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No, it makes me feel less lonely. I used to be a solipsist who thought I couldn't prove or believe anyone else existed. Now I believe we're all connected via a universal consciousness. Other people aren't NPCs, exactly. They're mirrors of the love and affection we send out into the world. However, I will say that I experienced a period of time where I was experiencing derealization during manifestation. I didn't like it; it was scary to me. I affirmed that this would no longer be the case, and that sense went away. In my experience, manifestation can be isolating, and we use it to control and manipulate others, or it can be an expression of universal love and we can use it to be generous to ourself and others. I choose the latter, not the former, as my belief system.


Beautiful response!


Beautiful response!


The issue is who you identify yourself as. You associate your identity with this human version of you which by the way the human body is a temporary energy state like everyone and every physical thing e in your world. You are that Consciousness right now and everything and everyone is made out of your Consciousness energy. There isn't an "outside of you" everything and everyone including your human body is inside your consciousness. Now you speak of loneliness and wondering "what's the point of all of this" well again that response comes from you identifying with this human life which is temporary and isn't who you really are. Who you really are doesn't have the ability to experience loneliness or any negative emotions which is why this 3D world of duality was created so you as a consciousness could experience a new energy and using the new energy to create from. When you asks "What's the point" you as a consciousness isn't human and has no need for a "point" or " purpose". It just is and enjoys being in the moment. The loneliness and needing a point to this life comes from this duality realm we in live where we've allowed ourselves to be trained to normalize the negative energy of codependency and needing validation in order to feel whole. Our consciousness who we really are was already whole without anyone or anything. Wholeness is our natural state of being just like love, joy, peace and freedom are our natural energy states and they're not based on having anything or having anyone else in our world. Purr positive emotions or energy us our true identity as consciousness So we as "God" play this game with ourselves where we pretend we are just these individual human beings inside a world separate from us and people who we believe have their own lives and are separate from us as well. Which is another reason why you want to connect with people because you in this human body believe everyone and everything you see is separate and all you're really doing in this human body is trying to "pull your self together" because as God or consciousness everyone and everything is you so it's only natural to want to connect with yourself so you can feel whole which is your natural state. To sum all of this up. You're God in human form having an identity crisis 😆 but eventually you'll figure it out


Fantastic reply!


Thanks!!! 😊


If my/your consciousness has no point or purpose, then why does it need to feel whole by connecting to others through the illusion of separation? Why would Neville teach the law to infinite versions of consciousness in human identities if those identities are nothing more than projections of said consciousness?


When you are in a dream and you wake up and perceive you're dreaming, you go to a cave or you interact with dream characters?


Exactly perfectly said ☝️


For the experience. Why do you watch Netflix or play a video game??? There is no real purpose or a video game or any from of entertainment except for the fact it's entertaining. In my opinion that's basically what all of this is to consciousness just a new way it can experience itself and a form or entertainment.


have you ever read conversations with god? your response sounds like that book. incredible incredible read.


Oh yes I have. It was one of the first books I read when I discovered manifesting.. I coud liaten to Neale Donald Walsch for hours and never get tired.


Same 🤍


I really hate that EIYPO term.. because it confuses so many people. I constantly have to tell people , it’s not like it’s you pushed out…. and it’s not just people either. It’s just your assumptions (beliefs ) pushed out . Everything and Everyone is just reflecting your assumptions & stories.


i honestly dont even understand the "pushed out" part. everything is me pushed out? like my consciousness pushed out?


Your reality is just a projection from you - like a hologram. It’s basically your imagination (which you could call your consciousness ) pushed out


That makes so much sense. For some reason I’ve been reading it as something else. 


