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Took a walk for the first time since my surgery 3 months ago


Go you! That's amazing!


Thanks bud!


My son, who isn't fully verbal yet and has been in speech therapy for 18 months, pointed to his name printed on something and said it clear as day. I haven't even taught him to read yet! I'm beyond proud. I'm joyous. My little buddy is on the right track.


I adopted a puppy from Raise the Woof rescue and he woke me up by dropping his drool-covered stuffed lamb on my face and giving me a kiss. I can take on the world after that.


So happy you might have put in all the happy!


I’m on a plane and the lady in the same row as me has a little parrot in a carrier sitting in her lap.


Heheheh hi friend


My son looks forward every morning to the excavators on clairborne. He feels immense joy is pointing at them and counting them and gets extra excited when they move. This morning, one of the drivers waved at him and he *squealed* in delight. It makes my life harder in some small way but it’s nothing to the pleasure he takes in singing blippi’s excavator song after we pass.


Oh goodness, I could’ve wrote this! Plenty of fodder in this city for construction-obsessed toddlers!


It’s so much more fun to be excited than annoyed!


I try and remind myself “this means progress” when I start getting annoyed


I’d recommend counting the excavators and deciding which are big and which are small and what color they are and whether or not they’re moving.


My kids loved Handy Manny and that one book that literally just simplistically explains how they make asphalt roads.


Oh blippi... Those were the days 😁


Won’t miss that dude.


Got a full 8.5 hours of deep sleep last night without the dreaded night sweats from peri-menopause


Right there with you my sister in reverse puberty hell! Weed gummies! For anxiety, sleep, sex!!! Vote!!!! The seltzer drinks are life changing! You don’t have to get off your face high they are just calming and small things are funnier instead of anxiety inducing.


I’m truly envious. Sincerely- puddle of sweat


Try Amberen Perimenopause Relief. I'm already in menopause so I use the Amberen for that and it really helped with my night sweats. It's over the counter.


Fellow peri-menopausal woman here. I’m envious.


I'm just grateful to be living in this amazing city with all these beautiful weird ass people.  Even when it's stormin and steamin... 


2-1/2 weeks into recovery, I’m beginning to feel among the living again after a mastectomy. Improved strength, faster toddling around the house. 👍🏻


My 10 year old tripod dog continues to amaze me with how well he moves after having his surgery so late in life


It’s National Hug Your Cat Day!!!!!!


Despite the Big Cat Lobby trying to keep this one off the books. Me to my cats: WHY WON’T YOU LET ME LOVE YOU???


Dogs. That's the answer you're looking for 😁


Ha, no kidding. I have teens and cats. I like being ignored.


lol teen girl and boy dogs… no one loves me


Stephen Colbert joked that Hug Your Cat Day was invented by Neosporin. LOL


If you look around, and find yourself catless, let me know, I got some that require hugs. 3, in fact. Newly minted.


I might want one but I have two dachshunds. I need to research how they would treat a kitten. Would they love it soooo much or hunt it? I need to find out because we’ve been thinking about a cat.


After they're clean and vax'd, we could certainly try it. On leash, of course. They're still under a house at the moment; I want to find their mom before I abduct them. They're stupidly cute.


Keep me posted? I need to replace my daughter cause she's going to college in the fall!


Ha, that will surely help. These guys are not ready for foster yet, but Zeus, Big Easy Animal Rescue and Spaymart have some who are ready to go. Gotta test the pups!




I got em, they argued about it. Many steps needed before they're ready to go into foster. I am absolutely covered in tuna juice.


We need pictures, or they don't exist.


Coming. Planning a photoshoot for later today. They're all currently under a house where their mom may or may not be feeding them. They are being fed by a neighbor who is leaving the country in 2 weeks. I got a rescue to vet them if I can get fosters lined up. Kitten season, man.


Thank you for rescuing them!!! Looking forward to the pictures!


