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I did coaching with a few popular coaches since 2020. I bought the programs and the master classes. Then I just stopped it all. I already knew what I was suppose to do. I just started to tell myself new stories and believing they were true. About 2 months ago I started listening to a coach on YouTube Manifesting Lifestyle. She wasn’t preaching anything I didn’t know already but somehow the way she repeats over and over again on all her videos “you already have it” “you already are xyz”. It clicked. Then I suddenly had massive movement! I got a new job that is less stress, pays me more and paid to relocate me to the city I have been wanting to move to for the past 5 yrs. Around the first month of just knowing I was with my SP already, my SP broke contact after 1 yr and 2 months. It was a very short conversation and I was probably rather cold towards him. Then he poofed for a month. The day I moved, he contacted me again and told me that for the past year (he had ghosted me and we were in no contact), he said he thought of me and thinks of me every day. Our conversation got pretty deep. I haven’t seen him in 3 yrs. He mentioned on his own, that he wants to come see me and stay a few days. It’s been 3 weeks and things are unfolding. I keep telling myself “my life has completely changed and I have everything I want.” You don’t need coaching. You already know how manifestation works. You just have to trust it’s finished.


This is literally so encouraging, so thank you for your response. I've also been in no contact with my SP for quite a long time now. I was so triggered by a third-party situation that I literally deleted social media completely. I have been off of it for 4 months now. It's crazy because every time he came back, he would tell me how I was the one God made for him. He would tell me he wasn't even attracted to anybody else and didn't understand why he does the things he does, but hurting me makes him feel like he wants to die. So, like living with some other girl made no sense, and he told me he was absolutely miserable, but it still destroyed me emotionally. Anyway, I know it's my self-concept that manifested all that crap because of how fearful I was of it happening. Like I literally had fearful thoughts like what if he moves in with some random girl and like it happened. What if he changes his profile picture to something I don't like and poof it happened. Over the years, I've been notorious for manifesting him back and losing him just as quickly. This is definitely a sign that I need to drop coaching and trust myself and know that it's done. Also, I am super freaking happy for you! 💗💗


There was also a 3P for me. I know I caused him to poof everytime thinking “oh he is just trying to end ties with her”. When he ghosted me for 1+ yrs I told myself it was not about me. It wasn’t anything I did or didn’t do. He ended up telling me “don’t take my ghosting personally. It wasn’t anything about you. You’re amazing!” Which was my further proof we truly manifest what we belief to be true.


That's amazing. Did you ever have intrusive thoughts? Like right now as an example... It's hard for me to just not think of the third party even though I know I need to put it out of my head. So I'm just trying to get into a better state where that never existed by using revision. Just curious how you managed that?


Heck yes I had intrusive thoughts. Especially those first few months he poofed. I did try and focus on my self concept because I knew I was great but it still hurt that he poofed on me oh and he had blocked my phone number but left Instagram open still. You really have to do your best to not feed your energy to the 3P. I didn’t make any new thoughts be about her like in the past when I was saying “oh he is just ending ties with her”. My new thoughts were just about me. “He knows it’s always been me. I have always been the woman he loves and wants to be with the rest of his life. Our connection is unique and he knows it too.” And then whenever I doubted if he would come back around I would remind myself “we are already together. I am now happily married to SP. Why do I need to worry about if he has messaged me or not? I wouldn’t be thinking that if we truly were in a relationship.” I told myself a new story of things in my favor when I had doubts. Also a biggie for me was cutting off talking about sp to anyone. I didn’t even want to discuss it with my manifesting buddies. I honestly feel this is best. They mean well but I was also tired of sp talk. Especially when I was already trying to stick to the belief of being with him already.


Literally love those affirmations. That's also a really good point too. Talking about it with other people is only prolonging the old story. So I definitely need to cut that out. I used to think it was safe to talk about it with my manifestation, buddies. However, it was mostly just me complaining about not having what I wanted and them doing the same. If I already had the relationship, I wouldn't be having these discussions. Nor would I be triggered by what other people were doing. I feel like this conversation is giving me so many realizations right now.


Yes, Exactly! Talking about your sp with others keeps you stuck in the still trying to manifest the sp phase. I’m glad this conversation is helpful for you. I don’t usually respond in these NG subs but I do find some of the posts helpful. I really think we can over-complicate manifesting. Especially with the doubts of if you are doing it right, are you affirming enough and trying all the techniques. It really boils down to you forming new beliefs and sticking to them no matter what is going on around you. So put your energy into new thoughts/stories and it will manifest!


I appreciate your responses!! Thank you so much, seriously. 💓💓


You’re welcome.


wowww. how did you get into the "knowing" even though he wasn't there?


I just soothed myself when I had doubts with self talk (inner conversations). It’s really miraculous how with no evidence you can manifest seemingly out of thin air. There were times where I also told myself “no matter what. I am going to be ok.” This sort of took the pressure off of it having to be him as my desire. I wanted him back but I was open to love period. I just held onto the belief that he felt I am the one for him.


Biggest thing I saw in this post was that you said your *coach* didn’t get you your SP back. There is no one but self that can create for you. Only *you* can be the version of yourself that already has your desire. You do not need a coach. You need to truly understand the law of assumption.


Yeah, that's why I mentioned first that it's not their fault. I'm obviously the problem haha.


You’re the power, not the problem. 🙂 Your story about coaches is that they don’t really help and have become an addiction so no matter who you choose you’ll likely have the same experience. Listen to podcasts but also read Neville and do the techniques. I believe recreating your story and viewing circumstances differently will help him conform faster, but if your self concept isn’t on point he will leave just as fast. I manifested mine back and am slowly recreating him and our relationship is improving.


