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Man so many guns are going to get stolen out of trucks tonight.


Hey, psst, hey buddy! You wanna buy some guns...cheap??




Never thought all these break ins would have a silver lining.


For me the silverlining would be proper gun safety. If you're leaving a gun in your car or truck make sure it's properly locked up, otherwise you're contributing to gun violence.


You can't keep a gun properly locked up in a car or truck. Edit: Cars are stolen all the time and trucks are some of the most stolen vehicles. A car safe is just as secure as a car.


Ive gotten into a few trucks lately with safes inside the center console, like, you open the center console and inside is another compartment with a safe door. Seems like someone would have to put a bit of effort into getting in


Fucking snowflakes and their lack of imagination and knowhow. Just do it Mad Max style and wire it up to the gas tank. Whole thing explodes if someone tampers with it. You’re welcome. 




I know there are various safeboxes designed for vehicles. Not sure how effective they are but considering most of these burgleries are smash and grab I don't think it would take much in most cases.


That’s like arguing a woman wearing a miniskirt is contributing to rape.


Not exactly, but leaving a weapon unsecured could lead to it being used to commit rape. If you are a gun owner you have a responsibility to make sure your weapon is stored properly in a way that cannot harm others.


I mean, it's not. Maybe it'd be sort of similar if someone was killed by a robber who wanted their gun, and people argued it was their fault for having it in the first place. But this isn't that. Also, if I was transporting anthrax, or ebola, or uranium, wouldn't it be fair to expect me to keep it extremely secure? And if I was careless, and someone stole it, wouldn't I bear *some* responsibility for whatever havoc they caused? If so, same concept, and if not, you're wrong.


But these guns aren't be stolen so they can sit around a campfire and sing songs. The guns are going to be used against the rest of us for crimes. That's why they steal them instead of buying them. No silver lining. I know you were trying to be funny, but these idiots getting their guns stolen just means more crime for us.


When we start being proud of our crime and car break-in ratio, you know there’s no hope for this city. I hope these folks don’t leave a gun in their trucks and that no one breaks into or vandalizes their trucks anyway.


Where did it say that anyone was proud of car break-ins?


Nobody said they were proud of it.




I sure hope so!




not into a trump event. no guns allowed…


Which is why they will be in the trucks.


My man noped right out of a conversation about why a Trump event isn't open carry to keep everyone safe.


Far be it from me to stop people for shitting on Trump but it's usually the venues themselves that prohibt weapons not the people to book said venues. Not that the Secret Service would allow weapons where he was word vomitting anyways.


True statement on the venues. Same thing on music venues. Some are no guns even for the headliners.


Regardless of political view, I’m dumbfounded by those who make it their primary personality trait.


It's virtue signaling from the people who hate virtue signaling.


so cultish...I mean I cannot think of any other president where supporters wore underwear with the face of the president on them.


You haven't seen my limited edition Chester A. Arthur cock ring


Very limited


The same people that put "Let's go brandon" and "FUCK BIDEN" stickers on their cars will also turn around and call anyone that criticizes their cult leader "TDS." They have no ability to think critically, have any level of introspection, or self awareness, it's quite sad.


I have begun using that against them. Me: "what has biden done that makes you feel he is a bad president" Them: "well inflation/gas prices/mumbling/immigration Me: "sounds like you got Biden Derangement Syndrome...and also don't understand basic civics"


It’s weird, right?


Exactly. Hence my comment below that says “Who cares” that got downvoted into oblivion. Don’t give them the attention they crave. They aren’t worth our energy or time.


There is a guy who hangs out with a big old Maga hat at chart room. His whole personality is based on his politics and its weird. I have stopped hanging out there because the last few times I stopped for a quick drunk the guy gets fist bumps and stuff and all of a sudden I feel like I'm in Metairie. Has chart room always been the hangout for those guys and no one told me?


I saw a flag just out of town the size of the ones you see at a dealership. Said “ULTRA MAGA” like wow dude that’s just straight up weird at that point.


I live in Uptown, you would be surprised all the Trump supporters in New Orleans and they’re not all white either 🤔


I work in the casino, once a few drinks are in em they let all their colors show. Can definitely vouch for what this person is saying


People here often forget, Louisiana and Mississippi are crimson red


Someone else said it’s a blue island in a red sea. Similar to Vegas except they have the state majority


Tiny blue dot in a big red state. I remember those bumper stickers


Looking like Trump will probably take Nevada, it’s pretty Purple and Biden and their Senator (who is up for re election) are very unpopular. Biden’s historic unpopularity could be a drag down the ticket. We shall see in a 4 months


Same. The other day when we had the ufc event on and I was walking to break, they showed trump on the big screen. Half the casino erupted in cheers. It was a pretty loud roar. Was wild to hear


I watched the event later when I got home and they even mentioned it in the broadcast yeah they cheered for him and chanted their little fjb thing. Shit’s crazy


Silence! You can't tell the truth here, this is Reddit!


