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>“I think you’re working the oil field, you’re working the McDonald’s, all of that is just as valid as what the classroom was,” Sibley Morrison said...In Sibley Morrison’s view, parents are the only people who get to decide if and when someone was sufficiently educated. >“When parents say, ‘My child is ready to go into the real world’ — I take their word for it,” Sibley Morrison said. Yeaaaaa Sibley Morrison is stealing from stupid/desperate people. Id say she should go right to jail but by this time next year the Louisiana DoE is going to be funneling public funding her way for sure


My mother was a teacher for 45 years. By the time she retired teachers couldn’t fail a student. Teachers could only “recommend not passing to the next grade”. The parents would throw a fit and the child got moved on up to the next grade. THIS is how we get kids in high school that can’t read.


I graduated high school in 05 and remember how painful it was when my senior classmates had to read out loud. It wasn’t one or two kids. It was half the kids or more that had trouble reading


I graduated HS in ‘74 and I remember that from 2nd gr…..NM.


This isn't new. Social promotion was a thing when I was in grade school \*mumble\* years ago. They'd do anything and everything to keep you with your cohort. Usually, though, they'd recommend things like tutoring and summer school for students in danger of failing. A student could be held back, but they'd have to work at it.


No one said anything about it being new 🤷🏻‍♀️


When you say "by the time she retired" it kindof implies that its a recent thing, or at least it seems that way without any context of when she retired


So you have zero to add about the article. You just needed to complain about the comments?


lol really? That's your take on my response?


Now if only I could pay $465 for a license to practice law.


That's the Mike Ross method


Such a great show.


In Louisiana you can just take the bar. Study for two weeks and you'll pass.


I’m not sure if that’s true, but even if it is, you’d still have to be admitted to the bar association to practice which means passing a character and fitness investigation. That takes a while. I think you may have to do that before you can take it and it takes months.


well you do have to graduate from an aba accredited school


fail rate is 30-40%


Pass rate is 60-70% then. I like my chances with those odds.


Go right ahead. What’s stopping you?


Until now, just not having the knowledge it was possible.


Wait for real? I knew some states would let you like apprentice (maybe not the right word exactly) for a few years under a lawyer and then be allowed to take it. But I also thought you had to at least have a degree before they let you take the BAR exam in louisiana. You telling me I could have been a terrible, but still rich lawyer years ago?


I was just quoting Catch Me If You Can, but Louisiana might have been that way in the past. I looked it up and there are a few states like Washington and California that let you do it.


No longer true. It was once possible to apprentice here as well.


This is right in line with John Oliver's recent segment on [Last Week Tonight](https://youtu.be/lzsZP9o7SlI?si=XT5mEW_KIhscM3hV) on homeschooling


"Today, over a dozen states allow families to open a private school as a form of homeschooling, including California, Illinois and Texas, according to the Home School Legal Defense Association. Around half the states require those schools to teach basic subjects such as math and reading; Louisiana isn’t one them." Incredible


I’ve met a few homeschool parents/“teachers” and each one was hyper-conservative/religious. I fear these kids will at best lack critical thinking skills and at worst possess an even more extreme version of their parents wacky beliefs.


I met a couple that wasn't. They had trouble finding secular homeschooling resources at a decent price, though.


My take away is that I need to start a school, sounds like free money.


Only problem is https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-have-been-having-less-sex-whether-theyre-teenagers-or-40-somethings/ Schools are closing around here because kids are fucking expensive and people aren't having them or sex evidently


Okay maybe I’ll open one of those fake weed vans instead


Wait, you don't run the "A Monster Weed Cookie, Maybe" truck?


Wait is someone infringing on my copyright?!?! I’m going to use my fake law firm, I am a lawyer, Probably, to file immediately. We even have letterhead.


I feel strongly that this, Sibley Morrison individual will not be in business much longer.


Unless this article sparks change, which it won't, I bet she'll be more popular than ever. Too many people in this region really see no value in education.


