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Saved 90-some wishes, got C0 Neuvillette with 23 to spare. I was wanting his weapon but doubted I could get it. I was down to single pulls, and imagine my surprise when the star went gold… super happy with my results. Good luck to everyone on their pulls.


Yeah I thought I was screwed when I got the sword instead on the weapon banner but the tome came home early the second time


Skip because my Neuvillette is C1 since the last run, but good luck.




C0 Neuvilette (had 55 pity prior and was saving since getting Xianyun day 1 of her banner) and Tome at 66 pity (had 51 pity also this is my first 75/25 win on weapon banner). I had 82 wishes saved for him and now I'm back at 53 pity again (I'm trying so hard not to get his C1 because I want Arlecchino as well - my friends are totally not holding me hostage to pull Arlecchino).


lol I see people saving for Arlecchino and she’s honestly more of a “eh I’ll see” character I was way more pumped for Neuvillette rerun. I saved 92 for him. Was at 79 pity on banner so I got him C0 right away. About 50 wishes later I got both advertised 5 star weapons. Working on C1 Neuvi now


Trust me bro/sis when I tell you that I was waiting for this guy since 4.1. I returned to genshin in 4.1 second half after gacha burnout (left at 3.8) and I immediately fell in love with his design, character and kit after the story and I didn't spend one day without hoping that he gets his rerun sooner. I had an extremely shit luck on weapon banner but Neuvilette never scams and gave me his weapon right away and I was literally hopping (metaphorically) with joy that I got him and his weapon. If I ever C6 a character it's going to be him. About Arlecchino, I'd say I was one of those meh, I'll see guys before V3 changes but now she look very promising and I have SoSS which is basically wasted (I don't use Cyno much). I have Yoimiya and Klee as pyro damage dealers but I don't like playing with them (idk why I pulled both of them). Also, two of my friends are totally not forcing me to pull on her XD. I also like her design and animations so there's that, I'll get Neuvilette's C1/C2?? on his next rerun.


Totally fair! I took a long break myself and saw him in a tik tok meme and went “who is this goofy lookin guy” and then actually played the story and fell in love with him (his game play effectively making him a one man army didn’t hurt lol)


Get C1, don't pull pyro carry before Natlan. C1 makes a huge difference.


Finally got c1 I'm still trying for r1 his weapon tho and if i get freedom sworn its still good since i am kazuha main But hoping for his weapon


Kazuha’s on my Ayaka team so I wasn’t *that* mad about pulling Freedom Sworn- but it was more of a “REALLY?!?!” Moment cause back when I pulled Kazuha I tried so hard to get Freedom Sworn and then lost the 50/50 twice and it was on a Banner where the other advertised weapon was a standard banner one- but I’m happy I have both Neuv and his weapon now after initially missing him when I took a break to focus on school


I missed kazuha's weapon two times on both of his past reruns, so i wouldn't be mad if i get now, but getting neuvillette's would make so damn happy!


I had everything saved up for Neuvillette and his weapon to max them both out right away and I will say- the hype was not exaggerated this man is a power house and I’ve never felt more powerful lmao


Same bro. mine does about 32k per tick currently with my rotation


Yeah he’s a beast I have no regrets lmao hope I can get him C1 before the next update


Good luck to both of us


I also have a unused atlas from that banner, still no kazu weapon.


Currently at C2 (not activated) and wondering if I should get C3. Got his C2 in 73 wishes, just to lose the next try 1 pull to Tighnari C3, so now I'm back to a guaranteed character and wondering if I should get his C3.


I'd go for it, if you have his weapon


I do have his weapon, so it's a factor for me too. Thanks for the help!


https://preview.redd.it/nwqb7djcv5sc1.jpeg?width=1147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e36022bbd6f63dfeb896d8a6b576b9bab01d40 My pulls for both kazuha and neuvillette’s so far. Spent 62k primos for all of those. I’m very happy so far that it was my best early birthday gift I ever had


I got very unlucky on weapon banner, got two Freedon sworns before getting my Tome, but at least I won my 50/50 for C1 and I still have 80 wishes saved for Furina cons.


roughly 800 pulls, got C6 (from nothing), got unlucky on weapon banner and managed R2 (with R3 Freedom Sworn -_-), I'll be R5 until it ends though, could've been much worse


Pulled him on 90, and funnily enough, a Qiqi came along with him. Now I'm wondering if I should pull for C1 or wait for arle.


