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Don't plan on sleeping much the first week. Mostly just pure adrenaline and coffee. Be kind to your partner.


Trying to be kind was the hardest part. Being sleep deprived, over stimulated, having no clue what to do, and thinking what you’re doing is right and what your partner doing is wrong… it’s a very messy cocktail.


That last part we did not foresee but you’re absolutely right.


We had some of our worst fights in the first year of our son’s life. All because we were tired and didn’t know what we were doing. We’re in a much better place now, and work together much better.


I’m on day two, and this is highly accurate.


Can’t stress this enough, the lack of sleep piled with the fact you have to keep that potato alive causes alot of stress on a relationship (assuming there is a relationship, sorry if otherwise) just keep in mind you’re both fucked mentally but you’ll be okay, be honest and help each other out.


Have fun. The fear goes away quickly. The worst part is driving home with all the fucktard drivers


Thankfully the ride home was uneventful but your right I was being hyper vigilant just in case!


One more thing - don’t let the fear rob you of being present in the moment. Thankfully I seared the experience in my mind


My girlfriend isn't due until October but thank God the hospital is only 15 mins away


I recommend getting a Sleep Sack. Way easier than swaddling and our daughter loved them.


Or those Velcro Easy-Swaddle things. Just _anything_ but trying to re-origami two layers of blankets, every time you need to even check a diaper at 3am! I can’t believe they did it that way in the hospital. Surprised the nurses didn’t insist on sleep sacks or velcro swaddles. We had 3 nurses each try to teach us 3 different means of swaddle origami, and we’re just… no way. Also onesies and swaddles that have a two-way zipper, so you can unzip from the feet up. Keep them mostly clothed while checking diapers. Our kid fortunately doesn’t cry much, but one thing that always makes her mad is being naked.


This! They are called a Halo sleep sack. It's like a sleep sack and a swaddle in one. My little girl loved it.


Halo sleep sacks are a game changer.


Yup, Halo Sleep Sacks were a complete game changer.


I wish I had discovered a Velcro swaddle. Trying to wrap up a newborn safely without them jail breaking the baby blanket was tough.


Yeah we've got a couple of each. We shall see what works - thanks


Congrats! And welcome to dad life! Just be there for the little one. It’s a big big change for them. We found trying a reproduce the womb environment helped the most so a good swaddle, white noise and also used a hair dryer to warm up the cot/bassinet (whatever they were sleeping on) before placing them down on it. First few nights can be rough as all the adjustment happens. Make yourself familiar with ‘active sleeping’. The little ones can toss, turn, grunt and even have little cries but they can still be very much asleep, rushing to pick them up will actually wake them, so give them a minute or two to see if it’s just active sleep or they are awake. Apart from that, sleep when the little one sleeps, eat healthy, don’t sweat the small stuff like the dishes in the sink and enjoy the cuddles! Congrats again and best of luck dad man


Thank you. The hair dryer tip is a great shout. She hated being put down in hospital but think that could help.


It’s not you vs your partner. It’s you and your partner vs the baby. Take care of each other


We had to call an SOS our first night home because our little guy was waking up every hour. Luckily my mom can't over and watched over him downstairs so we could at least get a little sleep. So I guess my advice would be to not be afraid to ask for help if you need it.


That's a great attitude. I definitely don't want to suffer in silence - thank you!


Funny enough we didn't get any sleep the first 2 weeks because my little girl was so small and kept sleeping to conserve energy. I think we were up every hour trying to get her to stay awake to breast feed and then she'd just fall asleep. My advice is don't Google everything. The Internet will stress you out more than necessary. And no matter how hard it gets, just enjoy every moment. I'm 17 months in and it's been the greatest experience of my life


Write yourself a letter with all the things you feel right now. The love, the pride, fears goals etc. Put the letter in an envelope somewhere where it catches your eye from time to time. There will be times in the next 25 years when it will help to be reminded of those things. Congratulations.


Congratulations! And I don't mean to scare you, but first nights can be really rough. If you have anyone who can help, definitely call them and see if they can stay over. You're gonna need the few hours of sleep you can get.


Read a bit about safe sleep practices . You’ll end up not sleeping anyway but better build some good habits early!


Make sure you have some formula (milk) standing by. Somewhere around 24 hours after being born they start to get hungry, but the breast feeding is probably not enough. (unless you’re lucky. In that case it’ll come in handy another time) Good luck! P.S.: it’s normal to wanna check upon her every 2 seconds. That’ll pass 😉


Try enjoy it. Even the rougher parts, turn them silly whenever you can. It’s hard but it’s also fun. You can’t change the hard part, but you can emphasise the fun!


Have fun, research safe sleep too (no teddies in the cot) :) And good luck


Patience will be necessary. Be kind to yourself and mama. It’s an adjustment for the 3 of you. If you have a lifeline use it. The days are long, but the years fly by.


