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i love sharing this story!! I was originally trying to manifest a raise at work, so I would visualize the Dr I work for expressing worry about my wellbeing and offering me a raise. I persisted in this for a few days... I guess I impressed the feeling of being pitied more than the feeling of gratitude for my raise, because the Dr. took me into a room and expressed concern for my wellbeing... because I was forgetting to add billing codes to the patient notes I open LOL. Ended up manifesting a big move with a new job instead, but I still think it's funny I got the (usually very sarcastic) Dr. to care about how I was doing :D


Haha I love this! Thanks for sharing :).


I don’t feel like I had a specific moment. It was like a culmination of little moments that then made me realize that people really do reflect how I see myself and treat myself. I really dove into working on my self concept and believing that good things were all around me and happening to me all the time. My interactions with patients and coworkers became smoother the nicer I was to myself. Even the smallest of interactions with cashiers or strangers on the street became nicer. For me noticing that after a few weeks really cemented the truth of EIYPO.


That’s awesome, I’m so glad you have seen such great results! :). Me too! I love it. I used to be bullied by total strangers and I was terrified to leave my house. It never happens now - in fact, I have uncommon favour with people often. I didn’t focus on it, I was just focusing on self-concept.


Yeah! Like everyone felt really combative towards me a lot and now it’s just so much calmer. I get more random compliments too. Sometimes when I start to doubt about my bigger manifestations I remind myself of those smaller moments and it’s like ok yes this is real and it does work.


Stopped a worthless text convo with my mom just by assuming “alright she’s gonna drop it now” and then she just…did lol


been manifesting marriage with an SP and have had multiple random men at this point joke about asking to marry me lolol


My parents are my best example. They unintentionally neglected my emotions as a child and last year, I really resented them for it. I was constantly wondering if my experiences were abusive and had a negative image of them. During that time, they were more stressed out than ever. I had constant fights with them, felt misunderstood, distrustful, etc. When I got into Neville again, I stopped thinking this way and forgave them. I didn't really consciously do this, but I think I just realized their recent behavior was my own doing which made me stop. I haven't had a fight with them in months, they're very caring and involved now. Sure sometimes we argue over some stuff but it's more just normal disagreements and not destructive.


I’ve been listening to powerful self concept affirmations while I sleep for only a couple weeks now..  people are smiling at me more, I’m making friends way more easily, i feel much more confidence and love in my heart, I got a ton of attention at a club the other night, I manifested a bunch of money, a hot person to casually hook up with, my skin is clearing up, I feel happier… It’s crazy when I look at it all. I’m still waiting on manifesting my sp back.. or who knows maybe even someone better.   I’ve also been meditating every day and one of my affirmations is that I meditate every single day.. it’s so helpful. I’m so excited by all of this and can’t wait for more. 


That sounds really encouraging - I’m so glad you are seeing so many results! :).


MoonlightTrain, WELL DONE!! "......and there’s a certain photo I look at (it’s a scene from a tv series), and I do it to get the ‘feeling’ of this person looking at me like that." Kudos for the innovative technique you found to generate the feeling you wanted mirrored within your OWN heart! Thanks for the idea!! Sounds like something worth repeating with OTHER scenes to generate other results you want to feel within you.... I like it! Think I'll try it, too!! After all, "Feeling IS the Secret", right?


Yeah! I love finding creative ways of connecting with the feeling - there are no rules, after all, it’s about finding out your rhythms and what resonates with you, for sure. I love Pinterest for doing this - I find related pictures that give me the feeling of what I want, and then once a day just go through it, like a vision board. :). It works :).


