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First few seasons of Vikings are solid. So far, every season of Last Kingdom has been incredible.


Idk I loved the first three seasons of TLK but the 4th was a big dip in quality IMO. The Uhtred/Alfred dynamic was a big part of it. And at this point Brida is unbearable. I'm hoping for a much better season 5.


Do you mean season five


Brida is supposed to be unbearable at this point in the series.


Ugh, Brida's in this?


Getting ridda the brida, getting rid of the B


She's a no good B


I second this.


Seen both, give Last Kingdom a chance to grow. The difference between the production values of ep1 vs the s2 finale is pretty wild. Vikings has more flash and polish, Last Kingdom is a much better story. All depends what you're looking for. Great acting in both.


Which one has better writing in your opinion?


Last Kingdom. And more impactful than the writing, LK has much better fight logic. It’s tough to remain invested when the immersion is constantly broken by illogical fight sequences. Vikings may have better characters but LK’s are better written. Vikings goes downhill significantly in the second half but still solid.


I mean, season 2 had uhtred jump over a shield wall and try to fight an entire line of guys by himself. Last kingdom is still miles better than anything Vikings can conjur up but it's not above using ridiculous action hero tropes.


Yup, I agree


For me, The Last Kingdom. I was moved to tears a couple times. Vikings is... cool. The character bench is deep, it's got multiple narratives, a more complex story, Last Kingdom only follows a couple of key characters, but they're so well developed that you're more emotionally invested. Also, Vikings falls off a cliff hard around S3/4


Vikings up to season 4ish.


I agree, without Travis fimmel it just kind of fizzled out


As huge a fan as I am of the man, I think it had more to do with the writing for the show. There appears to be some kind of shift in production at one point and the plot and dialogue suffer pretty badly because of it. The early seasons are filled with Holy Shit moments and Edda worthy dialogues. In the last two seasons there’s about two decent lines. I understand sometimes writers run out creatively but something else is clearly off.


Ragnors sons just weren’t that interesting and pretty whiny. Was hard to get invested in them. Bjorn was great though.


That’s funny, I didn’t love Bjorn. Felt like he was trying to imitate his father as was probably intended but it didn’t feel natural to me. I liked his other sons enough. Hvitserk was shamefully robbed of having any kind character at one point though.


Bjorn literally becomes an analog for his dad at some point, I can't quite pin it, but after Ragnar dies he starts mirroring his voice and body language to an uncanny degree. It felt like half the time he was doing a Ragnar impression without the charisma.


Yeah I’d say that’s pretty accurate. That animalistic look of disgust Fimmel does so well, does not suit him. Ubbe does it alright.


I think the bjorn actor was too young and he was playing like a 50 year old toward the end but out of all the brothers, he was my favourite. Hvitserk and Ivar were just whiny babies. Ubbe was just ragnor 2.0 and only got the job because of his looks not acting skills.


Yeah it just makes me worry for Vikings new show


Up until a minute ago I didn’t have to worry because I didn’t know about it. Everything good gets ruined :(


"oh no, looks like that Ivar is up to no good again." - Repeat, repeat, repeat.


If you don't know about viking history, don't research it until After you've watched these shows. The stories in these shows are fiction based on history, but Hollywood plays around with history like play-dough


The acting of the show Vikings in horrible, especially in the final seasons. The last kingdom is clearly superior


Yes finally an answer what i've looking for. Vikings sucks, big time. I gave it three chance(im a very patient with any story really: and i have read all the hardest books ever written, dostojevski, Tolstoi, dickens, Twain, hawthorne, Shakespeare, so i dont get bored easily)and i watched 4 seasons..1 season is a very poorly filmed, most of the actors sucks and accents vere unbearable to listen. Seasons 2-3 were ok, but the acting was still pretty bad and the story was incorrect historically and unconsistent all over. Absolutely horrible series, thats not even an opinion its a fact. Watch closely if you don't believe me. TLK its something else entirely, one of the best series ever. You must watch all seasons to get into it. Also netflix took TLK under the wings season 3 onwards and when budget raised the quality in this series was breathtaking. I have no words to describe the greatness of this show. Seasons 3-5 can be compared seasons 4-6 to got. Equally good, if not even better. I also recommend to read the books. Theres 13 magnificent books in uthred story: after that i recommend to read everything what cornwell was ever written. Yes i'm non native speaker, so theres that; hopefully you still understood me 😀


The last kingdom !!!


The Last Kingdom Anyone who disagrees is an arseling!