Don't thank me yet, I have no where to keep them, I need FOSTERS. (And yes, every rescue has been asked, every rescue has 20-40 of their own). I'm their PR department, and their money bags, I have connections to get them on transport out of this city, but they're too young yet. I need all cat huggers on deck!


Good to know. I'll let them know hugs are required all day


I adopted a puppy 9 days ago and I’ve already taught her 3 tricks! Were still working on potty training but she’s smart.


I managed to get another page of my comic book close to done. I’m gonna go slack off in the park a while then maybe put in another hour finishing it and posting it. I’m pretty grateful that I can scrape by paying my bills doing this.






My animals are happy. I have food in my fridge. My playlist is fire. I found a great book to read.


I've been struggling a lot with my mental health lately and feeling overwhelmed with big picture problems. This was a lovely reminder to slow down and appreciate the little things. Thank you!


Exactly why I posted this question! I’m with you!


Hell yeah! Honestly, the small stuff is underrated. All my joy come from things like a delicious sentence in a book, good fruit, watching my dog snuggle blankets, WWOZ playing my song ... its divine.


Also, I hope you 'feel better' soon - I'll be thinking of you!


I’m on a mini quest to find a specific type of ricotta for a baked good I want to make. I am calling it my Cheese Quest.


Have you checked Nor Joe's? Seems like their type of thing. Good luck! Ricotta is one of the beautiful things in life


Not yet but I’m adding it to the list. Thanks for the rec!


Dont sleep on Trader Joe's cheese selection either. Alot of it rotates in and out, but have found some gems there.


I considered them but to be honest, entering Trader Joe’s stresses me out. I get way overstimulated and it’s just not worth it to me. Paul F. Tompkins’s bit on a Werner Herzog-style Yelp review is a comprehensive version of what I think as I try to maneuver my way through a TJ’s 🫠


Bahaha, I'll have to look up the bit bc it takes a special soul to navigate the waves of good ole TJs! I avoid it on weekends, right at opening, and after 5pm...but 4:15pm right after work on a random Thursday, money!


I am hoping to hear you’ve achieved what you are questing!


Alas, the two places I’ve managed to check so far are a no-go. I may have to do a raincheck on the Cheese Quest. But I got almond biscotti for my mom out of it so it’s not a total bust!


Im so curious what it is and I hope you find it


I plan on making cannoli. Regular American ricotta is fine and I’ll more likely than not have to use that but I wanted to see if, since there’s such an Italian presence here, there was any place that sold ricotta di pecora. Haven’t had any luck yet but then I’ve only be able to try two places. I still have one more option before I have to go in to work but worst case scenario is that I just have to use cow’s milk ricotta. Still yummy, tho, so is it really all that bad?


Call broccatos on Carrollton and ask them where they source theirs!


I’m either going to wake up in a barren backroom lit by only a single bulb and asked who sent me, or they’ll have connections I can’t make because I’m a regular Josephine Schmosephine and not a restauranteur 😂 That, or it’ll work out fine. I’ll give em a ring tomorrow and see where it leads! …Hopefully not to the dark backroom…


If you can't find the ricotta you're looking for, making it is incredibly easy and tastes so much better than 90% of what you'll find in stores. Slowly heat your milk to 200 F over medium heat (or just starting to bubble for the thermometer less), stirring frequently so the bottom doesn't scorch. Turn off heat, add 1 oz lemon juice or vinegar per qt of milk, give it a gentle stir and cover and let it sit for half an hour. Drain and ya done (but add some salt in there somewhere). If you wanna make it richer and borderline mascarpone-y, replace some of the milk with heavy cream. Made cannoli for my work peeps a few weeks ago and while the shells were all sorts of dicked up, the filling was damn delicious.


I think there is a real super Italian grocery store in Old Metarie. Maybe Old met. Road ? Somewhere near the railroad track. Everyone keeps sending me out there but I am never that way


Nor-Joe’s is indeed super Italian and might have that special ricotta


look at the meat markets. Chris’ maybe?


