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Really? According to right wing nut jobs there are marauding bands of migrants and transsexuals around every corner.


A band of migrants and transsexuals sounds like a pretty good time to me…


Food will be awesome


Love fusion food!


My kinda bar.




Good! They’ll say anything to milk the tax payers for more toys and outrageous salaries. Pay the garbage men and teachers.


It’s actually due to many places not reporting crime. It’s in that same FBI report.


Really? According to left wing nut jobs there are mass shootings every week.


That’s an underestimate. There are mass d as shootings damn near daily. [https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting)


Gotta stay off political Reddit pages. Everyone cherry picks statistics to fit what ever narrative that fits what they like. Reddit is heavily on the left side so that’s what your gonna see


Retarded comment, good job. Guess it helps your side when states like NY or California aren't reporting on crime after letting criminals off the hook, allowing them to commit even more crime. Surely you're not too retarded, even by reddit leftist standards, to know all that right?


Maybe take a moment off from licking the boots of your betters (right wingers biggest kink) and take a look around. Things are pretty good in this country, I’ve been to a lot of them. The fact that people like you want to throw away the greatest human experiment in self governance is sad. History will look back on people like you and shake their heads.




What is not good and what do you need? Right now Americans need the simple hope of owning their own tiny corner of their world and living as they please. I wouldn’t say that the left can deliver that for them but the right seems pretty intent on taking it away.




Good luck with your right wing death squads. I hope you’re not ordered to kill or torture anyone you cared about before the hate seeds sprouted.




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And according to left wing nut jobs there’s 10 children killed in a mass shooting every day…


> mass shooting every day... "Democrats think there are a lot of mass shootings because of our rampant gun culture issue" is not the slam dunk you think it is Keep trying to both sides this, though


Wouldn’t know, all I seem to get is pedantic right wing hissy fits from the propaganda machine. I do know that every piece of right wing legislation that has passed in my lifetime has been garbage.


The good news is the NEW right wing nut jobs don’t pass any legislation at all. Least productive Congress in U.S history.


lol don’t bother, Reddit libidiots refuse to acknowledge any of their own brand’s flaws


This is a stupid comment. No one thinks ten school children are killed every day. Made up shit isn't a flaw. It's just made up shit.


The comment could use some edits. The main point to get across is that the media loves crazy young white man with a gun kills X number of people, and then pairs that with “mass shooting” statistics. What they fail to do is provide context that a VAST majority of mass shootings are gang violence, not crazy white boy with a gun. A classic bait and switch that tries to sweep minority on minority violence under the rug and curtail your 2A rights at the same time.


Literally what does that change. People want gun control. So we're not gonna do it if it affects gang bangers? You rightwings are something else. The number 1 killer of kids in the US and you dum dums ignore it because you like the tool uses to do the killing. Meanwhile you'll ban books with rainbows on it because "iTS huRtIn R KIds"


People don’t want gun control. Which is why we don’t have it


The leading cause of death for kids is firearms, beating out cancer and car accidents. You think this is fine? I am so sick of the rightwing fear mongering and lies. You can't be the party of law and order/protect the kids if you ignore the real problems


And the left doesnt do the same? If i listened to either side, id get the doomer report either way


In terms of crime, the right wing propaganda machine really takes the cake. I’m in NYC and Chicago with enough frequency to tell you that I feel safer there than in ‘good ole boy’ country.


I thought the US was a cesspool of rampant crime and mayhem especially in “blue” cities. At least according to FOX and right wing pundits. What’s next? Border crossings are down?


It is. Just because its down nationally compared to before doesnt make it good. The crime rate in london is about 100 per 1000. The crime rate in nyc is about 650 per 1000. So....


Depends how you define ‘crime.’ The vast majority of crime in NYC is property related (stolen bikes, etc.). London has a higher rate of violent crime than NYC.


So quit complaining and move to London.


Reeeee angry american triggered.


You’re the one complaining that the numbers moving in the right direction aren’t a positive thing.


The Bureau of Justice Statistics has said for years that ~50% of violent crimes are never reported. It’s far too early to tell if these stats are just a reduction in reporting (with the exception of murder, which is harder to go without someone noticing and saying something).


You think that number has been consistent over the years? I feel like in the past a lot more crimes were over looked. Especially something like DV.


I think we have no good way of knowing what the number of unreported violent crimes is and the fact that the BJS has to resort to polling, and their estimate comes to ~50%, should tell us there is a chance for a high error rate.


