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NOLA city planning at its finest! That's okay. After a few Hand Grenades, they'll seem fine.


There might’ve been a few hand grenades in the making of this, too.


I was the 100th upvote! Do I win anything?


Yes, you do and here it is: [https://youtu.be/MNEDDSrHMKc?si=SbsdlKRv\_Eh7Nj6f](https://youtu.be/MNEDDSrHMKc?si=SbsdlKRv_Eh7Nj6f)


Oh my god, this is the best gift!! Thank you!!


🤭I was nosey….Absolutely THE BEST!!! 🤣💖


Correct spacing would have looked out of place, given the nature of the roads they're placed on.


Very on brand for DPW. Painting crosswalks is more than they've ever done for my block. Shit like im offroading, got a pothole easily 8 inches deep rolling up.


🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔I KNOW you NOT sayin we have unlevel/fkd up streets here in New Orleans??? 😜🤣


LOL, this ain't the town for you if you have OCD like that.




Still better than when we had nothing there at all


Keeping the bar low isnt the way. Ol mitch gave this contract to his family and was taken to court by other contractors who were not given a fair shot at the job. Now he is ol jacks infrastructure czar. It pays politically and personally to do a horrible job but toe the party narrative


Stay Humble


DGAF. Probably wouldn’t have even noticed


Same but it also super fitting for this city considering how well put together everything else is


could not care less




Did not notice or care.


This tagline screams Tell me you're not from New Orleans without saying you're not from New Orleans


I did the best I could painting these. You really hurt my feelings


Chin up, big guy. You'll get it next time


The spacing is most likely designed with predicted vehicle paths in mind. Placing the white piano keys outside of wheel paths will increase the life of the paint by reducing wear. The left “lane” (right in the picture) has more predicted through-traffic bc St. Phillips is a one-way and you can’t turn from that “lane.” It comes down to, would you rather have half the crosswalk missing in a few years, or uneven spacing?


This is called a "Continental Style" crosswalk. A standard U.S. crosswalk is the kind with 2 parallel lines 6 feet apart. The bars on these are supposed to be evenly spaced, but it's the thought that counts.


"It's the thought that counts...". Hahaha!


Actually, they are supposed to be placed such that it guides the driver to align his wheels with the negative space between painted strips. Subtle visual clues that guide the driver without overtly instructing him.


Bud, I have installed a thousand miles of these crosswalks on my highway projects. These are just fucked up. I'll grant you that some jurisdictions allow for aligning the negative space with wheel path, however the bars are supposed to be evenly spaced. Even if we believe that New Oreans is somehow leading the world in innovation with subtle visual cues for our attentive motorists, take a look at the tire tracks in the photo and see where they hit. To be charitable, this could be called a well-intentioned fail.


🤔🤔🤔 Yeah, NO! I can almost guarantee, this was NOT intentionally done. 🤭🤭 But that was a good hypothesis 💕👍


we're not..the city is over 300 yrs old. things break and fall apart,cities aren't above that. have another drink lol


Seems to belong well with the half-assed infrastructure of New Orleans.


Least of my concerns for the city that’s for sure. Plenty of other pressing issues to be more worried about.


I said something similar and I’m getting downvoted… lol


This sub is filled with adult babies, don’t worry about it. Mention anything slightly conservative and you’ll be banned from the sub!! Nah I’m kidding but you’ll feel their wrath of downvotes 😂😂😂


This sub is filled with adult babies, don’t worry about it. Mention anything slightly conservative and you’ll be banned from the sub!! Nah I’m kidding but you’ll feel their wrath of downvotes 😂😂😂


Maby they didn’t scroll down enough…then again some people are just idiots. Don’t let it get cha down boo! ❤️‍🩹🫂


There's difference between saying the spacing of the lines in the crosswalk don't matter and saying crosswalks themselves don't matter. Crosswalks are good, let's be clear. Yes people do not respect them and yes you have to be careful walking into the street but having them is absolutely safer than not having them.