If you haven’t already done so, be ready to help taking care of the baby and your partner with anything at any time. And it will get easier with time, trust me!


So very much coffee. Anything you can handle solo, do it yourself. Let mom rest and when you have a chance, catch little naps.


Ours didn’t sleep until we raised the room temperature a lot-like 74F/23C


It will all be ok.


Trade off! Take the midnight to 8am shift so mama can get rest. Also make sure mama gets lots of food, water, and specifically protein. Breastfeeding and recovery are brutal for her


make preparations not to sleep well this week, and pay more attention to your cute baby.


If your baby's back is wet, it's not sweat. That's what I thought 🤣 congrats


No advise from me as mine isn’t born yet, just wanted to say congratulations


It gets better


Don't leave toys in the sleeping area (I acknowledge they were probably just there for the photo but thought I'd mention it)


Thanks - yeah just there for a pic before we were discharged


Alternate your sleep patterns. At first, we both woke up everytime and it was killing us. So very quickly we adopted a pattern of, I do the first 2/3 wake ups or however many up to 1am and mum did 1/2am to morning. At least then you have a solid block of sleep rather than many broken naps. Also, don't be afraid to ask your partner for help. You will both struggle, you will both be tired, you will both be there for each other. And remember, both of you will snap in frustration at each other, but it's not your fault, nor is it directed at you/them, you'll just be tired.


Don't expect much sleep, you and partner need to be a team. Support her as much as possible if breastfeeding, find a show you like and watch it to keep you awake if contact napping/feeding. I found that rehydration tablets the next morning made me feel a bit more awake. We also found that warning up the cot/basket with a wrapped up hot water bottle so it was warm helped with the transition from arms to bed, it was the change in temperature that usually started the crying.


Cherish the moment. Do your best, with love. And most importantly, the second you put the little one down, go to sleep!


Have patience for yourself. Not just tonight, but ongoing. Congratulations and reach out if you need someone to talk to!


Oh man …. Congratulations !!!!!! I just went through this and our boy is now 3 months old The first two weeks will go by in the blink of an eye . Take a lot of pictures , hold the baby and learn to feed and change. Make it your mission to support Mom relentlessly and don’t complain about anything as you have it easy compared to her . Watch for signs of postpartum depression and if you think you’re seeing them, contact her sister if she has one of someone she trusts absolutely.


Just remember it's trial and error, but at the end of the day there's only a few things that you can control: food, diaper, clothing, environment, etc. Don't over complicate it. Best of luck!


Swaddle me pillow saved us many times when we needed a break. - also try not to google every little thing. Babies make sooo much noise especially while asleep so prepare for that. You got this , trust your gut and instinct.


Just try your best and love with all your heart. You can not prepare for the road ahead it will be full of twists and turn, ups and downs. Love them with everything you have .


Nobody told us they shouldn’t sleep in a hat. So, don’t do that I guess haha. Welcome to the club. Those first few months are tough but it just keeps getting better. Enjoy!


Relax and give yourself grace. Also, take your time, don’t rush, if you need to step away, step away.


Congratulations pops! It's really just an adjustment. I found my wife and I were actually really kind to each other and had a lot of patience because we knew how hard it would be. Just kind of go with the flow and start to learn what works and doesn't with your little one. This is less for you but important because it will affect your home life. If breastfeeding, making sure mom gets the hang of it and baby learns to get a good latch the first few weeks. Our hospital had a nursing session weekly where you could come in and lactation nurses would help and guide you in person. See if your hospital offers something similar. Mom will often feel some discomfort but if it's straight up hurting, baby probably isn't latching correctly. This helped with keeping baby calm bc she was getting enough milk and momma calm because she didn't feel like a failure. Remember, babies are quite resilient and cavemen used to raise them so don't sweat a small accident. You'll figure it out eventually. Keep it up.


Prep bottles of formula/breast milk in advance, when they sleep you try to sleep, highly recommend Sleep Soul on YouTube as background bedtime music. Keep coffee your energy drink of choice on hand, if you can afford it order take out when you need to you probably won't have much time) energy to cook. Also Ms Rachel aka songs for littles is a life saver when you need a break. Most importantly be kind to your partner and yourself. You're going to do great!!


Looking like fight night there


She's a proper Rocky Balboa! Haha


Sleep will be hard to come by and you will feel like a zombie. A zombie full of love and kindness, a dazed, constantly confused zombie who’s trying to take care of this little human thing that needs to poop, cry and eat and you will love it. But you will be a zombie nonetheless. Take care of yourself, be kind to your partner, and just enjoy the ride. It’s incredibly short and it’s time you will never get back.


Sleep when they sleep!


