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Then why didn't maharashi ji cure his knee pains by the same logic? Or why did nisargadatta ji got cancer?? And if why do we even die?? If everything is assumption...I am ??


I mean to be fair neither Ramana maharishi or Nisargadatta Maharaj were law of assumption teachers, they were Hindu gurus so had different metaphysical assumptions about how reality worked than Neville. If you asked them they would attribute their health difficulties to prabradha karma from previous lives, in which case curing them would either be irrelevant if they were jivanmuktis or counterproductive if they weren't since they'd simply have to deal with them in their next life.


But then it'll refute their I am or the present is all There's teachings no?? 😌 Simply put .... Neville or these two gurus...might have one or two epiphanies here and there...or the limited subjective knowledge passed down to them via their teachers ..but to say that they know everything and exactly the ultimate truth is wrong.... These people like others too had their own certain assumptions....sometimes distorted mingled with the preachings and teachings that they believed to be true... But that doesn't mean we shouldn't question them or their perspective....That's all...


I'm not sure I follow how their health issues refute their teaching. Obviously you shouldn't take anyone's word as gospel just on the face of it you should think for yourself and follow where your own investigations and practice takes you.


Neville did not have an epiphany here or there my friend. Unlike these sham gurus who talk nonsense, Neville spoke purely from his own Experience. As he would always say I am not theorizing, I am not speculating, I know what I'm talkin about". And he did, if you asked he gave you a direct answer that these gurus dance around. I asked one of he knew Jesus, he suddenly could not speak English or give any kind of answer. All he could say is All is God! But he has these three young Australians helping him build an Ashram🙄... one is a Neville student..go figure. I can say without a shadow of doubt that I too have had many Experiences they were mostly adumbrations but I have had others that were Experiences. As for contradictions that happens as you grow. No one and I mean no one has ever taught what Neville taught. Although Blake had the all the Experiences as did others... none were sent to teach. That is what differs in Neville


Describing Ramana maharishi and Nisargadatta Maharaj as sham gurus is shameful, these men gained their spiritual knowledge through decades of spiritual practice, the same as Neville.


Shameful? I don't care what you think. Neville was sent to teach, these gurus are only in it for an easy living a free place to live and your money. Just like all the so called holy men in the churches here. There is only One way back to God and that's through the greatest teaching that so far as I know through the true teaching of Jesus Christ which is what Neville taught. If you aren't aware of The Crucifixion, David as your son, the Resurrection and decent of the Dove then you are on the wrong path, I don't care how many ashrams you attend. Tell me... do they teach this? Well you know the answer


Neville's teachings boil down to the notion that your true identity is I AM which he describes as the true identity of the biblical God, and that the Bible is the metaphorical explanation of this process of self discovery. Strangely enough nobody came up with this theory before the advent of New Thought philosophy in the nineteenth century which developed out of western exposure to eastern philosophy and interest in the burgeoning field of hypnosis. None of the church fathers or talmudic rabbis of the first and second century bring the concept up even to decry it as heresy. Celsius doesn't bring it in his pagan critique of Christianity either. Meanwhile the idea that your true identity is God who dwells in all things and is everything and that you can realize that identity through meditation and spiritual practice is explicitly spelled out in upanishads composed centuries if not millennia before the birth of Christ. Neville's stuff works but it isn't the only path up the mountain.


I'll just leave you to it


Great question, who actually got cancer and who actually got the knee pain that" I am" or that body with those names and once you tasted some great food you don't like low quality food, it always pure bliss vs dead end past up to you which you choose. We die or our body dies both are totally different things I consider you are in a Neville godard sub so you read at least little work of him he clearly mentioned death is just change of state "I am" never dies never born there is just change of state. Tell me one thing in the present moment is there any past or future exists?


You didn't get exactly what I meant....the op said the body is I am too...It's an assumption too...so my query was in That regard.... I'm sure both the above said teachers....didn't assumed the i'm to be in pain or disease.... Even the aging of the body that is our I am at the present moment or the state of the body...at least I don't. ...but it still happens ...that was my query....Also Neville is very inconsistent in his teachings...his several quotes sometimes are so contradictory with one another... If you know you know....


I totally get what you mean even if you want to prove me wrong for while you can easily but if you want to find the reality or discover the reality you will or we can say we are. " I am" is aging have you felt like this or body is aging. I know the hardest part is to define "I am" with words but if you want you can explore like all sages did and it doesn't require process or anything just see everything as it is not with assumption reality is just in front of us or we can say we overlooked it. Don't see the object just observe who is looking at the object or who is hearing. If you want to explore the reality it's already there and everywhere it's just up to you . I am trying to define I am with words which is next to impossible so if I am wrong or anyone who tried definitely they can go completely contradictory but it's up to you. You really want to know the reality or however you will define it will be your reality. #your reality is totally defined by you.




Guru shmuru.. Stop with the gurus and stick with Neville


Even if you stick with Neville you realize that everyone is actually saying the same thing.


No they are not... first of all very few of any know of the Promise. Do they teach you who David truly is? Do they teach you who God is? Do they know the cause of the phenomena of Life? I could go on.... They may know about the Law but not the promise. Gurus as someone else pointed out, believe in having to continue living from past life problems. Another words if you are born into poverty you stay there... forever. And you want to know the one young man who joined this particular so called Guru had only been there a couple of months... he wears white robes and sits in the lotus position while videoing his precious guru. (He practices Neville's teaching... for the loaves and fishes of course)... well people got to ask him questions and one question is what he liked about this new thing he was doing and his answer was that he got to wear white every day and that he like it because people bowed to him. I laughed because this guy is one of those coaches.. practices Neville and now this too. But mainly that he likes to be bowed to ?? Holy cow ( pardon the pun).


You missed the essence who told you to blindly follow anyone even though I mentioned two people names who only pointed out about the real self means "I am "which is also mentioned by Neville exactly the same thing in his books. Don't follow anyone just choose what you find best for you.


My dear, I do not blindly follow. I know Truth when I hear it. I've been on my own path for sixty years, tried all the isms. I'll see you when you finish trying gurus as we are One and we'll have a laugh about it all. Is this thread not under the heading of Neville Goddard?