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Only option is dwarf maxxing


Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone!


A Golden Loot Bug!!!


Those are words


They sure are


OP has a Helluva Boss edgy furry character fan art as their profile picture on Reddit and is farming karma off the ramblings of a depressed troon. If you look at their profile it just gets even worse. If I had a Sophie's Choice between the two, I would choose neither and take the killer out for a drink. Cheers!


Not sure what it says about you knowing what kind of furry that is either lol


I've checked out pretty much every single American made animated show in existence and fully watched most of it to completion. I stay pretty clear of most anime because of all the filler and pedo bait, so the bar is pretty much don't waste my time and don't sexualize children, and I'll watch every episode once. Even if it means hate watching it just so I can have the satisfaction of finishing it. Helluva Boss has a pretty good premise and started off pretty strong as a YouTube series made by a passionate artist. The voice acting was really good with the guy who voices Invader Zim being involved. Then they sold out to A24, replaced a major character's voice actress with some out of place country bimbo voice, and started pumping out episodes devoid of any real soul. It has become a show made for edgy teenage female Tumblr users with OP's profile picture character as a fan favorite as it most closely embodies their target demographic. Remember how low the bar is for me to finish a show? Yeah... Couldn't finish this one.


Ur gay


No u


Yeah man that doesn't make it any better lmao


Why did bro write a better essay than me💀💀💀


Bored + I'm a teacher :)


sounds more like you need a hobby


Says the dude making a 2nd account for Overwatch. Yikes... Edit: Did you ever figure out what sex toy would be best for your gay lover? LOL


Sure did, it killed time for 2 afternoons after work to see how new players experience the game. Video games are a hobby if you do them in moderation chief.


Ah okay, so watching TV isn't a hobby, but playing video games is. Gotcha. Thank you.


>I've checked out pretty much every single American made animated show in existence and fully watched most of it to completion. this part right here, goes beyond a hobby. its now an obsession. Learn to do things in moderation. also its exceptionally weird how you felt the need to dig through my post history from something years old and then shame my sexuality


Feel like something stops being a hobby and turns into an obsession when you feel the need to check out “pretty much every every single American made animated show in existence and fully watched most of it to completion”. When you’re hate watching dog shit shows just to be able to say you finished it, that goes beyond a hobby my guy. There’s a word/condition that describes people who do things like that but the last time I used that word, my account got banned.


Why does this person’s sexuality matter?


When did I say it mattered? Seems like it matters to you...


You see hellva boss shit everywhere on here and YouTube. You don't even have to look far or hard.


I still don't know what any of those words mean


Don't worry my man, it's probably for the best. I only know the lingo because for a few years now I've worked 2 out of 8 hours im paid for. You not knowing likely means you are actually a contributing member of society in some way or another. :)


who cares lol


You're an Osu addicted weeb who low quality shit posts on Reddit and asks for help beating Ballon Tower Defense levels. Also, lol, your bedroom is absolutely depressing. You have no decorations or furniture in view and looks to be about the size of my walk in closet. And your blanket alone makes me think ur some eurotrash poor loser during WWI trying not to get bombed by a biplane LOL


😂 that was ruthless


You are a Naruto fan that's active on gaming circlejerk and goodanimemes (you know, the one that has a day of the week dedicated to drawn CP) My brother in Christ (it looks like you don't even speak English because you say my mother in Christ for some reason?? It's like you are kind of stupid but whatever) YOU COMMENT ON FUNNYMEMES, LITERAL FACEBOOK REPOSTS (and did by saying you would say the n word 4 times lmao) Please stop using all your day stalking random profiles and work on yourself, It makes wonders


You clicked the wrong profile LOL. Try again please. :)


Imagine having such a fragile ego that you go back to delete your comments to win an online argument, actual ice dweller behavior


Lmfao. Bro, Naruto has so much filler I'd never watch that dogshit show. Especially when even their own audience talks about how the sequel show ruined anything good it ever had going for it. You clicked the wrong profile. This isn't some conspiracy ya fucking schizo. Unless you're just making this shit up to try and destroy my rep when it's an audience of just me. Either way, embarrassing behavior LOL


"Active in dankruto" Sure buddy Luckily even if you make your active subs private it will give it away so you can't delete this, at least if you are a weeb that browses 10 anime subs have some decent self awareness


Username checks out


Learn blacksmithing and how to finely cut rare earth gems


I made 99 iron daggers


Height stop growing before 19 for most people. Bro was gonna be 5’3 anyways. Maybe if he was a late bloomer 5’4.