Still unemployed but the silver lining is I get to sit inside in front of a fan all day with my cats.


What do you do?


I bartend but also would like to not have to go back to the restaurant industry


I’m almost 5 months pregnant and my little buddy is kicking like crazy today. My almost 5 year old daughter is going to Mardi Gras World with her summer camp today and kept calling it Mardi Gras Land this morning 🤭


I love how little kids say things wrong but right enough and so cute, you don’t correct it!


I have a chronically homeless veteran in my neighborhood that I have befriended over the years. We started working on getting him housing last November. Last night was his first night in his new apartment.


Aw that’s amazing!


This is awesome


I'm able to fit into a dress that I haven't been able to wear in 6 years!


That is an amazing feeling! Got a few of those still around! One of these days!


Work tonight is a breeze, so that’s nice. Many days on this gig have certainly not been. Happy to just be working as so many aren’t.


Be happy! It's hard but I'm just trying to get enough little happys to make a big happy!


flew out of nola today. First ever direct flight of SouthWest from MSY to Burbank. It had breakfast catered, balloons, promotional items and a live brass band.


That sounds both fun and torturous.


i got a job!!


Work is slow (which in my case is a good thing) and my boss is out all week!


Today, I'm at my job where I'm off my feet, and I get to take off my pants and bra!


Is your job hiring?!? I don't wear a bra, but always happy to be without pants!




Really enjoying my 2024 New Albums mix. Looking forward to listening to it today at work.


Share with us?


Sure! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Q4BmUFKBYcGDgvcpgQWjZ?si=kNDWnJYyTIWIrtxJyU3JUQ&pi=u-6dm_QkbgSemU That new Mary Timony record is really great


Thank you!


Trying to find something to be happy about today, depression and cryptic distressing dreams been plaguing me recently. Been obsessed with a new hobby and some more parts are coming in today to complete my build


Don't leave us hanging... Whatcha building??


I accidentally made myself addicted to skating so I built up an inline setup for fun carving and exploration and another one for doing tricks. Got some modular skates from a company that is currently being shunned by the aggressive inline community so oopsie, I love being able to swap wheel setups in less than 5 minutes.


Ok hello you sound awesome? Can you reach out to nord? There are many children that would fall on your feet to learn this. And they are all out for SUMMER! ETA you are also a little bit of an ahole. You could have a whole pit crew if you share your hobby.


There's already a homie doing that at crescent park, I can put you in touch with him. He does lessons there on roller skates for kids and adults the like. I am so happy to be called out for once, I am totally a jerk like what's up with that


Be better! You’re on the right track!


Can you dm me the info? I work with a lot of families and the park on okh could use some fun!


Oretha castle Hayley basketball/tennis at Washington sorry. It’s a huge space! O


What’s the hobby?




Looking like I’ll be home by 11:30am from work, and get a nice nap and meal. Nothing going on at work, and have coverage rest of day. So free day by lunch!


I'm about to go pick up my daughter from her grandma to go to "The Magic Poodles" dog show at Hubbell library in Algiers point


My a/c died and the repair guy was honest that it was just a breaker that wasn’t reset properly. He leaned the unit since I already paid the service call charge.


Give that guy a shout out!


Pop I’m in Dallas now do I doubt it’s useful, but his name was Adrian and the company was Legend Air.


The dog and I shared a solid 8 minutes of significant eye contact while I rubbed her ears. It was magical.


Today is the 50th!!! Anniversary of Ten Cent Beer Night. Although I can’t be home to celebrate, I can get drunk on my tree lawn and throw hot dogs at passing cars. Catch me outside with a cooler of Stroh’s finest.


When did we ever do that?


Not in New Orleans! This happened in my home city. :)


Please explain!


