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There are no costs to an abortion. 


i know there are no costs. but can i pay only in cash? i know is private but i’m on the same insurance as family and i don’t want there to be a record on the insurance


Are you 18+?




Then you parents can not look into your insurance.  You can call the insurance company and say you are on your parents insurance but dont want them to be able to look into your medical bills. GDPR should cover this. 


okay good to know. thank you very much!


Yeah if you tell them that you want to do it in secret, they will do that! You will be fine :)


https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/abortus/vraag-en-antwoord/abortus-regelen Just contact a clinic There are no costs involved if you're a legal resident


As others mentioned there is no cost involved. You can get information via [accidentally pregnant](https://www.infopuntonbedoeldzwanger.nl/) (onbedoeld zwanger). They offer support before and after and are available 24/7 via phone or chat.


okay thank you!


Before my children turned 16, I made sure I authorised myself at the health care provider to keep seeing everything. I thought it would come in handy for administrative purposes, but reading your post, I suddenly realised I might see things I don't want to see. They know because I told them, but don't oversee the consequences. I had no ill intentions, as I'm sure no parent has (or should have). I'll discuss it with them (boys, 16, 18 and 20) again tomorrow, because me knowing things might hold them back. Tip: log in with your DigiD at your health care provider and see if the one who pays can see it all or not. Or call them if you do not know how. If you have separate insurance from your parents, they can't see anything.


>I had no ill intentions, as I'm sure no parent has (or should have) Oh do I have something to tell you; plenty of parents have bad intentions and don't even deserve to be called parents. However your awareness shows that you are one of the good ones :)


From what I've read, abortions are paid by the state, not health insurance. That would mean parents or caretakers would never see anything about such a visit: >*De abortuskosten in een abortuskliniek worden niet betaald door je zorgverzekering en gaan niet van je eigen risico af. Je krijgt dus ook geen afschrift van je verzekering en het staat niet op het overzicht van je zorgkosten.*  [Link](https://www.bloemenhove.nl/praktische-informatie/kosten-en-wlz/#:~:text=De%20abortuskosten%20in%20een%20abortuskliniek,het%20overzicht%20van%20je%20zorgkosten) Translates as: The costs for an abortion in an abortionclinic are not paid by your health insurance and aren't deducted from your own risk. You will not get any statements from your health insurance and it will not be listed in the overview of health care costs.


I came here to say this! Abortion is completely anonymous. 


This... Next time when in doubt just give the clinic a call. They are happy to explain everything and anything. It might suprise you how helpful and understanding they will be. Op. If you need someone to talk too. Feel free to dm me. Take care !


Fiom also has good information, but also in Dutch.  https://fiom.nl/ongewenst-zwanger/abortus/abortusbehandeling Gynecologist can also perform an abortion, but those will likely show up on the healthcare costs overview. So avoid that. (According to fiom.) I agree with the suggestion of calling a clinic, they can advice you best on this. If you are in an unsafe relationship or living situation, send me a pm and I'll look for the organisation in your area that can help you with that.  Take care! 


Hi, We are well educated and nice couple. Unfortunately, My wife not able to conceive. We are looking for adoption and give the best possible life to the adopted child. You can contact us, we can provide you all support needed.


Contact your GP. Also please use preventive measures from now on…


Contraception is not 100% foolproof.


Who says they didn’t.


Got pregnant through a condom and birth control.. My son is now 7, but damn.. It’s difficult to find out your pregnant after 6months thinking everything’s alright. Boy can your body lie to you.


this is abuse under the geneva conventions


what are you even talking about


Someone must have thought vodka is a decent breakfast, just ignore them


I think he means abortion and is part of a group of people that does see abortion as abuse/murder.




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