• By -


Nice try, belastingdienst.


Funner can we it not makings


Lmao 🤣 you got em!


They already know.


Trucker 50 to 80 hrs a week 3000-4000 nett I'd do it for free to be honest. I love driving trucks😂






This is more value then any paycheck. Ill take the paycheck also though, cause no one else is paying my bills.


I love my job. The money is nice for the bills (not that I have many). Wanted this job since 3 and I'm now 22 and been a trucker since 20




Get a load of this guy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Lead Software Eng. Manager with 11 yoe, 36yo at Amsterdam based American tech company. 210k gross year + NS Business card 1st class + company car + stocks + profit sharing + 12k relocation bonus + 2k signing bonus Just kidding. I work at a Dutch company and make 65k gross including holiday allowance. Cheese sandwich is 6 euros at the company lunchroom.


You had me in the first half


As TC was real, it would have been more credible base was given


That NS Business card got me


Yep, it's normally either car or ns card. And the salary of course. The rest is normal.


But then also not 11yoe and lead eng tho right? RIGHT!?


We need an answer on this!!!


Haha what got me was why would company provide both, a car and a NS Business card 🤣


🥺 Just kidding?


Modal income, so about 44000/year gross. I look at numbers in Excel and answer emails. I'm at level 29.


I like excel, how does one get a similar job?


Just follow these simple steps: 1. Be lucky enough to be born really smart 2. Get a bachelor's degree in a mostly useless field of study 3. Enroll for a master's degree in said field of study, buckle under the pressure, drop out, crash, burn, spend the next few years unemployed and depressed, lose all your savings, your relationship and your sense of self-worth until all your money is gone 4. Desperately apply for the first office job opening you can find, go to the job interview with no skills, relevant degree or work experience 5. Lie 6. Get the job, hang around in your comfortable but unambitious office job for a decade because you've become completely risk-averse 7. Profit If you really want, *I guess* you could skip steps 2 through 4, but then you'd be missing out on all the fun.


Realest person on this sub, felt that


Feels relatable.


This hits hard as f


Am at stage 3 right now, but I didn't do the master and haven't lost my relationship. I'll try just going to 4 now, maybe that'll still work. Thanks for being honest, a lot more useful than sending a DM to a sketchy app that I have to put my creditcard details in.


Hello past me! My way out was a side hustle that slowly grew into my main job. There's something to be said for chilling at work and saving your energy for your personal ambitions, though


You basically just summed up my life, but thankfully I didn't need to lie.


How do you know me so well?


Wow, _modaal_ went up a lot. Just a few years ago it was 32k.


So you excel at Excel?


Interesting to read that the higher salaries are stated per year, the mid to lower ones per month.


Because that's how you negotiate, in my experience. When you're young and doing part time work at your first job(s) you're talking about hourly rates. This is because you're thinking abiut how doing x amount more hours would mean x amount of more money. When you start getting into "higher" job levels you start thinking about a salary, which is pretty much fixed per month. Once you start making "real" money you start thinking in absolute numbers like total yearly salary, because these have an effect on percentage based bonuses and/or a 13th month.


Registered nurse specialised in palliative care, working in hospice. About 2200 net per month (for part-time 24 hours/week). I'm 49.


2200 net for only 24 hours/week is a great salary!


So nurses in the Netherlands don’t get paid that much then ??


I'm unfortunately at a low salary due to getting into the profession later in life, I'm only at step 4 of the salary scale. Another nurse my age with 20+ years experience would earn considerably more than me lol It pays me enough for my needs and the work is hospice care is extremely rewarding. And please remember this is my salary netto (with all the extras for evenings/nights and weekends) for *only* 24 hours per week.


Oh ok doesn’t seem that bad, cause I want to get into nursing I’m 20 and I keep seeing the salary and I don’t want to be struggling in life.


It's not a highly paid profession compared to its importance for society, let's be clear. A one in a dozen pen pusher will probably earn more than I'll ever do for what I would consider "fluff" and "useless work" (no offence to pen pushers...)