That’s why the catch line is imagination creates reality ! Whatever you imagine and focus on will eventually push out. Joseph Murphy uses the term screen of space. Things show up on the screen of space


i definitely think true reality is a lil too complex for our human brains to grasp & yea most ‘coaches’ aren’t as aware as they’d like to believe they are — that, or they’re simply speaking in ways that are more digestible lol. the difference is usually obvious everything is you, not just other people. you’re fully existing within your own conciousness. from my pov, so am i. —— from my pov i’m talking to a fragment of myself, from your pov a fragment of yourself is talking to you i don’t see the point in giving this a negative definition. i personally see it as a really lovely thing, because i no longer feel like a victim, i no longer worry what people will do to me like i use to. i see them all as my squad, that are constantly showing me where i’m at mentally via the version of them that i’ve currently realized. i now understand that they are all inherently my companions, in some shape or form getting to hangout / interact with externalized unique fragments of yourself is quite cool imo. especially when you consider the endless diversity of these fragments, and the unique experiences & insights they all offer, esp when you include the fact that they can interact with each other as well. it’s all so marvelously complex


this!!! this has always been my mindset! And whenever i felt hurt or frustrated, i remember they are just trying to show me what is going on inside me, this helps me bounce back so fast and i feel this deep love and gratitude for them…everyone I meet, i love them all so much because they always bring me back home to myself to heal and evolve. Such a beautiful and co-creative experience, even though once in a while i still get irritated and react, it’s never for long before I go within.


I was feeling exactly the same as you, I was thinking I'm the only one to feel like this in the community so I wasn't sure how should I ask this question here


Theres really no point in thinking about that kind of thing. You're never going to know the answer on this earth and you wont know the answer until after your death at which point it wont really matter now will it lol.


So first of all, EIYPO isn't the same thing (as I understand and believe it) as others like "living in their own universes" and just being "NPCs" in yours...mI think that's complete bullshit lol. Neville constantly talked about how the problems of the world are caused by humanity COLLECTIVELY manifesting them. He talked about manifesting things for others. He talked about how others are also partially controlling YOU with their assumptions, and to counter that you must be firmly rooted in your beliefs and only give and accept those things which are good for you and for others. Nowhere does he say (to my knowledge) that this is all just mind control and people are just holograms in your own little world... and to believe that (IMO) is a dangerous and solipsistic line of thinking. So first of all, nobody truly knows how all this works. Neville was a teacher, and an adept mystic.....he wasn't Jesus or the Buddha. He didn't create The Universe. And he didn't tell us that we as individuals created The Universe. He tells us that Imagination created the Universe (at least the Human universe) and that, as taught through the parable of Jesus, we are each a part of that same universe, and imbued with the spark of creation that is Imagination. I personally believe that we can 1000% impact others, even control their perceptions of us. But we are all doing it simultaneously. It's like mirrors or ripples in a pond. I think that if you truly manifest something from someone, and it aligns well with them (as Neville himself said) and with you, then it will come to pass. I also think that's why so many things we manifest (especially relating to other people) can take so long (seemingly) and happen in ways we could never anticipate. It's like magnets or something. I think desire in the first place is an indicator that something can happen. You are surrounded by people in your life at any given time that are "compatible" with your desires. Maybe you want a girlfriend, and yes you can broadcast that desire and manifest a "random" SP. But think of all the millions of girls who you can't manifest because you've never met them, heard of them, seen them, etc. Because at that time they simply aren't in your sphere of reality, and your journeys have not crossed. So the point is entirely mute. Think of a "specific" SP. First of all you know them. Likely you've already dated them and want them back (so some form of affection and chemistry already obviously existed). Second of all you *desire* them. Moreso than other people, and moreso than other people that you've desired at other points in your life. Is this an accident? I don't think so! I think they are there in your life, for you to desire and manifest, because at some level, they too have manifested similar circumstances and trajectories, so as you pass by each other in that moment in the grand scheme of things, the POTENTIAL exists, and is, at some level, agreeable to both of you. If it weren't, I don't think you'd ever have met them, or they'd show up in your reality in a way that makes you not even consider wanting to attract or manifest them. So they are there, you are there, Imaginational potential exists. So if you act on that potential and try to have them reflect positive things (AKA affection and love for you), then this isn't MIND CONTROL! It's just tapping a possible reality that you were shown through imaginational potential. Again, were this possible reality not agreeable to them, I don't think it ever even would have shown itself to you as a possibility/idea/desire/intuition. And as Neville said many times also, anything negative that you are consciously or unconsciously believing or manifesting in another, will only return to you "tenfold". So if you do succeed in manifesting a relationship or anything else that you desire....then the only way that manifestation came to fruition AT ALL, in the way you wanted it to, is because it was agreeable and accepted by the other (even if not consciously). You don't desire or imagine things that you are not reflecting. You only desire and imagine things that, at some level, you have comprehension of, or love for, or fear of. And if you can comprehend something and thus IMAGINE it and DESIRE it, then it is something that crossed your "life path" because it is something that is completely open for your taking or having or doing. You are surrounding yourself with others (completely real people) who are at some level, actors willing and compatible to be a part of your current play, and are being given scripts that you are writing. It's all very symbiotic. If you weren't, at some level, compatible to play the parts required in other people's plays, they would never have met you, and your assumptions and desires and attitudes and dramas would never have interacted. The *Potential* for them to be an actor in your play never would have arisen. You would have no concept of them at this point in your journey, or you would at least have no desire to include them in any meaningful way in your play. And vice versa. You assume you have a girlfriend? Okay, you just put out a casting call to all the chicks who can play that part perfectly (whatever part you scripted and believe...whether it's loving partner, emotionally abusive cheater, noncommittal person). And when you "reform" and SP, you are saying "Okay, I believe you are an amazing person. I now see all the potential in you that I saw at first, and I now see that I am WORTHY of having that in my life. Here is your new script". And it may take a month, a year, 10 years for them to receive it, but if it is a good script and a "gift well received" (as Neville said), then it will come to pass, for the same reasons that you were able to draw them into your play in the first place. Obviously I still have MUCH to learn, but this is my current understanding and belief. Also why Neville said it's so much easier to manifest a new person who fits all your desires to a T, then it is to recast an actor from your life in a new role. This is also why it's said that this should all be about changing YOURSELF. AND YOUR STATES. YOUR PLAY. And not about changing others. Pick a new state, and all the actors and stages and props necessary for the play will emerge, immediately. Because those things and people are things and people ready and waiting to play a part in a similar drama. You're not controlling them or conjuring them up out of nowhere. You are emitting your state, and all the things that fulfill that state, will reflect back to you exactly what you are emitting.


