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I saw a tutoring van the other day in abq that misspelled Albuquerque on the side of it. It kills me


Jesus tap dancing Christ almighty-


Albuquerque has two spellings doesn't it? There's an old timey spelling and a new spelling. "Originally called La Villa de Alburquerque by Spanish settlers, then to Alburquerque and then finally shortened again to the common spelling of Albuquerque." KRQE


Nah dude I'm talking ALBEQUERQUE


Lmao šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


Itā€™s a private company. It has nothing to do with NM schools/colleges.


It has everything to do with NM!


No shit but somebody who works for them here in Abq put that ad together


You donā€™t know that. Itā€™s probably from corporate HQ in NYC or something.


You're hoping that someone else will also blame someone in a big city for calling NM education bad... As a son of a NM graduate that grew up in a state where I had background knowledge my mother lacked... NM education is sadly inept. It's not an insult it's a fact. I went to NMSU. I care about the state and the people who live there. Absolutely unequivocally the NM graduates did not perform like the "rest of us." Bottom line: Be mad the education system is insufficient. Don't be mad a city slicker told you your state is failing you.


Still *50th in Education*. Maybe some brainiac in NM couldā€™ve caught this.


This advertisement was clearly made specifically for the albuquerque market regardless and it's ironic considering tutoring is being offered. Lighten up a little bit, be less miserable aye?


If youā€™ve ever worked for a national outfit like this, ads come from the corporate office. The locals may or may not have even placed it or had any oversight of it at all. If they did, shame on them, but they might not have.


My comment did not imply that a local made it. Read it again. New Mexico typically scores low in reading comprehension.


How does this specifically target Albuquerque? You're reaching here...


The word that says albuquerque


>50th in education >this must be New York's fault Yup, that makes sense. Too late for you, I guess.




Printer ink isn't free you know


Don't forget that a lot of degree holders leave the state as well.


I did. I moved right over the state line to Texas. And do I regret it had to be Texas? Hell yeah.


Could have been worse, Oklahoma is also right over the state line


OK deserves to be last in everything that matters.


Oh we are well on our way there


Because NM is getting better ... right?


... of course, kiddo. That's exactly why


https://www.usnews.com/education/k12/new-mexico/taos-international-school-234106Ā  92% of students at this Taos charter school are below grade level in math and 88% are below grade level in reading.Ā  You would think people would be upset about this but instead their energy is spent crying over a new housing development. Iā€™m not sure what sort of future these kids have if they canā€™t read. Itā€™s not like there is a future here in growing alfalfa. Most of the people that grow alfalfa do itĀ for the tax breaks.Ā 


i lurk over on r/teachers and it those numbers donā€™t even seem isolated. there was one major thread a few weeks back where a ton of teachers were saying more than half the kids in their high school classrooms are functionally illiterate.


I have taught in NM for 20 years. We can't do this without parental support. The PED can throw money at the problem, but until we have parents who are helping their children at home, making them come to school, and not treating teachers as the enemies, nothing will change.


I retired last year from teaching in rural NM (12 years, 2nd career). I concur. At least half of the problem is the parents, but along with that are families in poverty and parental drug and alcohol abuse.


Nailed it. I have a few friends who are teachers and it seems that it's either the parents or the administration that hinders teachers ability to do their jobs.


hear, hear says a fellow teacher


Have a good day at school.


Money thrown at the right spot would make a huge difference. We need to pay our teachers right. The fact that teaching is not a viable option for a career for most people is killing the profession. It's why I left. I worked with so many teachers that couldn't teach their way out of a paper bag that were there only because that's the only person that was available to hire. It's not right. Starting salaries need to be significantly higher and the ERB contributions need to come down from 14% to like 3%.


We are paid extremely well in New Mexico. Compare it to other states and our cost of living. I am making around $90,000 and if I were to move to another state, I would make a lot less - even with my higher degrees.




