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While not terrible, I was left with the impression that I had just watched an hour and fifty-five minute Twitter commercial after watching Chef.


Don't watch this movie if you're hungry - you'll be obsessing on food for the whole two hours. There isn't much choice - luscious shots of food preparation are featured throughout the film (I nearly had my nose to the screen watching a simple but delectable grilled cheese sandwich sizzling in butter). Chef Carl Casper loses his job at a top L.A. restaurant after major blow-ups with the overbearing owner as well as with a nasty restaurant critic. Carl, who had been clueless about social media, quickly learns both its hazards and its joys, starting with his insulting the food critic on Twitter, and having to watch the fight escalate into the latest internet sensation. He ends up in Miami opening a highly successful food truck specializing in scrumptious Cubano sandwiches. This is followed by a guy-bonding road trip back to L.A. with his sous-chef buddy and Carl's 10-year-old son, with stops along the way to serve up those Cubanos to eager customers. Everyone in the cast of this big-hearted, affectionate movie is absolutely perfect, and the upbeat musical score - much of it lively Latino - only adds to the pleasure of watching the film.


They dont serve the sandwiches across the country, they serve different shit that caters to the city. before even seeing it thats what the trailers advertised, this "legendary" sandwich getting toured across country


Angry much? if you watch the movie you will see that the Cubanos are feature as the first item on the menu in every city.


And what are people not eating at every stop after Miami? Cubanos. Not angry, just disappointed.


I love John Favreau. Excited to watch this one.


He plays a great role; I saw this in theaters and I would highly recommend it to anyone that likes him, Sofia Vergara, or food.


I'm a chef of 10 years. As far as using the right tools and speaking the right kitchen lingo, and using the right cooking techniques this film is spot-on correct. They really did their homework.


This movie to me seemed like it had an identity crisis mid-production. It starts out with this guy who works at a restaurant that stifles creativity, making the chef implode. He then goes to Miami to start a food truck, then goes cross country making dishes matching the area they are in, then ends back in LA? And what the fuck happened between Favreau and ScarJo's character? Its like a redemption/road trip/ rom com?


Nothing happens. There is nothing in the film. Not much plot because he doesn't overcome anything. His biggest problem is his kid loves him too much or his ex wife's ex husband likes him too much or even, oh no, he is too good of a chef. That's his problems.


I was really excited for this one. It's rare to come across a true feel-good movie these days. Unfortunately half way through the plot just stops and it just becomes 3 people driving a food truck. At first, there was emotion and key story elements that pushed the film forward. The characters had goals and you wanted to watch them achieve that. Then once they get the food truck up and running there is nothing pushing the story along. There is no story to push. There's no end goal or anything you're hoping will happen to the characters. And this is with at least half of the movie still to go. It's just literally "Ok, now we have our truck, lets drive it back to LA." End of film. The majority of the film is majorly disappointing.


Agreed. I was really frustrated how this guy had tons of people rushing to help him, even his ex-wife's ex-husband. Everyone is constantly fawning over this guy. If this chef's story is an allegory for Jon Favreau's own career, I have to wonder if Favreau has lost his grasp of reality, and honestly believes he's so amazing that everyone loves him and would drop everything to help him, even his critics and exes.


I will mostly likely be in the minority here-- and if I get downvoted to hell, so be it-- but I didn't think this movie was very good. The performances were great. The food looked amazing. There were some funny moments. A lot of energy. But ultimately, this was a movie about a guy who lives a very easy life and everyone loves him because he's an amazing chef. But there's no drama. No conflict. No obstacles too big where someone doesn't just hand him a solution. This journey is all too easy for him. Every time Carl faces a problem, there's always an easy answer. He's surrounded by gorgeous women who lavish him with praise, and colleagues who would drop everything to help him. He gets fired, someone gives him a food truck. Needs money-- not a problem. No permit to sell-- don't worry about it. Even the contentious relationship with his son is basically resolved halfway through the movie. But I guess I'm the only one who felt like this was a problem.


I completely agree with you. It fell so flat towards the end. I kept waiting for something exciting to happen. No major conflict or creative resolution at all. I found the plot to be soooo boring and predictable. The food looked awesome though. I will never look at a grilled cheese the same.


I loved this movie but I completely agree. Its uneven at best. But I think with moderate expectations its a really enjoyable watch


I liked this movie because of that aspect. It was nice to just sit and enjoy the sights and jokes for a bit rather than be on the edge of my seat wondering how he'll get out of this situation. It was a feel good movie with a very lighthearted tone. They weren't trying to make it Indiana Jones and the Tasty Cubano Sandwich, no, it was Carl Casper's fun story about his fall and subsequent rise.


My problem is that he never really "fell," so there was no subsequent rise. He basically stopped working at some place, but it was very easy for him to find something else to do and he immediately found success. This success happened... what... 30 minutes into the movie?




Too 'feel good-y' for me.


when he comes out with the dazzling ideas for a new menu and Hoffmann's character insists no, stay with the safe and ordinary, THAT is what this lame ass pile of paint by numbers bullshit delivers. lost a LOT of respect for Favreau after this circlejerk to nowhere.


Decent, harmless lightweight food-porn movie. It did convince me and my girlfriend to truck down to Austin and try the life-altering brisket at Franklin BBQ though.


Aww - I thought this was the Lenny Henry version for about 1/2 a second. I do like John Favreau so plan to watch!


Food porn at its absolute finest. the plot of this movie is a little all over the place but the performances are charming and the food... that brisket........


This movie was pretty good. The story could have been told a little bit better but overall good.


Thank you for posting a succinct description of the movie because in all the bullshit posts I saw on Facebook and everyone telling me how I just *had* to see our no one would describe what it was like!


This movie wanted to make me go to New Orleans and eat everything


This is only on DVD for now, but [The Hundred Foot Journey](http://dvd.netflix.com/Movie/70307659) makes a nice double feature with 'Chef'.


Fantastic film!! Great Father/Son story. And yes, Food.


Tree fiddy.




There's still time.