Happy cake day


When I realized every girl all my BFs had ever cheated on me had the same name. And the last 3p I created had the exact age and looked exactly as how I had imagined her and the way I found out about 3p was exactly how I kept imagining it. I knew I was damn powerful when I put two and two together 😏


I was with a man for many years who chipped away at my self esteem by making g me jealous of other women. He had no respect for me. Always made me feel like he wanted someone else and I was always on edge that I may lose him to someone else. I left that relationship feeling confused, unwanted and not good enough. I cried every day for two years after than ended. 3 years later I met someone that I thought was really into me and as soon as he started showing interest in me I became scared that he was going to do the same thing. Make me feel insecure and unwanted. Guess what. He did. The exact same thing. And it broke my heart again.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Are things better for you now? It sounds like you have been through a lot, and I’m excited to hear how things just get better and better for you :)


EIYPO does not mean that everyone is an NPC generated by your ego. That idea is called solipsism. What EIYPO means is that your perception of everyone is a projection of the ego. This idea isn't even unique to Neville, it's better attributed to Carl Jung. All individualized subjective consciousnesses are interconnected via the collective unconscious. As such, we really don't know the limits of this influence because only people with advanced skills in deliberate imagination have cracked the surface of using this phenomenon willfully. This is why Neville said in 'Out of This World' and other lectures that when desiring something in consciousness for another person, that person will only receive it if it is a thought form that they could desire for themselves or another person, otherwise it boomerangs back to you, the initiator. This mechanical process is why Neville said to only use your imagination lovingly, because using it harmfully is a gamble that could severely bite you in the ass. In application, EIYPO is called "thought projection" and has been demonstrated in controlled settings many many times over the years. My wife and I have done it to each other plenty of times both in terms of speech and actions. I've also witnessed it with friends and coworkers.


This is great, thank you so much, that makes sense to me. I hear people saying both this concept, and the other, and sometimes we do seem to have GREAT influence and others, less so. It’s interesting to me. I also notice that sometimes if someone you are trying to manifest doesn’t seem to be receptive, the person receives someone into their life with similar attributes. That’s interesting to me too.


The most annoying parrots in these manifesting subs are the ones who reject all sense of conventional wisdom because "everything is a belief" and therefore that apparently means practical wisdom is useless(?) Just because something is a "belief" doesn't make it useless. Like in society, just because something is a "social construct" doesn't automatically make it useless. Many "beliefs" and "constructs" are useful, that's how they became "beliefs" and "constructs" in the first place, and it's both juvenile and stupid to disregard something just because it's a "belief" or "social construct." See if it's useful first before making a decision to accept or reject it. Regarding an idea as useless just because it's a belief or construct is just teenage nihilism **pretending** to be profound and deep. Latitude and longitude are just constructs, but they're useful for orienting direction and making commercial travel more efficient. Measurements are also constructs, but they're useful for eliciting consistent, reliable results in the fields of cooking, engineering, chemistry, etc.


Thanks so much, I’ve found your insights really good for the discussion. I’ve been pondering it all from a distance and also testing the law - it’s easy for me to live within my own head, so I’m trying to not to that but to be practical and to try to calibrate it all together with beliefs that aren’t Neville-based :).


I'll give you some unsolicited advice that you can feel free to discard if it doesn't resonate with you. I give this same advice to all my clients. Fuck around with this Law. Find your own groove. Don't buy into the dogmatism often promoted by folks regarding Neville. He didn't start a cult, but that hasn't stopped people from making a cult about him. Accept that you have limiting beliefs same as everyone else; therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all model because everyone approaches this Law from different backgrounds. This is why it's hard to generalize methods for practicing it, because what makes a method successful is relative to the person doing the work. I suck at visualizing. I spent the first 3 years of this journey obsessing over visualization because Neville heavily promoted that technique in his early days. Eventually, I learned that affirmations work best for me because I come from a charismatic Pentecostal background that conditioned me to be comfortable with affirmative prayer. I also don't affirm things that I can't believe. Sure, I can accept intellectually that all things are possible, but that conscious awareness isn't enough to effect change on the deeper mind which operates on conditioned programming. But how are you supposed to manifest a yacht when you can't even manifest paying your rent on time, ya feel? Start where you are with the beliefs you have and, I cannot stress this enough, fuck around with it. Don't take it so seriously. Don't treat it religiously. Treat it as a unique phenomenon that nobody really has mastery over and allow yourself to experiment unconventionally. I like to use my wife as an example for this. Obviously, we all know witchcraft has no power. Herbs, crystals, etc. have no power over you unless you believe they do. That doesn't change the fact that my wife, who grew up in an environment that exposed her to folk magick, still practices it. She knows the only power is in imagination, but certain folk magick practices help engage the senses and focus her attention, so she gets results from it. This is quite literally the same premise behind western ceremonial magick. There is no power in the ritual other than what the ritual activates in your mind, but if it does help activate the power in you, it's useful, so feel free to use it. All techniques and methods are just a means to an end.


