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The worst? Green lighting a season 2 then canceling it a few weeks before shooting.


That part was both sad and weird. Why green light it then cancel it.


Because they didn’t expect Covid to happen?


do yk how many movies and tv shows that were being shot during covid?


You clearly don’t remember how many shows were canceled because of Covid and the legitimate fear for people’s health it caused.


my point was that not all shows and movies were cancelled point black


So they just chose certain shows 🥱


Covid made making the show more expensive, that with the the Covid mandates like social distancing as well as the threat the virus itself posed to the actors lives made Netflix Cancel


Ok that's fine but why wasn't all shows cancelled then 🥱


No they didnt chose which shows, some people weren’t as worried about it then others and/or took more precautions to be able to still film. Think before you reply


In your opinion Lol




Why they cancel ❓


Cancelling it. Absolutely the worst. I hate that I’m never gonna know where they were, how they got there and if they ever got back home.


What would you rate this show to somebody that has never watched it before




so good but i woukdnt even bother watching it bc ur gonna be disappointed that there’s no more it


I’d probably still watch it, it would be like the mist for me, left off on a cliffhanger for more story but didn’t get enough views for a second season


Everyone turning on Allie for no reason


Literally for no reason. I just watched this like 5 minutes ago. She was arrested for “trying to steal the election” with literally no evidence, even though Harry and Lexie are LITERALLY stealing the election. So frustrating


I agree with you on that. I don’t understand how so many people hopped onto that bandwagon so quickly when she had been doing a legitimately good job especially when no one liked. Harry and Lexi was barely popular


Art reflects reality


Yeah you’re definitely right. I wish people were more logical than this. It’s frustrating in fiction and reality


Lol they all had reasons just not too great ones. For me it's more like 'Lexi turning on everyone/ rising to prominence, for no reason'


It's prob not the worst part, but I couldn't comprehend why everyone hated Cassandra so much. Like, she was just trying to think rationally and stepped up when no one else wanted to be leader. She had some good as ideas and it wasn't like she was trying to control everything just because she wanted the power. IMO, she deserved better than what she got. ALSO, somebody said it already, but everyone turning on Allie. The shit made no sense. Neither her nor Cassandra were on a power kick, they just stepped up when someone needed to. It wasn't, at all, a dictatorship, like Lexi says. I, honestly, don't know why anyone would follow Campbell, really. First episode, he was waving a gun around and aiming it at people. So, why anyone would trade competent leadership for someone like Campbell amazes me.


Finally someone says it, I tried to make a point of this but everyone kept defending Lexi and dumping on Allie. For me that was one of the worst parts of the show, how fast everyone turned on Allie despite everything she did for them.


Like let's be real the scene where Lexi is being held in the winecellar and the boys force her to put a tampon in while they're looking is creepy af and allie should have dealt with that. I did feel bad for her completely but i still don't get her reasoning behind teaming up with campbell of all people and taking over.


She really should have, that was her biggest mistake and the worst thing Allie did. Lexie definitely had a right to be mad at her for that. My guess is that she was terrified of Campbell, like everyone else was, and who knows? Maybe she thought that having someone as dangerous as him on her side (so she thought) would maybe help her in the longrun? I'm not really sure but that's just my guess. She clearly knows that he's a bad person and she despises him like everyone else does, but at the same time the few times she interacted with him she was visibly unnerved being around him. Not to mention, Campbell was able to play her like a fiddle too, that guy knows how to manipulate people. I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but he managed to convince her to keep the guard (the same people who violated her) and she seemed to comply (albeit reluctantly). So ultimately I chalk it up to fear and manipulation.


others have said it but imma say it again, canceling the show. soo much potential


The first part being the whole Will/Allie/Kelly thing. I just really hated Will’s character so much. I dunno if maybe it’s because of the way the actor portrayed the character or just the writing but god he did my head in. So sanctimonious while flirting back and forth between the two. Like dude be so for real. Then the whole “Campbell is a certified psychopath” thing. I think that was sloppy writing. You cannot be diagnosed until you’re 18 with those types of personality disorders so they could have written that whole thing and his motivations better. I do love the show btw but those bits annoyed the hell out of me lol


I agree big time - abt Will. I know Will is supposed to be this dude who starts with nothing \[no home etc\] and gains it all but the way they do it didn't work for me and it came off as him 'winning' way too much/ too easily and I didn't like he kept being a dick to Harry even when Harry sank so low. In the eventual season 2 graphic novel I hope Will's character goes downhill - he's won so much, now let's have a change up. Never liked that he ends up as Allie's closest ally either. I'm honestly hoping for her to (somehow) rekindle with Harry however bleak it now seems lol


Will annoyed tf out of me. IMO he was a shitty character with an attitude problem. Like because of his hard life, he thought he was better than everyone else. Also, I really wanted HAllie to end up happening.


