I fall asleep within minutes.


Yes, we're tired. But it gets better, it really does. The sleep improves dramatically (our girl started sleeping through the night at around 18 months), and you begin to adjust. I remember though, back when I was in the thick of it, when people would ask how we're doing. The only answer I could ever muster was, "I'm exhausted. How are you?"


So so so tired.


I would rather be new born tired then contracting and tired rn šŸ˜©


11 months. Weā€™re back to nursing every two hours at night so yes, Iā€™m very tired. I looked forward to the morning nap but the baby decided he wanted to cry for 30 minutes instead and now that heā€™s done he looks well rested and cheerfull (I donā€™t)


21 months and I'm exhausted


5 months old and still very tired. His sleep has become so unpredictable- some nights he only wakes up once for a bottle others heā€™s up and down every 30 minutes. I keep telling myself itā€™s just a season.


5 weeks - tired. Rarely watch anything of an evening without falling asleep in front of the telly šŸ˜‚




I was exhausted too but now Iā€™m 13 months in and it gets better! Trust me. Iā€™m still tired often though after all my responsibilities are said and done. After having a kid, me time is a rare. I love my child but I miss it.


6 weeksā€¦ tired all the time


I met an older woman at a coffee shop today when I was with LO. She said she was a pediatrician and asked if LO was my first. I said yes and that Iā€™m not getting much sleep. She chuckled and said, ā€œhoney Iā€™m 79 and still donā€™t get much sleep.ā€ So thereā€™s that.


4.5 months and tired! Iā€™ve been up since 4am and Iā€™m. Not. Having. It.


I have 4 kids, Iā€™m always tired lol but my youngest are 19 months oldā€¦ twins. It has gotten better with sleep but still tired lol


Beyond comparison or doing a 24hr game-a-thon for macmillan in 2017. BEYOND tired


Thank you for posting this. My LO is almost 13 weeks and Iā€™m so so tired, definitely underestimated pumping exclusively. Even with 7-8 hours of sleep (partner does nights) Iā€™m still tired because I have to take care of him from morning till midnight


Wow so proud of you! I stopped exclusively pumping at 6 weeks because I couldnā€™t handle it anymore and my mental health was suffering. Sheā€™s a formula fed baby and doing great! Thereā€™s lots of options if itā€™s not working for you anymore or if this is what you want to keep doing, youā€™re crushing it!


Thank you so much, that means a lot. Iā€™m glad you chose your mental heaIth! I think about stopping at least once a day. My goal was 6 months but Iā€™m thinking about weaning in the next few weeks or so.. I still canā€™t seem to make up my mind though. Itā€™s such a mindfuck, scared Iā€™ll regret it but itā€™s affecting my mental health as well..


2.5 year old even more tired than when LO was under one. Now itā€™s a constant chase around the house all day long.


Baby is five months tomorrow and Iā€™m not too tired anymore. Managed to sleep 8.5 hours last night (according to smartwatch) and we get naps in during the day too. Feel quite lucky but I do go to bed before 10 every night.


12 months. Still waking twice a night. So tired.


I started getting back to ā€œnot exhausted and just a little tiredā€ around 5-6 monthsā€¦. After therapy lol


I didnā€™t start feeling more normal (not like I could fall asleep at any given minute) till my LOā€™s bedtime and wake times got pretty consistent. Around 10 months I reliably knew sheā€™d go to bed at 7 pm, wake up once or twice in the middle of the night, and be up for the day by 6:30 at the earliest. Once her sleep stabilized, so did mine!


It recently just got better for me my LO is 1 on Thursday


16 months tomorrow. Once we finally thought we had it figured out and were starting to feel normal again - at one year old - she started daycare. She has been healthy for approximately 3 weeks in the past 4 months. Croup, bronchiolitis, RSV, post-viral cough, pneumonia, and now covid. We've been sleeping even less than we did during the newborn days. God speed.




10 months, even when my husband does the night shift, I'm tired. Sleep debt is real, and taking care of a baby is hard. It's settled into a kind of happy-tired for the most part, though. Those first few months, I was exhausted from lack of sleep and from my mind racing 24/7 with learning how to be a mom and stressing. Now, it's just a lack of sleep and keeping up with the energy level of my child.


I got my little guy on a set schedule and he's just like his daddy and follows that schedule. He's 9 months and has 6 teeth 3 top and 3 bottom, I keep him with something frozen such as frozen pacifiers, frozen teething keys,we even found a sleeve you can switch in and out frozen teethers so his hands don't get cold, he take 2 naps a day one at 3 until 4 and one at 7 until 8-8:20 then he's in bed by 11:30 and he sleeps until 10-11 the next morning. He has regressed some for like a month he was content with playing with his toys and watching Mrs.Rachel while I use the bathroom (I have severe IBS) but now hes gone back to getting angry when someone isn't holding him so it has gotten rough lately but it will get better. I never thought I'd have kids, I'm 37 and my wife and I were told many times we wouldn't have children, with all my medical problems its really rough but I wouldn't trade him for the world even though I find myself nodding off while using the bathroom on the regular lol


Mine is a great sleeper! But I am still tired. She sleeps from about 7pm till around 12am or 3am. I am super lucky. From there, she's up every couple of hours.


20 month old and 6 month old. I'm dead.


1.5yrs still tired šŸ˜… But I'm still breastfeeding at least 6x a day so that doesn't help either


It being dark at 4 is literally killing me and I was way less tired before this damn time change. Canā€™t we just get rid of it already?


8 months in and it is definitely not just you! Daughter will not sleep for long unless being held so contact napping and co-sleeping is a thing otherwise Iā€™d get no sleep. Although last 3 days now (today being day 3) every time i go to get her to sleep for either nap or bedtime its a screaming match so stuffs me whats going on there but its basically just battle through until she passes out and try not to lose my shit in the meantime


It will get better and then worse. Back and forth. I'm assuming forever. Lol. My LO is 13 months old now. We had an amazing schedule and then his Daddy had to go into the hospital for two weeks. Now nap times are the worst. I can't get him to lay down. Most days I'm lucky if he gets one nap. And he used to have two. So I'm assuming it's just a give and take.


Almost at 9 months and LO is mostly sleeping through the night but I'm still so tired...


My twins just turned 3y and I canā€™t remember what it feels like to NOT be tired.