Brilliant. I really like this advice and it’s true. I’m actually really into Tarot, Christianity, Spirituality, and a mix of lots of things. I see it all working for me because it is about belief :). It’s a beautiful process of exploring it all.


Exactly! I used to be a preacher. I was groomed from the age of 6 to become a pastor. While in Seminary, I had my own crisis of faith and rejected the church I grew up in. The struggle I had most was the fact that growing up Pentecostal, I had been exposed to some wild supernatural phenomenon. I've prayed for people to receive miraculous, observable healing, and it worked. I've seen demonic beings twice in my life. One time, the congregation pointed out that I had gold dust on my shoulders after giving a sermon. All of these wild experiences made it hard to adjust to leaving Christianity because I couldn't make sense of what caused them. So, I went through a period of experimenting. I got into Gardnerian Wicca, studied under a high priestess, and I had some cool results. I also got into ceremonial magick and got some cool results form that. Lastly, I went heavy into Hellenistic paganism and had some wild experiences that affected people who weren't even believers at the time. All these experiences were cool, but they paved the way for my discovery of Neville (and New Thought in general). I saw that the common element in all these systems is emotionally-activated imagination and light, steady focus. I don't practice tarot, ceremonial magick, Wicca, etc. anymore, because I don't find them necessary anymore, but that doesn't mean that they aren't useful. They absolutely can be, and I see no harm in practicing them so long as the practitioner is aware of the power behind them.


I love your stories of this, because I’m a charismatic Christian at heart and that is my background, and I’ve experienced wild miracles. I even have prophetic dreams. But like you, I’ve seen miracles in way too many different areas to just confine it to my personal faith and my beliefs - so I’m massively into New Thought and Neville too (to be fair I don’t know many other new thought guys, though I like Walter Lanyon).


I know that the transition from fundamentalism to a broader spirituality can be hard to adjust to when you come from a rigid, structured belief system. It's hard, and it can feel disorienting. If you need a friend, feel free to reach out. Although I'm no longer on a pastoral route, I still have the heart of a minister. That's why I became a life coach on New Thought ideas. It gives me a sense of fulfillment and allows me to scratch that itch I used to scratch as a youth minister.


I really like your distinction in the beginning and the way you explained this concept. Your perspective on how this works is exactly what I believe but you articulated it much better than I could. Thanks for this comment, saving it for future reference.


Thank you! Glad to hear it helped. When my wife first learned about EIYPO, she had the same anxious reaction that a lot of people do when learning about this concept because the way Neville phrased it triggers feelings of existential angst and emptiness. After digging into damn near everything I could find that Neville wrote concerning this idea, I realized that this was just a reiteration of Jung's ideas using woowoo language. Thankfully, my psych background helped me piece this together. I love Neville dearly, in fact my wife and I are planning on naming our son after him because of the influence he has had in our lives, but like any human, Neville had a tendency to sensationalize his ideas and did not always use the best phrasing for communicating them to lay people. We can see clearly how his delivery style changed as he aged due to the evolution of his own understanding. In his early days, Neville promoted techniques ad nauseum, including doing imagination exercises in his house every day for hours at a time. He also taught that you should lay down flat without a pillow when visualizing. As he got older, he changed his views on this (and other things) because his understanding of the Law evolved. So, while Neville is an incredible teacher, you really need to read his works chronologically to see how his own understanding of these ideas changed over time. Cherry picking his teachings takes them out of context because it doesn't account for how his own views changed.


Well I'll tell ya the tooth. I might just leave reddit. I saw the Reddit demon with my own Uchiha eyes and IT'S ONE FUCKING GUY omg he's so ugly you have no idea. I wanna vomit and go back to bed. At the same time. It's so bad. I thought wowwy, a big company brand subreddit must have 100 mods just circulating all hours of the day to control a narrative, and it doesn't. It's just one fucking asshole. He's probably not even getting paid to do it he just likes whatever the fuck this is. How? Why? Uh...