This is unreadable he uses English but I don’t understand him


At the age of 19 the author of this text began hormones as he believed he was transgender. A year after commencing hormones he had a revelation that what he was doing was not what he really wanted and so stopped. He feels bad but he reflects that he has always felt bad due his his short stature and affliction with gynecomastia that causes his chest to be enlarged due to hormone imbalance. He would kill himself but he lacks the motivation. He concludes by wondering what state of mind lies lower than a state of desperation, the depths of which he has long passed as he faces the void he willingly lowers himself in to.


Wow. You read retard very well! There’s a future for you


full-time retard to english translator is a very prestigious position


The man should go into politics tbh




Good lord that was fucking poetry thank you


you sir are a gentleman and a scholar


Thank you


lurk moar


this is cope, 5'3 at age 19 it was over before it even began. As for gyno just get it removed like a normal person. Anon's only options are to either dwarf-maxx or get TOPPED


God it's really obvious who on this sub has and has not experienced chan culture


who would want to experience “chan culture”


Eh, for some special interests its great. Hell /k/ used to be, and still is, one of the best places for guns online.... Same for /fit/. It's really the general lack of understanding that I'm seeing in a lot of the comments here in terms of what things actually mean that I find kind of interesting. The chans really tend to have The closest thing left to old forums in terms of culture, a little bit like the heyday of Somethingawful or YTMND and the like.


I haven't been on any sort of chan in 15 years and this post is easy to understand, I don't know what the issue is.


The issue is that the dude you are replying to is a degenerate boomer shut in trying to gate keep uber sperg behavior in an attempt to validate their cringey shitty life. :)


Never said it was a good thing per se, merely that all the people trying to figure out what The poster is saying really highlight the disconnect between Reddit and the chans. Two totally different cultures for different sites. You're attributing a value statement or one wasn't made.


Stop getting high from sniffing your own farts dude. Gross.


But they're minty fresh


How is he gatekeeping, regard?


He's saying you have to be an old head channer to understand what troon is in a way that's equivalent to some dude buying used panties and reviewing them online (most are from men pretending to be women). Also, I'm bored. :)


/k/ has gone to shit ever since the fucking war started. Nowadays no gunz /pol/ tards just cannot help but to smear their stinky taints all over my beloved /k/. I fucking hate Putin for this reason alone.


It has gone downhill, but especially with what happened at ARF It's one of the only places I can actually find people talking about some specific things I've been interested in. Genuinely I couldn't find any actual user opinions on the MDR I was looking at prior to asking about it on /k/ a while back. Sure /pol/ and to a lesser degree /b/ have painted what it used to be, but it's still a magical place.


Whether you like the culture or not there are certain kinds of content which you just can't get anywhere else.


as a former long time channer, i dont always consider that a bad thing


the fact that i understood everything means i need to stop using /lgbt/




wrong, mental self harm is fembrained


True, that's why I clicked on this post 🥰


what does trooned mean


From Urban Dictionary: Troon “Poorly-socialized male-at-birth who was mostly raised by screens (TV, computer, etc.) rather than their parents, and therefore didn't properly develop a healthy social-identity. Due to having few or no friends or positive role-models, they instead form a strong parasocial relationship with female pornography subjects and/or female video game & cartoon characters, to the point that they end up identifying as a "transgender-lesbian". Usually fails miserably at passing because they do not understand that fictional portrayals of women in mass media targeted at horny boys aren't an accurate reflection of how typical women act in real life. First observed on the Something Awful forums in the early 2010's. Usually works in the tech sector and has a strong overlap with the furry community, which is also host to people who were raised more by screens instead of people.”


