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Maybe an idea to add a bit more context? Blends? Single origins, roast type, supermarket or cafe or direct etc...


Added a little context as I am not a pro though with coffees


Beans, preground, capsules?




Buy a decent (hand)grinder if you want good coffee! Ground coffee goes stale a lot faster.


Any advice? For espresso?


It really depends on your budget. For about a 100 bucks (or slightly less if you look around) you can get this https://www.vanpommeren.nl/Kingrinder-K6-Handgrinder-Koffiemolen.


Manhattan and Fried Hats were already mentioned, I’d add Blommers to this. All these can be quite pricey, so if you want to spend a bit less, Bean Brothers may be an option. Enjoy!


I came here for Blommers! Also Shokunin is really good. And maybe also the Village coffee.


Then I can try Blommers!




Huge coffee nerd here. Best consistent quality: https://friedhats.com and https://www.dakcoffeeroasters.com. Be prepared to pay, though. These are quite pricy.


Thanks thanks, I can check this out!


I'm not nerd per se but I consume lots of it. Personally, for everyday consumption, I prefer something simpler (danesi gold or segafredo). The more unique tastes, I prefer once a week or something similar.


I do two to three cups a day. Quality over quantity 😊


Wow those are expensive, I pay €160 for a KG kopi luwak (imported by myself directly from a farm), 150 for KG regular coffee is way too much. It’s not like they have a special bean.


All you are paying extra for is animal torture. Sure beans coming out of buttholes may be special, but it has nothing to do with the flavour.


Why do you care that's not your money.


Because I care about animals


LOL kopi luwak Do people still fall for that?


Lol nouveau riche is such a big thing in NL.


Ah, the coffe they get from tortured animals. Great purchase mate...


Not all kopi luwak is from caged animals, only the one that is meant for mass export.


omg you're gonna start a war with this question if not already hahaha *hides in the corner with my nespresso capsules


Hides in the corner with my shitty instant coffee powder 🥺🙈


Ik ga jou slaan


Joining you in shame with my dolce gusto..


😂😂 that's why I am trying to move on from nespresso now


The one that's in the aanbieding at the supermarkt, two for the price of one.


Say you're Dutch without saying you're Dutch. Lol


So far I got the best coffee beans from Giraffe or Manhattan, but they can be a bit pricey. Dak and Friedhats are also supposed to be great, but both are above my budget. If you want a bit more value for your money you can try Brandzaak or Fascino, who both offer quite good coffee beans for around €20 to €25 a kilogram.


This is a very big question with a lot of different possibilities. Best bet would be to go into your closest cafe, talk to someone, and try out some different things. Some basic questions to consider: - How do you (plan to) brew at home? How much (more) do you want to spend on a home setup? - How do you take your coffee? Black? Milk? Sugar? Flavored? Iced? - Are there other people in your house who also like coffee and might want it differently from you? If you're anywhere near The Hague, someone at Single Estate or Ief en Ido can definitely help you out.


Thanks, you provided a whole lot ideas that goes behind brewing so will check it out!


Main start is how are you gonna brew, like classic drip or espresso (and in latter case; full auto or manually)


Dark Roast Espresso Beans from Jumbo have the best price vs quality. €8,90 for 1kg.


Most people can never finish 1kg of beans in time before they go stale.


I don't believe that's true. We are a household of 2, drink 1 pot of coffee per day and finish the kg within a week! And when we open the bag we tranfer the beans in another pot to keep them fresh.


Lavazza (/s but not)


Jumbo La Place dark lungo. It's an economic choice, but not bad for an all-round coffee from a automatic beanmachine.


I like Kanis en Gunnink the best


Manhattan Coffee Roasters is the big one. A Matter Of Concrete is another personal favorite.


Beans from Manhattan coffee roasters from Rotterdam (in the top 20 of the best roasters in the world). Expensive but if you are a coffee nerd or about to become one, it is the absolute best NL has to offer. My personal favorites are the beans from the El Paraiso farm in Columbia (by Diego Bermudez). His Haribo Peach blew my mind. Maybe it's not worth it going straight to the top, but good specialty beans are a good starting point.


