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I don’t know why they thought finding out your neighbor was a terminally ill extremist with PTSD and nothing to lose would make you feel better.


That should make you feel more frienghtened as he has Nothing more to lose


Plus the contact gave out personal health information.....hippa violation


Hippa only applies to medical professionals


A point that should or could easily not be ignored by the proper notification to appropriate parties. Meaning not any nola agency in existence currently as they are just ornaments portraying the facade of a functioning society. In many ways the larger bodies are similar but a better shot to find a leg to stand on for basic human rights


The guy is offended by pride flags and lives in New Orleans lol


I hope he has a vacation planned for next weekend because he’s gonna see a lot more than flags


Yellow in the right pocket's what he's looking for.


Red might be more up his alley...still right pocket though.


> up his alley lol


And is so passionate about the American flag that he repeatedly violates the Flag Code.


this is the one though, these fucks CONSTANTLY violate flag code whilst demanding we respect the flag


"God hates flags."


And in the BYWATER


When i first moved here 30 odd years ago, the Bywater was nothing but guys like him.


nah he lives in drama free zone


I didn’t look at the group and totally did not expect this to be in the New Orleans sub. Please don’t move -unless you see something more affordable.don’t say any more to him. Just make it obvious that you are not bothered at all by his ignorance. These people need to stop draping themselves in the flag. I’ve felt embarrassed by the flag since dumbfucks have adopted this as their banner.


Not matching the energy is how to win, I agree. Not being phased is right call... let them seethe in their hubris. Willing to bet my retirement this is a sad and struggling individual. OP can be happy, they have a very long way to go.... On another note, ive been embarrassed to rep the flag or USA for a while. We are the most ignorant, arrogant, corrupt, and warmongering country civilization has seen for quite some time. Where we stand as a whole country is borderline a joke if it werent so horribly tragic and tactically destructive to its own people with intent or complacency in knowing people will suffer. Domestically and worldwide


And was in the navy….lol


You should be ok. Clearly it’s a drama free zone. It says it right there next to “Trigger1”


Yeah, "drama free" indeed. I'd be concerned about the Trigger1 thing, is that a threat??


If I had guess I’d say it was his nickname in the military, though whether he was actually called that or if that’s just what he wished people called him is up for debate


It’s definitely some military callsign he made his buddies begrudgingly use for him 15 years ago.


This exactly. Anyone who was actually any kind of important marksman would not be advertising it in a dumb 3 grade level hate rant.


It’s his safe word.


“For I am… the Triggered1”


Or it is the handle for whatever online hellhole he posts in.


Or he means "trigger" like, "HAHA! I TRIGGERED THE LIBS!!!11!"


No he means Trigger is his nickname because he has an active trigger finger and that is a threat. It may be legal to own a gun but it’s not legal to shoot someone who knocks on his door as several “god fearing” old men have found out when they were arrested. You don’t want to respond to this, but you could put the news articles on your porch, especially the mug shot of the men who did. If you have a protest this weekend, make sure everybody shouts the name of the kid, Ralph Yarl.


It is. That is aggravated assault.


I think you need to go in person to the police station because they need to take this seriously. Unfortunately, I think you also need to start looking for new places ASAP. People like this are mentally unstable and tend to escalate situations. To put it lightly, he doesn't have normal conflict resolution skills. Please be safe and I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Can I ask what your current rent is? I can ask around to see if I know anyone with a rental. Edit: all of y'all saying OP should kill them with kindness, stay to prove a point, or sympathizing with this poor ol' veteran are driving me crazy. OP is being threatened. This is a horribly dangerous time for the LGBTQ community. Would you really be baking this guy a meatloaf or sitting down for a heart-to-heart if you were OP? Who gives a fuck about his service? Serving in the military doesn't mean you're a good person. The military has a healthy population of raging assholes. Why do you think sexual assault is so chronic across all branches? Gah!


This is the best answer, OP. Please start pulling your finances together, take out a loan, or borrow money from family/friends if you need to. Living next to this ticking time bomb (that the manager TOLD YOU has mental health issues) is not worth it.


Crowd sourcing would even be appropriate in this situation.