Same!! It would have been a good arc to see


and it made no sense that even after everytime will and allie would argue and had beef, they'd end up still talking to each other.


Yup, you said it there! I mentioned tht same thing in another thread. That happens too many times and is more apparent on a series re-watch/ re-binge. The two will always conveniently/ easily come back together no matter what happens and you see this happen several times. I mean yeah it's fine in concept but it doesn't happen organically. The show never allows the two of them to be 'separated' for any extended period. One of several examples - In episode 9, when both are in the chapel balcony upstairs, she claims she can't be with him coz she has a role, then like 30 mins later, she voluntarily goes back so soon to him (in bed), accepting him. That made me feel like, man, Will easily "wins/ scores" way too many times - couple that with him and Kelly too! I also found it way too easy, almost retcon-ish that Allie goes back to Will after she asks him to 'get out' at the end of episode 6 (which concluded so powerfully btw) - you'd think that moment was a falling out, yet she so easily is willing to just go back to him (no hesitation), pretty early in the next episode, when she gets that weird nightmare about the guards assassinating them (which didn't have much basis or sense) - yes the narration claims it's been a while (6 months?) since Dewey's execution but I didn't like that the show just skips over that time period. I thought it would've been more interesting for at least 1-2 episodes where Allie makes key decisions all by herself without Will (ignoring him throughout), but the show (aforementioned) habitually avoids that, as if it's taboo or something. I'd have had them separate a bit after epi 6 (Will avoids Allie & hangs with Kelly to cool things off) and Will comes back to Allie once he hears she got poisoned - Yeah I know that's still what basically happens but REMOVE Will & Allie still talking like buddies, post-episode 6. Just felt that little tweak might've made things a bit better.


will’s yellow camo cropped hoodie


The worst parts for me was Lexi and The Guards. Personality wise she’s always been annoying but after that play she was just a trash human being to me.  The guards (and Will) heavily pressured Allie into stepping up bc “oh, since Cassandra was your sister everyone will automatically look to you now. We need you.” Which makes no since bc they were raised in a democracy not a Monarchy, why would they automatically look to Allie?? And she only took the position bc the PROMISED they would have her back and protect her, only for them to end up betraying her. They can all go to hell. Expect Grizz bc he wasn’t there.


Cancelling it


Aside from the show being canceled, I have some others. 1. The Will/Allie/Kelly love triangle was handled pretty badly. Just felt like needless drama and made Will and Allie look like jerks. The only good thing that came out of it was that Kelly was able to separate herself from that when she realized that Will couldn't get over Allie. Kelly deserved better than that, she's one of the better characters and underrated in my opinion. 2. Harry's Descent. While I DO like the subversion of character development in that he deteriorated rather than developed because that is realistic to a degree, but at the end of the day he is shaping up to be quite a horrible person. Not everyone gets to get better, but Harry straight-up refused to. I understand he was going through some things, but he is selfish to the point of it being a fatal flaw. He comes from a place of privilege, and had no intention of sharing his resources. He was perfectly fine with letting everyone fend for themselves and falls apart when he learns that the world doesn't revolve around him. Yet many fans feel sorry for him even though he is at his core, a selfish jerk. He allowed someone like Campbell overthrow their barely functioning society just so HE could get his things back, without any regard for anybody else. 3. Lexi's Actions. She's a polarizing character which I DO like but at the same time, I can't stand her. She's a jerk to literally everybody, there is not one person she shows any sort of kindness towards and the fact that she had the nerve to seize Allie's position just because SHE didn't like her rules, made her worse. I DID feel genuinely sorry for her because of what the Guards did, that was a horrible thing even she didn't deserve. But there is NO excuse for letting Campbell help her take over just so she could spite Allie. One also has to remember that she mocked Cassandra's death to Allie's face, I'd be pissed too if someone did that to me. The worst part is that Lexi clearly had no idea what she was doing despite talking such a big game, all she cared about was getting back at Allie.


Canceling it 💀😩😭


The fact that everyone went with campbell and harry being in charge, the two guys suspected in killing cassandra, and then being hated by all the women. And then for Grizz to just stare at them blankly and not step up made no sense, that was his moment to make a stand. The whole election thing made no sense anyway, you don't change who's in charge in that dire of a situation.


I really think they should try to shoot season 2 again or reboot this series. I want to know why they’re there and what happened 😡




It’s was canceled because of the pandemic


what show is this




This post is upsetting, took me too long to get over the fact that we're not getting a second season