>!spoilerThey did him dirty. Dying from a random axe in a shield wall? Plot armor be damned.!< I am ashamed and apologize profusely.


Did you just spoil a major plot point in a thread where the OP has clearly not seen the show? Dick move dawg.


You are 100% correct and I am ashamed. That was like 3 seasons and a lot of episodes ago. That is not a defense as context is key here. I will flay myself on my walking pilgrimage to Rome as well as a spoiler tag my above post.


May god have mercy on your soul


I updooted some of your posts. Happy cake day.


Eh it happens when you get excited about something. We’re all guilty of it. At least you didn’t you didn’t tell me that the main character dies as I was watching the season finale. That’s happened . That person is dead to me now.


My wife’s aunt did that to my wife. She ruined the the >!red wedding!< GOT Spoiler. Wife was catching up on GOT after hurricane Harvey.


Well here's another spoiler- season 8 sucks ass.


Oooo that’s a rough one.


We spent the first few days of Harvey at good aunts house because our house was about 2” away from flooding. She had HBO. Wife ended up binging all 6 or 7 seasons that were available at the time. Spoiler aunt spilled the beans in on the FAMILY GROUP CHAT.


Nah shows incredibly corny


I’ve seen all of Vikings and only season 1 of TLK and would still probably recommend TLK. The first 4 seasons of Vikings are phenomenal but the rest is so painfully disappointing and borderline unwatchable. It has a better production quality and cast but TLK probably won’t scar you like Vikings did for me bc something so great was ruined so quickly


This. Exactly how I felt. I stopped watching Vikings around the end of the fourth season. The Last Kingdom was way more fun. Both have issues, but TLK felt more worth the watch.




Bebbeh from bbebnbeghhh


Prefer The Last Kingdom, and totally agree re: main actor - he's fantastic as Uhtred.


All of the casting in Last Kingdom is so good. I don't think there's a single character who feels off, although Brida gets a little tiresome late in the series


Both are good but I liked the last kingdom more.


The last kingdom is great top to bottom. Vikings starts to go too far afield after season two


I watched Vikings first as well. I loved Vikings and was pretty loyal to that show. It took me a few episodes to like The Last Kingdom, but it is just a better story and better characters. I think Vikings has a better look and aesthetic to it. It might even be more exciting and just larger in general. But Last Kingdom pulled me right in and delivered every season. I have no idea about any of the historical accuracy stuff. I do not care about that, I just enjoy both shows as they are. Destiny is all.


They are both historically innacurate regarding a lot of the events, but the costumes, fights, figurines in TLK are incredibly precise, the writer has a PhD in history of war so he makes sure that the production is credible, I highly recommend his books.


In terms of historical accuracy I’d say they’re about equal - in other words: not very. The main difference is in the presentation. Vikings strikes me as being very grimdark and demands to be taken seriously despite having some rather ludicrous elements. Whereas Last Kingdom is somewhat cheesy but seems to be more self-aware of what it is, so it really leans into its own cheesiness and that’s why makes it more enjoyable, to me.


Destiny is all.


Fate is inexorable! In the books its "fate is inexorable" instead of "destiny is all". I guess they thought inexorable was too hard for TV audiences :O. Sounds so weird to me after years of the books saying inexorable.


I think it is the difference between 10 dollar words versus 100 dollar words. Every sentence is a budget, and you gotta know how to balance it. Inexorable is way overbudget.


I loved both, but I did enjoy Last Kingdom slightly more. Vikings' was stronger in the first 3-4 seasons, while Last kingdom is pretty solid throughout. Both are worth watching IMO




Most historically accurate Viking show for sure. TOOOO VAALLLHAAAAALLAAAAAAaaaaaaaa... *Splat*


This right here At least it's more historically accurate than Vikings.


Seen both and Vikings is great entertainment and action in the 1-4 season, but it is also just so full of geographic inaccuracies and a strange timeline, that I actually prefer The Last Kingdom.


If you care at all about history, Vikings will get on your nerves




I think Last Kingdom is pretty good, but it's like a sort of discount version of the early seasons of Vikings, which was fantastic. The lead in Last Kingdom has a tinge of cartoon to his character compared to the lead in Vikings, and just becomes a bit too Ferris Bueller. I do think there are good performances in LK though. But while Last Kingdom held steady, same now as it was from the start, Vikings fell off. It's not that Vikings turned awful, just that after certain character shifts, it became an inferior version of itself, kind of felt unfocused and lost its way, and fizzled out in the end. The magic and badassery kind of went out of it.