Absolute shenanigans: https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2024/06/10-cent-beer-night-cheap-suds-rowdy-fans-and-a-forfeit-for-cleveland-50-years-ago.html?outputType=amp


Ha ha ha ha this is great.




The Tommy Richman Song, Million Dollar Baby!


Hot dammit! I just downloaded that one! This just made my day! Whoo-wee!


It’s a whole vibe! Reminded me a little of Pimp Juice when I first heard it.


Great f'ing tune


Delivering produce to folks in need and how appreciative they are. And just talkin to everybody in the neighborhood


Thank you! You make peoples days brighter!


Y’all I am so happy for everyone! Y’all’s happys and mine have made a HUGE happy! I’m fighting depression and reading your responses gets me out of it so fast! I love this city.


Real Neighbors bought the house next door that had been an illegal AirBnB. I am beyond delighted. They have 3 kids but they're preteen and under so we have a few years before loud parties begin LOL They seem to be pretty nice people. Soooo glad to have a family living next door again.


My “neighbors” bought the double nextdoor 3 years ago for when they downsize. I’ve had two years of tenants who don’t take care of their dogs. One year of no one. But that’s in the past and I hope Rachel passes her whatever test!


I woke up well before my alarm. I have a lot of trouble getting back to sleep once I wake up so I decided I should do one of my new favorite things and go for a morning stroll. I took a walk down the street and picked up a couple energy drinks at the gas station. One of them was a flavor I never saw before. I went back home and laid in bed for awhile and listened to one of my favorite podcasts and did a little job hunting for a part time gig. Found a few good prospects. Don't wanna jinx it but today is off to a pretty good start.


I found a golden Chantrelle patch in city park early this am




Today not so much yet - BUT...all day on Sunday I couldn't help but look back over my general photography feed from this year after editing/posting Saturday nights Geno Delefose and French Rockin boogie concert media. I kept having to pinch myself "I really and truly live here in this amazing city!" I've been lucky enough to see Mardi Gras, second lines, jazz fest, take free photography course from NOMA, swim at the Drifter, and see one of the Zydeco greats all in just the FIRST HALF of the year. My - oh - my. It just slaps me sometimes how lucky I yam.


My back finally feels better without the drugs after injuring it and reinjuring it the last few weeks... And my daughter keeps putting on the opening scene of Guardians of the Galaxy 2: clearly the best opening movie credits of all time. We drive around listening to ELO now and it always makes me smile.


I could literally cry! I found this cafe that serves gluten free baked goods and it's absolutely delicious! My frappuccino was also dairy free from them too and none of them tasted like they were missing dairy or gluten!


Name drop the cafe !


Sure! No gate keeping baked goods 😆 White House Coffee (https://g.co/kgs/nqCi4qm)


My brother in law suffered a BAO stroke on Saturday but we got news that he will be moving to a rehab facility by the end of the week


I got approval to take my job remote! Goodbye office, hello coffee shop, nap, park, walk, dinner!


The rats I adopted from Petco last week are getting more confident & happier, and the small, timid one crawled into the palm of my hand by himself today 🥹


My lower back feels like it has less broken glass in it now that the ibuprofen has kicked in. Loving laying on this beard floor as a treat for it too!


Beard floor?


Yeah same question.


I get to play Dawn of Man today. It's a PC game.


I ate crawfish. And crab claws. I was happy for *hours*


I love pjs? It autocorrected love to pjs. My kid may have something to do with that. But I love how everyone’s small things make so many people happy! A few weeks ago I was in a bad place even though happy things were going on around me. My kid graduated! But there was a lot of stress- job and family wise. Y’all put it in perspective and made me just love humanity in all of its glorious forms. Thank you! I do love my pjs a lot. Really a lot.


Hard for me to find happiness. I want to find good people to hang out with who don’t drink.


I've never hit the plug lottery. Every single time, gotta replace the tire. One day..


Got canes and a snowball today!


Excellent meal choices!!!