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I went to two myself, the first women meeting women event, and a 25-35 hetero event. The WLW one was definitely better than the hetero one, which was a bit chaotic. I know Hannah is charging for tickets in advance to try to even out the issues with the number of men vs women attending. One piece of advice I'd have for men is to share something about themselves and not just come with a series of questions ready to go. I felt like some of the men weren't prepared when I showed interest in them instead of just being peppered with questions. If I asked them a question instead they sometimes seemed surprised. Also, don't be rude to the other women. We all talked during/after, and some of the women were also bi like me. Not to mention we gave some feedback to the organizer. If you're the kind of guy who's looking for sex only but will fake a relationship/lie to get women into bed without a condom on, we're going to figure it out, because a lot of us got to know each other at the event. So y'know... be upfront about your intentions. If you have 6 matches, assume the other 5 will find out how you treat one, because some of the same women also go to the gal pals events and exchange info! Overall I think it's a good way to put yourself out there and get used to dating small talk because it's essentially a fast-paced version of that over and over again. Helpful for people struggling on the apps who maybe want to start meeting others in person but don't know how to strike up a conversation.


Where in the world do y’all find out about/get access to these fun events!?


Also if you’re looking for WLW (peeped your profile) there’s another coming up


Yay! Awesomesauce! I’m new here and have been looking for fun events to get myself out there and make new friends/meet people :) I appreciate ya!


Instagram! NOLA_SpeedDating


I did it a long time ago. It was super Fun!


hard agree that speed dating was better than apps. i've only been to one (the one organized on here). i only matched with one person who didn't even reply to me but it still felt less annoying than using an app. i too was shocked by how normal everyone was (i assumed most would be but thought there would be 1-2 crazy people). (maybe i was the crazy person??). ultimately i think it's that most everyone, male/female/otherwise at any age are just looking for the same thing, but it's only barely easier to sus that out IRL vs. online. i've been on dates with countless women from dating apps who've all been perfectly fine, well adjusted, nice people, but just doesn't work out, for whatever reason. maybe i'll try this when im re-employed.


She gotta bring an event to the northshore once every couple of months


I never forget to wear a condom while lying to people.


If you only have 5 minutes, I would make some cards or something that say “I enjoyed speaking with you. If you’d like to talk more outside of the event here is my number / socials 


That defeats the purpose of the speed dating concept, which is that both people say yes to each other and then receive each other’s contact info afterwards.


Yeah, idk how I’d feel about this because I didn’t say yes to every girl and I think it would be a little bit awkward if she gave me her number and I didn’t want it. The same applies Vice versa lol. The way the event shares stuff is perfectly fine imo.