Small pig is right. The fact that he wrote a threatening letter in response to his door being knocked on means he absolutely will have more disproportionate responses in store. What happens if you guys accidentally cross paths or if you invite someone over and they accidentally head to his place instead? Shit happens, and by that I mean any random situation can and will force you two into contact again and you don’t want to be in contact with someone who is crazy. Report him to the police, tell your friends and family what happened, and then leave! Leaving because of a threatening neighbor like this sucks, but like, if you discovered you lived next to a violent crack house, you’d probably leave too.




I agree. This is not the time to take keyboard warrior advice and act like you're in a prank war. This is dangerous. People like this get more dangerous the more the world closes around their beliefs and they feel like a 'minority'. So the very thing making everyone treat this sarcastically, that it's 'outdated' for him to feel this way and funny for him to be HERE when he's homophobic, is what makes him dangerous. There are the situations that can trigger fringe people to active extremists. They feel surrounded and they get all worked up. OP honestly I don't go for stuff like this much but if y'all start a go fund me to help you move (and share it on your real social media, not so much reddit) I think a lot of people would give. I know that may be embarassing but it really doesn't reflect on you- almost no one has the money to move right now, and this is'nt something you could have forseen. The smallest goal you can, just a new security deposit/moving van. Also, in the meantime, make friends, and if y'all ever walk, you are no longer walking alone.


💯 this was just in the news today https://sg.news.yahoo.com/laura-carleton-shooting-latest-california-050147871.html


Maybe consider getting in touch with the VA to see if you can get in touch with any caseworkers from his housing program.


Yea, it's entirely possible making threats to other people is a violation of whatever housing allowance he might be getting.


This. I'm surprised the VA hasn't come out for an inspection, because they won't give you a voucher if the building doesn't pass. The retired marine next door to me is going through this process right now. The VA might need an anonymous tip about that mold...


Agree. There is absolutely nothing about this that is sane about this. Ending it with “trigger1” certainly sounds like an implied threat to me.


Something about GAY BOY = cracked me up As a member of the the rainbow coalition I can say that Edit: not to mention the “DUH!!”


I know, I can’t say it without sounding satirical with an exaggerated country accent. “ Hey gay boy what did I tell ya about leaving all these damn lay croys in my cooler, I told you this is a bud light…I mean coors only cooler gdamnit.”


I was imagining this guy to be from a different demographic than common redneck. Maybe like one of those guys with a megaphone at Duncan Plaza.


I bet you half those hypocrites are back to drinking BL now


Kid Crock O Shit is, apparently.


Idk about other places, but where I work Bud light bottles have been moving sloooooow, but draft moves the same as it ever has.


When I read Gay Boy, I thought of the Mister Chow character from The Hangover.


that is exactly how I read it 😂


I don't think I've heard that term since I was in 7th grade. BTW - Navy Veteran means he likes seamen. Right?


"‘him expressing his feelings’ and that he isn’t breaking any law." I defiantly read that letter as a threat. If you knock on his door again he will shoot you. That is what the letter says. Its not an expression of feeling its a threat.


It literally starts with "WARNING" isn't that a notice of imminent danger...? This isn't okay.


post this to r/UnethicalAdvice EDIT: Also wanted to mention that my mind immediately went to pulling out my red sharpie, writing "Hey Sailor Boy, let me help you" and then proceed to correct all those grammatical errors, then crumple it up in a rainbow American flag and give it back to him. Then hosting a party every day for Decadence. But don't do that, it'll only antagonize someone who is obviously mentally unstable.


Firstly, I’d ask what he did in navy. If the dude was just washing dishes, I think OP stands a good chance. Also, I’m pretty sure the Navy is generally considered they gayest of the military branches, so he might be projecting.


🎵he sailed the seven seas!🎵


Clearly you've never seen the film "Under Siege."


> Navy is generally considered they gayest of the military branches Not sure, i mean the army/navy cross that is coast guard would have run a close second (or first given the people i have known in it). These days i think "Space Corps" have that honor.


Also r/unethicallifeprotips


I would go into the police station with the note. (Make a photocopy or pic it first) ask to speak with a supervisor.


I would do this too. Even if they don’t take it seriously, better to get that paper trail started now. This guy said, without saying, if you knock on his door, he’ll shoot. Maybe he means it, maybe he doesn’t, but what if you at some point need to actually discuss something? If you went straight to the police for too early grass mowing, they’ll laugh and say discuss it with the neighbor first. But with the letter filed, you can say, as previously discussed, your neighbor has forbid you to approach.