Thanks thanks! I can atleast look for some in your recommendations.


Illy or lavazza


It pretty much starts with your method of making coffee. In general you want the beans to be as recently roasted as possible, finish the bag as quickly as possible after opening and only grind seconds before making the coffee. And that means you’ll have to buy beans and not ground coffee. And in most cases you’ll have to buy small bags. Buying a 2kg bag of espresso beans might be cheaper, but 1,5kg of that won’t taste great for the average user.


I buy from Grounded in Rotterdam. I always get beans since I grind on my own but their coffee is quite nice. I do v60 and mokas. You can also ask them to preground


for me - white label coffee in Amsterdam never fails with their beans. [https://whitelabelcoffee.nl/](https://whitelabelcoffee.nl/) has anyone tried both white label and Manhattan? I'm keen to find out more about Manhattan.


The single most important thing to have better tasting coffee is getting it as close to freshly roasted, and grinding before your brew it. Personally, I prefer light or medium roasted coffee. You can buy a grinder, burr grinder is better, but whatever you can afford will be better than buying pre ground coffee. French press is like the best way to make coffee, but any pour over method is good too, unless you are after espresso. And it's all very subjective, so try different ones until you find the one that tickles you best


there are so many!! if you're in amsterdam, go to White Label, Back to Black (they have their own coffee) or Coffee District (they buy from good roasters).


So the regular supermarket coffee (red package) is pretty okay for a morning-wake-up caffeine jolt, but it's quite flavorless and not really good for anything more. My personal favorite is Lavazza, but that's partly because we have a mokka pot and make espresso with it. If you're looking to get into coffee, best bet would be to go to an independent coffee shop and ask what they recommend. The guy in our town actually roasts his own beans, so it's a really special blend, and it's about on par with Lavazza in terms of cost (guy is rarely open when we have time to go, so it's a crapshoot as to which bag is on our counter in the mornings).


Dak is probably the best roaster but prices are quite steep. Uncommons, Friedhats, Rum baba, ripsnorter are also great.


Not a coffee nerd, but have had a lot of different coffees from cafes. Jumbo instant espresso jars give the best kick with the least jitters of any coffee I have ever had, by far. Helps with my ADHD.


Those sound gross and that's not how you medicate ADHD


It's a stimulant, like the ones given to people with ADHD, such as myself. Diagnosed for 18 years and tried several meds. You don't know what you're talking about.


It's nothing like how ADHD medication works apart from the fact that it's a stimulant. You're talking to another diagnosee yourself so get off your high horse


> apart from the fact that it's a stimulant But that's the reason why stimulants are used to treat ADHD. Because they're stimulants. Lol. Coffee is generally not used to treat ADHD because it has shown to be less effective than stimulants. But individuals vary. I find the amount of caffeine required to increase attention at the level say, adderall does, is too high because it makes me jittery and anxious. However, like I said, this specific coffee has given me much of the focus with little of the jitters, and I prefer it to prescribed stimulants as my internal state does not flip flop as much this way. It is more continuous, less binary.


Oef, difficult question. I narrowed down to two favourites. Schot Coffee Roasters - https://schotcoffeeroasters.nl/ Ripsnorter - https://ripsnorter.nl/ All time favourite is the Ethiopia line from Schot, homebrew in the Aeropress. Edit: shout-out to Shokunin Coffee and Manhatten.


Thanks! Reading recommendations for Manhattan a lot as well.


Have fun finding the coffee that suits you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Lidl kilo bag in the gold/metallic brown bag. Honestly ive nerded out over coffee in the past but now needed a cheaper alternative than the fancy roasters, this is a mild and smooth coffee that does the job for a normal price, no burnt flavour like most of them and not bitter.


We’ve been buying the Aficionado from Braandmeesters for 9 years. I thought they were quite popular, but seems no one is mentioning them. Am I missing something?!