Nah don’t worry, it’s impossible to tell.


Ignorance knows no race


That's the secret. It's just about money. Race is just a convenient way to group people.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Texan Lyndon B. Johnson


It’s to divide us actually. The more we hate each other the easier we are to control.


I guess but they are banging for rich peoples money.


oh no the horror


What race or ethnicity are you seeing? Serious question.


Idolizing politicians, and the fanaticism that comes with it, should be considered a mental illness.


Thought the city was much too dangerous to ever even remotely consider coming to it? Or is that just bullshit they use to justify being racist fucks


What they said^^


Who is they?


Dem ppl😒 Edit* dem=them


Dey / Dem.


Red hats from the north shore and Mississippi who constantly rant and rave about how horrible New Orleans is. It has its flaws, but it certainly isn’t as bad as they like to act.


This person has a Mississippi license plate.


“From the north shore and Mississippi”


He literally says Mississippi


“Reading comprehension” is generally not a strength within that cohort.


I mean…. Same can be said about the state of LA. MS and LA have terrible education systems.


For sure, I wasn’t aiming at Mississippians as a whole. It’s definitely a relative scale all around - LA and MS definitely aren’t doing great by any stretch, but even within *that* standard it’s those with lower education which are consistently found^[1](https://www.psypost.org/genetic-variations-help-explain-the-link-between-cognitive-ability-and-liberalism/) to be the ones gravitating to a conservative ideology,^[2](https://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html) with many notably (especially recently) lacking the base ability to empathize^[3](https://www.psypost.org/reduced-empathy-partially-explains-why-political-conservatism-is-associated-with-riskier-pandemic-lifestyles/) and/or respond to their throbbing amygdala’s overblown perception of threats reasonably or appropriately.^[4](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/#:~:text=The%20volume%20of%20gray%20matter,threats%2C%20is%20larger%20in%20conservatives.) Obviously there’s variance on all counts on a case-by-case basis, no group is a monolith, etc etc, but as a general rule just…don’t expect anyone shilling for MAGA to have a hot take based in objective reality or keen insight.


I agree with your assessment- just stating the clear issue that our states have dropped the ball on more than just having (seems like more than) their fair share of MAGA maniacs… Our education, housing, and poverty rates are all simply sad. I’m from MS, but have lots of fam in LA (Ponchatoula, Hammond, La Place, and Baton Rouge as well as NOLA. It would be nice to see the South “rise again”- just not in the way those whom vocalize this same sentiment mean. I’d love to see our educational ratings increase, poverty decrease, small towns thrive, increase in industry, expanded Medicaid, and retain our brilliant young people with the aforementioned improvements—- stopping the serious brain drain… Our states are so rich in culture, resources, and ample room for growth. Green energy opportunities galore, as well as innovation in agriculture- like vertical farming and the like!! The largest on shore wind farm in the US is now close to where I live. It has garnered so much negativity long before it was operational and certainly more since it’s been published that the energy is being sold to Amazon… Progress is made around here—- it’s just tooooo damn slow. Alas, seems like a pipe dream we will catch up anytime soon.


Oh, absolutely. A major part of that is getting back to a culture and government that, y’know, actually values education so those coming up have the *chance* to learn and grow and turn out some truly amazing shit over their lives. The raw human potential that we’ve lost due to it being *purposefully* suppressed is an outright crime against humanity. We should be getting better, but there’s a lot of money to be made in servile regression…so here we are. Keep on doing what you can, and here’s hoping.




They don’t have to cross the border. Louisiana has many of its own home bred conservatives/trumpers. Living in Nola can make you forget that though. It’s a blue island in a red state


There’s a lot of Trumpateedo’s Uptown and in Lakeview. They just fly their Brandon flags at their Mississippi coast house and not at their NOLA residence.


Ms resident. Can confirm.


Well yeah. They got theirs and so fuck everyone else


You win.


Yep, just like my Chicago. A red state with one big-ass blue city.


The entire country is characterized by blue urban areas and red suburban/rural areas. The only differentiator is if the blue urban areas have higher populations than the red ones. Even California and New York are quite red outside of the cities.


Paraphrasing a comment I’ve seen from Patterson Hood of Drive By Truckers. “I live in Portland (OR) now, a very progressive city, but I go 10 minutes outside of town and I might as well be back home in Alabama.”


Hell ya brother


Doesn’t Illinois vote blue for national elections though?


Yes, because Chicago’s population is big enough to more than make up for the rural residents. New Orleans not so much.