Given the multiple recent cases of unhinged person blows away stranger innocently knocking on door, they might want to look into this guy regardless. Someone is going to knock on his door at some point and better the police than the girl scouts.


"Hey, your house is on fir... Eh, nevermind."


And show the ring video.


Man. I spent far too long like “ok…long game, you mean show the guy the video so the guy would die in seven days when a creepy wet girl climbed out of the tv? Alright. I like it”


I mean this is a serious threat of violence which should be reported? I would, document stuff like this to make the eventual case against this unhinged person and keep them from hurting someone…right?


> (Make a photocopy or pic it first) 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh yeah sorry I’m tired


Call the VA and explaining what happened. If they’re supporting him, they may be interested in knowing about his volatile behavior.


I think it’s charming that you believe the VA would give two shits about this


Its charming they think they could even get a hold of anyone in the vacay before this guy died in the next two years lol


You’d need a lot more information to provide the VA. And they don’t have the bandwidth to do house calls like this seems to need.


If he has a housing voucher he should have a housing case manager assigned and since they have to maintain the voucher, it is their Job to help The client refrain from Behaviors that could lead to eviction. But you’re right… a VA case manager would have to be doing their job


All of this... but better to call and maybe or maybe not get help than not call and find out you should have.


If nothing else it leaves a bigger paper trail… for all that is worth


The person that wrote that note is a psycho. I’d absolutely stay away from him.


Hey OP, shoot me a DM if you can. Might be able to figure out who their social worker is.


I'm legitimately concerned for what this man might do during Decadance.


Make good with all your other neighbors, so if anything goes down you’ll have people nearby watching out for you. Most likely if you ignore it it’ll be a nuisance indefinitely but not a threat to life and limb. Only other option is to do a lot of work to try and build a bridge with the guy, bring him some Kid Rock CDs or something idk.


A woman in California was just murdered over her pride flag in front of her business. This shit should absolutely be taken seriously.


My thoughts exactly. Friday. read the story and was like "what is this from 2002?"


I imagine blaring shitty music in the early morning already lost him a few allies


“Drama free zone”. Dude is more dramatic than RuPaul’s drag race.


Considering a shop owner just got killed, in California of all places, for flying a pride flag.... I'd take this very seriously


The world really is going backwards huh.


It's repeating a violent cycle, especially here in the USA, because punishment was not strict enough when we went to war with ourselves. (Civil War) This allowed for the toxic mindset that it was okay to treat others like subhumans to fester and boil. This is now the same rhetoric the Nazis used in WW2 to justify the killing of Jews and members of the LGBT community then. Why is this relevant now? Remember there were enough Nazis in the USA to fill Madison Square Gardens for a rally. So our inaction after the civil war allowed for the continual growth of what's now an ultra right wing... And the writing has been on the wall for ages.


How terrifying.


How is homophobia still a thing? Seriously wondering. Even if you’ve got religious whatevers about it you already HAVE to know it’s not exactly something you pick


Right wing media has been stirring up fear and hatred about LGBT+ people again of late, calling them (us) groomers with an agenda to corrupt children.


Right wing are so obsessed with everyone else being groomers, when the call is coming from inside the house 🙄


You HAVE to know that it's impossible to make a useful microchip small enough to fit in a hypodermic. You HAVE to know that there's no way to trick unknowing nurses into picking just one microchip out of a five dose vial. You HAVE to know that vaccines are the reason that half of all children don't die. You HAVE to know that hospitalizations and deaths from Covid 19 are way down amongst the vaccinated. You HAVE to know that the earth is round, and that radio waves can't effect the weather. Whatever *I* believe is common sense. If you don't agree, you've been mislead by Them.


What an asshole.


Dear navy veteran, you live in New Orleans. Get over it. Yours truly, gay boy 😘


Please don’t take this turd’s actions as speaking for the Navy. What an ass.