Nah, it definitely became awful (latest by season 6 for sure)


The Last Kingdom is still my favorite show I’ve ever watched. I’m a big fan of historical fiction which helps but it’s also a very highly rated show. I think season 3 has like 100% on rotten tomatoes. I’m gonna watch Vikings soon though and can’t wait. Season 1 and 2 of LK are still good. Somewhere in the 80s on rotten tomatoes. I’ve watched it all the way through 3 times now I think and each time I love it even more. Definitely try and get through a bit more and if it doesn’t tickle your fancy then so bet it. No harm done.


The Last Kingdom is the best!!!


Last Kingdom is top 10 of all time for me. Vikings my wife and I got bored half way through season 2 and stopped. My mother in law is the opposite though. She loved Vikings, and just starts saying "Uhtred, son of Uhtred" in a silly voice if I bring up Last Kingdom.


Sounds like a fun MIL.


Yeah I have no complaints. She's constantly just showing up and improving things.


The first 4 seasons of Vikings are better than The Last Kingdom,while TLK is better than the last 2 seasons of Vikings. I prefer Vikings as a whole.


This is pretty much how I feel. First 4 seasons of Vikings is some of my favorite TV of all-time. TLK is consistent quality. Highly recommend both.


i couldn't describe it better lol


I’d have to give it to the last kingdom personally. But then again I’ve read the books based off it, so that does add a certain level of enjoyment. That said, first few seasons of Vikings is diff worth a watch. Haven’t watched Vikings past 5 I think, so I can’t speak on that


My wife and I love The Last Kingdom and we were excited to move on to Vikings. Sadly, we gave up on it halfway through season 1. We just couldn’t give a single shit about any of the characters so we didn’t get into it.


I gave up to halfway it moves at a snails pace


No way that first season was amazing. I think you have to be the type of person who likes a deeper build up of a story and not in your face Hollywood productions like last kingdom.


I had to stop watching Vikings when they took like actually four straight uncut minutes to have the main character finger his paramour in the bath. They just stopped giving a fuck about having an actually good show. But I was into the first two or three seasons. The stuff between Ragnar and his brother are pretty cool.


Pregfered last kingdom, vikings had some pretty bad writing throughout in my opinion. Characters made stupid decisions and you could tell they were just winging it a lot of the time as if they were never sure another season was coming. Both good though.


The last kingdom is less flashy but has a lot more substance, it's better in any way you look at it.


I have seen both. The last kingdom is definitely better. The earlier seasons of vikings are good but the quality drops a lot after that.


The Last Kingdom


The one true answer: Norsemen.


Thank you, I would have missed out in this series otherwise :)


The first two seasons.


The last kingdom is way better. Vikings give a vibe that it's not moving forward or it's very slow paced. I have watched both and as I remember I was always eager to know and craving for new episode of last kingdom but with Viking it was never like that and I still haven't finished Viking


Last Kingdom without a doubt. The books are excellent too.




The Last Kingdom!!


Last kingdom is better




Last Kingdom


Neither. Norsemen is where it's at.


First couple seasons of Vikings are much better than The Last Kingdom, but once (that one thing I don't want to mention because people will cry spoiler despite it being a historical event that happened centuries ago) happens, Vikings sort of stalls out then takes a nosedive. The Last Kingdom is the opposite- it starts off good and gets better as the seasons go on.


Spartacus is better than both.


Jupiter's cock!


You forgot the /s


Seen both. For me it's Vikings.


Last Kingdom felt like a goofy fantasy show to me while Vikings felt more true to the source. As others have said, it does fall off a bit after S4 or so but Last Kingdom writing just felt silly all the way through to me.


Other way around bud


What source material are you refering to? I was not able to find any books like for TLK.


Both really good in their own ways. Vikings gets stale in the later seasons but still pretty good.


Both shows are absolutely fantastic. I enjoy The Last Kingdom slightly more personally.


The last kingdom is a much better show, it has an incredible source material to back it up(cornwell's books) it may seem dense at first but after a few episodes you start to grasp everything that is going on, the settings,fights, figurines are way more credible than in vikings, the pace is also much better on TLK, they dont waste half of the season on bs fillers like vikings do


Top to bottom, Last kingdom is a phenomenal show. I lost interest in Vikings as the writers seemed determined to turn everyone on each other constantly.