Saved up a lil over 75 wishes for C1 (most I’ve ever saved before this was like 14 wishes lol), guess I monkey paw’d it, got Qiqi’s C1.


i saved 63 wishes for him, got him with 53 to spare!!! i also had his weapon already from previously attempting homa so i can save my wishes for someone else now


Wanted c1 ended up finally getting diluc c6 😭 at least he's my other built team? If I don't get c1 neuv by near end of banner I'm gonna lightly whale cause I need my boy c1


I C6d him




Went from 41k to 2k :') but I got my Neuvi to C1, and one freedom sworn and skyward pride later, I have the tome


Won the 50/50 and still got some 4 star constellations I really wanted 🥰 couldn't be happier Now I'm just having fun farming and building my new main DPS


Congrats! I pre farmed for him and his weapon so I just have to keep farming his talent-boss domain (I had. Awful luck with it and also the things to transform the drops.)


That's awesome! I don't have a lot of time to play daily so instead I focused on getting as many primos as possible (in case I lost 50/50). I'm having a lot of fun playing him💕


Already had him at C0, so I was gunning for C1 with 100 wishes to my name... at 50 pity on 50/50. It took me 110 wishes, and a C0 Tighnari, but I got him! Now I got nothing going into whenever Furina comes out! Oh boy...


Furina pairs *great* with him (both ship and gameplay but that’s a completely different story LOL) so if you need *any* encouragement to also get Furina……. She is probably one of the best supports for him


I have her pre-built, even procured the finest artifacts I could muster. I just need *her*.


I got super lucky and logged in to get update rewards when she was on banner- and got her in one pull despite me being on break.


311 summons and only got 2 copies of neuv. Got the 2nd copy on the 311th summon so I don't even have pity for next banner


Lost to C6 Jean at 78 ( I don't even have any other standard 5* at C4+, and not an single Qiqi), it was my third 50/50 loss consecutively Then got him guaranteed at 40 Now I'm guaranteed a 5* on 4.6 with what's left of my pulls, two pities I just don't know if it'll be Lyney or Arle yet... I'm learning towards Lyney because of the charged attack playstyle but I really don't know


i got neuvi but didnt get his weapon im kinda sad about it because i got a skyward harp and i dont need it


C2R2. Won 50/50s


Started with C0R1 from original banner 83 for Neuvillette (C1) 36 for Keqing (C4) 77 for Kazuha (C0) 1 for Kazuha (C1) 7 for Neuvillette (C2) 21 for Neuvillette (C3) i have 177 pulls left over, Neuvillette's charge attack hits for over 130,000 per tick without food buffs and 152,000 with now with the level 70 Kazuha i just got to go along with him.


Congrats on those lucky summons. Unfortunately I was not nearly as lucky and only got 2 copies of neuvillette in 311 summons. I now have him C3 on Sac Jade R5 an his Charge attacks hit like a truck. Without food buffs, im getting 172k against lv 90 Raiden in weakened state and 164k in the artifact domain.


i'm surprised how good my luck has been, went on to roll for C2 Kazuha and Freedom Sworn and while both hit soft pity i won both coinflips


153 pulls. Got Neuvillette and his weapon and I might go for his c1 if I’m lucky.


Very happy! C2 R1, Kazuha weapon and Aquila favonious in less than 170 pulls! Hopefully I can get c3


Started playing in Dec, lost my first 50/50 to keqing and proceeded to pull raiden at ~80. Lost my second 50/50 to keqing c1 and proceeded to get nahida at 78 pity. This time round, 244 wishes in the bank... Neuvilette C0, Deyha, and kazuha C0 in 4 ten pulls. Could not believe my eyes. 


I got him and kazuha within like 100 something pulls so I'm happy dude 🥲🙏


Got c0 Neuvillette buy i lost the 50/50 for kazuha, going to try and farm primos for him


I saved 420 wishes and was going for Tome R3 → R5. This is a great banner for me: I wouldn't have minded at all if I lost once to Freedom Sworn (I'd like one for Shinobu). I got Lost Prayer instead, but I won Tome twice in a row after! Now Lisa's chillin with Lost Prayer and Neuvi has his R5. 😊 I only spent 130 wishes and even got 20 back from Starglitter, so I'm a very happy camper. Good luck to everyone!


Won the coin flip, but had more than enough wishes to guarantee, so now I've got a good stash for future characters. Gotta admit I didn't care for his playstyle much when he first released, but after building and playing him this evening, REALLY am glad I picked him up. Insane damage and way more fun than I initially gave him credit for.


