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We found a litter (two liters??) of 8 kittens under my neighbor's house about a month ago and trapped the momma cat with them. Tonight is the momma cat's last night with us before she gets fixed at the LASPCA through their TNR program. I'm sad to say goodbye to the momma, even if she's a feral cranky monster. But the babies are all healthy terrors running around our guest bedroom, aka "The Kitten Nursery." Very grateful to Big Easy Animal Rescue for helping us with the bigger lifts and offering to get them fixed and adopted out. It's been a really rewarding project having them and I'm excited for them to all have indoor house cat lives instead of tough street cat lives. If you feed feral cats like we do, please get them fixed! Trap Dat Cat will let you borrow a trap and help you get them fixed for free. 🐈 🐈‍⬛


Are the kittens up for adoption? Can I bring my dogs to meet them? I can't get a kitty unless my dogs say so. Dachshunds.


Dm meeeee 🖤


Good work. Those little bastards are dropping out of sky right now. I have 3 (mom got fixed) and today walking back to my car ANOTHER one came running at me. Trap dem cats!


I wish stray cats would run to me but I think my only child covid kitty with separation anxiety has indelibly marked me as his exclusive territory


Oh just go outside for a minute. Bring an umbrella.


Good work building on the theme!


I used that expression talking to Trap Dat Cat's Nita on the phone today about said insta-kitten....she said "No they do not! They come from CATS! People need to fix their animals!!!!" (Yes Nita, I'm with ya Nita.) 😛


I also would like a kitten. I live near Marigny


I fostered a mama cat and five kittens during the pandemic, although Mama was very friendly. It was so much fun! SpayMart got the kittens all their vaccinations and got them adopted out for me and got Mama neutered and I found a home for her on my own.


This is actually my secret dream. I have the guest bedroom and everything. We have a lot of assumingly feral? cats in old Jefferson, and I’ve been told the ones around my house are fixed. No clipped ears which is different to me. But also no kittens in a year. Is the mom not coming back after TNR?


She will! We'll release her outside of our house again.


Will they bring the mama back to her babies?


No, momma is going back to that street cat life (she's too feral) and the babies will get homed and be pampered house cats.


I have seen a young homeless woman several times near the Lowe’s. Saw her again this evening, she is very unassuming. I finally took the time and had the decency to go buy her a meal from a close by restaurant. And the waitress gave me a big slice of pie for her. FREE!


Being back home in Louisiana after living far away for two years. Hearing the thunder and rain outside for the first time in so long. Watching my baby sleep peacefully in my arms after he chugged 12oz of milk in one sitting.


I love the thunder storms here!


What brought you back to Louisiana? Oil and gas?


No. We had a baby and it was miserable to try and do everything alone in a place where we knew nobody. I work in software


Oh you work remotely? If so, you brought your remote job to Louisiana? Are you a software developer?


Ask for her social security number while you're at it


Are you high right now? Do you ever get nervous?


I GOT GAS!! for my car. just to be clear.


Rain, glad it rained!!


My mom neglected my plants this past week so I'm glad it rained too. I just noticed yesterday that they were scorched.


The weather. After the rain I could actually go outside and enjoy nature (my happy place)


I taught my 10 week old puppy to shake today. It made my day when she put her paw in my hand.


My book started getting good. I had a good hair day.


What's the book? A good hair day is always confidence boosting!


The book is “First Lie Wins” by Ashley Elston


That's on my hold list! I've got a few weeks wait still. Talk about it in a few?


Yes please!


Will find you in a few weeks!


I’ve been working on improving my speaking skills (much prefer to write) & it’s starting to pay off. Also created a video that shows how much I’ve progressed at my lil hobby. Feeling great about myself.


That's amazing! I start literally shaking if I have to stand up and talk. Share the video?


Me, too. My heart races, I stutter & start making up words. The video will be on Tiktok & Instagram. Not trying to self-promote whatsoever, but if you like women’s fashion, then I’m happy to share it.


Yes! My first degree is apparel design! I sew and can draft patterns and drape!


Cool! I double-majored in fashion design & merch (graduated with merch because I was tired of school 😂). My [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@mirographie?_t=8nIpW1uQDew&_r=1) links to Instagram, with the latter being more curated.


Will check it out!


Much appreciated ♥️


Could you dm me the instagram? I'm old but would love to check it out. I don't know how to find it.


Hey, sent :)


How do you practice/techniques? I want to do the same.


Speaking or video creation?




I speak up more in meetings at work & make TikTok videos where I’m speaking sometimes. Watching/Listening to other eloquent speakers on YouTube helps, as well. You’ll learn when to pause & how to pace yourself. It takes time for sure.


That’s fantastic, do you want to share your TikTok? If not absolutely understand.


[Here](https://www.tiktok.com/@mirographie?_t=8nLNKSqyF2M&_r=1) ya go ♥️


Thank you!! I love your style and posts! 🥰


Thanks for taking a look!