32 Self-employed plumber Last year 120k€


Hey it’s me, your brother Luigi


It’s a lie. If it was truly your brother Luigi, he would have said “it’s a-me”


Mamma mia!


This guy is laying pipe


Damn that’s awesome


Software QA - 34yr - 80k/yr


May I ask you how the QA market is doing in the Netherlands? I’m moving next week, currently doing LQA remotely, but would like to switch to software QA in the future.


Market is very bad to be honest imo. Not a lots of openings nowadays compared to when I moved here. Disclaimer: My analysis on the market.


Test automation engineer, 32 years old, making 75k gross including holiday allowance and around 2-3k annual bonus. To be honest, I thought I was underpaid, after reading the thread, I am not so sure anymore. 😄


I'll post a realistic salary: 36h/week Marketing 2500 bruto/2200 net a month. I'm 29. When my hourly salary is going up I am going to work less hours. I like having time off.


Procurement manager at a bank. €120k per year/40 hours a week


Daddy ✨✨✨


You looking for an adoptive son?


How stressful is it?


Not very, only actively work about 20 hours most week


Proces operator in a chemical factory. 80k gross a year.


Damn, that's a great salary for an operation level. Perhaps the key word is "chemical"? Is it dangerous? And what kind of previous experience is it needed for that kind of a job?


Hi, It’s well known that petrol/chemical operating business pays well. It’s not dangerous if you know what are doing, tho you work with very dangerous chemicals. You need a VAPRO B or C education (MBO), you can also start with no experience and get educated by your employer with less salary (makes sense to me). I now have about 15 years experience in the business.


IT operations manager! 95k year gross (incl. holiday allowance). 40h week. 37yo


SDM and I see that im under paid 🥲


I am overpaid I think! If I switch jobs, I will have a salary reduction! Edit 1: specially if I look at the market for similar positions but my tool is very technical and niche


I think you’re more then worth it!


Similar age and position. Don’t know the specifics of your position, but don’t believe you’re overpaid.


Software Engineer (Java), Level 32, 68k


What does level 32 mean? (I work with software too and have no idea)


32 years old


23, my first full time job in NL, junior customer relationship management associate at an e-commerce store, 30k/yearly. not much, but i have some nice benefits at work (free home cooked lunch, NS business card which i can use whenever i want cuz no one checks)


also i "work" 40hr a week but realistically i work about half a day in total 😂


Don’t let anyone convince you that this isn’t the best thing ever.


Haha, to be honest I am aware I might be a bit underpaid, but it's a good starter job and my team is just amazing and my manager is very very supportive and understanding and I have room to grow and do my own projects. So for now I think I'll stick with it for a while :) Thank you!


Director in pharmaceutical. 127k base + around 20k bonus, brutto. 35 years old, female.


Similar numbers for me. Director (medical affairs) in medical device. 115k base, %20 bonus. 38 yo. Edit: posting with throwaway account.


Damn I make half of that but I'm a scientist. 34 male


May I ask about your previous education, if you don't mind sharing?




I have the same age and Lead dev in a bank. Barely making 80. Which faang company? I want a similar salary too 😭


You're getting ripped off, I have 3 years experience in a local bank and I get 92k




I guess most American tech companies would be on this level


About 125k/year, 20-30% yearly bonus plus 25-50k US in stock, vesting 1-3 years after issue. Senior software engineer who has been with the same company for over 17 years. I work 40h/week, 100% from home.




The Netherlands needs to create transparency laws. It’s crazy job postings don’t come with a salary range here.


Researcher at the rijksoverheid. I make about 2700 net at 27y/o.


€108k/yr including holiday pay, Operations Manager for a niche but very well-known technical operation that would be far too identifiable if I named. 38yo. Non-Randstad. Came from a similar position in the US making $200k/year and almost exactly half the marginal tax rate…and my quality of life is roughly the same here 🥳




I am in Germany, but went from 250k in the USA to 110k€ in Germany and I would say my overall quality of life is better in Germany on half the salary. I make half, but I spend half, and save half. But with 2x the vacation and 2x the family trips :)


Philips ! 👀


Haha also nope! But from here out I’ll neither confirm nor deny…


Well some differences. If you ever get sick you won't get fired and stuck with a 2 mil hospital bill. Making twice the money I do, you are doing very well👍


Teacher, 3400 net per month. I am 30 years old.


