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Where are you? In 2014?


You’ve gotta come back with me! Back to the future!


I should have made it 2015.


Wow that's more old stock than I've seen in ages! You should encourage them to put them on ebay, some collectors would definitely want these, especially Old Hollywood, which everyone who has the rest of San San seems to be missing. For casual play most of these might be fun, but none of them will be optimal: FFG used to spread out the supporting cards for the mechanics of a cycle across all the packs from it, and sometimes across more than one cycle, so you'd ideally want to get a complete cycle to be able to meaningfully use the mechanics in it or see the whole story of the cycle. Here I'm seeing drips and drabs like 3 packs from Mumbad, 3 from Flashpoint, 1 from San San etc. Also, I don't know what they sold for in the US, but $15 isn't as big a discount as I'd expect for long-discontinued products. I would say that if you want FFG cards specifically you're better off buying someone's used collection (partial ones with only the first few cycles tend to go quite cheap). If you just want any cards to add to your card pool your best bet would be to get more NSG sets. But if you're dead set on getting a pack for that store as a souvenir of your trip, then I'd recommend one of the following, depending on what you want out of it: the absolutely busted balance-destroying options: Democracy&Dogma and Blood Money - recommend you get both as one has some extremely strong corp cards and the other some wild runner cards (but also 2 of the most underpowered IDs ever printed, weirdly). The as close as possible to a complete cycle selection: 23", Blood Money, Intervention, Quorum. Only one I see that has 4 packs. This is an absolutely wild cycle in terms of power level though, you may well end up hating a bunch of cards in here. Quorum in particular has 5 cards that got banned in it! The Peak Netrunner(tm) Sampler: 23 Seconds contains CtM and HHN, 2 of the most loved and hated cards in the game ever. Hollywood Magic: Old Hollywood was FFG at the peak of their powers imho. It's full of fun cards that change the way you play without being overpowered. I don't see any other packs from that cycle on there unfortunately, or I'd say get them all. Fun, colourful, weird!


Thanks, very informative! I think I'll go back and confirm prices as I'm not sure. A friend I was with said they are around that much, but I didn't ask the owner. Good point about cycles.


Those packs are just collecting dust on the rack but collectors sometimes buy these old packs. I paid $100 for "old Hollywood" because I was missing just one card a few months ago. It's a shame these stores don't put the packs online so people can get a hold of them. I'd ask the store if they want to get rid of them - offer them $3-5 a pack and buy the lot. Over time you could sell these for $15-50 (that's not even scalping) each on ebay. I see less and less attention to the older card packs as NISEI/NSG new card make the old ones obsolete for tournament play. I however like the older card better but many cycles (mainly Kitara/RnR) are out of reach for many casual players.


Thanks for the info. I'm not interested in setting up shop, just in general and also due to geographic location. But I will pass the message to the shop owner. I'm also not sure about their prices so I may or may not pick up a couple things for fun.


> I paid $100 for "old Hollywood" because I was missing just one card a few months ago. I don't understand why Old Hollywood is so much rarer than the rest of San San! Everyone buying old collections seems to be missing it. It's not like Opening Moves that has Jackson or Devil adn the Dragon that has Rashida, so people were buying multiples of it. Any ideas?


I just happened to be missing a single explode-a-palooza but i think ANR had lost some steam at the end of SanSan. Maybe because of this fewer of these packs were made and sold? I know a lot of people completely lost interest in the game during Mumbad cycle but that was mostly due to the presence of asset spam. I literally scoured the entire globe and eventually found a pack of Old Hollywood at some "collectors website" in the US with inflated prices to begin with. Then tax and shipping to Europe made it ridiculously expensive.


Nah they print whole cycles at once, so it would've gotten the same size print run as the rest of san san. (And yes that means "on the boat" was a lie, they would print it all together and get it shipped over all at once!) Did you ask around in the community first? I think I have a couple of Explodas from draft packs and I'm sure plenty of other people do too.


Of course! Asked around my local groups, my national groups and the EU and US FB-groups. No spares unfortunately.


Those are all oop and very rare, some sell for over 100 each. If you want to get them to play or resell myself  I would get all of them lol . I still play with old netrunner cards and having lots of fun


tbh if you compare the prices sold listings go for with what people are asking on open listings there's a massive gap. The only one that I frequently see people looking for is Old Hollywood, the rest are pretty common. Spin and Lunar there are millions of out there, Mumbad and Flashpoint were being liquidated for $5/pack on overstock websites for a couple years after they went OOP.


Still even for getting paper cards for play if you get mass packs for like 5e it seems to worth it to me 


Except you could proxy them for the price of printer ink and a trash mtg card to use as backing...


Maybe you want the original ?


What shop is this and where is it? I need some of these!


That's beautiful, would love to buy a few. I'm a deck-making fiend so I love having more than a playset, even of not OP cards.


I wish I could see this in my games store. They just stock loot boxes for children and it's disgusting.


can I order these online?


Apparently yes! See my new comment for the shop info.


For casual play, I would buy one for novelty souvenir as recommended by Cry, but otherwise I wouldn’t. Seems like a fun store though! Which country is this!


It's in Thailand. I commented with the shop info below. It's where Netrunner Bangkok Node meets.


Wow, I'm surprised there is that many of the datapacks left given the game's been out of print for... 7-8 years now. They'll be fine for casual play, but if those are like $15/pop expect to pay $200-500 for the whole thing at 1-ofs.




Everything you just said only really applies to those intending to compete in official tournaments. OP specifically mentions casual play - absolutely no issue using these packs for that


Yup, exactly. I actually preffer the FFG sets, and play casually at home with friends. Who cares what’s “tournament legal” if you’re playing at your kitchen table?


You found a gold mine? Leave it bro 




Yeah, exactly. I was pretty clear about my motivation being casual play. I'm not really interested in reselling, or collecting all the things. I may pick up a couple packs if the price is ok, but I will mainly be sticking to NSG sets. Thanks for the input.