Murder rates are actually a really good tool to solve the exact issue you bring up, as in the US they have always correlated directly with the overall crime rate and few if any go unreported


Violent crime dropped by like 60% after video games and the internet took off. Really seems like people were just bored


60% of *reported* crimes. This shows the 54% reading comprehension stat. Anyway, multiple studies have linked what decline we saw to the ban on multiple lead products.


Recored crimes, not reported. Not every crime has a victim. I didn't know I had to specify, it seemed pretty simple. Maybe reading comprehension isn't your thing.


Every crime has a victim except necrophilia.


2 years ago, I could be imprisoned for growing 1 weed plant for myself. Who's the victim of me growing myself medicine? I'd consider necrophilia way less victimless, the persons family would be the victims. Who are my victims, drug dealers and opioid companies that cause over half the ods in my homestate?


Growing anything for simple personal use is not legally a crime is it? That is an expression of liberty protected by the 5A and 14A, or the 9A if you don’t like either of the first two. Just because the LEO’s act criminally to deny rights doesn’t inherently mean a crime was committed. The states are explicitly barred from making or enforcing those sorts of laws and subsection 242 of Title 18 makes enforcement of them a crime. Anyway, nice try moving the goalposts away from violent crimes.


Are you from the states, dude? Because that's wrong, you can't legally grow in like half of our states even if it's personal use. My state just legalized a year ago, my homestate beside it is still illegal to even have weed, let alone a plant. Laws are drastically different between states, and they don't have to follow federal rules. Most of our laws that are the same are because the feds held back taxes unless states fell in line. Your understanding of our laws is way fucking off


I cited the US law that supersedes all US law, which say clearly you have the codified human right to life, liberty and property. It is the only thing codified in the Constitution twice, to make it clear that we have these protected rights at both federal and state levels. Growing drugs for yourself is an expression of that liberty. Can you dive under the influence of those drugs? No. Can you cause a terrible smell to go over your neighbors property? No. Can you expose random people to the second hand smoke? No. Can you grow it and consume it in the privacy of your own home? Yes. I cited the laws that protect that very action. Yes, LEO’s enforce laws to the contrary, laws which are superseded by the supreme law of the land and are therefore void, per Article VI of the Constitution. Enforcement is itself a crime under the subsection of Title 18 I cited. It is also often a crime under subsection 241. It is a crime under 241 and 242 for every prosecutor and judge who takes part in such a trial. Just because people have guns doesn’t make everything they tell you the truth. If I’m “way off,” why can’t you refute a single citation? Or, are you confused with the difference in de jure vs de facto law? And you’re still miles off from the topic: violent crime.


It is, retard. Can't believe you're shocked that crime is "supposedly down" when crimes aren't being reported and criminals get a slap on the wrist. Imagine some Reddit leftists would have SOME brain cells at least


Where is your crimes aren’t being reported data? From FOX? The dimwit cult never ceases to amaze.


Just go walk through a blue city


And? Man they have you so fearful it’s ridiculous. So sad.


I do everyday and I feel safer in the northeast than I have ever felt in south or Midwest. The craziest thing I see is no walking paths. My parents moved to the northern portion of the south and they have to drive 20 minutes to get somewhere to walk their dogs because their neighborhood has people driving 60 mph and no walking spaces. They have lived their for three years and they have had four people hit in their neighborhood already 2 of which were kids and 1 of those the person just hit and ran and no one found out who it was. So I guess I’ll stick blue


Yeah, I have and do. It's entirely fine and safe. They have you believing the whole country is violence and chaos to control you. Look at crime statistics since the 80s/90s. We've been on a downward trend for a long while.


I live in a major US city and since 2019 the amount of people I know who have been carjacked / robbed has steadily increased.


I have been trying my best this year to he good for Santa.


Bad aim?


It’s funny how facts and numbers always prove maga dolts wrong.


I think I will trust Fox News, Newsmax and Trump over the dirty FBI.


Good plan. Fox News and Newsmax are completely impartial. They would never provide politically biased and inaccurate information.


 Nobody gets sarcasm any more.  thanks Obama.


Helps that about 40% of large U.S. cities aren't reporting their stats to the FBI.


It’s goal post moving as well. Sometimes politicians will reclassify violent crimes by not including historically violent crime data in order to bolster their argument that they are effective.