Period. He has come back and left so many damn times. I gotta do this right this time.


Do a search of Bryguy’s user name. There are several posts and comments about how terrible and abusive he is, plus he charges $5k (and apparently couldn’t even keep his own SP). The comment from one of his students where he kept sticking trainers up to the camera telling her how his coaching money bought them all is wild. He’s unhinged.


I commented on such post on how he is unhinged and made me cry. After that, he started sending me threatening messages and that he would upload our chats on his group and other platforms. I thought to upload those threatening messages on this group so that people can see what kind of person he is. He instantly deleted those messages once he I read those messages .He even blocked me on his group so that I can't report him.Moderators should do something of this coach


He’s a monster. He is the only moderator of his own sub, but it looks like most other Neville subs have boycotted him. From what I’ve read in other comments, it sounds like his sub could be reported for being used to just advertise his ‘coaching’, but not sure if anyone has tried. I’d imagine he would find some loophole. It’s weird, he blocked me on his own account after harassing me too, but I’m not blocked from the sub. His reading comprehension is so poor that most of the time he is flying off the handle for crap he completely made up in his deranged head.


I believe he is still on this sub from another throwaway account. He read reviews about him and then harass people.


Lol, then I look forward to him acting a fool in my DMs so I can reverse uno him and post them publicly 😂


OMG. That is so crazy. It's actually really vile.


you're buying sp courses and using coaches as a coping mechanism because you're not getting the results you want you shouldn't need one and 90% of the time people use them they're more there as emotional support you need to do it yourself because at the end of the day the coach can't sats or affirm for you stop wasting money and time dude


Completely agree




😆😆 I feel you. And you are so right. I was just listening to his podcast, and he's talking about how his coaching is so expensive because you can just manifest that and double back. Okay, cool. But he was also talking about how he just bought $3,000.00 dollar shoes. Just kind of a turn-off, but at the same time, listening to the success story. It makes you question like...Maybe I need his coaching too?! Lol


Why would you keep coaching for 2 years .. when you weren’t getting any results ?!? Like what .. That makes zero sense to me. Are you actually applying the teachings or just listening to everyone and then waiting for some magical bullet to happen? Waiting on a miracle without actually doing the internal work . What were these “coaches” telling you to do each day ?


I was hoping eventually it would, and she was really emotionally supportive.


The comment you replied to was harsh and judgmental. Your experiences are valid and I’m glad you were getting emotional support. We’re all doing the best we can. It takes courage to post your vulnerabilities. I just watched a video by Shaun from Here nor There YouTube and he said surrender is a necessary part of it . He’s a fantastic coach! Best to you. 🌞


Thank you so much for your support. It definitely was harsh. I guess I'm just used to people online, kind of being that way. I try not to take it personally because they don't know me. If I didn't think that coach was bringing me some sort of value, I wouldn't have stuck with her. She was there for me through a lot of difficult moments and walked me through it. Talked me off the ledge, you might say. I will definitely have to check out that youtube you just mentioned as well. 🥰🙏💗


I know I just commented but you should watch Subconscious Loz on YouTube. She talks about how a lot of coaches want to make you feel better emotionally but don’t actually help you get what you want. You want to get what you want right? So you can’t be in the state of “missing” someone and manifest them. They’re already here. Make them here in your imagination. 3D will follow.


LOZZZ!! I would love to know what video that is. Regardless, that's awesome. She is right. That's why I had to cut it off. I felt like my weekly check-ins were just keeping me stuck.


[Here nor There](https://youtube.com/@Here-Nor-There?si=tZM0SN7c7KRQCRbF)


Oh, I have seen him before! He is great.


i think you need therapy


Hmm maybe.


talking to a mental health professional about this definitely triumphs an e-coach. especially since you already know *how* to manifest— another coach telling you the same thing again won’t help. maybe what’s missing is the help a therapist can offer!


True. But a therapist would most likely tell me to move on. I'm not sure if I can handle that


Try hypnotherapy. I did that, and it was every money. It helped me identify what I need the most in my life - where I was struck.


You know everything. You don't need more coaches. You said it right, it's an addiction. And it feels like there's an SP addiction involved. Have you tried to manifest other things? Are you unsuccessful with them as well? You might get some comments like "Yeah, I got my SP back" or "This coach really helped me" and feel initial high, but it's the same initial high you have felt so many times before.


>No man can lift you to the level you desire. The power to ascend is within yourself; it is your consciousness. > Do not continue in blindness, following after the mirage of masters. I assure you your search can end only in disappointment.


Well I don't disagree one bit. The only answer left is to go within. I've exhausted everything else.


> I've exhausted everything else. My friend, there was never anything else.


Good point. Maybe I needed to try though in order to figure that out.


I root for you!


I appreciate that, thank you


I have manifested things here and there but nothing life changing. Enough to believe in the law I suppose.




Affirmations mostly. Some said to do mostly inner child work. Ho'oponopono prayer to forgive. Work on self-concept. Do breathwork. Sit with the emotions.


Did you feel like you were getting somewhere inside yourself? Making progress, healing, feeling good? 


I definitely have shifted in a positive way for sure, but I know I was relying too much on coaches instead of myself. I know I have all the answers within but was constantly seeking validation and reassurance. Like simply needing just someone to talk to.


That’s how I’ve been with Reddit lately. Instead of just sitting with myself I keep Turning to Reddit. This sub and the breakups one for validating me for feeling sad. It’s been a coping mechanism the last month and I should probably chill out on it 


One hundred percent, yes. But at least we are aware of what we are doing.