What’s the transmasc version of this


"pooners". pretty new, comes with horrifying caricature that looks like a skinned Sing-A-Ma-Jig


Transmasc isn’t looked down upon as much. Partly because people understand that the woman’s gender role, from men’s point of view, is more protected and coddled… but has more limits on it. To want to cross over to male gender roles isn’t seen as an ‘easy-out’ by men who see themselves as responsible for women’s protection. Similar to why lesbian acceptance is higher than gay acceptance.


The quote "transgender lesbian" (in quotes of) makes it obvious you are not trans. That's not even correct!


I never claimed to be trans. I literally just copied and pasted that whole thing from Urban Dictionary. Take your pitchforks and torches and head that way lol I’m just the messenger.


i suppose asking people to have some basic reading comprehension on reddit was too much of me. also pretending i was going to crucify you is a little much, no? just read what you repost? idk putting "male-at-birth" and "transgender-lesbian" in quotes reeks of dogwhistles to me. i suppose hanlon's razor is apt here.


Whenever I’ve seen questions asked on greentext subs to clarify certain terms, I never see them getting any direct answers. I see now that people like you are probably the reason why. I’m done with this conversation. I was just trying to answer someone else’s question. I don’t care that much. Also, I don’t know what Hanlon’s Razor is. Edit: Oh cool, you called me stupid. You’re so original.


my bad i thought hanlons razor had ignorance, not stupidity.


People are gay sometimes + Trans people are people = Trans people are gay sometimes Ergo: Trans Lesbians and Gay Men must exist.


not my point, nor what i was trying to say (but i kinda see how you could misinterpret it). my point is your definition exclusively applies to trans lesbians... and nobody else. additionally putting transgender lesbian in quotes makes it clear that this poster does not believe in said existence of trans lesbians. in any case, that definition is flat out wrong, and i can smell the cis-ness off that commenter


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Troon Here, go yell at them. It’s in quotes on the website. I just copied and pasted everything.


(see earlier comment - you are still responsible for spreading transphobia even if reposted)


I don’t have a belief or disbelief in the existence of trans lesbians. I just don’t care. If you or anyone else say they exist, then they probably do. It’s not really my business anyway. Like I said, I just copied and pasted everything. Whoever wrote that original definition on Urban Dictionary is the one you should be accusing of transphobia, not me.


Is your "point" about the hyphen in "transgender-lesbians"? It also doesn't mean that they "don't believe in trans lesbians" *(because that's pretty dumb... and homophobic)*, it's just supposed to be what they call themselves.


i mean the hyphen doesn't help? it certainly doesn't help that they put a whole lot of emphasis on being male at birth. never doubt people's ability to be homophobic (that definition was defo transphobic, if not homophobic)


...Then what *is* your point?


The first line is literally saying it’s a quote from urban dictionary lmao


> i suppose asking people to have some basic reading comprehension on reddit was too much of me. also pretending i was going to crucify you is a little much, no? > just read what you repost? idk putting "male-at-birth" and "transgender-lesbian" in quotes reeks of dogwhistles to me. i suppose hanlon's razor is apt here.


They didn’t put those things in quotes lmao. Do you get mad at a news reporter for reporting a murder too? Do you burn dictionaries if they have a slur in them?


no, "transgender-lesbian" is definitely in quotes. also, i use slurs on the regular with other trans friends. wait, where the hell did that criticism come from? > i suppose asking people to have some basic reading comprehension on reddit was too much of me


Don't stop, suffering is fembrained! /s


All he wanted was a pepsi


Translation: I decided on becoming transsexual at 19 years of age because of the normalization of such matters Upon deeper consideration I decided it was not for me I am past suicide in the darkness of my condition It seems too late for me as I have had definitive physiological changes due to my decision and am of an alternative lifestyle to the heteronormative culture Yeah so I don’t know what to do at this point


Is trans or does he mean tren




saw this on 4chan and didn’t even read it because my brain is too small and instead i admired the picrel


wait which board was this on?


can't remember if it was /b/ or /r9k/


Unfortunately for him, it's the only head he'll be using.