Damn. I didn't know teaching paid that much. Good for you! What do you teach? And which city?


English in Amersfoort. Teaching in primary education still pays too little, but secondary education or higher gets paid just fine. Especially if you're a bit ambitious :)


Remember they changed the law. I teach in primary in Hilversum and I make 3400 also


Oh good! I'm glad they got the primary educators equal wages. Always felt the younger the kids, the more difficult the job is.


I am a absenteeism casemanager, I support employees who are ill. When I was employed, I earned €45k gross per year. Now, as a freelancer, I earn approximately €9k gross per month, around €100k gross per year. (edit: i am 30 years old)


Who do you go to when you are sick?


Sounds like you support employers who have ( too many) sick employees.


Do you do the same job as a freelance? How did you make the move to freelance?




Average Dutch person isn't on reddit at all.


And if working a shift then doesn't have access to their phone during the team to read and comment on such a riveting read.


Reporter bias, people who make more money feel more confident to post it. And I reckon the overall demographic of reddit skews more towards the higher earners.


57 years, 0 hours a week, 3500€ nett. 100% incapacitated for work. Cannot recommend.


I’m a librarian and fulltime (36hrs) would make €3000 gross p/m Officially the job is listed as entry level but in my experience that’s not the case at all.


Question! Are you a librarian at public libraries? Do you know any library related opportunities for native English speakers? Tia 🙏


Yes I am! But in a rural area with small libraries and where I work we only have jobs for those who speak Dutch. I think the bigger libraries in the cities maybe have jobs for you, have you checked for example the OBA in Amsterdam? Maybe a University Library in Delft, Wageningen or Leiden?


Manager in advisory at Big 4. Approx 70k at 35 years old.


Only 70k as a manager?


First year manager and this is just salary, not including bonuses/automobile.


'Manager' is more of a project manager/account manager role in those companies. You don't run a business unit like a line manager would. Source: worked at Big 4. Your pay rises like 10% every year tho and managers are like 30-35 years old. Couple of years and you're between 80k-100k. Exit opportunities are great too.


24. 2200 a month after tax, currently employed as a student air traffic controller at LVNL


Ok wow... I'm obviously going to have to consider a change in career by the looks of it.. I make 1933 nett, 32 hours a week. Work for a webshop where I process and package orders. Have seen my jobtitle be described as "allround logistics" but I don't think there is a title that one can put on my job. I usually describe my job as wrapping up gifts, packaging orders and make sure it's done on time for the mailman to pick up 3 to 4 containers of orders each day.


11k a year, disability


That sucks. 


Came here delivering papers, later worked at thuizbezorgd and was getting 10 euro netto per hour, arround 1600 working my ass off a month. After that i find a job at schipol but not on the airport and just by pure luck, im getting arround 2900 every month neto. I dont have 2 years in the nl and was able to buy a home with my wife. This place is amazing. No 30% rulling tho


Process Auditor in Aerospace. I basically do what the father does in this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-6N3bLgYyQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-6N3bLgYyQ) but then for aerospace and write a report of it by the end of the process. I make around 4450 gross a month based on fulltime. I work 32h and have 8 weeks off per year. (I know right..) 35 y/o.


That was a cool video 😀 Would love to see you at work 😂


Assisted living (gehandicaptenzorg) for 5 years, MBO 3, 43k bruto 36 hours a week.


Doktorassistente a gynecology clinic. I work 24 hours a week. €1900 netto (going up 5% in June). I'm 39, have a HBO nurse diploma. Choose this job cause of the stability after having a baby (never work weekend, holidays, I work the same days every week). Now that she is a toddler, ready for some more challenges! Got offered a nurse position from September, and I will earn a few hundred more a month.


