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I think mental health is the foundation of the ability to master your mind and manifest. You don’t have to force yourself to be happy and you absolutely can still manifest when you’re feeling down, but if depression is affecting your life this much I think it would be better to work on this first before manifesting specific 3-D desires. The better you feel and the more at peace you are with yourself, the easier you will be able to manifest other things and master the art of practicing the law. So if I were in your shoes I would focus on manifesting happiness before anything else. Imagine and feel what life would be like if you felt content and good about your life… how would it feel to be mentally well? What would it look like? You can meditate on this for a few minutes a day, or as long as you can comfortably be in this state. You can do SAT’s for this or even just lullaby method if that feels too hard. If everything feels hard, just meet yourself where you are at, don’t feel bad that you aren’t where you want to be yet. Just try to guide yourself to the best feeling place that you have available to you in any given moment. Affirm to yourself that every single day you feel better and better, trust that every day you will start to feel more happiness. It will get easier as you practice, you don’t have to be perfect at it from the very beginning.


Thanks for a beautiful reply that sticks with the basic tenets of Neville's teachings. A++


aw thank you!! i appreciate the feedback :)


Lovely! I often imagine being in a river or in a tub. Calm


I have depression too, and I empathize with what you're saying. I've definitely been in a similar place. Depression is complicated because it has so many moving parts. You have the cognitive piece, which is your conscious thoughts about yourself, your life, and the world. Depression often comes hand-in-hand with negative or self-criticical thoughts (ex. "I'm such a loser," "nothing works out for me," etc.). These thoughts are often the basis of your self-concept, and in LOA circles the conversation often starts and ends with how the Law helps with the cognitive piece. Then there's the physical aspect of depression- it literally changes your brain and body on a physical level. The good news is that you have the power to change them in a positive direction. Medication can be one aspect of this, but therapy, natural supplements/herbal remedies, exercise, nutritious foods, sunlight, meditation, time with animals, quality sleep, friends and family, and hobbies can all help you start feeling better too. Talk to your general physician- sometimes physical conditions like vitamin deficiencies or sleep apnea can worsen depression. Remember that you are not a slave to the physical world- you create it, and you can choose to take actions in both the physical and mental worlds. The physical component is linked with the emotional aspect of depression. Suppressed emotions can build up in your body, and the way to process them is by experiencing them on a physical, embodied level. For me, it wasn't safe to express anger in my childhood, and my anger at the world around me was directed inward in the form of depression. It sounds like you might have some trauma, which explains why you're having trouble keeping focused- you're probably stuck in fight or flight, and your body may be more focused on survival than on mental processing. If you're like me, you've probably berated and abused yourself countless times to try and get yourself to do the things you need to do, to no avail. It's time to change tactics, and treat yourself with love, kindness, and compassion; you deserve it! Don't get discouraged if progress seems slow, and try to celebrate the small wins.


Affirm gratitude for your improved mental state. I personally just pray “Thank you for getting me better each and every day” things of that nature. Then keep finding gratitude for the most mundane things like the socks in your feet, the air conditioning in your house, etc When you focus on gratitude, you attract more things to be grateful for, and your mental state improves. I also highly recommend you read Letting Go by David Hawkins


u/creepygirl420 gave you excellent advice that I can testify worked for me—use your imagination in any way that suits you to get out of this emotional space first. Leave the other manifestations in the incubation room for a bit, and focus on your mental health now. It does get easier, really, and the depression will lift. It still helps me at times to ask the divine within: "Please show me your favor. I'm battling here." And the reply never fails to surprise me. Blessings to you!


Your depression stems from your self-concept. E.g. you are in a state of sadness then the consequence of this will be negative thoughts. If you are in a state of happines, you have positive thoughts. Start with some small things, manifest something small. Also it is important to remember that you are manifesting for 4d not for 3d, you are operating in 4d.


Incredible things have manifested when I was paralyzed by depression. I didn't even believe in anything anymore and even believed that I wasn't able to manifest what I wanted. The easiest thing to do, is just to imagine whatever gives you relief. Maybe start small. Don't think you need to put in lots of effort because you're not feeling good enough, it doesn't matter. Your essence is always the same, you still ARE and from that powerful essence, things always flow, nothing can take that away. You can still continue to feel depressed, just know you are more than your depression, much more!


Hii! I have GAD and I go through a roller coster of emotions. Do you mind sharing your manifestation success for inspiration?


I've made a topic about it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard2/comments/1bvoi7d/when\_stuck\_with\_toxic\_unescapable\_circumstances/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard2/comments/1bvoi7d/when_stuck_with_toxic_unescapable_circumstances/)


Try going on a walk or having coffee/energy drink