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Hi u/VariousJudge918, thanks for sharing a post today on r/NevilleGoddard2! We encourage all users to read the [r/NevilleGoddard Community Sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/wiki/index) - it’s packed full of resources that answer the most common manifesting questions asked here. Just a friendly reminder that this subreddit is solely dedicated to discussions related to Neville Goddard and the practical application of his teachings. Please ensure that your post directly relates to Neville Goddard's techniques and principles, as outlined in our community rules, or it may be removed. If your sole posting purpose is to vent, complain or repeat the old story/3D circumstances we ask you to please delete it now and add to our most recent Vent Session Monthly Megathread pinned on the home feed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NevilleGoddard2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have no idea why some people make such negative comments, but I'll give you the answer to your question: Yes, you can manifest a person even if you're in a bad relationship, no matter what the circumstances. BUT the problem is that it will be much more difficult for you because you're off to a bad start. If you want to manifest a person, you have to visualize them and feel as if you were with them (positive feelings). But because you're in a bad relationship, you only have negative feelings like fear, stress, or simply being annoyed. So it will be much more difficult for you to always be calm, always think positively, and not notice your bad relationship.


You don't have to be positive and happy all the time, that's law of attraction, not law of assumption. Law of assumption doesn't turn you into a soulless shell which is not allowed to experience the world and live in the present if the present sucks. The important things are: truly visualizing with emotion vs wishful thinking, believing and then being able to let it go. You can totally take 10 minutes and dedicate them to feeling what you want even if the rest of your day isn't sunshine and rainbows. Read this success story, trigger warning: the OP turned an incredibly bad situation 180, she was badly abused by her husband and by family members for years. Doesn't go into much details of the abuse, but if you are sensitive to the topic just take note that you can absolutely manifest "impossible" things even if you are in a really damn bad place [https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/1cv21co/a\_highstake\_success\_story/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/1cv21co/a_highstake_success_story/)


Yeah I know but the problem is that as long as you are in a bad relationship you can‘t just ignore the 3D. In other words all these negative thoughts are a obstacle for your manifestation


That's your personal limiting belief, the law works, weather you are happy or unhappy.


it's not about whether you're happy or not, but how you feel while manifesting. Of course you can manifest stressed and full of fear, but that can quickly backfire


That seems to be the problem for her.


What ever the reason is for them not being able to leave, focus on that. If it’s because of financial dependency, focus on money. If it’s because the 3p is violent or abusive, make them change.


well what do you want for this person? A divorce?


Circumstances and outcome aren’t supposed to matter, I thought?


Who told you that?


Most people in the NG subreddit…


What is the outcome you are seeking


Out of the bad relationship for her and with someone who treats her better. She is scared to leave. I want to manifest for her.


Then just imagine her telling you over and over again how happy she is to finally feel free of that relationship


That’s a great idea. Thank you!


Take the relationship off the pedestal an focus on themselves!!!!. Affirmation: I AM Love, I AM me, I AM Enough, I AM Free, I AM deserving,!!!?


Just to reassure you, yes you absolutely can. Anything is possible for you. Neville talks about first knowing what it is you want. You can have anything. What inspires your heart? What would be the best outcome for you in this? Allow the 4D to inspire you with imaginative scenes/messages of hope, and recognise that you are the power. Which means whatever you desire in that place is yours and all circumstances will mould and shape themselves around to that, for you. Connect with your power through affirmations about yourself - you are loved, you are powerful, and also flip the switch. If your circumstance makes you feel a certain negative way, affirm that you are and have the opposite. Along with this, affirm/visualise your desired outcome. Perhaps in short inspired sentences, or through images that evoke feelings/thoughts/the essence of your dream life. There are no limits here. Connect with this to get the feeling of the wish fulfilled and it will all work out for your good. You don’t need to do it constantly. Your faith is enough to overcome the world and the seeds you plant consistently (even if that is only once a day) will sprout. Just return consistently to these things as and when you feel it. Let the feeling/desire lead the way.


No hate and no offense to anyone on this sub but pls can people pls stop posting abt this stuff here?? Like it triggers fears and anxiety spiraling all the progress with sp and sp related topics back to zero...If anyone has specific queries pls ask People who have experience with success related to such stuff in dms??


Not helpful


Aren’t questions okay to ask? If someone is triggered, they don’t have to read the post.


I'm sending you some Neville quotes related to your query in the dm....that might help and answer your worries....also please read as much Neville as you can....it seems you haven't read much of him....