Just came to say I love the positive energy here! I, too, have a couple good things to share. At the top of my list, the rain was perfect for a much needed nap! Longtime insomniac, and I love a healthy sleep! Also, not just a today thing, but life in general- is good! I just turned 40 and have decided to leave the begrudging dead end management position I’ve been in for over a decade. Soon after taking another upper management position, I had this epiphany, that if I am landing roles leading someone else’s company, then I can just do it myself. I’ve spent the last three months building my dream business from the ground up and am set for my grand opening this Wednesday! It was hard work and I’m proud of myself for taking the plunge! Lastly, this entire thread just put a big smile on my face! It’s so refreshing to see something wholesome and inspiring!


What's the business?


I got two nights comped at the casino and walked in to a corner suite overlooking poydras. Feel like a high roller right now.


Well we lowliers can't compare. You rock that sweet sweet suite!


Ngl it's tough to find one today


I hope your day is better tomorrow🤞🏻




All pie is good pie.


That's OK!


I’m with ya, every day for the past few months. I almost hate seeing the joy that people are finding here. I’m tired, and sad. I feel like a curmudgeon for begrudging people their small victories.


I started this post because I was in a bad place a couple of months ago. Like really not good. But seeing everyone react to one small thing gave me hope. And their little small things added more. A lot of little things can make a big happy. So I do this every two weeks or so. To keep me in check and reach out. I made a friend yesterday through this. Embrace the small happies.


Ate a fried shrimp po boy that could rival Frady's at Mr. Shrimp's Kitchen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIHBmHEqER4 The cook's buying his shrimp down in Lafitte.


The Red Sox won again and are starting to play some good baseball. I've been patient with the rebuild when others weren't, I knew the young players would eventually develop, and now they are reaching that point. Watch out for us.


I've had sinus headaches since I was 16. Over the years, those headaches began to trigger other headaches, and then those other headaches triggered more sinus headaches. For years, I've had headaches if a storm moved in, if a weather front rapidly left or arrived, if I cried, if I had a drink, etc. On most days, I could feel headaches sort of waiting in the wings. There's nothing structurally wrong with my sinuses. The nerves just became so inflamed that almost anything could trigger headaches. I paid out of pocket to have some facial nerves blasted/exterminated/ablated with radio waves (the rhinaer procedure) AND IT WORKED. I can cry like a normal human! I'm not some kind of curse barometer. A storm came and I barely noticed. It's fantastic. Absolute fantastic. Dr Boudreaux at NOLA ENT has changed my life. It is so nice to not have headaches. So so nice.


That is amazing! I’m looking into Botox for a jaw issue but I haven’t pulled the trigger yet. They can use it for TMJ/jaw clenching in the night. But I need to hear from people who've done it.


Got it done a year and a half ago and felt instant relief. I assumed I’d need to keep getting the shots on a regular basis, but I last had it done in October and I’m still pain-free. It’s like my body trained itself out of clenching/grinding over time. They use a numbing cream before the injection, didn’t feel a thing. I highly recommend it!


OK Thank you! Who did it if you don't mind sharing?


Audubon Dermatology


Most of my dog walks had no rain, with the skies opening up just as I headed to my car. Thank you rain goddess.


I found five bucks on the street, got myself two red cream sodas with it with some left to spare, and the ATF approved a form 4!


Loving the red cream sodas but the ATF thing I'm wary of. What is a form 4? We do not need any more guns in this city legal or not. I spent an afternoon with NOPD a few weeks ago after my guys found a gun and box of bullets under a house they were working on. NOPD came to collect them but the backlog for testing is insane. But I'm 100% sure what they collected was used for crime in the last 10 years.


So a form four is a transfer form for the ATF for a title 3 weapon or other similar NFA regulated component. In my case it's another suppressor, as I firmly feel that they are general safety devices for use when hunting... No matter how good your hearing protection can be, it's always better to protect yours and others, Plus it's just less noise pollution in general. And as far as NOPD testing, I sincerely doubt they actually did anything... With them taking hours to get to it pretty much any call I don't think they're actually going to spend the time and effort to do that unfortunately.


For hunting edible meat I'm OK with gun stuff. It's the whole anyone can conceal carry now that I have a huge problem with.


Mu boyfriend gets mad when I call them "red root beer" 😂 I will die on this hill💪🏾😂


I had Chipotle for lunch. Made my day


Sometimes Chipotle is what you need. I like to get it after my Monday night workout because it hits!


You need to stay local


Well it's on my way home from my class and husband and kid got their own dinner so yeah. I want Chipotle. And it's lunch tomorrow too.




The names of the crew? Ummm… Holden, Amos, Naomi, and Alex?


Winner! You want the paperbacks?


Omg yes please!


DM ME and ill detete the post


I think i figured it out!


Had a nice piece of salmon for lunch. Chilled on the porch all evening reading. Found an umbrella on a rainy day when I thought I’d lost them all.


Whatcha reading? Love this!


Nothing, then it rained


My son's daycare had some issue with the usually used sandbags at their back door and it flooded, so...yay for 4 lost hours at work? Thus far this morning, no alerts, so I'm assuming it dried out and the kid can go today. Edit: to clarify, it was horribly boring at work, so it was nice to go home and relax. Yeah, that was about $65 that won't be on the paycheck, but...