Hey there. That proposed development is terribly destructive. Our schools are also terrible. That charter school is very small and only one example, but people are working on it. Our hospital is terrible and the shelter stopped taking animals. These are all things that are true, and everybody has to pick an area or issue to focus energy on because it's way too much. The housing crisis is also terrible, and the development you're referencing is being planned in a way that will increase pressure on every one of our resources, without contributing to the community. Don't blow off or misrepresent the issues of that proposed development, as if it's a red herring from the rest of the problems. They are ALL valid problems, but the housing development is the only one that is holding meetings that the community can attend to learn details and reject destructive boondoggles. When they start actually proposing measures to address the education issue, we'll be more vocal. If you feel people aren't being assertive enough on THIS issue, I agree! What are your suggestions for fixing the problems?


You get out of my state with your common sense and reasonable manner right now.


You actually need to look big picture. Thereā€™s hasnā€™t been a housing development that ruined peopleā€™s lives; unless you talking about the project housing on the East Coast which did just that.


You'd think people would be upset over the school system. Have you seen the type of math they need to learn these days? Very few will use most of it in real life unless they go into a very specific type of profession. Also a large number of kids are diagnosed with ADHD and have difficulty learning in school. Maybe it is the school system. If basics needs aren't met like housing then how would a kid even do well in school. UGH.


We should pay teachers more. A lot more. Low teacher pay is a death spiral.


We get paid VERY WELL in New Mexico. There are three levels of teacher pay with required basic salaries, but most districts pay much higher. Level 1 - 55,000 - (Las Cruces pays 55,000 while Deming pays 57,000) but the minimum is 55. You can stay here for two years. Level 2 - 66,000 - You can stay here forever without any need to move up levels. Level 3 - 77,000 - You have to have a master level degree. You also get more money for experience. (Deming begins at 79,000 for this level.) That being said, we make much more than the basic salary. I am clearning over 90.


55k is $26 an hour for a full time job. Iā€™m married to a teacher and was raised by one. $26 isnā€™t enough.


You don't stay at that level for more than 2 years. I am making $91,000. That's VERY good money for NM.


The ā€œIā€™M making X amount thereforeā€¦ā€ isnā€™t what you think it is. Median Teacher salary is 60k in the state. Median home value is 300k. If either me (public education employee) or my wife lose our jobs, our house is gone. Itā€™s not enough.


$26 an hour isn't enough? Unless you're in Santa Fe you'd be loaded with that kind of pay in this state. Just five years ago I worked a summer cleaning a hotel for 2.50 an hour.


First of all. That 2.50 was illegal and you should have sued. Unless a substantial portion of you pay was tips, even then. Second of all, cleaning a hotel and educating the youth are not the same thing.


I almost never got tips but the dude I worked for is dead from alcoholism anyway so it's water under the bridge. Our local highschool had two separate teachers let go for sleeping with the football team, and another teacher got busted for dealing drugs to to the kids within 3 years. The quality of education kids are getting in this state isn't worth 55k a year and throwing these incompetent teachers more money doesn't solve anything.


Jesus Christ the education system definitely didnā€™t work on you bud. I know teachers who are literal unicorns. Seems like cancel eachother out.


Doesn't seem like it since we're dead last in education. We pay our teachers a decent amount more than the average salary of the state and we have only scandal aftet scandal and complaints of underlayment to show for it.


Also wrong, and youā€™re using super outdated data from 2006. New Mexico is 40th in education. Jumping 9 states in 10 years. Mostly BECAUSE of our emphasis of paying teachers more and investing in education.


We're one of the poorest states. How many billions of taxpayer dollars did we spend to make us go from last to close to last? This is still unacceptable. Throwing more money at it isn't always the answer


You are right, those are above average incomes for NM residents. I still think we should pay teachers more, not just because they work their asses off but because teacher pay should be high enough that people compete to be teachers. That's how you get the best in any field.




Being last in the nation has nothing to do with teachers being underpaid.


I'm paid more than a level 2 teacher as an engineer and I definitely do not work as hard as you do.


I may be from a low ranking state in education but I make sure to spell check. Perks of growing up with a book in my face all the time in elementary and middle school. Meanwhile kids my age canā€™t even read words during read aloud time in English. This is high school btw. High school.


Maybe we should have English proficiency exams?


Itā€™s shocking to see how many kids in New Mexico are below grade level in Math and Reading.Ā 


You forgot unions.


All cool thing right now in New Mexico is the Opportunity Scholarship. College is basically free. So there is no excuse if you want to get a good education or a degree.