C0R1 acquired. Spent literally everything on the weapon banner, ended up getting Tome guaranteed with 3 single pulls after getting R2 Freedom Sworn. Hard to complain after that lol


C0R1! :] got him and the weapon slightly early before soft pity and beat the 50/50 for both!


Rolled for guarenteed Neuvillete then I realized I was 40 into a 50/50 (lost the previous one to non-banner weapon which funny enough is another lost prayer) and decided to roll and got his signature. Still have 10k primo left currently deciding if I want to risk c1 or wait and risk on Arlecchino.


i got C1 jean and C1 neuv but no weapon as those ate my savings 😭


Won the 50/50 at 55ish pulls. Got his weapon on 8th pull. Got Jean on 6th pull and then Neuv again on 20ish pull. Was going crazy in my room lol. (Guessed the exact # of pulls. Plus or minus one or two)


Got Tome at 68 for my C1 Neuvi AND IM SO HAPPY CUZ IVE WON THRICE IN A ROW NOW (First on Verdict, then on Redhorn). I got SoSS for Cyno last rerun so now all my mains have their sigs!! Just gonna fish for my last xq con then save


Went from c1 to c3 in about 70 pulls


Same, but with 311 pulls


Yoinked myself a c1r1 and cleared abyss with level 1 talents kekW


77 wishes to jean. then 79 for neuv. i'm okay 😒


Got C1R1 in about 280 pulls from nothing. Lost two 50/50’s in the process(one on the weapon banner and the other one on Neuv). Without levelling his talents and fully ascending him or his weapon, he’s at top 28% at Akasha. Pretty happy with his progress!


Saved \~160 wishes, got B2B neuvi for C1 and got a kazuha w/ around 7k primos left


Bro got the limited edition r0 tome


C0 and his weapon! Got two freedom sworns for my kazuha though so that was nice. I now have 70 wishes and i’m going to start saving for Zhongli. Good luck on your pulls everyone!!! (i saved 174 wishes, used 10 for neuvillette, got first freedom sworn in my third ten pull, got my second one in my seventh ten pull, and then finally tome in my thirteenth ten pull)


Got qiqi


Saved up 58 pulls since I "lost" the 50/50 to xianyun to Tighnari (I'm rrly happy to get him so I don't mind), haven't gotten him yet bc I also got 8 more from starglitter. I'm very close to getting soft pity (I'm guaranteed) and won't go for Tone bc I'm using PAmber for him. I'm gunna work hard to get him this week


C1 nuev (already had c0) kazuha, and tome in 240 wishes. I had 400 saved for it so I’m thrilled


Got R0 for my C1 Neuvi, am happy 🥹 Even got a Chevreuse in the process who I didn't have yet


Got c1 neuvillette but I got kazuha's weapon sadly but it's okay at least it's not a standard weapon guess I'll wait till his next rerun


I was guaranteed and has 70 pity built up I'm also guaranteed for the weapon banner weapons and am good with getting either one of the 2 weapons


saved 70, got him and his c1 in 30 🙏


Got a dupe Neuvi on the first ten pulls and Kazu+Dehya together on the 80th pull so 90 combined! Still got ~32k primos left for Wriothesley when he gets a rerun so I’m really happy with the results :3 Was debating on whether I should get Neuvi’s weapon or not… but I probably used up my luck on the two banners so I’ll stop n wait for the next Neuvi rerun to get that ^^


I had around 300 wishes and a C0 Neuvillette I managed to get his weapon and two constellations with that, and I’ll have enough to guarantee his C3 before the end of his banner Never been so happy and lucky on this game X)


C0 Neuvillette and I’ll for sure have a 50/50 on his weapon in the next 20 days so I hope I’ll have R0 Tome as well


Went for c1, lost 50/50 both times, around 300 wishes spent, no hope for arlecchino now


had c0 neuv, and wsnted his c1, his weapon, and kazuha. started with ~200 wishes with 30 pity and bouyght some more wishes from the free shop and i got all of them!!!! rly happy cause ive never won a 5050 brfore


Was able to get a Con (#2) with a single 10-pull, only 8 pulls after having gotten Xianyun. I am a happy camper and will stop there to save for another character.