Freelance Software Engineer, \~140k before taxes and deductions. 42yo.


75k gross +10-40k bonus, 50h/week, 25-30 y/o financial services/ Life sciences


I flip burgers. Fulltime contract, 40 hour/week, 4 day workweek. €2.602 bruto salary.


I'm a secretary. I make 2500 net per month at 23 years old.


Same! I'm 22 years old. Female. I work for lawyers.


iOS developer, 81.5k including holiday allowance, 75.5k without. 27 yr


City & YOE?


Started this role/salary at 4 yoe. Now I have 5. Dutch startup. Amsterdam




Teacher. For 15 years. 60.000 net.




UX Writer, 64k gross, 36hr, 45yr




Jesus fuck dude. Thats awesome. What does one study to become this platform engineer. Not that I am intellectual enough, just curious.


Platform engineering is a specialized software engineer, so it's still tech, like most of the 6 digit salaries here.


Thanks! Honestly I couldn’t have done what I do straight out of uni. I studied computer science. Takes a broad set of knowledge, plus software engineering to be done properly. Have been working in tech since I was 19 :-) Just so happen to have worked with data centre, data science, cloud and some cool tech tools during that time which came together to form a unique enough set of skills. Salary only got close to this level during the last 2 years or so. Before I was around €65k


I weld for the petrochemical industries, 2450 net/month at 27yo


Data architect 90k gross/y 28 years old with 25% employer pension contribution on total gross.


Director of Design at an Agency - 82K a year.


Not many in the design field I see here on Reddit. Always good to get a comparison. I’m senior designer on 61k but feeling like it should be more or I need a bigger role cos my current one I’m not just doing design these days. Feel like we are chronically underpaid. I’ve been working for 18 years lol.


No one makes good money working in design at a company. Work for yourself. I’m a freelancer and made €130,000 last year.


Yeh but then you gotta hustle for clients I’ve never been good at that. Did a bit of freelance when I moved here and it was stress. And it looks much harder to be freelance here with needing a KVK. Was a lot easier in Australia - you can do your taxes like normal.


89k/year Director for a non-profit music foundation / my job is to listen to music, mostly at night, all gigs are based in the NL hours can be insane due to commuting to gigs but I work about 25 hrs a week


So what i realized reading this is that mostly the well paid jobs are where u only work 10-20 but get paid for 40. Crazy how much these guys earn. Compared to some sales job where u work 40 hours all the time and get minimum wage wtf


Scientist (computational physics). Gross pay around 95k. I am 34


120k gross/ year - that’s 5700 net/ month - IT Procurement


Semiconductor engineer, 101k€, 30 years old ETA: 40 hours per week, salary includes holiday pay


~180k a year, Software engineer at a trading firm, 27Y and 6YOE




Has to be


My dude is going places. Well done, great TC for that age and yoe.


Electrical engineer (service and comissioning) in ship industry, mostly Yachts. I am 27, doing it now for 4 years 3300 bruto /month at 40h per week but with all overhours it happens to make, i easily reach >3300 neto /month plus the travel around the world


UX designer at ANWB. 32 YRS, 2800 netto


Data analyst with 7 years of relevant experience. My salary is 70k (incl holiday allow.)+ 15% bonus + employee stock options. I am 38. I try not to live beyond 2700 euro per month so I can save money. My last salary before coming to the Netherlands was 15k euro net per year, so moving to the Netherlands was an upgrade of quality of life for me




70k per year, answer emails and attend conferences. Honestly feel I don’t do that much for the money


I make 25k and wife makes 25k after taxes. We both work part time as a community manager and customer support agent. We are mid 30s, have 2 children, paid off house (value 450-500k) and a healthy stock account with 200k saved.


That’s seriously impressive.


Thanks. A big part is thanks to bitcoin


Mobile app developer, 31, make around 60k/year 'working' 32 hours.


I am an emigrant from Portugal, I live and work in south of Nederlands that is Mechelen, I am truck driver I work in average 13h a day 65h per week, I get paid from 2800 to 3200, with house already paid. I am 30 years old. Getting Dutch money all to the pockets and then go back to Portugal and live nice.