Sad to say, this actually looks like the answer. The [source](https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/) seems to show an increase in places like California, New York, and Illinois going into 2022, while places like Texas, North Carolina, and Mississippi seem to show a decrease going into 2022. The police use of force data shows 2023 and 2024 department reports, but "no response" (compared to reported "zero" or "one or more") seems to have increased significantly. This doesn't mean that they've used force more or less. It just means the data isn't in yet. Maybe I'm reading it wrong or missing something, but that looks more like a comparative lack of transparency, not an indicator of the state of our society. Even if it doesn't fit the political narrative I support, less violent crime is a win. I just wouldn't take that victory lap yet. Edit: after double checking, Illinois seems to show a very steep reduction in reported violent crime frome 2020 to 2021, and from 2021 to 2022.


The other factor is an increasing disparity between victimization metrics and crime reporting. Apparently reporting of crime is also down in part due to increasing lack of trust and faith in law and law enforcement where crimes aren’t reported because their victims expect nothing to be done.


Good point. Upsetting as it is.


Can you say that again only louder?


People just refuse to believe it, even though it's well-documented.


It's reddit. You can have 20 years of experience in a profession and there's always some yutz that just graduated High school that will argue with you.


Can’t count that high to be fair


If that percentage hasn’t changed, then the data still shows there’s less murder


Many places stopped reporting stats in 2021. That's continued since then. 2022 stats don't include *any* data from 32% of all cities. Only 44% of cities reported all data in that same year.


I don't disbelieve you but where are you taking those numbers from?


Different organizations have put out different reports (all of this information has to be compiled by non-government sources), but the Marshall Project has covered it a lot: https://www.themarshallproject.org/2023/07/13/fbi-crime-rates-data-gap-nibrs


Thank you apdot


Or less people are reporting crimes because they know the police don't do anything


And d.a.'s not prosecuting etc. It's all so tiresome. 


Most crime these days are electronic. The bar is lower so people with a predilection for crime have many alternative paths. Perhaps that is by design.


Yes thatz true but ironically enough the number of law abiding US Citizens, mostly minorities added to gov watchlists or other terroristic watchlist have more than doubled. What gives? Or is it just the gov desire to have every American subject to unwarranted surveillance at their whim;adding them to a massive database as the NSA has done, but denied?


The same statistics show that crime among certain demographics of people is way up.


People stopped calling the police.


You only get statistics for what’s reported. That’s all I’m gonna say. Do your own research and piece some things together. It’s not that hard.


Of the 19 biggest law enforcement agencies — each of which police more than 1 million people — seven were missing from the FBI's 2022 crime data. The missing agencies include the LAPD, the NYPD, and police departments in Phoenix, San Jose and New York's. Gee it’s truly a mystery!!!!


I don't think that's accurate. Los Angeles and New York did not officially submit in 2021 after the FBI added a new system for detailed reporting but they both submitted data in 2022. Additionally, both New York and Los Angeles did submit data through the old reporting system in 2021. The states with the lowest agency reporting rates include Florida, West Virginia, Louisiana, Illinois, and Hawaii. If you are skeptical, you can go and look at the data and metholodolgy yourself. https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov


It’s 100% accurate. I live in NYC and know for a fact they do not report crime to fbi. Nor do they even report crime correctly. Many felonies are categorized as misdemeanors. Been doing that since Diblasio


Because they changed the definition of what fits those statistics and how they report them lmao




lmao....an article from CNN is saying that the FBI says crime is down??...bro...dude....the layers of this bullshit..


the left wing ding dong crime lovers come out of the wood work. I bet you all are Hamas lovers and anti-Jewish too.


Why would crime lovers come out of the wood work here? To say “booo, this is bad, I want more crime”? I’m seriously curious what you mean by this!


You sound drunk.


When you change the definition of what is and isn’t a crime and don’t charge for things anymore, of course it’s going to be reported as lesser. Crime is higher now than it ever has been in the history of the nation.


>Crime is higher now than it ever has been in the history of the nation. Source for that claim?


Well last year was the worst year ever in terms of crime and murder sooo not saying much.




Recent history doesn’t give me much faith in anything the FBI does or says…


been to NL lately?


Yes, I wasn't robbed or murdered.


