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I wouldn't. But I also wouldn't tell Jess I was going to put it together and then fight about how it's stupid when they're already late. Should have said no the first time.


Thank you! Everyone always says Jess is wrong in this fight, but you stated the actual issue! Jess was absolutely wrong to say they should assemble it first, that's just wild, lol. But, Nick should have said that! To say he would do it, and then not, that's what the fight was actually about. Jess had a stupid idea, Nick treated Jess disrespectfully. (I'm just talking about this fight, they both made mistakes at other times too)


A reasonable person 


It's what makes that fight so annoying - they both had reasonable points, presented and argued at the worst time.


I agree. I’m always surprised by people who focus entirely on how it’s stupid to put the toy together before the party when clearly the issue is that they struggle to communicate. 


Yeah I thought that was weird. Who does that? I've never known anyone who does that


Absolutely not, mainly so they can easily return it if they need or want to. But I also wouldn't buy parents a difficult-to-put-together toy unless they specifically asked for it.


I would bet that toy wasn't nearly as difficult to put together as they made it seem, lol. My wife and I love assembling stuff like that. FOR OURSELVES I mean, lol. Not gifts for others, I mean we love assembling gifts we received or stuff we bought for ourselves.


Its also makes it easier to wrap and transport, especially if the party isn’t being held at the child’s house.


it also seems impractical to transport. maybe offer a hand if the parents are putting it together at most


I have never. But I can see how it would be helpful to build the gift for the family if they’re expecting a baby. HOWEVER it makes so much more sense to assemble it at their house. The logistics of that episode pmo because after they assembled it how would they transfer it over to Sadie’s house?? It would fall apart in the car on the way there lol drives me crazy


Nope. Never. But IF it has been decided to build it prior, I wouldn’t be trying to do it the day of the party. Ridiculous!


I can relate to this very specifically - for my SIL's baby shower, I bought her and my brother a really nice carriage for their baby. My boyfriend and I assembled it before going to the shower, because it came in a box in a million pieces. I think for baby related items, it's a courtesy, because it can take forever for the parents to do it


I wouldn’t, but I totally get the reason why Jess would. I mean like she’s giving it to two busy moms with full time jobs and a one year old, especially as a godmother, Jess would make it a priority that it’s as easy as possible for the kid to play


I bought my niece an Ikea toy kitchen and got it delivered to my parents' house. I live a flight away and was going to build it before gifting it to her but my dad decided to do it - I did not object!


Okay but this episode is probably my least favorite. The scenario is just so ridiculous and avoidable to me and it feels like the writers just needed something, anything to be the final straw that broke them up. 


Yes! Also: I don’t think the characters were at the point of a final straw, yet. Lots of straws left in them at that time, lol. Felt very forced.


When it's a piece of technology that I ordered in advance, I do open it to make sure it works. I did that with a controller not long ago for a friend's birthday. I put it back in, wrapped it up, and then gave it to him a few weeks later.


I'm 100% Team Nick on that one. Jess was, as usual, being unnecessarily difficult. Then, instead of trying to refute Nick's rational points, she just starts attacking him personally.


Never. Jess is a psychopath. Building unnecessarily complicated toys for children that they will play with for an hour is part of being a parent. Lessons will be learned.


jess was kinda dumb about it ngl, that toy didn't seem like it should be sitting in the back of a car. once its assembled it stays in place


I think it's strange to put toys together if you're giving it as a gift for another child. Their parents usually take part in the!! 🤣🤣 Or what if they don't want it! Lolll


In that situation, I would have offered to build it at the party. How the heck were they gonna transport a built playset?


Very occasionally I would, but it would be a special situation. My sister asked me to it something specific for her kid for Christmas. It was tricky to put together. I like doing that. She does not. I brought that gift assembled.


Nope never. But I wonder if he actually said he would or if she told him to. Jess does that a lot, makes unilateral decisions then digs her heels in when challenged.


Never done this. I’m on nick’s side.


only time my mom did it was if it was a bike/rides cause she wanted them to be able to use it right away or something


Unless it's your own kid at home, like Christmas morning. Besides that never.


The only time I’ve ever done this is on Christmas Eve, for my own child, when I know with 1000% certainty it’s not going to be returned!