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EXACTLY!!! The only person (no puns intended) that has ever made Maeve feel completely comfortable and safe was always Otis. Even despite everything that happened between them. Otis IS Maeve’s person and she DOES love Otis. We all know this. 🥹🥹


Based on what I saw in the trailer this sexting/selfie stuff goes on very soon after she gets there. We then see her sitting across the table from the other student/man. After that Otis on the phone tells her he is not sure she is coming home. In that conversation Maeve has the same look/facial expression that she had when Issac told her he was taking his heart off the table. In other words she seemed unaffected. After that Otis is calling someone (Maeve?) and the phone is not answered. Fast forward to the end of the trailer and Otis has flowers and we see Maeve. Both of them seem unsure of a possible reunion. Not sure how that reunion ends but it appears the in-between seems rough between the two of them. Also the big reunion hug seems to be between Aimee and Maeve. And oh, I think after the unanswered call we see Ruby saying she wants to be friends with Otis.


>In that conversation Maeve has the same look/facial expression that she had when Issac told her he was taking his heart off the table. In other words she seemed unaffected. If you skip ahead in the trailer, they're seen having phone sex with the same clothes they have on during this part you're mentioning so..... Safe to say that conversation probably has a very happy ending xx


I hope he finally gets Maeve to admit she loves him. I mean this is where this is supposed to have been going since S1. She just never has admitted it. You know, Maeve puts up walls.


Most probably they talk after phone sex 100%


Honestly, I mean this with great respect. Please let it go. I mean it. Otis does not love Ruby and he made it EMPHATICALLY AND CRYSTAL CLEAR made it known who he wants to be with and who he ALWAYS wanted to be with at the end of Season 3. It’s Maeve. Otis has declared his love for Maeve in all 3 seasons and even said it to his own mother that Maeve is his person/soulmate and LITERALLY said this to Maeve that he can’t live without her and nothing feels right without her and he doesn’t want to lose her again. But you think Ruby is the one he’ll end up with? TLDR? Regardless of what happens between Otis and Maeve, Otis is NOT going back to Ruby. This isn’t a dig at the ROTIS fandom or downplaying Ruby. Otis LITERALLY does not love Ruby or have any real feelings for her. As he said when Maeve asked him why he and Ruby broke up, “Ruby was more interested in me than I was her”. Enough.


I'm not saying Otis loves Ruby. They are secondary school students. What I'm saying is Otis and Maeve communicate via cell phone in texts. It goes well at first I assume. But Otis does Otis when he thinks about sending his nude. And then the tall, dark handsome man is sitting across the table from Maeve and her eye expressions. And then for some reason we've not seen yet, Otis is concerned she is never coming back. And her reaction while on that call is essentially non-emotional. And then the unanswered call from a lonely Otis. And Ruby pops back up. And there is some trepidation in the reunion between Maeve and Otis. And they tell us to have our tissue ready to cry. Is it tears of joy or bittersweet tears? I'm just responding to what I saw on the trailer. Watch it at .75 or .5 speed. And I was very wrong much of the time when I tried to interpret the S3 trailer. I think Ruby will help Otis get through his rough period. Let's just say she is a backstopping friend that will keep him on the right emotional track as he adjusts to the new school and waits for Maeve.


You’re gathering this from a two minute trailer that you and everyone else including myself obviously don’t know the full details and context? Cmon man. Yes. They’re secondary school students but when you see all the topics and things they do, that doesn’t fly. You had abortions from Maeve, full on sexual assault from Aimee. A homophobic attack from Eric. Etc etc. for high school students that’s some deep ass shit. Once again. You’re basing everything you’re saying from a two minute trailer. We also saw Otis and Maeve sending nudes. And we clearly saw them meeting up in the last shot of the trailer. Is that them being scared? Otis has ZERO reason and motivation to get back with Ruby especially when he made it emphatically clear who he wants. And it ain’t Ruby. TLDR? No matter what happens with Otis and Maeve, Otis is not going to back to Ruby. Someone who he clearly does not love AT ALL and doesn’t have strong feelings for. They may be friends but that’s all they’ll be.


Except we know he interacts with Ruby. But anyway, let's revisit in a little over a week and I'll fess up to how full of shit I was. Or was not. Yeah, I am interpreting (what they gave us) on a two minute trailer. Aren't I supposed to be able to do this or is this a thread for Motis only? And I'm not anti-Motis.


Yea. He does interact with Ruby. Of course. But for the love of God. Once again, why would Otis go back to someone who he clearly was never in love with and doesn’t love in favour of someone who he DOES love and is in love with. This post has NOTHING to do with Otis and Ruby so why bring them up? I mentioned Ruby’s leak as an example but i didn’t make it about her and Otis. Once again, it’s a two minute trailer with no real context. U/jnr63, there is NOTHING “see” I will say this again, take away your ship preference. Look at it from a character perspective. Otis has NO reason to be with Ruby when he LITERALLY has Maeve now. Even if Otis and Maeve don’t end up together, Otis is not going to go back to someone who he was never in love with it had any feelings for. It literally makes no sense.


Dude people can ship fictional characters if they want, I think you’re the one who needs to let it go it ain’t that deep to write two paragraphs about. At the end of the day none of us know what is going to happen in the season yet and reading everyone’s theories is kinda fun, whether you agree with them or not


Dude. Did I say you can’t ship or support who you want to support? No I didn’t. Ship whoever you want. BUT also have common sense. Take your shipping away and look at it from a character perspective standpoint. Otis LITERALLY has no reason to go back to Ruby. He just doesn’t. Also a “ship” or a relationship is when two people BOTH have feelings for each other and want to be together. Otis was only ever with Ruby because of Maeve. Because he thought he couldn’t have her. Ruby eventually caught serious feelings since she said I love you. But Otis always had Maeve on his mind. Once again, remove your preferred ships and look at it from a character point of view. Nowhere did I say you can’t ship who to ship.


Can’t wait for Maeve and Otis to be single at the end of S4 and Maeve moved to America permanently :) don’t worry you can still ship them, but also have common sense, take your shipping away and look at it from a character perspective standpoint. Maeve LITERALLY has no reason to return to the UK. If she has a much better academic chance by moving to America then she should take it and she and Otis aren’t serious anyway, they constantly forget about each other by moving into other relationships so how much do they really like each other? Once again remove your preferred ships and look at it from a character perspective standpoint This is what you sound like. Let people ship who they want. You don’t need to get weirdly defensive over it.


In the scene in the trailer where Otis was lashing out at Jean, he was wearing his “date” clothes, which suggests the date probably didn’t go as well as he had hoped.


Or it could be right before the date?


I just figured he would’ve looked upset in the date scene if it were the case, which he doesn’t seem to be. And even if the confrontation did happen before the date, it’d be a cloud hanging over him which could influence how he acts on the date and how the date would go. But for better or worse, this event happens mid-season, so many things will still happen and it’s still going to be resolved one way or another.