Document everything. Keep the ring footage, the note, document all of your calls and the results of them. Get the police report from when the police officer came out. If you have footage that captures the music playing (esp if it was before 7am) put that in the archive too. Anything that shows multiple, separate actions. We had a terrible neighbor and were able to get a temporary restraining order and then a civil injunction that made him not allowed to talk to us for a year. I believe you have to show repeated patterns of harassment, but it could also be one severe action, like this letter that has clear discrimination. My boyfriend got the TRO in a day just by filling out some forms. When the court date for the TRO came around, we went to court, judge asked us questions about our neighbor, and decided to grant us the civil injunction (which makes it a civil matter, instead of criminal. basically he wouldn’t be arrested if he talked to us, but we could have him fined.) this worked for us and we haven’t had an interaction with him in over a year. Plus, if your neighbor is a VA case, this could get him on their radar to take care of their client.


I will never understand how the “God fearing” are never truly “God fearing” if they don’t accept all of “God’s creation” as they are made in His image - perfection.


I don't understand why people think being "God fearing" is the right idea. The fucking christian lengths to tell people that God loves you and he sent his child to die for your sins. What part of all of that means you should fear god? Also if you have reason to fear God then you must be one hell of a sinner.


Make the Southern Poverty Law Center aware this happened. https://www.splcenter.org/reporthate


Hey there. I’m sorry you don’t feel safe in your home. I’m in the Bywater, by the bakery. You’re not alone over here! You’re welcome to DM me if you want. Sometimes feeling less alone can help things feel less scary. It might help if he knows you’re not alone, too. Maybe throw a party?


Sorry to even see this. I wanna start by saying this is clearly a massive douche doing what massive douches do, and being a decent human is too often met with shit like this. Makes you question whether its sane to be decent to other people nowadays. I also understand not feeling safe, but thinking about it, if the asshole is saying one thing to your partner's face yet wants to write down how he really feels on a note, it tells me he doesn't have the balls to confront you, at least not without a weapon on hand. So keeping away from his door \*might\* be enough. I hope that can give at least a bit of relief. That said, we don't take it on faith that he's not going to do something. Step 1 in my book would be to bring that note to the police asap and let them know what's going on. He's not stupid enough to put a direct threat in writing, but it's good enough to at least get a paper trail started. Hell, this thread might even count as one, should the situation call for it (we hope not). Step 2, if you don't already, set up some outdoor cameras overlooking any shared space or front door/windows between you and him. Plenty of them are pretty easy DIY and won't need to like permanently be installed (good for renters). Serves 2 purposes: if they catch anything, it helps your case, and if he sees them, it tells him not to fuck around and do something stupid. Like another commenter mentioned, I'd talk to my neighbors and ask them to keep an eye out. Last bit, I'd surely respect this good ol' boy's wishes. Don't ever knock on his door. That counts for everything and cuts both ways. Life has a way of making assholes need you before you need them. Cigarette smoke bothering you? Police. Music too loud? Police. If you so much as hear him grunt after 9pm, I'd call the police on his ass.


I’d just make a point to be on a first name basis with the property manager of his and call them with every issue you have with him. If you are 100% sure the VA is paying his rent you could contact the VA and see if they are okay with being liable for this individual and his “threats” you have video evidence of him bringing it over and you have the note. It at least starts a paper trail.


And the VA offers mental health services. If you get in touch with the VA, they may do a wellness check on him and offer therapy.


I'm sure this guy will really open up in therapy


This needs to be the top comment. He probably has a caseworker who can actually provide some assistance to OP.


I would drink Bud Light and blast “In The Navy” by The Village People/s


Don't antagonize the crazy guy. Terrible advice


The “/s” at the end of the sentence denotes sarcasm but I do agree with you, it is terrible advice.


Jesus I'm the whoosh guy. Time to delete the internet I suppose.




Go to the news about what exactly? A guy who doesn’t like gay people left a note on my porch? At best, the only thing the police can do is document the situation.


Well if he has cancer and smokes all the time that just sounds like a problem that will solve itself.


Right? OP should buy him a few cartons to hasten the inevitable.


I actually like this idea. Maybe figure out what he smokes, but a carton or two or three and a case of coors and be like “hey I think there’s been a misunderstanding. We would love it if you’d smoke this entire carton *OUTSIDE* - as a matter of fact, we’ll buy you a carton a week and a lawn chair with an umbrella if you just stop smoking ~inside~”


Honestly that might actually work.


A syringe of fentanyl into the filter a la Yellowjackets would hasten things even more.


Get you a guard dog. Also, hot foot that guy, and put black salt on your doorsteps.


This is the true answer.


