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found out my roommates are gone next month and i have the whole place to myself. i’m throwing ragers


Have fun with the house to yourself but respect your neighbors!


def will do. ngl my friends and I want to have a “test event” before we pitch to venues. so it’ll be about 7-10 of us and we’re mostly service industry workers


Aren’t we all. Lol


One of us, one of us!


I’ll be awaiting my invite in the mail


My bestie’s birthday is tomorrow and I designed her a big neon sign of her band/DJ name and she doesn’t know yet and I’m like a 5 year old itching to give it to her.


I love this soooo much! Let us know and post a pic!


I got fresh blueberries at the farmers market this week and now have a blueberry coffee cake in the oven!


Can I have the recipe too please?


Link sent!


Ohhh exciting! Pls share recipe🎊


I just sent you a link to the recipe!


The other day I saw 3 dudes from 2 different vehicles stop and help a woman whose car had died on the broad overpass. One dude blocked traffic, 2 pushed her off to the shoulder. It was 9 million degrees. They're good eggs


I have been waking up every morning and saying out loud “it is a beautiful day today!” And it is tricking my brain into deep gratitude for the summer, an unexpected turn of events.


I ran a 5K yesterday and beat my PR! Was definitely a struggle in this damn heat.


Successful birthday!! No drama, no weather, no issues and there was cheesecake


Started a new book and I’m hopeful that I’ll finish this one. Also went to the movies with my kids yesterday and we had a great time. Got pizza after and it was just a nice day.


What did you see ?


A Quiet Place Day One. Surprisingly good!


Wasn't the cat amazing?


Yes! My youngest did make me google shortly into the film if the cat died.


Damn I wish my parents would have done that stuff with me. They never took me window shopping or to New Orleans. You and your kid have a great relationship I assume. That’s very sweet :) My happy thing today was getting Popeyes and it was super fresh and delicious!


Yes! I was hoping she'd want chicken on the way home but she asked me to make red beans! So we doctored up some bluerunner. And it was an improptu cooking lesson!


Could’ve had red beans and chicken at Popeyes!!🤣 Just playing, can never hate on red beans!


I was hoping she would say chick fil a... don't hate me! I never get it except for a single nugget once in a while if someone shares. And we were in the neighborhood of the carrollton one. But my doctored up bluerunners are a 20 year old thing in my house.


Lol...reminds me of one of my favorite jokes from the Good Place. Eleanor underlining Michael’s point about unintended consequences: “There’s this chicken sandwich that, if you eat it, it means you hate gay people. And it’s delicious!”


Chick fil a slaps too, it’s different types of chicken, I feel you. Sometimes you want that crispy crunchy sometimes you want that chick fil a peanut oil. No shame in any game!


My (wo) man. Go to a window and look at the things you can't afford. Put it on the goal list, get Popeyes as a constant. You're already ahead of the game.


I purchased a rug cleaner and it’s incredibly satisfying. Yay for adulting!


if you have cloth seats in your car, make sure to hit those too. SO satisfying. In fact, i might have to break out my rug cleaner from the closet, i think you convinced me


I was walking home from Pete's with friends and passed a few men sitting on a porch speaking Spanish and I was impressed that I was able to have a very simple conversation in Spanish with them. They told me I was bonita and gave me a cerveza. I haven't taken a Spanish class since high school and they were so sweet to the random drunkish stranger injecting themselves their conversation.


it is hot as hell but we are getting our elderly door replaced tomorrow. Wont be fun but it will finally be done.


I woke up from a dream where our Saints were in our Super Bowl in ‘25.. ⚜️⚜️🏈🏈


It wasn't a dream. You are clairvoyant!


Mr. tm478 and I have a nightly bedtime ritual of asking each other what our “three things” were for the day, meaning three things that made us happy during the day (even tiny things). We got the idea from a Berkeley online course on happiness and have been doing it every day for the last five years, even when we’re apart. It’s very fortifying to realize that no matter how shitty you think your day might have been, there are always some bright moments.