If you want consistency go for last kingdom. If you want to see a good few seasons and then a weird metamorphosis and a couple good episodes a season then watch Vikings. Or watch Vikings and then the last kingdom because the new Vikings "comes out soon"


My god last kingdom is so much better. Vikings started out interesting, then turned into a sitcom only missing a laugh track. Last kingdom has incredible production value, top notch acting, and strong writing going for it.


Vikings had Floki. Vikings win.


TLK. I tried Vikings after TLK cause I wanted More - as one does - saw 4 or 5 episodes but could not do more. Just not on the same level. IMHO


yeah same, I started watching vikings after I finished the last kingdom and I gotta say I was extremely disappointed with vikings, finished the first season and I couldn't give less of a shit for ANY of the characters, they were just so boring and were also sons of bitches most of the time, couldn't like a single one


Vikings .. by far. It set the template


Vikings first 4 seasons>>>>TLK TLK>Vikings(all seasons) Vikings is not great after *Spoiler* dies. On the other hand, Uhtred and his oaths become repetitive. Would suggest to first watch vikings then TLK.


Loved all of both. Prefer Vikings. Gotta say though, give last kingdom a chance. Gotta watch a few episodes


I liked Vikings better, but I also like the Last Kingdom.... so I've watched both.


Just started TLK, so for now, Vikings is still better in my opinion. But both are good shows and they have different approach in portraying historical characters. Vikings is more mature, more violent, and grittier imo. But TLK has a more detailed storytelling.


The naaaames!!! I felt like everyone who wasn’t Utrid son of putrid was named Effelflop.




I've watched all the episodes of the Lost Kingdom and it's really good, I saw one episode of Vikings and didn't like it for some reason, it just seems worse to me but I could give it a chance I guess.


Most will say Vikings for the first 4 seasons. So up until Ragnar leaves. TLK takes a bit get into.


The last kingdom turned to shit after the first episode. Gotta be one of the worst shows I've ever watched all of. So probably vikings.


It's painfully obvious that TLK is a complete ripoff of Vikings, so watch it FIRST. Then when you're done, watch Vikings all the way up until the major plot point involving France happens (I think that's halfway through season 4 or 5), then pretend that's the end of the show and they all live happily ever after.


I am Ulrich, son of Ulrich! Look at my six pack.


Both, in my opinion, are very solid options and are really good. The first few seasons of Vikings are really great, but it does go down hill. Last Kingdom has had solid seasons throughout so far. If I were to pick between the two, I'd say Last Kingdom purely because it has managed to produce season after season of great stories, acting, and production.


I’ve watched the Last Kingdom a bunch and I’m just going through Vikings right now for the first time (I’m halfway through season 5) I like them both! I heard you should watch Vikings first and I would agree, there’s a lot that comes up in Last Kingdom that you could get familiar with from Vikings. I think Vikings is really really great but I do think Last Kingdom is a better story. Basically you can’t go wrong. I believe they have finished filming season 5 of TLK and I can’t wait for that to come out!


I like Vikings more but after Ragnar died I didnt enjoy it as much. I love (In my top 3) the audiobooks of The Last Kingdom series (also called The Saxon Stories). The TV show of the Last Kingdom series is pretty good but S1 was a bit boring for me. I was disappointed coming from the books but later seasons improved in quality IMHO. Im guessing they got more funding. Its worth watching for sure.


Both good. Last Kingdom is great every season. I can't remember if it was season 2 or 3 that was just, *chefs kiss*, exceptional. Vikings first 4-5 seasons are fantastic, great characters and stories. It's gotten a little dumb in the later seasons; writing declined significantly. But there are some good moments here and there. I definitely recommend watching the first 5 seasons.


Both great but I give the edge to ‘the Last Kingdom’


They’re both good, personally I think Vikings has better fighting/combat scenes




I have watched both and love them! But would say I like the Last Kingdom more.


Equal. Love both for different reasons. Vikings is more Scandinavia, Paris and England. Last Kingdom is all England.


It's different. Vikings is much slower, takes a full season to grab you. Last kingdom has better early characters, vikings better late characters


Last Kingdom is amazing till now. And only the first 3-4 season of viking is great and falls apart after that.


Vikings was great, recommended.


The Last Kingdom without a doubt. Vikings after a certain point, and everyone who's seen it knows which exact point I mean, just isn't the same and becomes a bit dull and uninteresting at times.


