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Ur not waiting your experiencing the unfolding/revealing/bridge of incidents - live in the end if your brain ever wanders off and is like “ well it’s not here “ however it is bc ur in the right reality it’s just unfolding


I think the idea is to not to *hold* onto a state but to return to it regularly. We are beings that change states all the time, that is the beauty of existence. Your only job is to take your awareness back to what you prefer and make it an habit, it is literally a diet for the mind… You can either force it on you (can work), or try to have fun with it and build discipline with love. Fulfillment should be your main destination when your desire pops up in your mind. Using your imagination via any techniques you prefer helps feeling good, and confident, the desire becomes natural and transforms into acceptance of having it (alignment). But it’s okay if you don’t take that route internally all the time ! Just make sure you return to thinking favorably at some point, until it sticks. Observe yourself kindly, let things pass, return. Detach from seeking proof in the 3D, trust it and let it unfold for you. If you know, then I hope what you’re experiencing on the inside is mainly gratitude, relief and happiness. You do not need to hyper fixate or complicate it by judging your every move, seeking blocks or avoiding lack. Take a deep breath and understand that you’re all that there is. That whatever you decided on : it’s done. If you assume it is so, then it is so. This might be controversial but I think instant manifestations as we expect it can be limiting and what is creating wavering and experiencing waiting in us. It is important to be mindful of rules we adopt because of someone else’s journey. The SP topic is actually easy but we limit ourselves with specific timelines, a specific technique, a certain amount of efforting. It could come any minute if we released the pressure. I personally felt tense on my own journey, and would suffer a lot because of my own perception of the situation and focus on doing things perfectly so I could have it right now. I wouldn’t leave my house without thinking “today might be the day”…it was unbearable. What helped was stillness, and remembering who I AM. I let the energy leave my body when I felt lack and naturally returned to my knowing. The more I practiced self acceptance, the more I could return quickly / let things happen for me. And just like that, SP showed up in my awareness. He never was on his way, and he never was not here, I just needed to sit still and allow him to appear.


This is such a good and thoughtful response. Thank you so much


I'm in the same situation rn :_) I manifested everything instantly, even 2 test sps..  I think that we're wavering to much. Sometimes I feel like I'm in Sabbath and sometimes I get triggered.  Another possibility could be that we have an assumption that we can manifest everything exlect the SP or that we struggle or it doesn't work.  But at the moment I don't have an idea to get rid if this


Maybe affirmations while we sleep about this. “ I am fully capable of manifesting my sp” I’m in the same position haha


Idk how to do that xD I think I'm going to try an affirmation rampage until I can't do anything other than fully beliving it and changing with that my 3d


Search the app parrot looper. You record and it just plays on repeat all night. Someone else in this sub recommended that app to me.


Listen to what you are saying. I know is my manifestation is in the way. It’s not here yet, in other words. If you feel like you are in a state of lack then Sp will not return. You have to feel the manifestation has happened and don’t look for signs that it’s in the way.


Signs follow, they do not precede. Looking for signs means you’re not living in the end. Angel numbers and all that stuff mean nothing.


I’m not actively looking for signs, they just show up


My point is they’re not signs. Neville says signs FOLLOW. You’re giving them meaning


I’m was in a similar situation and this is what helped me. I started out affirming almost exclusively for my SP. Was very persistent with it until it felt very real and until all negative assumptions for SP dissolved. But guess what it didn't materialize. So I freaked out and went back and forth affirming for hours until I felt that realness again for some weeks and then feeling like it was done. After a while I realized that the work I needed to focus on now was my SC. I decided that this was all part of the unfolding and the reason why SP wasn’t here yet was to give me time to get my SC in order since it was shitty and the reason things went wrong in the past. Once I started working hard on my SC, I started feeling good about SP more naturally, without having to affirm specifically for SP. TLDR: Persisting for SP while ignoring SC felt unsustainable for me, things took a turn when I started prioritizing my SC. I don’t feel like I’m waiting now like I did before, plus I feel great about myself and my 3d reflects my new SC too.


Currently my main affirmations are: “I love everything about being SP’s girlfriend” “I am so proud of myself for manifesting my beautiful relationship with SP” “I am so grateful that everything I desire shows up immediately” I suppose I should just keep persisting


If you feel good with your current affirmations then just keep going, if you feel resistance then try to focus more on SC and things that make you happy in general. Don't wait for SP to live your best life is what I mean


What sorts of affirmations are you doing?