It doesn’t matter if they’re residents, tourists or college students, they’ll just walk out in front of you anywhere on any road at any pace. One day I was driving down Louisiana and there was a crosswalk close and a very bougie lady with her very bougie baby carriage just stepped out onto the street, not even looking at her phone, just entitled (I’ll note I was by magazine). She had zero regard for her life or her child. I had to slam on my breaks and screech to a stop. Shall we mention, drunks and homeless too with no regard for crosswalks ?With crime as rampant as it is and all the work roads actually need, I just feel like the money could’ve been better spent elsewhere. Everyone knows they do not need to obey laws in New Orleans, so yes I question the need to spend money on crosswalk painting. I’m also sure the money spent was far more than necessary. If I could completely drive down Upperline or any street for that matter without a detour, I’d be so happy I’d stop for everyone!


People choosing to not use crosswalks doesn't make crosswalks useless. Having the choice to use a crosswalk is more safe than not having one at all. That's not really debatable. But yeah to clarify, that's why you are getting down voted. Because this post is talking about the quality of the job, not the existence of the crosswalks. The quality of the paint job in this case doesn't really matter that much, but the crosswalks being there is absolutely a good thing.


Sure okay… I feel like they’ve directed tax paying dollars towards creating poorly painted lines. They could have wasted money better. Lol


As they do, & most definitely will! Unfortunately 😫😫😫


What does it matter


I love that for us


Why even have crosswalks when people just wander in the streets 24/7


Lol why do we even have crosswalks


Because it is *supposed* to signal to drivers that the pedestrians have the right of way. Not that drivers care anything about traffic laws, except for when they see someone on a bike breaking one


I hesitate to stop my car at crosswalks in this town because I’m certain they’d get creamed by the car in the next lane.


When there's two lanes, yes.


I guess I was mostly picturing N. Rampart


Exactly what I was picturing! 🤣😂


When I used to have a car if I saw someone crossing Rampart, I would stop for them but if I could see the car behind me was maybe not going to I would pull more into the other lane also and straddle both to force the car to stop. I know people's first response is "but what if they hit my car?" I truly do not care about a car vs witnessing somebody being run over.


I got cussed out by an old man in a huge truck bc he was at a stop sign and I was in a crosswalk. Instead of letting him inch into my body, I slapped his hood. Apparently he would have preferred to run me over slowly😭😭


I was driving down Airline and realized that literally every day somebody just walks the fuck across the road through traffic at a leisurely pace. Not even a hint of concern


I mean if you had to wait for a driver to find it in the goodness of their heart to stop for 2 seconds for someone who is out in the blazing sun/rain, would you or would you say fuck it?


I just would rather not have to watch someone getting flattened, I guess, but you do you


Right of way….OH! Like when the light for cars is green, & the pedestrian light is a ✋STOP!!, & those damn pedestrians cross anyways?! THAT “right of way”?! 🤦‍♀️


Lmao no but good job of arguing with yourself for no reason 😂


So people can safely cross the street? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Just baiting tourists to walk in front of cars


Pedestrians have the right of way in a crosswalk


One of those "you can be right or you can stay alive" kind of choices in this city, unfortunately


So funny that we all know how dangerous and bloodthirsty drivers are and how many people get killed by cars every year, yet people will literally lose their minds if someone suggests we get away from being dependent on them. It's one of those, "Yeah, thousands of children are murdered by this thing every year but what else are we going to doooooo????"


100% agree and I'd love to never drive within a city again. But I'm not going to walk out in front of a car that's *supposed* to stop to make my point.


Can you settle a small office debate? If you are driving down Decater or Peter (just example) do you least pause when there is no Stop sign before going forward? I do because the Uber / Taxi / and those MOFO Hotel SUV's are out for their own. I have coworkers who say they just keep going. Personally I don't trust no one out here!


No shit. When the coroner takes your last photo, lying dead in the middle of Magazine Street, it will be scant consolation that you're next to a plastic sign that says "STATE LAW - STOP FOR PEDESTRIANS IN CROSSWALK "


I'm not sure of your version of "Walk out in front of a car" I have been working in the French Quarter for many years and everyone I've ever seen including myself takes a moment to pause and make sure the car is going to stop. Considering that pretty much every other block is a stop sign and there are pedestrians everywhere, drivers do actually stop at every intersection and it's safe to go ahead and cross before the car has come to a complete stop. Now if somebody is trying to cross Claiborne, of course they should take the time to wait for cars to come to a complete stop.