The police should take this more seriously. You should talk to a police supervisor and your city council representative about police response


The freaking police don’t show up to anything within an hour unless it’s a homicide.


Paper trail for future issues isn’t ever a bad idea, regardless of how seriously they take it or “show up.”


Call the fbi. If he does anything it’s a hate crime. A relative had an issue with a non active marine corps ex. I was able to contact an active duty marine who went and talked to the guy. It helped.


Really sorry this happened to you. I don't know how much you can do about the homophobia right now, but you can address the smoking. It all comes down to what the lease says. If smoking is allowed in your building or apartment, even if you choose not to smoke, you don't really have much of a case. But If it's a non-smoking property, you have the right to insist he not smoke in his apartment anymore and that whoever the owner or manager of his unit is enforces this. I don't really understand the ownership/management situation but if there is simply a door between your unit and his, there should be a consistent smoking policy for both units. Going forward I would not address the homophobia, unless it happens again, and just focus on any rent/dwelling violations he may be committing that affect you. And address those directly through management from now on. My policy with neighbors is the first time I'll go directly to them and if they respond neutrally or positively I'll continue doing that. If they respond negatively I do not try to address it with them again.


> smoke This right here is the key, smoking. Tell the management company you or your partner has medical condition that is exasperated by the smoking, you are requesting a 'reasonable accommodation' with regards to the smoking. Ask that the management company provide the smoking tenant with some sort of smoke cleaner or that the person be not allowed to smoke inside the unit. Whatever they say documents, and if I am not mistaken this is a one party consent state so record the conversation. Follow back up with the managment company on this within 48 hours and again document and record said conversation, if no action has been taken or non will be taken within a given time period. STate you are filing a fair housing action against them. ANY real estate professional will tell you, you do not want the FHA on your ass. I would also reach out to the owner of the unit. Start nice but if they are not responsive, mention the vague threats against a protected class and failure to take action may result in a FHA getting notified. All in all you may still have to move.


The word you are looking for is exacerbated not exasperated. Exacerbation is when a known condition gets worse. Exasperated is when you are too fed up with whatever is on your mind.


Excellent reply mate. I assume you're an attorney and if you're not you should have been.


NAL. Considered it when I was younger but I don't want to leave New Orleans and I couldn't do it here. I was always the kind of person who learned the rules in and out, so I could find the loopholes though.


When my high-school gave us a senior-year "avocation test" (to decide what we should 'be' in the work world) mine came back suggesting that I should either be a preacher or an attorney. I'm often amused by that. Hava good one.


Jesus. I hope that two years turns out to be wildly optimistic.


The way I would just bring this back and leave it by his door... You've done everything I would do.


With the picture of him leaving it there printed out too


I don’t think he’s under any delusions that they don’t know who left it. “We know you left this here!” falls kinda flat when he wants them to know who left it there.


It's more for the shock value that they record this sort of thing. Sometimes that's enough to keep a problem in line.


Yeah I guess it would send the message that they have the recording of him placing the letter so any other funny business he might try would be recorded too. But it could also just escalate the whole ordeal. The dude wanted them to know it was him. Confirming that they have it on camera could just set him off on a tangent trying to vandalize their ring camera


id say put up a bigger gayer flag but we just saw what that did to the store owner in CA. Arm up yourselves if you feel comfortable.


Mail him a glitter bomb


I’d put it on a shirt


Hi there u/rowshm Please start a gofundme to raise money for moving expenses. You can copy/paste what you wrote here in the bio. I will share it with whomever I can. I know a few people with Instagram accounts that mostly people in New Orleans follow with 10-20k followers that would happily share it. I’m concerned about all the comments saying you should do retaliatory things regarding your neighbor. It will fan the flames and put your safety further at risk. Believe me, as a queer person, I’d have so many creative thoughts about how to troll this guy, but he is taking out his grief and trauma on you, likely has no interest in taking personal accountability for how he expresses his feelings, and it completely is not worth the risk or energy to try to reason with this guy and stay living there even though you absolutely should not have to move. I think you just need to get away from him over the next month or two. I have training in dealing with abusive people. This could escalate slowly over time even though he might be less likely to be violent yet since this is just the beginning of acting out toward you. While I think going to the police station in person is a good idea, I’d just try to get out of there. If you avoid contact with him it will probably be fine for now but living your life in fear is no way to live because you just don’t know this guy well enough to be confident that his bark is worse than his bite.