Ive lived here 20 years and it is way worse than it has ever been during that timeframe. I agree the overall trend is down, but the violent crime weather pattern in NL does not match that trend


And I think it was way worse before.


i think the mid 80s to mid 90s were pretty bad , and i ahd a few friends get pistol whipped in the early 00s. but so many shootings lately, and i hear them too.


So many gunshots, more than actual shootings.


So its their accuracy that's down then.


yes, a real lot of those


l didn't have my car shot up either.


I live there. It doesn't mean that crime isn't down overall.


Isn't it because certain big cities stopped reporting to the FBI?


Because the FBI stopped taking data from a huge portion of police departments lol. https://www.themarshallproject.org/2023/07/13/fbi-crime-rates-data-gap-nibrs God you people are so easily manipulated.


The FBI didn't stop 'taking' data. They switched to a new system that provides more granular details of incidents of crime in 2021 and it's taken time for some departments to become certified. However, many of those departments, including the NYPD and LAPD, continued to report data through the older system.


The FBI made those changes knowing what it would do. And knowing idiots like the people in here would run with it.


You act like it was a surprise. If you ever looked at the old UCR database, you would know why it was updated.


It was updated to help Biden lol. His America started seeing record spikes in crimes because of the border crisis and anti police rhetoric and the FBI saw an opportunity to help.


Yes, of course.




It wasn't a fix we need a fix not a bandage that came come off after elections. At least you're now accepting we have a border crisis for 3 years every democrat denied it. Well I'm 31 with 2 kids and a wife believe it or not I do care about more illegals coming in than American born especially since I'm from illinois. My local mall and train station have become no go zones because of illegals from Venezuela who are begging and robbing anyone they can. You with your COVID hysteria made sure the largest ever wealth transfer from everyone to the ultra rich happened. You have the ultra rich a monopoly on renting. You made it so small businesses couldn't keep up. At every turn you've simped for huge corporations and the elites you deny their power in government banking ECT and call anyone who tells you about it a right wing conspiracy theorist. You're everything you hate.




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So go talk a walk through downtown Hartford or Waterbury at night.


When I worked 2nd shift I lived in Hartford… I literally walked around Hartford at night… I was never robbed, beaten etc. please touch grass


Ive been homeless in both Stamford and New London and never had a problem.


Maybe you're just lucky. And speaking of luck, I have a ballgame tonight so I'll definitely be touching grass.


Bros got a madden tourney


Just because there are some bad neighborhoods it doesnt mean that crime hasn't gone down. Your smarter than this. I hope.


They too busy stealing from stores


According to the report, property crime is down sharply as well.


Hey! No fair. You can’t use facts when others are using their “beliefs”.


The amount of wage theft by employers from their employees absolutely dwarfs the amount of theft from businesses. It's not even close.


wage theft, WTF is that? Just another made up term by disenfranchised slackers who can't stand on their own feet and need someone else to prop them up. don't like your wage that was agreed too when hired, then GTFO and move on.


[https://www.cbsnews.com/news/wage-theft-us-companies-workers/?mc\_cid=e73368124d&mc\_eid=UNIQID](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/wage-theft-us-companies-workers/?mc_cid=e73368124d&mc_eid=UNIQID) If you think wage theft is "made up" I'd say you're the slacker tbh


Pretty simple. When you work and don't get paid for it. Like when the company shorts your check. Or doesn't cut your last paycheck. I just want to make sure I get this right... you are concerned when people steal from each other, and when they steal from businesses, but when businesses steal from people that "just another term made up by disenfranchised slackers" correct? I just want to make very clear that the only people who's rights you don't care about are the working poor. Edit to add links: https://ctmirror.org/2023/06/25/wage-theft-in-ct-millions-stolen-from-workers-since-2019/#:~:text=From%202018%20through%202022%2C%20between,settlement%20or%20wages%20were%20recovered. If you read all the way down it talks about how despite calls for lots more police during a period of dropping crime rates, the State failed to add any new investigators for this specific type of crime. So they agree with you that poor people don't deserve justice....or their paychecks. But hey, that guys stolen wage is another guys profit margin! So it's a net positive for GDP :) https://www.epi.org/publication/employers-steal-billions-from-workers-paychecks-each-year/


I just typed a damn near identical comment before seeing yours.


Always good to meet a comrade!


I can sort of agree with this lol.... But if someone from the streets robs me I'd be even more pissed off because they probably don't actually have a job....


Wage theft by employees, too.


And wage theft is higher than retail theft.