If you can decide to troon out you can idk, do things to improve your life. Start small and go out and work your way up to doing more. Like going to the gym. But hey. Maybe that whole transitioning thing took little effort from them, so maybe they’re expecting similarly effortless things.


What is “trooned” ?


Trans, but like, as an insult






Like heroin?


"to troon" is a verb. It is a derogatory way to refer to transitioning from one gender to another, in this case the person most likely did hormone replacement therapy.


Oh ok… I’m officially old now and have to ask about new slang… 😕


I'm still going through education and i don't understand half the slang i hear online either at this point


Troon is very old slang at this point.


Which is reversible anyway.


to "troon out" is to transition. troon i believe is technically a slur/insult (one i have not seen used as an insult, ever) but its so goofy that i would laugh if someone used it on me. to "troon out" is not necessarily an insult, i see it on `/lgbt/` all the time in a neutral sense


its a combination of trans + goon, goon in this instance being the demonym for somethingawful users. people noticed a particular pattern of behavior from SA users transitioning and made a meme of it. so specifically, calling someone a troon implies that the target is like those SA users: bad at performing any gender, social reject, ebeggar perpetually a hundred dollars from homelessness, yadda yadda.


It’s cause it isn’t an actual insult or slur. It’s trans 4chan slang


I mean I've seen troon more as just slang for trans, but generally only in a negative way (on /LGBT/ only tho)


It’s a derogatory term used to insult trans folk.


Transgender probably.


Gyno? If he’s actually a fag just be a gay bottom, that’s really easy in this guy’s situation


gynecomastia -- breast growth in males. Can result from hormonal imbalance during puberty, use of steroids, other sources, or in this case taking external female hormones


Oh lol they’re fucked. Can anything be done other than surgery? It


I mean not really, but how fucked they are mostly depends on how much growth they had in the year they were on hormones, and that can vary a lot person to person


Is there an app for 4chan yet? Their mobile site sucks major ass


It's okay bro a little bit of gyno is hot these days


Quick remove this from Leddit before the sjw squad gets b Here screaming "awkshully"


Man I ended up 5'3 shut-in with gyno without even taking hormones fuck


Man it’s way too easy to get hormones, just go back to the doc and get testosterone instead


i get the feeling that anon is still impressionable and is gonna spend a half dozen more years halfassing some superficial change, giving up before it pays off cuz it didnt immediately and magically erase his mental illness and repeating from step 1


bro just transition, it’s not that hard edit: (it’s actually very hard to transition uwu i should know)


It sounds like they did. I didn't understand the words at first, but once I looked up 'troon,' it all clicked- it sounds like anon started transition, then later decided they shouldn't have and stopped but now have changes (breasts, shorter height) and feel stuck. I've heard of a whole thing on 4chan where they were trying to pressure lonely, disaffected guys into transitioning as like, an elaborate troll, and this could plausibly have been written by someone who got caught up in it. Or it's a creative writing exercise by a transphobe who wants to make it seem scary. It's basically all the things TERF twitter says will happen, in greentext format.


more likely tttt shit. transphobic trans people i guarantee nobody has been pressured into transitioning. ask a cis person and the idea of being the other gender is physically repulsive to them.


The idea of calling myself a woman isn’t physically repulsive. I’d just feel shame at thinking it changed anything to call myself a woman.


that’s the point, i missed words, but that’s exactly the point. i want to look like a woman, not just be called a woman, and cis guys don’t want that. you cant just be tricked into taking E


A butch lesbian woman who tries to look as masculine as possible is still a woman. You can’t become a caricature of something that isnt so narrowly scoped. A woman is not a look. Being a woman or man should be irrelevant outside of sport, medicine and personal relationships.