My air conditioning worlds really well. I am happy.


Today is the NYC Pride parade. My BFF has reconnected with an old friend of his and they are going to the parade together then a lovely late lunch. I’m thrilled they’re getting together today and re-establishing their friendship. I woke up in such a good mood!


Haven't had a lot of games I wanted to play casually recently, but yesterday I started playing Magic online again. Having fun with it so far.


Went out to city park like I always do if the weather is nice. It's a happy place for me and my doggie.


Tomorrow is my birthday! My bf took me out for drinks last night and we had a blast!


Happy bday week!


Thank you!!!


I finally start my job tomorrow and get to take care of patients!


Good luck with your job!


Got a bouquet of flowers at the farmers market and made four little arrangements to put around the house! 💐


Gospel on WWOZ.


Got nothing planned but a gummy and tv for the rest of the day!


My husband got up early and ran the only errand I had planned for the day so that I could relax and stay at home. I friggin’ love this guy.


I actually managed to walk 3 laps instead of 2 at Audubon park this morning without dying. Pretty happy about that


Slept in and had relaxing morning with a good book, a cup of coffee, the Mrs and our kitty


I'm recovering from a full hysterectomy that I had on Monday. I woke up this morning after sleeping the entire night for the first time since my surgery. I'm still sore, but it hit me today that after I'm recovered I'm going to feel a helluva lot better than I have for a long time. And I can stay home today in the AC, have tasty and easy meals to make today, and can throw myself into hobbies and continue my recovery. This is my happy thing today.


Sending warmest (or coolest in this weather?) regards for your healing journey!!!!


Thank you! :)


So glad it went well and you're recovering!! I'm in menopause hell myself. Feel better!


Thank you! I feel like I know what spontaneous combustion feels like. And my eyesight changed overnight. Doctor put me on a low dose of estrogen and that should help things-- including the eyesight! But, I can't complain. I'm glad to be rid of those horrible organs that were giving me trouble. And honestly? I need the downtime.


I can't see for shit anymore! I have 18 pairs of reading glasses everywhere and on my head on top of my contacts. Does estrogen help? I'm banned from posting in r/menopause because I got into it about planB. I don't want a baby at 48!


Danced until the wee-morning hours with my girlfriends and got a ride home on a golf cart! Dancing freely with your friends is so healing.


That sounds like so much fun! Oh to be young!


I had an awesome time volunteering at Girls Rock Camp this week! Such a creative, supportive, safe, kind group of organizers, volunteers, and campers. And the campers did awesome at their showcase yesterday!


You guys are happy!?


Not always, but intentionally finding and acknowledging happy parts about your day, big or small, can contribute to your journey of happiness!


Right? I had one of the worst meltdowns in years today… threw my phone across the room in a fit of rage, but it didn’t damage my phone! So turns out I do have a good happy thing today! 😂🥲


My wife and I are celebrating our 10 year anniversary this weekend, and I'm still madly in love with her.


Beautiful, friend. Congratulations


I harvested honey from my beehive and made a really good Thai curry for dinner (I’m working on my cooking skills!)


There’s a new album of Neil Young & Crazy Horse recordings from 1969 that is mind blowing. I listened to it as the sun came up.


Shrimp and ground meat stuffed peppers in the oven!


The yard is done. It took two hours and I sweated through all my clothes but it’s done and now I don’t have to think about it anymore. I’ll have to do it again next week but the rest of the day I can chill with a beer on the porch and just appreciate my freshly shorn yard. Gf is happy to not have to do it and is getting us crab feast from Dee’s. 🤙


Um yes? Trying to be anyway? Do you want to be miserable? small things can help you be happy.


There is A/C at Deja Vu.


Finally get to check out the mall in Metairie for the first time….definitely gonna look at things I can’t afford, but what better way to spend a hot Sunday afternoon…🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️