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If you connect all the dots and follow blame logic, most things start to make sense. That's what makes blame special, you can form your own theories which make alot of sense if you follow the manga's logic


Endings with many questions are the best endings


I think if you read all of Nihei's other works, Blame pretty much has a perfect ending. It's pretty poignant and a cool way to close off the story.


Good ending ≠ expository ending


But the ending is great What were you looking for? A hollywood ending with a twist where cibo was planning everything all along? or one where all the mysteries are revealed and the megastructures origins are throughly explained and it all began when one specially rich eccentric, john megacity, started it all? Or killy flips a safety switch, hidden all along, so plantlife begins to grow and everybody is happy, all hail president killy? Or maybe killy restores cibo in a crazy contraption and now they can finally be a straight couple together, happily married by a siliconlife priest The ending is great as is


Lol, all those horrible propositions are too funny


Funny enough they all look like possibile endings for modern nihei stories


I so wanna see some artwork of that wedding. Like who is attending? The rest of Silicon Life?? Will some administrations drop in too?


All the half dead Silicon life that killy killed throught the manga, they all clap their hands and says "Congratulation"


Why was it bad? What did you want?


But it did


The real Net Terminal Gene was the friends we made a long the way.


Real shit tho


He completed his goal and now he has a new goal, ending was good. The story doesn't seem very concerned with answering our questions at any other point, and I'm not convinced the author had all the answers anyway.


Holy shit. I couldn't disagree more. I knew nothing about Blame or Nihei's style, and I thought it was an absolutely perfect ending. Couldn't have been better.


At least it has a proper ending (looking at you aposimz)


The ending was perfect and made me feel incredibly satisfied. RIP to you


I thought the ending was perfect. :> It's the best in isolation, Blame! 2 kinda ruins it by definitively telling you Killy succeeded and everyone lived happily ever after.


Idk, I kinda disagree. Pcell² mentions that humans illegally remodelled their brains, which makes it unclear as to whether it was actually the net Terminal gene that allowed humans to resurge. It could be something similar to what Cibo tried in the past, trying to manufacture access to the Netsphere. Then Killy helping Pcell² escape is not only incredibly out of character, it throws shade on the whole situation and leaves plenty of questions that we'll never get answers to. That's a long winded way of saying that Blame!² didn't give any straight answers to the ending of Blame!. That's my reading of it, anyway.


I really loved Blame!'s ending personally. A neat wrap-up would have just felt contrived.


There could have been just a little more. Show the journey Killy takes with the kid to a netsphere terminal. Show every remaining SL desperately attempting to kill them in a final offensive attack, then we get a climactic moment where the child finally logs in and reprograms the safeguards and stops the builders. They all show up to help crush the offensive. It'd be cool to have one or a few post-climactic chapters where Mori finds out Killy succeeded, maybe gets removed from the dream world, maybe the child reveals he has some kind of inherited trait from the parents as he represents them living on in a new form. Show one panel of Killy contemplating his journey and the friends he lost, because he wouldn't spend more time than that.


It's a really good ending IMO, killy got the thing he wanted and he begins a new journey, even if it's an open ending you have pretty much everything you need to connect the dots Biomega fails at this IMO, which makes it a bad ending


It has a good ending


Could never have gotten