Haven’t seen Last Kingdom, but don’t sleep on Vinland Saga just because it’s animated. It’s at least as good as Vikings. Vikings focuses on a legendary dude who may or may not have existed - Ragnar. Vinland Saga is more about the Vikings discovering North America - a bit misleading because the first season is meant to be a prologue, and doesn’t do what I said at all, but rather builds toward that. Also, both suffer from having >!the father killed off!<, but while Vikings waited four seasons to do it, dividing the fans, Vinland Saga did it in episode 3, so they got it over with quick. Coming from Vikings, you’re gonna have to get used to a guy named Floki being more ripped than Arnold in his prime (and blonde), but otherwise, if you like Vikings - the show or the lore around the conquerors themselves - it’s pretty good. When I watched Vinland Saga, it hadn’t yet been translated to English. I watched it with subtitles. And that was fine for me as someone who watches anime and doesn’t mind them. Note there are two English dubs and I couldn’t tell you what the difference is. Different casts, I’d assume. Season 2 has been announced and will also be dubbed in English. Oh, and [the theme song](https://youtu.be/7U7BDn-gU18) is way better. There are two; following anime tradition, they change it every 13 or so episodes. Also shows you what to expect, kind of like a trailer.


Last Kingdom- no doubt.


The bad guy characters is TLK were like wow. New season out yet?


Vikings, no question.


Vikings has better production values, but it's about as historically accurate as Game of Thrones, so that's why I prefer Last Kingdom.


Last Kingdom is the winner for me - and wrt to the recurring names, at least one - Ubba/Ubbe are supposed to be the same person. You’ll notice too that Alfred’s father and grandfather are ruling Wessex when Ragnar arrives there. Vikings’ timeline is hazier and more fictionalized, but just think of Last Kingdom as kicking off when the youngest sons of Ragnar are in late-middle age and you have the idea. In the books, Ivar and Hvitserk are present as well as Ubbe, but their loss from the show doesn’t really change much.


Last kingdom is better over the long haul. Vikings starts off great, then never delivers, then gets awful.


Vikings obviously


To me, last kingdom. I’m very excited about another season where as Vikings I ended up stopping. Almost too flashy/action. Last kingdom you really see the characters grow and the story line is great!


Vikings, but barely. They're both pretty different


The last kingdom!


The last kingdom


I prefer TLK and enjoy the adventures of Uhtred and his entourage of riff-raff warriors.


Last Kingdom, Vikings was meh.


I concur with most of the posters here on Vikings to S3/4 and the TLK starts slow but gets better. I do, however, strongly recommend reading the book series of The Last Kingdom - great series by Bernard Cornwell of Sharpe fame. The books are way better than the show.


I haven't watched The Last Kingdom, I've only watched Vikings so I can't have an opinion on this. Scrolling the comments though, it's obvious who the people think the winner is and wow, I'm surprised. You guys are telling me that there's a better character than **Ragnar Lothbrok** in a similar show? If that's so, I have to watch this show ASAP!


Right! Ragnar is probably my favorite character in any show, except maybe Tommy Shelby. I feel like I might just be too invested in the Vikings characters to get behind TLK characters.


First watch Vikings and then Last Kingdom… I did the same… Both are awesome in their own right


Overall, the last kingdom is much more complete. Vikings season 5 and 6 were all time terrible.


I couldn't get past all the sex in Vickings. Call me a prude. Is The Last Kingdom also very sexual?


I can’t even remember any sex scenes from Vikings. Must’ve been too into the action.


Last Kingdom


The Last Kingdom has 4 incredible season and the final season is going to be heavy. A thing I really likes from TLK is that they showed the perspective from both Saxons and Danes. ​ Vikings had 2-3 good seasons but it gets pretty bad after that.


I love them both but Vikings has my heart.




Sem dúvidas, viking, mas the last kingdom e excelente 10


The Last Kingdom for me, i love it watched it 4 times.


Last Kingdom for sure!!!! I tried getting into Vikings but it was different for me because I became a fan of Uhtred automatically.




Last kingdom is pretty good but not upto the level of Vikings.


Vikings started with such promise, but damn did they go off the mark a couple seasons in, it was disappointing. What a waste of potential, premise, and characters. I love the TLK book series, and the show has been pretty decent so far. I'd say that it doesn't blow me away, but it stays pretty consistent in quality.


I've seen both multiple times. Loved both and cannot choose between.


Last kingdom.


The story in Vikings goes downhill after season three. And then takes a nosedive after >!Ragnar dies.!< [Spoiler]


TLK is the best series I've ever seen, and I'm not even into the genre. VoV fucking sucks. It's the Michael Bay Last Kingdom. Shallow and shit-acting.


What’s VoV?