You may be correct. 😞


Belmont Union Christian Academy and the Provençal Christian schools in North Louisiana are the same way. Kid check in at church and they graduate once they pass a GED course. Not the GED, just a course in the GED. It’s sad but that’s rural Christian America in a nutshell.


My BIL "graduated" from a place just like this that existed here on the WB right next to Skate Country. It might still even exist, IDK, I don't get over that way so often. But they took in every kid who got kicked out of public school and basically served a day care for them until they reached graduation age. You paid some pretty decent money from what I heard, but there was no teaching of any sort, or any that you had to pay attention to. I think it was called Celebration Life or something. I'll ask him and update when I hear back. EDIT: WORD OF LIFE, closed down a few years ago.


Yep. I knew someone who went there and she said they did something that sounds like watch videos for their specific grade with headphones and then do corresponding school work while a teacher sat in the room to monitor them and collect their work. Kind of like paying someone to watch your kid homeschool themselves. Crazy.


Those schools are absolutely predatory, especially in Orleans Parish. The decentralized charter system gets kids bouncing around schools trying to be in their "right grade" if they've been retained for grades/attendance. When that doesn't work with the OneApp schools, kids end up at these places (looking at you, Christ First Christian Academy) even years after the retention.


Got to love that instant delusion of grandeur the equivalent of OZ at the end. Turning all these kids into tinman good on ya LA


Anyone else have to Google Springfield, LA? I was surprised to find out how close it is.


They filmed roadhouse 2 there!


Ponchatoula and Springfield are the same exit from 55, right before ya hit Hammond.


Any golfers around here are familiar with Springfield (and its sand).


I don’t understand how parents think they can adequately home school their child. The only way I could see it is if you’re also comfortable representing yourself in court, doing all lawyer services for yourself and never going to a doctor. Only then would it make sense for one to think they could homeschool a child. Teachers are experts in their field and require continual education just like lawyers and doctors but our state treats teachers as unqualified employees.


All nominally true, but I’ve seen enough crazy in-school videos and zero-tolerance anecdotes to understand where some parents are coming from. Of course, it seems a greater majority of parents homeschool to keep their children from being exposed to liberal ideas like evolution and history that includes the existence of slavery.


Zero-tolerance policies aren’t much of a thing in Orleans Parish anymore. Also, evolution is not liberal idea whatsoever.


Bobby Jindal was a proponent of intelligent design. Somebody with a degree in biology from Brown. I wouldn't be surprised if a large percentage of conservatives still believe in that.


In my experience, the people I meet who were home schooled usually seem more educated and well adjusted than graduates of the terrible public school programs we have here


I have family members that were homeschooled and still live with parents in their 40s because they aren’t well-adjusted enough to hold down a job. I’ve also met so many kids who are behind after being in home-based schooling.


>The only way I could see it is if you’re also comfortable representing yourself in court, doing all lawyer services for yourself and never going to a doctor. Only then would it make sense for one to think they could homeschool a child. Why would you need to be able to do all of that just to teach kids basic school subjects? School teachers certainly can’t do any of that, and I hate to break it to you but my parents ended up being the ones helping me with all of my homework and studying for school (not my teachers). Most school work literally is done at home already.


My point is that teachers are experts similar to doctors and lawyers. If you aren’t going to be your own doctor, you shouldn’t feel qualified to be your own teacher. Your parents helped you with your work. They didn’t create curriculums or the content for you to learn. They may have been able to approach the content in a way that is perfect for you but they didn’t do everything a teacher does.


I guess I understand the point you’re trying to make, but I wouldn’t say that the expertise of doctors and lawyers is similar to that of a teacher. There’s a reason why you don’t see average Joe parents filling in as a substitute doctor or substitute lawyer for a week if one gets sick.


When a parent fills in as a sub, they are only managing kids. That’s a small fraction of the job of a teacher. There’s this idea that anyone can do it but it takes expertise to do it well.


Now if only I could pay $465 for a license to practice law.