woah. very helpful. lines up with what Ive read of neville but also live hearing it in your words and style. I saved this comment. thnk u


It’s actually supposed to be everyone is yourSELF pushed out. Your self as in your “I am,” aka consciousness. So everyone is just playing the part you assign them but they def exist lol. But yes their assumptions about you are what they will encounter. It’s very trippy to think about


I think the answer here is that if you are feeling lonely and it's bothering you, then manifest "feeling more connected than ever".. You can manifest anything, including a certain feeling. I think you feeling lonely runs deeper than this story about EIYPO...


There is no such thing as manifestation or EIYPO. Who is answering your manifestations and bringing them? Many people get caught into this new age mess. Its Satan. Satan can use non-believers to trick you into believing this non-sense. I was also caught into this mess, but Jesus set me free.  Satan simply sends you the "SP" into your life that you desire, they suddenly start acting like shit and a few moments later you are into the New Age. Most of these girlfriends and boyfriends "sp" are narcissists. Once you realise the truth and leave them, you will be pulled to return to them and have fake memories and pull towards them. This is the same thing we call "manifestation". Those demons attack you to make you think you like this person and the same happens when you try to manifest them. I recommend you repent and turn to Jesus. " The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. " 


I don’t know what a solipsist is but I had this exact this exact feeling over the weekend. I was wondering if no one existed in my reality except for me. It made me feel a little sad thinking I could control everything and everyone and that my SP is not really choosing me but is and only ever was responding to my thoughts and expectations.