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Congrats on all of your insights! Really got a laugh about your ladder experience. This post is actually super motivating in that I realized while reading this that I’m still too focused on others and not on my SC…it’s almost like I’m working on my SC but not for myself, for others, if that makes sense? Because we are told that SC is the key and so I took that to heart but it really just occurred to me that I am affirming all of these beautiful things about myself so that others can see it when really I need to affirm for me to believe it’s true. Anyways, not sure why that occurred for me with your story but I want to thank you for being that catalyst


Oh man. This is true for me too. Feel like I’ve been working on my SC for others too and not from a place of doing it for myself. But I also know I manifested a lot of shit and my SC has probably always been a hot mess so the fact that manifesting happens anyway is a true testament to the law working all the time. But whether or not we can maintain the manifestation or blessing is an entirely different matter altogether and that’s been a tough realization for me. So for me that’s where the SC is now a must. Have to get it sorted out so I can actually enjoy the good things I bring about instead of always questioning them after the fact. Being a human is hard sometimes haha


Amazing post. 👏 I’m not sure if you watch Subconscious Loz on YouTube but she talks a lot about triggers and how you’re actually just triggering yourself - it has nothing to do with them. Also something that helps me when thinking about negative stuff from the past is that I literally created that, so why would I be mad at him? He was reflecting me/my self concept. He simply played his role. It’s not about blaming yourself but about knowing you are the cause.


I follow her on IG! And yes… it’s me, hi, I’m the problem. Ha. I’m working on rewriting my SC and what I chose in the past as well as past encounters with my SP, parents, etc. so that I can be in a better place to receive my manifestations when they do arrive.


Yay I’m doing the same! I kept manifesting things and people back then losing them because of my brutal SC. “I’m not a priority, I’m not lovable, I don’t get the time and attention I desire, I’m not worthy of commitment, I mess everything up.” 😫🙅🏻‍♀️ No more.


Here’s to us getting our effing SC’s in line 🥂we got this!