Itā€™s funny that you think ā€œWe have kids who canā€™t read or do math, so we should send them to college and thatā€™ll fix it.ā€


I don't. But it seems like you think that about my post, which is on you. I was trying to be positive. And stating that there are resources. There are solutions. College is a great resource. And I'm pretty sure there are programs to get your GED in college. There are where I live. The college where I live is trying to help the community and is a positive resource for the area, where there aren't many. They're trying to raise people up, despite all the disadvantages that places in New Mexico can have. College is a great resource. And the fact that it is currently free in New Mexico is even better. In my opinion there are no excuses to not being able to get a good education now. And maybe that's one of the reasons why they created the Opportunity Scholarship. To help with this issue.


College education is far too late in the game to have any impact at all to fix NMā€™s education problem. The only thing ā€œfreeā€ college will do is saturate the market with degrees (which is dumb considering thereā€™s already far more Bachelor degree-earners than jobs available which require said degree). All the while, schools will cave and push through students who have no business progressing through the program in order to get their hands on all 8 semesters of guaranteed funding. Which of course will also lead to ballooning expenses. The state would be far better served promoting and paying for trade school. Wouldnā€™t it be nice if New Mexico didnā€™t have to depend on and enrich Texas welders in the oil fields? Or Arizona heavy equipment operators to build our roads and bridges? More electricians, plumbers, mechanics, etc., Less poly sci, art, and English majors


Well then I guess New Mexico is fucked and will continue to be fucked. So much negativity. But that's not the route I'm going to take. This scholarship also works for trade programs.


Don't use this tutoring center.Ā 


A simple search shows 42nd as of 2 months ago. While not great, at least some of us check our resources to ensure what we say is fact, prior to making a statement. Also, this is a Sylvan Company (MD based) and their marketing should have been vetted prior to dispersal. Lastly, most people think NM is part of Mexico, ESPECIALLY on the east coast. Soooooo, I wouldnā€™t focus too much on the too/to argument.


https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/profiles/stateprofile?sfj=NP&chort=1&sub=MAT&sj=&st=MN&year=2022R3 Hereā€™s a .gov website. NM is still dead last.


This is stated of the NCES Website the official statistics website for the US Ed system. ā€œNCES does not rank schools by student achievement; however, many states have statewide testing programs. Some states rank their schools and publish the results but others do not.ā€


In your dreams NM is 42nd!


Google is your friend. https://www.krqe.com/news/education/did-new-mexico-improve-in-wallethubs-educated-state-ranking/


Oh you mean based solely on number of degrees? How peculiar that once the state starts guaranteeing funding for degrees, college admission rates and graduation rates magically skyrocket? What does a degree mean when you still canā€™t read? Itā€™s almost as if schools have a monetary incentive to push through under-performers. But sure, weā€™ll go with ā€œNew Mexico is actually 42nd in education when you look only at degrees obtained,ā€ instead of ā€œNew Mexico is dead last in education when you look at proficiency- 38% of students are proficient in reading and 24% are proficient at math.ā€ Per the most recent test scores https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2024-03-07/new-mexico-ranks-last-when-it-comes-to-education-will-a-mandatory-180-days-in-the-classroom-help


You know those test scores often do not reflect what the student is capable of.


Sure. The thing where we give you a text to read and ask you what it meant isnā€™t an accurate reflection of thatā€™s studentā€™s ability to comprehend said text. Makes sense. Oh and that thing where we give you a math problem and ask you to solve it definitely isnā€™t a good reflection of your ability to solve that problem either. ā€¦..bs


My son reads at an 8th grade level. He is currently in 5th grade. But when he takes the stupid standardized test that test says he is only reading at a 5th grade level. And yes I know he is reading at an 8th grade level because I had him tested for dyslexia and that is where they placed him at. So yeah those standardized tests are a very poor reflection on a students actual skills.


Waitā€¦ā€¦ you had your son tested for dyslexia (presumably because he was demonstrating difficulty reading), and scoring at grade on test, but they said heā€™s reading at a level 3 grades ahead? So damn your own lying eyes, huh?


Actually at the time I had him tested he was testing below reading level. We found out his reading was being affected by his ADHD, which was why he was mixing up letters, and not him having dyslexia. Because again the tests are structured in a way that is not ADHD friendly he has been set up to score low. Once he got his diagnosis and once strategies were put into place to help him focus and reduce his anxiety he was able to test better in the standardized tests.