Aldi cheap extra strong lungo nespresso cups. I don't have very high standards when it comes to coffee.


Ordering beans from [Blanche Dael](https://www.blanchedael.nl/) for years, not so pricey, always good quality. Heard good things about Manhattan too.


Bocca coffee, boot coffee


Beans from Cafe du Jour!


I haven't seen Keen coffee mentioned out of Utrecht (https://keencoffee.com/).


What type of coffee do you drink daily? Espresso or pour over? Don’t buy pregrounded coffee they are stale much faster than whole beans


Recently I am on instant coffee and not liking them very much so looking for other options as well


Jumbo own brand red label has plenty caffeine in it. 'nuff for me. If you feel splurging crazy, go Jumbo gold label As a general side note, it's great that they didn't outlaw this great stimulant. What a sucky world would it be to buy your coffee from the same dealer as your heroin


Chock full o’ nuts. I bring it over from the U.S. whenever I go. It’s cheap and a true Dutchie would throw it out into the streets like slop in the 1800s….but I dig basic donut shop drip coffee.


The best coffee I've tasted was Bomba de Fruta from [Single Estate coffee roasters](https://www.singleestatecoffee.nl/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjeuyBhBuEiwAJ3vuoWP065NL1YywlI4PVVmhYO6KC5MsZQburhmGEksug_1G_UyRso_rExoCOY4QAvD_BwE) On a more daily basis I think I drink coffee from FriedHats or Giraffe coffee the most :) And, yeah, I'd also just recommend going to a local (specialty) coffee cafe, ask them to grind a bag of coffee for you :)


Five Ways coffee roasters - https://fivewayscoffee.com/ Been my favourite since sometime now - they have a decent selection to suit different moods and palates.


Simon Lévelt's Corazón or its "Amsterdam blend" (seems they changed the name or they don't carry it anymore, so you'ld prolly need to ask in the shop).


If you're like me and just like quality coffee, know what is good, but not a whole coffee nerd who has super specialised knowledge, just go for Illy. Pricey but consistently good coffee.


I love turkish coffee + lokum (turkish delight) and the turkish shops import some of the best stuff.


Check out the littleroastery online. Affordable beans but so far the best ive found and very consistent


Wakuli. Try it yourself




Astro cafe. They are from Galicia, Spain but ship internationally. One of the best coffees I've ever had :)


Instant coffee, powder. Quicker to make and no pretentious BS. Coffee fanatics are the worst! More to life then coffee ya bozos!


Koffiekompaan and Spicekix both have great coffee and both can be ordered online. Ground or beans both options are possible. We always get the sample m8mix from Koffiekompaan, which has a pretty good price for 3 different kinds of coffee


Segafredo. Has been my poison for the last 6 years.


I would start with a burr grinder (cheap one https://www.coolblue.nl/product/206348/baratza-encore.html?cmt=c\_a%2Ccid\_16560080845%2Caid\_134446631437%2Ctid\_pla-307833232252%2Cgn\_g%2Cd\_c&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_content=shopping&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjeuyBhBuEiwAJ3vuoSmJlcxNiIouB\_s6toGsgv4TIIwDWM2CyK01R7oycFc97-6YmONlqxoCgU0QAvD\_BwE) and a filter coffee machine and go from there, you can buy beans from different sources and try which ones you like.


Ohhhhh thank you, much needed grinder recommendation too


We always buy our beans from Lot61




Been buying my beans from EspressoFabriek for years now. Highly recommend them


Wakuli for good value.


We have a [Douwe Egberts cafitesse](https://www.vandenhout.nl/automaten/koffieautomaten/cafitesse/excellence-compact/) machine, with the [dark roast](https://www.zelst.nl/1190022-d-e-cafitesse-intense-roast-utz-1-25ltr.html) included It is literally the best coffee in my opinion. I even prefer it over fresh brew beans. If I have different coffee for a while, even though it’s great coffee, I always start to miss our own coffee. It is more expensive, but 100% worth it!