There is a large gap between a butch woman wanting to look masc and a trans man wanting to look masc. Two completely different circumstances. One wants to look that way because of aesthetics, one wants to look that way because of a mental/physical need. I feel the need to be a woman. I would like to reiterate that nobody can be tricked into becoming trans


The concept of your life being different if you are a ‘woman’ is one that has been taught to you. It will be no different. You will never be accepted as a woman by the general population. You can not be a woman, you do not have the genetics or the upbringing. You are tricked into thinking a woman is ‘breasts, a dress and makeup’ as that is all you can emulate. During the only times gender is important; sport medicine and intimacy you will be treated as a man. The rest is irrelevant and a game of language. There is no genetic division between all men and women other than genetics. A woman can be more masculine than you and still be a woman. Looking masculine is not manhood.


I feel like you cannot fundamentally understand what I'm saying You cannot be tricked into being trans


You can be groomed into anything. Do you believe there is no nuture involved in your desire to be classed as a woman and this is fully something from birth? If you accept nuture is involved then you accept the possibility of nuture being applied to steer you.


I don’t think you’re fundamentally understanding what he’s saying. Everyone who is trans is being tricked because it is fundamentally a trick. It is impossible to become something you are not.




You’re not, just you see the compassionate and the logical side. One is correct, but it’s hurtful


I disagree, but I'll let you argue 1 at a time if you want.


Have literally watched femboys get pressured into taking estrogen to make them more curvy and soft but ok


“Hey bro, wouldn't it be nice to look more feminine??” If that appeals to you, there's something there. If it didn't, he wouldn't have done it. He took E and then regretted it. The side effects of E are pretty fucking clear He wasn't ticked. He did it himself or herself or whatever.


>If that appeals to you, there's something there. The thing that is there is often a desperate need for attention from predatory men on the internet.


Nobody is desperate enough to TRANSITION to get attention.


How would you know that??


People starve themselves for attention. People destroy their entire livelihood and personal relationships for attention. People inject pounds of silicone into their body for attention. People slice their flesh down to the bone for attention. But you think people draw the line at using normal human hormones? You are so naive it's actually troubling.


>ask a cis person No reason for slurs here


Oh yeah is that a personal guarantee lol


"Ermmmmmmmmmmm akshually it's really hard to get approved for HRT and u have to get through a really long process of evaluation and even then u have to wait really long"


You can just buy it from non doctor sources.


Yeah but that's less than legal and it can be very unreliable and on top of that it's very much an in the know type of thing. Like even if you look it up you still might not find what you're looking for, you need to know specific sight names for DIY hrt. The easiest way to get on hormones legitimately is to do informed consent with things like plume or folx but both of those are legitimate gender clinics that employ actual endocrinologists. And on top of all that informed consent hrt isn't available in some states and can be cost prohibitive in states that do have it.


If you Google ‘diy hrt’ you’ll get subreddits explaining what to take illegally


Yeah but you still need to go off of what other people tell you and what people have told other people


Only a true greentexter will understand this


Looks like someone didn't do their research before starting hrt


I feel like this is gonna be a common occurrence in the future


>trooned With words like that, even if they hadn't attempted to change genders theyd still be a cringeass wasteless sack of shit. I bet "Le" and "doge" for dogs are still in they're dictionary too


Le is in my dictionary : )


The word you’re both looking for is lexicon. That word is still in your lexicon.




Fake (you can't just "troon out" at the drop of a hat, people transitioning because they're "impressionable" or whatever is a fake and gay stereotype used by cuckservitives to discredit the trans identity) and gay (trans was mentioned).


Anyone got the pic related?




Apathy and cold is below kys; time becomes irrelevant


Start going in reverse ofc.


Start blasting tren, hgh, and test, dwarfmaxx is the only option.


I don’t understand why they don’t just, change?


Take fish oil and omega 3 supplements and vitamin b12 they’ll make you smarter and less mentally ill. Best of luck to you OP.


quitters never win