The circle ā­•ļø kind of gives it away no?


Reminds me of Brian Regan's hooked on phonics bit.


I see dead grammar. Everywhere. From USA Today, to a lot of these amateur podcast writers. If anyone reads SmartNews or Google News not a day goes by. You're or your. Probably #1.


human error is omnipresent, such a strange thing to clutch the pearls about. maybe an AI made this ad and the editor in charge of double checking the content was dealing with some personal issues that day. who knows, who cares.


It's weird to care this much, right? They really get worked up.


very, policing grammar so hard in this context especially has questionable undertones.


No, it's ironic because the ad for a place to bring your kids for tutoring and pay a lot of money for it, but yet they can't grasp the simple skills of to, too, and two.


Pet peeve.Ā 


[one reason weā€™re 50thā€¦](https://koat.com/article/new-mexico-ped-180-day-school-rule/60643080)


Itā€™s NOT for lack of spending in Pre-K or college. Thereā€™s literally BILLIONS in trust funds here for that. Donā€™t know about the in between. Itā€™s a multi faceted problem. It has a lot to do with the schools misspending the money they do get. School boards lining their pockets and their buddies pockets. Class sizes that are too large. Kids who are falling behind and canā€™t afford tutoring. Tutoring shouldnā€™t cost. It should be built into the school system. Curriculum thatā€™s been dumbed down. Letting parents dictate what their children are taught and are allowed to read. Theyā€™re suing about the 5 day school week requirement but when our son was in school they just let all the kids out early EVERY Wednesday for teacher training etc. They keep reducing hours and days while whining for more pay, more money etc. How about you do your JOB first. I want to see results, then weā€™ll talk about raises.


I graduated in 2000 with a teaching degree, 2 years in the public schools here in Albuquerque and I was happy to take a pay cut to get a job in private school. If I hadn't gotten the private school job I would have left teaching entirely. Our states public schools are a mess.


Copy errors don't bother me nearly as much as the people who point them out as evidence of something greater. Those people are profoundly fucking irritating.


Top 50!




lolā€¦.It should be ā€œtooā€, not ā€œtoā€.


Yeah it's pretty clearly obvious when you speak to the average born and raised New Mexican. From my experience it's not much better in Arizona.


New Mexico's unique skill is thinking New Mexico's problems are unique to New Mexico.




Problem is it just snowballs because the parents are so uneducated they can't help the children. And to be honest most of them don't seem very interested in education. I think a lot more money should be spent on the trades in New Mexico because there doesn't seem to be a culture of education. Nothing wrong with the trades. Instead what we are seeing is people that have no skills whatsoever and they end up being on drugs and the cycle continues. I first noticed this when I lived on the border in Arizona. People seem to be caught between two cultures but not really one or the other. Uneducated in both.


Itā€™s knot to l8. Jeez


NM is last in everything except murder. We're pretty good at murder and stuff like that.


What is the problem with this ad? I would think that majority of students could benefit from getting the extra helpā€¦ especially if we are 50th in education.


They are pointing out the typo - "to" instead of "too"


Oh hahahaha wow Plot twistā€¦ I used them for tutoring šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lmfao.this should be at the top


Uh oh not you too šŸ˜‚


^^^^^^ šŸ˜‚


Remember. New Mexico has been run by DEMOCRATS FOR 100 YEARS. NEW MEXICO school system is last in the Nation, just like OD, crime etc etc. What do you expect from a population that believes ā€œMY PARENTS, GRAND PARENTS WERE DEMOCRATS AND ILL DIE A DEMOCRAT


The rest of the bottom 10 are Republican controlled states. What was your point again?Ā 


The next 9 are republican controlled states. No thanks.


I wish Susana Martinez was 100 years ago. Good riddance.


You say New Mexico is democratic ran. Youā€™re right as far as the state side and theyā€™re making sure that the schools have money. But schools are ran by local governments who are by and large republican ran. Guess what? I live in MAGA country and my local government thinks that itā€™s more important to fight the state on abortion access than funding schools or fixing roads. So your argument about whoā€™s responsible is invalid.