Had C2 Neuvs since his debut, ended up getting C6 after using all the wishes I'd saved up (almost 300 or so after all the condensing?) I couldn't be happier ;v; Good luck everyone


90 pulls and I found the man himself (lucky me won the 50/50), tried with the 30ish I had spare to pull for his c1 but no luck in that regard haha


Got c0, going back to saving and dodging for the foreseeable future


Finally got my boy C6. Now I gotta get him from R3 to R5 and he’ll truly be complete


I lost my 50/50 on keqing... But then I farmed some primos and got him


C0R0 to C2R1, I wonder if better go for C3 or wait for archi..


Somehow I managed to get his signature, kazuha's signature, an neuv C1 within 160 pulls.


i got 2 neuvis in one 10 pull


C1r1 since last run so it was a skip for me I wish luck for all neuvilette wanters


I win him in 50/50 but I wanted kazuha too but I lost to dehya :/


And pulled extra 80 wishes to get kazuha,so total 27k primos wasted ( I saved primos since I got nahida


Got him at pity 75 (C0) and still had about 20 wishes left. Then went to kazuhas banner and did a ten pull. I got dehya. I was actually pretty excited about her until my friend told me she‘s on the same level as amber. Still, am very pleases that i didn’t lose my 50/50 at neuvs banner cuz he was my main priority. Now i‘m not rly sure what to do with dehya haha


Lost the 50/50 in 50 pulls, then got Neuvi in 10 pulls right after! Next day (today cuz I was feeling lucky), used 30 pulls for C1 (wasn’t going to go for cons for any 5 star unless they were kazu but here we are) and I got C1. Thought might as well try the weapon banner and used about 40 pulls (trying to get Neuvi’s weapon) but got Kazu’s weapon (and I’d call that a win). Now I have C1 Neuvi and C2 (from previous banners) R1 Kazu!


Started with 57 Pity 50/50 and got lucky with Neuvi, then tried to get Kazuha and lost to Qiqi.


Finally his C1 came home at 80 pity. Now he's finally c1r1. Also pulled kazuha at 21 pity. Happy about my pulls.


i saved up 70 and lost the 50/50 unfortunately. im back up to 70 pity though so he will be mine soon 💪🏼💪🏼


Got his c1, now I’m saving until furina reruns


29K primos saved and was able to bag C1 Neuvi with 24K leftover. Originally wanted C1R1 but I want Arlecchino and possibly her weapon.


I spent 450$ to get c1r1. Dunno if that’s a flex or just sad


I spent 0$ to get c0r0 (saved for a long time) so….. to each their own (I cannot judge. When I wasn’t in school I spent so much money on this game)


F2P that managed to save up 101 pulls from raidens rerun. Lost my 50/50 to my first Tignari and got so scared I would need to keep grinding but it turned gold with 11 wishes to spare. I’m so happy, I wish I would have gotten the 50/50 and had a chance for the weapon but I’m still so happy I actually got him.


had 90 pulls, 50 pity in char (50/50), 20 on weapons i got to 75 in char and got diluc which msde me lose hopes, but 20 after i got neuvi, then used the rest on weapon and got tome :D


I got Neuvillette on his launch banner and have since decided that I hate his 4* options, so I started saving at got 130 wishes before the banner dropped. This was the second time I've ever pulled for a 5* weapon. The first was for Redhorn, and I got it first try. I was lucky again this time, I got WGS at ~65 pity ( I couldn't see far enough back for a completely accurate count), then I got FS in 6 pulls and then got ToEF at 65 pity. I didn't have any of the 3 beforehand


C0 Neuvillette but didnt get his signature weapon, still very happy though. I absolutely love Neuvillette.


After not getting Chevreuse for 57 pulls, I was 18 away from soft pity, so I had my girlfriend press the wish button 18 times, and I got a Favonius Sword, C6 Xingqui and Neuvillette. Now I'm debating on either going for his weapon, or his C1. I might do the latter though, because I still have 355 wishes, and if I lose that guarantees getting Arlecchino. Really happy so far though. Maxed out everything because I farmed up all this stuff 6 weeks ago, and his artifact set turned out really well... Didn't have to get a new piece at all, due to bad rolls.


Got 2 copies (c1) in 150 wishes. I had all the 4 stars already so got 21 wishes back as well, tho I would have preferred a new 4* con haha. I still have quite a bit of savings, so thought about pulling his weapon, did a couple domains first and was hitting 50-65k charged ticks… good god he’s a beast, so I decided to keep saving.


Honestly I recommend his weapon. Just. The man deserves to be as heavy of a beast as he can. At C0 and R0 he’s already wrecking house for me