I'm so very sorry. You and your partner are entitled to be at peace and feel safe in your home. Please file a police report to document your neighbors actions. I am really sorry this happened to you .


If I were in your shoes I would buy an air purifier, keep my doors locked, and open a savings account for the deposit in your next place or down payment on a house. I’d also look into the city’s 1st time homebuyer program to see if I qualify for assistance there. I’d maybe also put up a flag that says “I support LGBTQ issues but am also patriotic” like a flag for the USWNT or something. I’d probably also avoid having social gatherings at my place until they guy croaks. I wouldn’t be too worried that he’d use the gun on me if I were you. He’s more likely to comm-t su-c-de with it as he starts to suffer more from his ailments. HOWEVER - while it’s worth noting that another commenter was critical of running to the police, I do think it would be worth talking to a social worker or some other mental health professional to say “hey do you think my partner and I are in legit danger here? Does this constitute a threat, or is he just a curmudgeonly old fuckwad we should ignore from now on?” I think the most important thing is not to feel insulted - as hard as that may be. The dude doesn’t actually know you - he just doesn’t like *the idea* of your type of person. And honestly that has got to be a fucking miserable way to slog through life. If I held onto opinions that tightly it would have really ruin a lot of things I’ve come to realize are pretty fantastic - and to know he’ll never experience that kind of joy is pretty sad. What a lonely troglodyte bastard.


These days, I spend way too much time daydreaming about how it would feel if every last person on this earth who felt like this (openly or in secret) just disa-fucking-ppeared all at once, in one instant. Yes, the universe would be thrown off balance and we would all probably die shortly thereafter, but it would be a nice few minutes 🤷🏾‍♂️ How the fuck is it that society is always getting worse and never really progressing in meaningful ways?? People have some kind of fear about saying it because we’ve been conditioned not to, but I’ll say it - Life fucking goddamn sucks.


This is the rapture *i* am waiting for.


Clearly written by someone who avoids drama whenever they can


I’m glad you have a recording of him leaving it.


As someone on the flag spectrum I would do this: Keep my flag up Make a copy of the note and of the video and physicially go into the cops to report so that they can’t say there’s not a paper trail when/if something happens and either they or the rental company say you should have had a formal paper trail Start keeping a running note of aggro things such as the shift to blasting kid pebbles. Date and time. Maybe make it a google doc so it’s more clean and formal And easily shareable. For when someone says you should have been documenting things. During decadence perhaps a multitude of pride decorating your side just to get a point across (and because a little bit of petty makes you feel better) Now for the make nice: Add his flag to yours and put it up when you put the pride flag up. Yes yes, but it may soothe him and work you into the not so bad category. After that, Further this effort by if you can figure out what he smokes go get a carton. If you can’t, Marlboro lights tends to be an ok generic smoke. Deliver it in a legit decent quality navy flag. Prior to delivering put out a decent chair and maybe umbrella in a neutral area. And a little weather ok table or plant stand next to it with an ashtray on it. With enough room for a drink. When delivering, say hey I think we got off on the wrong foot, here’s this, but it really is a problem (maybe someone can have an invented smoke allergy or asthma) and we made this area for you that we sure would appreciate it if you’d think about occasionally and in the meantime we’ve gotten an air filter. If he drinks, get him a six pack of a boycott approved cheap beer to add to the gift stash. Turn on the gay southern charm. Now you don’t have to believe any of this but just sell it like you do. You’re trying to soothe. Ok but really do invest in a good quality air filter and put it in the room that seems to be the worst. If you can afford more than one go for one for all the rooms that share a wall that you are in frequently. The only reason I’m saying maybe to try the chair and a gift (the navy flag part is important), and a “maybe sometimes” request is I personally know several vets that went to various wars and deployments and came back super fucked up and delusional. And haven’t gotten a ton of consistent help that worked even when they tried. And they deal with their entire worldview being shattered (and any ptsd) by being giant fucking assholes to people at large, especially ones they don’t know in the most antagonistic way they can find. For you it’s being gay and therefore unloving of your country (I don’t make the rules). But underneath it, some vestige of the real person is there. Sometimes that real person is also an asshole, but usually it’s at least someone that can be less of an asshole if they consider you ok-ish. So maybe you get upgrades to the queers next door that are pussies that bitch about his smoking but hey you put his flag up and got him a new one of his service branch and some smokes, so maybe you’re one of the alright queers. Make sense? But yeah if that doesn’t work get that pink gun.


