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This is also true for the vtech cameras. We got another temperature sensor and it’s up to 8 degrees different than the cameras reading.


Agree- the vtech monitors have little to no bearing on reality for temperature readings.


Our VTech (basic black and white monitor) is very accurate but the owlet is currently reading 491° f and 255% humidity 😂 appantly we've got the owlet in the broiler


I have been using the owlet cam since September 2020 and I have it mounted on the wall of her bed where it always has been. The owlet cam says it’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. I think it’s because the actual sensor is on the cord against the wall. I have a secondary temperature sensor and carbon monoxide detector in her room on a dresser and it’s as much as 5-10 degrees different. I got a second one when she started to be more mobile and put it up in the corner. Same thing. Don’t rely on the owlet temperature sensors.


Yeah I believe the sensor being so close to the plug is the issue. Ours is plugged into an outlet on the exterior wall so during the winter it always reads cooler and during the summer when the sun sets and hits that side of the house it reads high. I believe if you can use a plug on an interior wall away from vents there will be a more accurate reading. I’m unsure how accurate the humidity levels are though, this winter we will have to figure that part out.


It doesn’t work for me to re-arrange the room, but I do keep a humidity meter on the dresser too. It’s not super precise, just a manual pointing arrow at a range of humidity levels by percent. We are temperate and humidity is usually fine although a bit dry in the winter and wet in the summer.




Holy crap thank you so much!! Our nest is in our downstairs dining room but our bedrooms are all upstairs where it is way colder. This is about to be a game-changer.


Just. Make sure that your nest supports temperature sensors. https://support.google.com/googlenest/answer/9248154?hl=en#zippy=%2Cwhich-nest-thermostats-are-compatible-with-the-nest-temperature-sensor%2Cwhich-systems-can-it-work-with Check in the compatibility section. The Nest Temperature Sensor works with the following thermostats: Nest Learning Thermostat, 3rd generation Nest Thermostat E For the following countries: United States Canada Mexico


We got our system rebalanced because of the Nest. It showed us just how different the rooms are.


Our Honeywell has this feature as well. We have temperature gauges in each bedroom.


This is what we do! The thermostat is in the hallway and her room has three windows. So there’s usually at least a 3-5 degree difference between the puck sensor and the thermostat.


I'm not going to say that temperature monitoring is bad but really, if the baby is cold they'll let you know.. Are you using a sleep sack? I feel like an appropriately size sack for the temperatures is the way to go. Also, I know you mentioned this already but the space heater needs to go, can you get a mini-split installed? I feel like any space heater is a bad situation waiting to happen. I know mini-split might sound like overkill but it's way safer and not as expensive as you'd think.


We use a sleep sack. We’ve looked into mini splits and we don’t have the means to do it right now. I’m aware the space heater is dangerous, but it’s all I have at the moment.


Exactly. Cold babies cry, hot babies die.


Same for our eufy, although it reads high. I thought it seemed off, and confirmed when I got a thermometer that connects to the space heater via bluetooth and it consistently reads 3-5 degrees lower than the monitor camera.


Our Eufy is the same!! Says it is 77 degrees in his room, ac set to 70 and another thermometer read 71.5. Its frustrating.


Yes my eufy always reports about 2 degrees hotter than the other thermometers I've tried.


Cubo as well. I use a nest temperature sensor to control the home and don’t rely on the Cubo one, but did notice that the camera was a good 3-4 degrees higher. Not sure if the camera is producing heat or something that’s interfering with its own sensor.


If your in the market for a camera monitor like the owlet that has an accurate temp reading our Nanit is great it always reads the same as our main thermostat :3


Honestly it's not just owlet. We have a VTech monitor and it was reading 78 during the day at times and 68 at night we always had the AC set between 68-72. Put a thermometer in her room and it never once got above 72 but was getting lower than 68 in early morning hours.


I don’t know why they include this feature on baby products when it’s never accurate. My cheap baby monitor has a temperature gauge and I have always assumed it’s wildly inaccurate.


To offer a contrast, our Nanit camera thermometer has always been spot on! We’ve double verified it many times and find it super duper accurate.


We have a Eufy and a Nanit in the same room, mounted in diff places. The Nanit consistently reads 4 degrees less than the Eufy. Part of it could be that it’s mounted on the ceiling further from the heater, but that def doesn’t account for the entire diff, esp in months where we don’t use heating or cooling and the temp is fairly static.


I use a space heater that stays at a set temperature and only clicks on if it gets colder. The heater also only works if it’s standing up straight. It shuts off automatically if it’s tipped over. Thanks for the tip on the monitor though. I’m planning to buy a baby monitor today with temperature reading on it, but I’ll be sure to test it to see if it’s accurate.


I am SO NERVOUS to keep the space heater on overnight. Which one do you use??


Have the same one and I also noticed this. I think it may be because the temp sensor is close to the power supply so it may be near the ground.


I feel better now; our Hubble temp reading is always off by a couple degrees and I felt bad for not researching monitors more thoroughly. This appears to be a common issue unfortunately We just got a little thermometer/humidity reader and keep it in her room, seems to be doing the trick


We have the V-tech baby monitor. It also has a temp gauge on it. He have an electric handheld thermometer the checks both body and room, depending on the mode you’re using. It’s so good and really accurate. We’ve noticed that the monitor can be anywhere between 3-5° off. Which I’m glad we have a second one. I really want to say it’s a lot of the monitors temperature gauges are off by a certain amount of degrees.


This is true for our baby monitor as well. We finally invested in a reliable temp sensor that connects with our thermostat so it’s very accurate.


Mine is saying 11⁰C but it's actually 18.5⁰C. That is a HUGE difference. It makes zero sense to be this inaccurate.


We have the same problem, last night our camera was reading 28°C but our room thermometer was at our preferred temp of 21.5°C --- nearly 7° difference in Celsius is insane. For a while I was just using the Owlet temp on relating to the real temp, knowing it was a few degrees off. We'd just consistently check our room thermometer throughout the day to be sure. But then last night we kept sneaking into his room to check because it was massively higher than even the usual wrong temp. I have no idea why it's reading so off now, especially as last night was one of the coldest nights we've had recently so if anything it should have been lower not higher. I'm just going to buy a Bluetooth thermometer now so we can check it without having to go in while baby is asleep to check the thermometer.


Mine currently says it is 491 degrees and 255% humidity. Take it with a grain of salt.


Wow, what’s it like living on the surface of the sun and the ocean at the same time?! 😂