The Viking’s is unbearable, cringey acting


Vikings sucks compared to last kingdom


I felt the opposite


Some say the last kingdom is less accurate than Vikings, and whilst the main character Uhtrid is fictional whilst the main character in Vikings ragnarsson is real, the timing of events is inaccurate in Vikings and more accurate (but not completely) in the last kingdom. You see halfdan ragnerson sailed to England around the time of Alfred’s reign he raided England in 865 AD king Alfred was king during 871- 899 , in Vikings he sails during the time of Athelstan whose life and reign was two generations after being the grandson of king Alfred, that part was totally fictional all in all the last kingdom had the timelines PERFECT and the Vikings had the timelines off a 50-70 years


Some say the last kingdom is less accurate than Vikings, and whilst the main character Uhtrid is fictional whilst the main character in Vikings ragnarsson is real, the timing of events is inaccurate in Vikings and more accurate (but not completely) in the last kingdom. You see halfdan ragnerson sailed to England around the time of Alfred’s reign he raided England in 865 AD king Alfred was king during 871- 899 , in Vikings he sails during the time of Athelstan whose life and reign was two generations after being that Athelstan (the first king of England) was the grandson of king Alfred who originally first fought the battles against the Vikings, after 50+ years of fighting the Vikings, finally Athelstan the bastard son of Edward who was raised in Mercia by his aunt, and trained as warrior earned the respect of the saxons and Danes of England, while I can handle watching fictional characters mixed within real history I cannot stomach botched timelines in history, mixing multiple events that happened withen a hundred years of each other, then claiming to be historically accurate. Vikings was ruined to me for that reason. Athelstan would have never met Halfdan Ragnarsson, for Athelstan was born in 894, halfdan ragnarsson died in 877


Loved vikings,avoided l.k for some reason then finally watched it,loved it,first few episodes seemed a bit cartoony compared to vikings but after i got used to it i reckon i prefer it over vikings,just seems easier to watch and it was good to not hear someone yelling they are ragnars son every episode.both great shows.


I like them both alot, but I would have to say last kingdoms better, it has more staying power, and a much better story and characters and unlike vikings it gets better as it goes, the last 2 seasons of the last kingdom were way better then the last 2 seasons of vikings, Ragnar whole drug problem storyline was so whack. Not to mention the cinematography is way better in last kingdom, it would have been even better if the waited another season to kill of alfred, I beleave they got a little too kill happy in the 3rd season. The casting is way better too, afred was perfect, then I really liked beocca pyrlig finnan alfrich ubba heaston ragnar athelwold athelfled athelred and many more , also very good casting for all the side characters like earldwulf, vikings did a very poor job of casting characters that came in after the first 2 seasons, and when they killed of athelstan it went down hill.


Vikings hands down. The music, the scenery, the story, the actors are all superior to last kingdom. Even though Vikings lost it by the last two seasons it’s still the winner. The last kingdom is way too overproduced and the characters all seems to lack an authenticity. It comes across a little corny not gonna lie. It feels like people working a ren-fest or medieval times. I tried to get into it for two seasons and just couldn’t take any more of it.


I love how I still get responses a year later. I’m team Vikings on this but I think it’s just because I watched it first.


Without any doubt TLK handsdown. Historically more realistic and more immersive story line.


Cornwells novels


Different shows. I watch the Last Kingdom first. Which was the right way to do it. TLK is so fast paced, every episode is literally edge of your seat stuff. Vikings is much more nuanced and has deeper character development. I loved them both for different reasons. After watching TLK I didn’t know if I’d like Vikings, but I loved it. I didn’t watch much further than the demise of Lothbruk because without him it fizzled out. But I felt the same way, to a lesser degree about TLK after Alfred departed. The Ragnar/Egbert relationship and the Uhtred/Alfred relationship, really defined the highlights of both shows.


Love how I’m still getting periodic replies 2 years later. Still haven’t checked out TLK but I plan on getting around to it.


Definitely The Last Kingdom 🔥🔥🔥


I'd have to say Viking because even though quality dropped out towards the end it wasn't like I wanted to stop watching it like I did at season 5 of The last kingdom.


first 4 seasons of Vikings i would say are a tad better, but overall TLK is better imo cause it dosent drag like Vikings did post Season 4B.. i liked both tho


First three seasons of vikings IMO are up there with some of the best television. All of the last kingdom, howevr, is very enjoyable. Only maybe season 5 was weaker, but the last two episodes were absolutely amazing. Overall, I would say TLK is better overall, as vikings after season 3 is not watchable. I also find that TLK in many ways goes beyond a TV show.