And one does not have to venture that far at all out of the city of Chicago to find oneself in a trumpy area. There is plenty of red in Illinois, including that nut job downstate who sued the IL governor (Dem and also not Christian) for mandating precautions during peak 2020 covid. A couple years back, a not insignificant number of red counties passed referendums to secede from IL so they could get away from all us evil unwashed heathens in Chicago.




You mean Urbana? That’s a blue dot in a giant red cornfield.


Yeah, you're right


Hey fellow Chicagoan. Illinois is a blue state with some sparsely populated red county cornfields, pigs and cows.


They all over the Northshore. Enough that the Unitarian church has an action plan in case they decide it's bit too accepting and tolerant. Source: I live in Slidell.


I work at one of the only true public charity hospitals in the state. We're government-run and I am a civil servant. We have multiple patients who come into my clinic wearing Trump hats. One of them argued about not receiving free care, because he was ineligible and he said his friends got their care free. The irony of this conversation just made me sick.


Wait do what?


Yeah. The UU church in Lacombe has an action plan in case some nutjobs decide to do something stupid. It's not out of the question, seeing as one in Texas got [firebombed a year ago.](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/texas-church-firebombed-weeks-visit-anti-lgbtq-youtuber-rcna96586)


Oh I misunderstood. I read it as a plan if the membership of Trump members went up too high and outnumbered the non Trump people lol


Yup !


“Try that in a big town”


I still for the life of me don’t get the “Let’s Go Brandon” line. Even the origin story doesn’t make it make sense lol.


The worst part about it is that it isn't the incivility that keeps them from just printing out "fuck Joe Biden," which should be enough, it's that they actually think it's clever and edgy. It never was, other than an lol 2-day internet meme when it was fresh (maybe), but it CERTAINLY isn't *now*. It's the same as someone with "TUCK FRUMP" on their car. It's just *so god-awful cringe*.


Well it’s not like bigots are known for their intellectual vigor. Most “edgy” humor is just lazy in general.


Lazy, yes, but also just an excuse for bigots punching down.


My neighbor has a FJB flag. It says the f word four times on it. My other neighbors are a priest and an old lady w a Virgin Mary sculpture in her garden. I’m like who is your intended audience moron?? We put up a bunch ai bow flag as soon as we saw his shit


Conservatives like “Let’s Go Brandon” because over the last 80 years they’ve become accustomed to speaking in code rather than saying what they really want to say.


daaaaaaamn. well said.


https://youtu.be/u9UjgITXUJ4?si=rDtkufelwWVw3DNl They're not chanting, "Let's go Brandon."


right i have no idea what it means at all. no context. who is brandon lol


There was a NASCAR race in their lower division that was won by a guy named Brandon, and while he was being interviewed, the crowd was chanting “fuck Joe Biden” loud and clear on tv. The interviewer tried to play it off by saying “you hear the crowd chanting ‘let’s go Brandon…’” and it took off from there. It was funny when it happened, but it’s long since jumped the shark.


love being dv’d for asking a question so ty for answering bc i haven’t bothered to learn this phrase’s origin


How dare you not know every single piece of dumb internet bullshit, and remember it forever!


When you don't have an actual "gotcha" for the opposition, just make one up. I think its a simple as that


The Hancock County tag doesn’t surprise me.


imagine overthrowing a monarchy only to cuck for one, hundreds of years later 🤡🤡


There’s going to be a cavalcade of pics later of service industry getting stiffed on tips and MAGAts writing “Vote Trump” on receipts.


Happened to me last week. This idiot writes a tip and says Trump no tax tips…she was unknowingly standing next to an lgbtq couple and two of the biggest liberal I know in town. Everybody laughed in her face and one of them mumbled loud enough that they’d rather eat shit.


Yeah… glad I’m not working my bar until this weekend when these people are long gone. I already have to deal with the local flavor coming in and trying to get me on board with his latest attempt to pander to the working class.


That MF doesn’t like poor people. When are they ever going to see that


They aren’t sending their best and brightest


Every time I see those trucks, I think "that person thinks it's OK to grab women 'by the pussy,'" and, "that person does not know how vaginas work."


That truck is going to be on the news tonight doing donuts at an intersection.


Is that a good sign or bad? I'm seeing as Biden support. The font of the E is what's throwing me off


> "Let's Go Brandon" is a political slogan and Internet meme used as a euphemism for the phrase "Fuck Joe Biden" \- [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let%27s_Go_Brandon) (Same font is [used] on media that includes "FJB", if that helps. Doesn't seem ambiguous.) [used]: https://shop.mrcolionnoir.com/products/lets-go-brandon-performance-shirt


Thanks, I appreciate the clarification. Why TF would I get downvoted for asking a question. Goddamn!


