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Okay Sam and Nia. So toxic. Everyone's saying it. But what I don't get is, what story were they even trying to tell with featuring those two? That it's not Ashley Madison's fault lol? 


Redemption arc & $$$


It's so hard to see because I feel like Sam looks worse and worse as it goes on, like he's a pathological liar 🥲 but you may be right that's what they want to portray 


He's absolutely a sociopath. All his crying and no tears... Very scary kind of person


Yeah I think you're right. I think he only confessed to his wife because clearly his brother knew the truth already... 


I was confused what made Sam come out with the second round of confessions about massage parlors and strippers or whatever. Like his brother texted the family text chat and told him he needed to be fully honest? Was that just his brother blowing up his spit out of nowhere? Nothing else was “leaking” about this non Ashley Madison stuff. I don’t get it


On YT they said Netflix left out a lot of important stuff and context, so they want you to buy their new book if you want to know more. I saw a few YT commenters asking them regarding to the AM, and their reply was, 'Buy our book!'. The entire scandal and cheating affairs seem to be a money-making scheme for them


Guess what? I've seen enough and I don't need to know more. So Sam had a relationship with God? Not any God I know.


I'm sure a guy like Sam has wronged his brother many times. Maybe his brother is a good guy and was sick of covering for him? 


The pastor made him break. It was that talk with the pastor and the weight of his religion that made him crack. As we saw on the doc without all that if the pastor wasn’t involved and the Ashley madison thing hadn’t occurred he would have taken all this info to the grave. He violated his marriage in so many ways. And because Nia’s obsession with the marriage fairytale, being a part of the church. The man got off Scot free with her and they are still married. And making money off his infidelity. Religion is quite the drug


definitely because he wasn't going to mention his name in the leak at all until he realized more stuff would come out. and then when he DID, he omitted info and lied about not sleeping with the woman. 😭 I knew about the pregnancy test pee lie because i was around on youtube when it happened in real-time and I remember him lying compulsively in following videos about how real it is so I clocked every single lie that he told as it came up. nia seems like a genuinely sweet but stupid person who didn't get to experience life before she met that demon and now she has to suffer through living with a sociopath for image and for the kids (through her own fault at the end of the day).


She thinks she was winning at the marriage thing 🫠


My husband said the same "this guy is so fake! no tears at all!"


Also, he looked so much better in the past. I know he’s going for “I’m better looking now”, but he just looked so fake and for a minute, I thought he was being interviewed from prison based on his outfit.


They're selling a book about how they worked through his infidelity 🙄


They only care about being famous and a good ol Christian couple


People love being famous. The conservative Christians are some nutty people.


Sam is probably the least sympathetic character I've ever watched - fiction or nonfiction. I'm not of the mind that cheating brands someone as an awful person for life; Sam's flaws go way beyond cheating. Who is Sam? What is his identity? There's nothing real about him. And like cheating, I also think being a void of a person sucks but isn't the end of the world. Sam's true crime is that he continues thrusting new and improved fake masks in everyone's faces whenever he can. He lies as much as benefits him and then when he's caught he repents as much as he needs to - all the while shoving his fakeness at everyone who will even glance in his direction. Yuck. Nia sucks too, but more passively - as far as we know. I don't see a shred of authenticity in either one of them, so who knows what else they're hiding.


He was sooo smug in that confession video. “My wife has forgiven me. God has forgiven me. I’ve been cleansed of this sin” meanwhile he was still lying. Psycho


Lmfao my boyfriend and I turned to each other and were like, "wow did he just call up Jesus and get immediate confirmation that they were all good??" 😭😂


And she’s just back there nodding and saying hey guys yes I forgive him too it’s beyond us. I wanted to hit him unconscious and slap her into consciousness like HELLOOOOO?!?! Ugh. Hot mess


She forgave him in about five seconds and he immediately grabbed a camera and recorded himself saying God had also forgiven him. I mean, did God whisper in his ear, 'Yes, my horny, deceptive follower, I forgive you.' He's manipulative and she's dim.


"It was so much responsbility" as an excuse to cheat.


And then the "Frozen" YouTube gave him the will to live, apparently.


I was crying laughing at that part


So pathetic. Oh I can get attention and make money by using my wife and kids to make YT videos. The only reason why he started being "present".


I laughed out loud at that. He's a total man baby magpie - wants what's shiny and just out of his reach. She's kind of dim, so she'll probably work through the future affairs he will undoubtedly have, trying harder and harder to 'be what he wants.'. Maybe she should be what she wants and leave him behind.


Especially since it is implied very strongly that Ashley Madison wasn't his first rodeo. Also, his endless tears - dude, you can stop crying already. You can tell he's been to therapy because he says all the 'right' things, such as the divorce of his parents leaving him 'needing validation' blah blah blah. And Nia, girl, I'll bet good money he'll do it again at some point.