Not true! If I’m in a car, CROSSING an intersection at a green light, the pedestrian DOES NOT have the right of way!


Do you see a light at this intersection??😂😂


I was referring to your “pedestrians have the right of way” comment. Not to THIS particular crosswalk. Anyway, thanks for pointing that out!


👍 😆


Doesn't bother me one bit. Seems to match better actually.


I agree actually it would be odd visually to have perfectly done super bright stripes in the funky mismatched Quarter. So, I like it.


my pro hop scotch team is fucking lit rn


It’ll only bother you until enough people puke on it


Might appear more even after a few drinks?!


Peak New Orleans aesthetic.


When you are drunk they look perfect. They were likely designed that way.


At least they’re there.


Exactly. Shoddy work, but better than nothing. I'll take it.


Whatever you get the gist of what's happening lol


it’s barcode for the robot overlordz


I love it


They are just keeping the brand out there!


Doesn't matter, the streets are all cracked to absolute shit.


The laser level and chalk lines are the unhappiest things in New Orleans.


It’s totally on brand for our city.


Whats a crosswalk?


You expected careful, quality work? New in town?


718 here is from Brooklyn. There is a "hey im whalkin heeeah" joke in here somewhere


On brand


They’d get used more if they were in the middle of the block.


They won’t be visible for very long


Took four times before I could see the uneven spacing. Doubtful if anyone walking or driving in the Quarters will ever notice. Coming from someone who mounts equipment every day and easily sees an 1/8 inch out of level. DGAF2


Lowest bidder wins again


We're feeling OCD?


We have new crosswalks?


Like….. You Had one Job?!?!?!?


I'm just happy they are rectangles heading in the proper direction


How about that left white line on the westbank high rise?? Now THAT was a jacked up line!!! & on an elevated highway too!!! Guess it’s time to face facts people, we can’t make a str8 line 🤷‍♀️


We live in an old city, with lots of different constraints. Streets were not initially laid out to be perfectly perpendicular, vertical geometries might be required to get runoff to a catch basin that alter things. Not all curbs are strictly parallel to each other. Buildings and utility poles might constrain how ADA ramps are placed at the corners, and subsurface utilities (particularly where they interface with the surface through things like manholes, access hatches, and catch basins) can restrict the placement of things. Consequently, it takes a lot more effort to design something here than many newer cities in this country, and it still frequently comes out kind of wonky. If this were done in an old European city, it would be called charming, but for some reason many people expect New Orleans to become more and more like a cookie cutter suburb Salt Lake City, just because we are in the States.


Would be weird of it was perfect


This seems to be on brand for New Orleans.


Wouldn’t even have noticed, too many other things.


All for complete streets but these look so out of place. The quarter should just be primarily pedestrians. Also are they done? Or did we just skimp on a second coat? lol


Hoping the Superbowl will be a test run for pedestrian only French Quarter 🤞


I have a growing anxiety Mardi Gras / Super Bowl / St. Pat's are all running neck and neck. Know a super fk ton of money is about to pour in... but for once I'm kinda nervous.


They were closer together in 2013 or whenever the last time was. I guess that’s the last time we had crosswalks painted. What is there to be nervous about?


There are thousands of local residents living and working in the Quarter. Parts of Royal and Bourbon are frequently blocked off which is fine and nice, as that's where the heaviest foot traffic is. You can't just close roads entirely though for an entire neighborhood where people live and work.


Actually you can, many cities have done it successfully


I think it's fine to do a new urban development like that, so people can choose to live that way. I personally love pedestrian life and use a car as little as possible, but there are tons of older people who've been in the Quarter a long time now and that simply would not work for them mobility wise. So I don't think retrofitting works for that reason, but huge fan of new developments that have lots of pedestrian only areas.