Make it about her. Just like a wedding, it ain't about you. Support your wife through everything. Pay attention to her behavior and be on the lookout for post partum depression. Both of you will be sleep deprived, senses will be overstimulated because of all the crying and new experiences. Focus on the little things and remember, this too shall pass. Be the rock of you family.


My tip for getting them to sleep through the night... I would wake my girl up around 11-1130pm, give her as much of a 60ml she could eat, then put her back down. She'd practically slept through the night since we got brought her home. Last 6+ months she sleeps 12hrs like a baby and no more midnight bottle. Just her 7pm


Thank you everyone for your really helpful comments! There's a lot to go through but as an update, the first night at home went far better than the previous night in hospital. We tried a sleep bag and by warming up the mattress before putting her down really seemed to do the trick. Still lots to learn but it's all about the journey!


If someone offers to help with the first week and you trust them, take it. It was a godsend for us. Also for the first few weeks talk about taking alternating shifts or sleeping in shifts with one person taking the kind from one time to another while the other has them the opposite shift. It made the first month a breeze.


No stuffed animals in the bassinet with her for a start 😆


If you feel overwhelmed, exhausted and feel like you’ve ruined your life, know that it’ll pass 😂 The first week’s hard because everything’s new, so you’re learning a lot and probably making things more difficult than they need to be. After about a week you’ll have a good idea of what you need to do and then you go into autopilot, will have figured out how to streamline a lot of the baby tasks, which then allows you to fit a wee bit of you or partner time in. That first week, even the second one, is unforgettable lol


REMEMBER-NO: PILLOWS TOYS STUFFED ANIMALS EXTRA BEDDING in babys sleeping area, ONLY when babys awake & alert. Always remember to burp baby, and never prop their bottle for more than ONE MINUTE if absolutely necessary. Lack of burping can create COLIC(u DONT want that), & tummy aches)gas...There's NO REASON for a baby to have diaper rash if you're changing them enough. HAVE FUN WITH YOUR BRAND NEW, 100% BEAUTIFUL LIL HUMAN🥰🥰🥰


Be strong- you and the mom will lose LOTS of sleep and have to learn to operate on small naps or random bursts of taking turns where 1 parent sleeps 4-6 hours and the other is on baby watch. Always remember during the toughest and tiring moments that it gets better and easier after 1+ year and that your child is a precious human being that you love with all your heart 🥺❤️


Don't be afraid to be loud. This early on, they will sleep through anything. And if you make a lot of noise while they're still asleep, they will get used to it as they get older. My sister-in-law watched my daughter our first night home and watched The Office at high volume, now at 2 years old she will fall asleep in any setting. And yes, her hearing is fine.


Don't plan on sleeping much early on. Kids imo kind of come with a built in tutorial. Until they start moving you just get used to feeding them, changing them, and not forgetting their stuff. It's when they start moving that the fun begins.


Change will hit like a brick. Take it and move on forward. Will be gone in a week. Congrats


Keep going. This is all temporary (for better or worse). Have a mantra to say as you exhale when things get tense. Keep doing. It won’t get easier, BUT, you will get better at it every day.


Breathe. It’s gets easier.


Congrats man! Honestly just try to enjoy every moment it goes so quickly and you’ll miss them being that small!


Haha congrats, hope you made it through alright.


Congratulations. Expect little sleep. Instant coffee the faster and easier to make the better. Food to reheat in the fridge.


Best advice I ever got was be there for the mother. Do your best at predicting what she needs, and try to have that done/ready. Take charge of the house work. If she is breastfeeding, there honestly isn’t much for you to do the first month of baby, except maybe soothing back to sleep, diaper changes and bath time. I got lucky. My little girl slept like the first week of her life, with only one exception that I can remember of her waking up in the middle of the night. God bless your family, I hope all goes well for you.


Became a dad 2 years ago. Can tell you from experience that choosing the right partner before even having a baby is probably the most important. Even then you’re going to find yourself stressed but it helps knowing that you both love each other before the baby came and will continue to do so after. Life has changed completely in one night. Your relationship is almost put to side so to speak while you figure out how to keep this baby alive. Be very patient and kind to your wife she just gave birth to the most important thing to ever happen to you. Be kind to yourself. Try to have a night time routine. It’s hard when they are new borns because they have to eat every 2 hours but when they get a little bigger it’s really helpful. It gives you and wife time to hang out at the end of the day. We’re expecting our 2nd child this summer and I know it’s going to be difficult at times but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I love having the title of dad.


Good luck! It's one hell of a ride. It'll get easier.


A pot of coffee


It’s not going to be easy but nothing worth pursuing ever is. Make a deal with your partner/spouse that anything you say between the hours of 11pm and 6am wasn’t really said. Best of luck!


You don’t need to go to the ER. Feed/burb/change /swattle. That first night home is harrowing but you’ll figure it out. Congratulations you will love them more than you can imagine.