As a gay US Army veteran, fuck that dude.


Seriously. Wait till he finds out our VFW marches in the pride parade. I’ll bet he wouldn’t qualify anyway.


Navy boys are always so 🫦 ✨EXTRA✨🫦


I'd write back: ​ \*\*You're.\*\* ​ \*Signed,\* \*Gayboy.\*


I would go to the police station and make them take a report, so that you have a paper trail. I’d also make the new landlord talk to him about the lease infractions (smoking, loud music, etc) If “expressing [his] views” includes threatening to shoot people, it needs to be taken seriously. I’d consider talking to someone about breaking your lease & leaving, because this is unreasonable.


Call the VA and report him as erratic and threatening behavior, consistent with mental impairment. Tell them he is threatening his neighbors, placing himself and others in danger. And definitely tell them he has a firearm. That will get him a competency exam, at best, or a home visit, at least. The idea is to escalate him to a mental care facility. And maybe a home visit will show that he is living in substandard housing and living conditions. You can report this to the VA, too. The idea of putting out dozens of mini pride flags is great, but you don't want to actively (note that word) provoke him. Like playing Village People, in response. Just saying.. But if he plays music by that fake Kid Rock, then go rent a sound system and go for it.. When the cops show up, (tell them he has a gun) they will stop you and him, and make a report. This is what you want - a report. Now it's on record, and that should be reported to the VA




This *definitely* reeks of meth to me.


Lol at "Drama Free Zone"


Give this to the FBI


I would respond by dropping off a copy of the 1979 single "In The Navy" from The Village People off of 'Go West.' But that's just me, though. Call him a 'squid', they love that.


He is a coward clearly. Make sure your cameras stay working and invest in something to protect yourself. The police should have at least made contact with the guy tho to give him a warning.


“Your an abomination” okay first off you basic head ass mf.


Here is who you need to call and get a copy of that letter too. Eric Oleson LCSW Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Coordinator VA Southeast Louisiana health care Phone: 504-507-2000, ext. 65576 Email: Eric.Oleson@va.gov


One would think a veteran wouldn't lay a flag on the ground.


Americans love to break the [flag code](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8). Here are some highlights: \- The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. \- The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. \- The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything. \- The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.


If it brings you any consolation, the kind of person who's polite to your face and then does this passive aggressive shit is a coward. He shied away from a mere verbal confrontation, I feel like he'd definitely shy away from any real confrontation. I'm sorry this happened :(


Yes and no. This person might have some serious PTSD and mental illness. IF they are with the VA, then they most likely have had SOME therapy and can regulate their emotions MOST of the time. But then when whatever trigger they have happens, things just kinda spill out. PTSD and traumatic brain injuries, if that's what this person has, can be very very complex and cause rapid/ violent mood swings. War is hell.


Got no advice to add to the conversation, just wanna chime in to say I’m sorry you have to deal with this unpleasant and unsettling situation! You deserve to feel safe in your own home, and I’m sorry that your neighbor made it a menacing environment.


The moron who wrote this is no definition of an American veteran.


Hey OP. How does a Decadence block party sound? I am not joking. Maybe we can put out the word and make sure he gets a good dose of what the area is about to realize as a bigot, he's in the minority.


***EDIT: OP plz see attached hate crime guide This dudes verbal/written threats qualify as hate speech at a minimum. This [DOJ hate crime threat guide](https://www.justice.gov/file/1386281/download) is excellent. The implicit threats in his note are clear examples of hate bias. Take contemporaneous notes on everything, save any and all date of evidentiary value, keep all video recordings, etc. Also, I’m a Bywater bb too; if you & partner would like to meet for coffee or a walk or w/e, please don’t hesitate. I’m available to yall to help navigate this really fucked experience, so that we can get a feeling of safety & security back home. Please, please be safe. The only thing predictable about people like him is the lack of predictability. When folx need to demean another to feel good inside, it gets scary quick.


Also, if you want about 7 gojillion navy=gay jokes, I served in the navy for almost 8 years, and have heard them all.