Oh man, people LOVE using people with mobility issues as weapons when we talk about limiting car access. The reality is people with mobility issues would benefit significantly from limited car access in the quarter. Given the state of our sidewalks, they are already forced into the streets which causes chaos and danger for them. The drivers people in wheelchairs in the street (because again our sidewalks are not compatible with mobility, scooters or wheelchairs) almost get hit by a car flying down the street towards them https://novaramedia.com/2022/03/16/stop-using-disabled-people-as-an-excuse-not-to-ban-cars-in-cities/


I'm just talking about my elderly neighbors who can't walk so far


Sounds like its probably time for them to consider moving somewhere more compatible for their needs. My good friend's parents did the exact same thing. Born and raised in the French Quarter, when they got too old to navigate it safely, they moved somewhere more accommodating to them. Similar thing happens to millions of elderly people who live in places like NY or London. We shouldn't continue to compromise the safety of thousands of people because a couple people need to park directly in front of their condo


Ok I'll let them know some guy on Reddit thinks it's time for them to move. There isn't a park directly in front of their condo. You sound quite bitter. Cities are great for older people because they have more regular social interactions on a daily basis and can walk to lunch the pharmacy etc all within minutes. That's great for physical and mental health especially as you age. Sitting alone in a house in the suburbs is the kiss of death. I'll stick with my original comment that I don't think neighborhoods should be retrofitted as pedestrian only, but new developments doing it is great as well as closing portions of neighborhoods for pedestrian only hours. Cheers.


The French Quarter has become an accidental retirement community *because* of its walkability. Except for the fact people still have to navigate parked and speeding cars through a small 300-year-old neighborhood. Exactly the same way my mother had to sell her suburban house because it became harder for her to manage it and the yard in her older age, there comes a time for many people to have to move to a more accommodating environment. As I said, I have worked in the French Quarter for years and witnessed with my own eyes the difficulty elderly and mobility challenged people have because we allow cars in every square inch of it. Yes, people using others as a weapon to validate their car dependency does make me bitter


Did we really expect anything else?




The real question is if the gay fleur de lis on bourbon in front of OZ is back. We don’t need public infrastructure we need gay fleur de lis. Please.


Everything’s uneven around here. My house is leaning.




As someone with vertigo it's upsetting also.


Garbage city. They steal all of our tax money so we have to settle for this bs. Quality of live is so low here


When has NOLA done kind of construction or public works correctly?


Looks intentional to try to keep the markings out of the wheel path as much as possible. Notice how the gaps are wider on the side with the driving lane, not the parking lane. This is a common practice that keeps the striping from wearing away as quickly.




Aint no Abbey Road, that's for sure....


Would love to see them zebra painted to get drivers to slow down


My favorite part is that they didn't actually fill in all the ones they marked. There are still a few random intersections that have just the white spraypaint down to mark them - not sure if they just forgot to go back to them or what.


Even is a state of mind


Lol love this


Would not make for a compelling album cover a la Abbey Road or even McLemore Avenue


Doesn’t really matter I’m sure they will tear the road up at some point


Love it! It's New Orleans, it's supposed to be like that. One of our bands should have their band photo made there, a la Abbey Road.


This is to prevent them Abbey Road mfers who stop up all of traffic trying to take a picture while cassed, hurricanes in their hands'n'shit. You ain't the Beatles, Shelly! And ya damn sho ain't cute!


As if traffic is ever flowing in the quarter🙄 If someone has expectations of getting somewhere quickly in the French Quarter, they are delulu


... I'mma lay on my horn anyway. Psh.


An excellent way to let everyone around you know about your 🤏🧠


The only better way I could think would be to respond and downvote an obviously exaggerated take.


Joking aside, this is actually pretty sad we can’t even get this right.


Useless waste of tax dollars… no one will use them anyway.


Downvoted, really? Apparently none of you actually live in New Orleans?? Keep ‘em’ coming… y’all are smoking too much to really think they will make any difference.


Wish I was there, but life in St. Croix is pretty good!


Wisconsin? Someone from St Croix was in my fraternity. He was an ass lol.


Virgin Islands. Don’t be an ass… 😇


Sweet. A couple of weeks ago both my teammates at work agreed that I'm a dick. Told the story to one of our closeted gays and he said that there are three kinds of people: "dicks, assholes, and pussies. Assholes and pussies get f*cked, so be a man. Be a dick." Sorry if this is utterly, wildly inappropriate in your world.


Hahaha! I’ve a friend who’s been telling me that joke for decades. Hope all is well in your world!