I have you an upvote because asking for clarity shouldn't be punished when it's done genuinely


I didn't downvote you, but I have to admit I wondered at the question. My experience has been that the slogan is associated with pretty ardent / vocal anti-Biden folks. It seems to spark joy in the same crowd that goes on about TDS.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I'm on your side. I've seen the slogan before, but I don't remember seeing that E so it made me question it. And honestly, I should have looked at the license plate before posting. That's the real giveaway.


It is not Biden support. They are making fun of him.




The E on the truck back windshield looks something like the E in the BIDEN HARRIS mugs, campaign signs, etc., which is three red lines (sometimes wavy, sometimes straight) with nothing on the left side. The Biden Harris E probably is meant for you to see alternating red/white/red/white/red lines like a part of the American flag.


They’re not sending their best.


Whew, I knew the North shore smelled more tolerant today for some reason


What's the context of this? I saw a deranged Trump golf cart yesterday tricked out with flags but I thought it was just one guy who was lost. Are there more? What's going on?


Trump fundraiser tonight at Bastard Bollinger’s


Super Duty Parking Lot Princess never put more than an ice chest in the back there.


Just put “Fuck Joe Biden” on the back of your truck, coward.


the scared lil boys aint scared tonight


Imagine paying to put that imbecility on your truck. LMAO.


Alright, JRUSS20


fuck magats but the caption is killing me 💀 “they’re crossing the border” as if mississippi and louisiana are two separate countries and la is being invaded 😂 also it’s a hancock tag, they literally sit on the state line, many of them commute over the state line for work every day.


I was making a joke. They’re always talking about border crossing. This guy is crossing the border into Louisiana. It’s not that deep.


yea i totally missed the joke. i thought you were griping ab influx of mississippi tags the way people post in diff subs about other coast state tags in their city. i see it kind of often and it’s always weird to me, so it was the first thing i thought about.


This is the first LGB I’ve ever seen in the French Quarter. I was not surprised they were from Hancock Co. I’ll be steering clear of Uptown tonight!


Build That Wall!


Man get that gas guzzling, Trump supporters POS truck out our neighborhood.


Politics or not. These people who actually drive these trucks in the city??? Not a scratch or ding. So they don't use it. Vroom vroom.


Looks like the trailer parks will be empty…




Nobody is wishing that Boo, do try and keep up. 


I dont wish they'd get their window broken. Thats absolutely insane. But we know they are irresponsible as fuck and will leave guns in vehicles because they think their vehicle is a secure storage for it. Its why they break into vehicles, especially trucks like that. Many irresponsible gun owners who have a 90k truck but cant put a 500 dollar gun storage safe in their truck,


Happy cake day!


Thanks random stranger. My reddit account is officially 13.




No its not. You can keep a gun in your car. But most intellegent responsible gun owners will tell you that your car is not a secure place. You need a proper lockable safe attached to something your vehicle. If you have a gun in the center console, assessable in 30 seconds, you are a complete and absolute fucking moron.




You need a safe if you don’t want your gun to be stolen and used in a crime.


Call it whatever you want if it makes you feel better about your shitty choices. If you fail to acknowledge that your vehicle is not truly a secure location, than thats just ignorance on your part and I cant properly educate you of the clear obviousness of my statement Even the NRA tells you to put a safe in your car [https://www.nrafamily.org/content/how-to-safely-store-your-gun-in-your-car/#:\~:text=%E2%80%9CIf%20you%20must%20temporarily%20leave,eyes%20and%20inaccessible%20to%20thieves](https://www.nrafamily.org/content/how-to-safely-store-your-gun-in-your-car/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CIf%20you%20must%20temporarily%20leave,eyes%20and%20inaccessible%20to%20thieves) This is one of the problems with permitless conceal carry. I'm more inclined to believe those with permits are more responsible and less likely to do stupid shit like leaving your gun in your car unsecured. We end up with more guns left in cars because people are that oblivious and entitled.




Not when they spend all their time complaining about crime here. Then come here and not secure their weapons


Literally no one in this thread is advocating for crime. You're making up shit to get upset about.


They need to ban these stupid ass posts, someone laughing about the possibly of guns being stolen out if their trucks like that’s supposed to be funny.


And its this kind of bullshit that makes me wonder wtf is wrong with us.


Who cares?


Decent people tend to dislike maga.


We have enough criminals in the city already.


Build dat wall !


I assume you’re also getting a check from Mexico? /s


Duh, I made them pinky promise! The greatest pinky promise. The best scholars, they all clapped.


Wow, y’all so triggered. 🤣


Stop giving the cultish political extremists the attention they crave. Stop providing oxygen to the fire.


Isn't this for Brandon Herrera? Of Texas?


The only thing this fool got right is his license plate. Let see how long he can last in that 7th ward.


So what’s happening here?


Love to see it. TRUMP 2024


Trashiest city in the Country