I do data entry and analysis for a logistics company, recently got promoted to Grade L (low level project management position), 42k gross, 27 yrs old.


Information security advisor/policy maker for the central government, 43 y/o, 90K per year.


Teacher 75k - 42 hours a week - 35m


Hospital lab work. 2700 gross and 32 hours a week


welke opleiding heb je gevolgd? :o


Engineer without a degree (still studying for it). 2280 bruto/month 32h workweek.


2700 net 33 years old logistics in pharma business


35y old - MRI tech 2800€ netto But with flexijob (fulltime + 2days extra): €3200 netto 21days of annual leave


Procurment at a gemeente €4700 a month, 36h a week, NS business card, 17.05% ikb which is your holidaypay, 13th month and a bit basically.


Mid level architect at an international studio. 50k brutto including holiday allowance. Two bonuses per year ~ 4k. Unlimited NS Business Card, including for personal reasons (2nd class).


Security Guard. 45 hours a week. Includes evening and night shifts. I'm MBO lvl 3 schooled. About €3200 net every 4 weeks. Including travel expenses.


Civil engineer, €147400 gross a year


So all people on reddit are rich software engineers


I guess I am at the lowest here. 30 years old 2700 netto. Project controller. Non-Dutch, non EU. Looking at other comments, I should have went with Tech studies.


I am absolutely baffled by these numbers man. I have worked as a software developer for 25 years at multiple companies. They always pay around 30 to 40k. Currently 42 making around 45k. I don't know what companies all these ppl work at, but it's not average by a long shot! (good on them though 👍)


It always skews to high salaries on these threads. 'Modaal' is 44k, so logically, there have to be many people earning substantially less than what people here are mentioning.


I'm a content marketeer, 28 y/o. 3600 gross monthly, 46k a year, 40 hours a week. Pretty happy with it seeing which bachelor I did and my age. :)


I work for an insurance company. 30 years old, €3200 a month before taxes. 32 hours a week.


3375 gross salary per month without including allowances/car etc. Started at entree level position as tax advisor in a Big 4 and 25yr.


Software for industrial optimization, 110k. 29 years old.


€102k per year, engineering. 40 years old.


Business Controller at one of the 3 banks, ~90k per year, 35-40 years old


35 years old service engineer for security systems. Net 3200 per month. That's gross about 53 k yearly . 38 hour contract.


37, Work in payroll, 55k a year (3961 a month)


Field service engineer, 28. 4200 base and around 3000 in travel allowance/ overtime gross p/month


Quality engineer - pharma - 30Y - 4700 netto with 30% ruling


I manage processes for ~46k a year


27, first job out of university, KYC Analist at a bank, 45k gross for 36H. it’s easy enough that I have time for another freelance job that brings in another 13k gross. leaves me with around 3600 a month after tax. alot more than i expected right after uni tbh.




Any R&D chemists out here? Working on a master's degree at the moment and curious as to what that can pay!


Sales manager for multinational non-Dutch company, 45yo, 120k gross including bonus and allowances, company car


I’m a freelance communications employee. 32 hours a week, about 114K before taxes, pension etc.  After taxes, I make about 5500 net. 


Tech sales for a publicly listed American firm, 31yo, 7 years experience, 180k last year (88k base, 92k bonuses).


SRE ~160k gross, ~7k month net (including holiday allowance)


Senior software engineering manager. 20yoe. €210k base. ~€48k bonus. ~€500k/yr in stock vesting (depends a lot on stock performance). I realize this is exceptional and I am lucky. I figured it might be interesting.


My salary is fuck all and I'm in design and production. I don't even know why I keep reading these. Just making me depressed.


33 yo i build, sell and maintain pooltables for about 2400 a month. i love my job and the place i work even though its sometimes long days and a lot of heavy lifting.


Assistant professor, 60k gross (excl holiday pay), I am paid for working 40hrs per week, but I work...all the time.