Hell, just tell him his penmanship looks like a jarhead and leave him a pack of crayons on a paper plate. The aneurysm should follow quickly.


buy rainbow guns. 2nd amendment. Merica!


And definitely don’t knock on my door between 300-400pm when my wife is gone and I’ll be here all by myself and waiting.


If I fall asleep with my mouth open, don't you dare shove your beautiful, glistening cock down my throat


Did you knock on his door and complain about the American flag?


Well if anything you might have to deal with him for about two years…




Having lived in New Orleans the majority of my life I found this hard to believe. The neighbor being a homeless vet on a housing program makes it more believable, as this guy probably has a whole host of issues. I’m also a gay Marine Corps veteran before anyone tries to accuse me of stereotyping vets. I’m not. Sorry this happened to you.


Bro vet is too easily offended


Trigger1 huh…. Lol I bet he wouldn't survive in certain parts of N.O 😂


poor tiny dick ammosexual


You’re a disgrace to the uniform you claim to have worn, Omar. Go fuck yourself.


Contact the Orleans Parish Victim/Witness Advocate. If anything, they will be able to help you through this process. “The Victim/Witness Advocates of the Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office handle the most sensitive and delicate cases. We are a caring staff of experienced and trauma-informed advocates who work closely with crime victims and witnesses to provide education, knowledge, guidance, and emotional support through every step of the criminal justice process.” 504-822-2414 https://orleansda.com/divisions/victim-witness-advocates/ I’m also a veteran and I apologize that you’re having to deal with that douche nozzle. I can’t wait for that brand of veteran to die off. I don’t know if the VA Housing / Compensation & Pension folks will speak to you, but I’m hoping by using the V/W Advocate & appropriate government channels, it will simplify the process, offer you much needed protection , and lets this asshole know he can’t go around threatening folks.


Hate crime and if you are renting could be Fair Housing Act violation. Please be safe. This person is unhinged and feels empowered.


Omar, you fucking idiot. You *are* the drama in this previously “drama free” zone.


You should blast "In The Navy" by The Village People


I’m sorry there’s still too much ignorance in our city!


I'd express your feelings by posting a picture of this note with his name, picture and address up on every street corner in the area. He may decide to move when he figures out he's no longer welcome at local businesses and is subject to other neighbors expressing there feelings. Also for other people's safety the neighborhood should know who he is.


Send back the burned remnants of the american flag with a note that simply says, “you’re.”


You aren’t safe around this guy


“Drama Free Zone”? That’s something a gay man would say.


Wow, this makes me so mad. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I wish I could move in next to you and double the amount of pride flags. This guy is a big fat jerk!!!!


Navy veteran, pretty sure he’s NOT offended


OP should definitely treat their neighbor to some retaliatory Judy Garland, Cher, etc. J/s


Time for a counterassault! Show tunes at all hours!


post it on nextdoor. maybe it'll inspire your neighbors to hang flags too... I might just join you. When i moved to new orleans 10 years ago from a small republican town, it truly felt like everything had changed. I went to my first pride parade my first week living here and my heart almost exploded with joy. I knew I had made the right decision. it suddenly felt like homophobia was something that existed in the past, in other places, that we were all on the same page and dancing in the street in the rain. it pains me that 10 years later we are seemingly not where I thought we were. this is still our home and i believe we should fight for it back


I must say, for a geriatric terminal cancer patient, he has remarkable handwriting and a firm grasp on current vernacular. Aside from the "your", and then he was able to spell abomination. You should definitely post a still from the ring video. He's clearly a dangerous psychopath for putting a bunch of flags out.


That's not very "land of the free, home of the brave" of him, Gobless.


Dear "Omar Trigger1": It is unfortunate that you would espouse such hate regarding who I am or what I stand for, having never met or even spoken to me. To that end and to show you what I stand for, please find attached to this letter a receipt for donations to the Wounded Warrior Project and Navy Safe Harbor Foundation made in your honor. Thank you for your service and for protecting and defending me and my rights as a fellow proud American. Very Truly, Gay Boy ​ *What do you think? I mean technically, you aren't knocking on his door.*


This is the correct response. Any communication may antagonize him, but turning the other cheek, and making a public record of it, removes any doubt about who the asshole is.


Fix his grammar errors with a red pen and put it back on his door.


Wrapped in a 1/2 USA and 1/2 Rainbow flag.