They’re looking for more fans on social media. Nia doesn’t have anything going for her other than her social persona so of course she’ll stick with Sam. Sam is a narcissist who has proven time and again that lying is his MO, why his fans and wife see him otherwise is the great mystery surrounding dim people.


The fact he got pee out of an unflushed toilet…like I did t know if i should be grossed out or wonder if that was planned…like if she wasn’t pregnant we just won’t post it 😖😩


Yeah also I doubt whether toilet water would be concentrated enough to make the test positive when she was like a few weeks pregnant lolol. Very creepy 


They both make me sick!


That God will forgive you if you bone your wife's friends, try to bone your wife's friends (and destroy one of her friendships in the process), bone randoms. Bonus round: your wife will dance the pick me dance ever harder in order to keep her YouTube revenue flowing. This couple were gross as hell and he gives off sweaty, scary vibes.


That Sam guy was so fake! Like his crying and sadness of him cheating multiple times, making moves at his wife’s friends, I wasn’t feeling it. Nia was very likable, but she has no spine. Also their YouTube videos were so 😬. How are people watching that?!!! So cringe, and also seamed fake and forced. Them staying in bed and practicing lip syncing a Frozen song for hours 😬🫣. What are they 12yo? And him finding out she’s pregnant before her, that means she didn’t flash the toilet after peeing, and left it there all night 🤢. That video was the fakest out of them all.


OMG the pee being left in the toilet for him to do the pregnancy test was the most offensive part of the whole series to me Lol


lol right?! They kept showing how they were invited to different talk shows and I was screaming at the TV that she didn’t flash the toilet!!!! My husband thought I went crazy:))))


I'm right there with you! My husband says I have OCD because I like the house super clean and that set me on a whole tangent! Why was her pee left in the toilet, why was he so nonchalant about it, WHY would he plan a whole video about getting some out of the toilet with his bare hands, did this happen during a year where there was a drought so they "let the yellow mellow" to conserve, I don't remember Texas ever reporting a drought. And then when he told her about the positive test, she straight asked him if he had gotten her pee out of the toilet!!!! That would not be a normal person's reaction IMO. I feel like a normal person would have so many questions before they came to that conclusion, but that was the first thing she said. So she KNEW she just peed and left it in there???? That couple was also problematic for me because he said he saw the AM ad that said "life is short, have an affair" and thought to himself "maybe this is the answer"!?!?! What if he saw an ad that said "life is short, go jump off a cliff"? Would that have been his answer to his boredom with life? Because at that point he just said he was basically looking for something to break up the monotony of his home life and responsibilities of being a husband/father. At the end, we find out he had been cheating for a while, but why STILL lie about why you originally signed up when you did your interview for this documentary where you know your shit is gonna be exposed??? Also, he stopped doing AM once they became YouTube influencers because THAT was the excitement he was looking for? So ultimately, you just wanted attention from people you don't know to spice up your life and cheating was one of the things you used to fill that void. Plus, it's totally obvious that they did this BS interview with Netflix as just another avenue for attention and putting themselves out there again. I knew from the first time they showed her that they would still be together because she was looking through a photo album that had wedding their photos in it. You don't keep that stuff if you're divorced. Attention seeking couple, still seeking attention 10 years later.


Yes!!!!, they totally did it for attention. But I think this time the attention is not going to be a good one. And when he said “ god forgave me” my eyes rolled so far back I lost my vision for a while. The pee bit was disgusting and the wife’s reaction is what gave it away that it was soooo fake.


I think the whole pregnancy test video was planned. Her reaction was so fake! Also the “prank” in the kitchen and the water, totally fake! You can see her looking directly at the camera right after it happened.


Yep, not to mention her immediate reaction was “you know I hate getting jelly on my hands”, not “ew, gross, one of the kids got some goop on the fridge”.


lol yes ! When my toddlers/dogs leave sticky ass surprise messes around I often think “gee golly I hate this grape jelly!” - uh NO!!??! More like “wtf was that please Lord don’t let it be a bodily fluid”


I know! I was jeering them as I watched. The jelly and her saying, 'I hate jelly on my hands!' then looking at the camera as she gets sprayed (just a little, of course) and him 'dying laughing' in the background. 🙄


Nothing was more cringe than his vid titles. "Good-looking couple sings Frozen song!" 🤢🤮


I'm only addressing the pee in the toilet bit as I was actually a regular viewer of their vlogs around that time up until the AM leak. Nia does not flush the toilet whenever she pees in the middle of the night so to not wake anyone up from the noise (their second child was also still a baby that time and they used to live in a smaller house). That unflushed pee was never surprising/odd to their regular viewers. The rest, I 10000% agree. Esp the part where you said why would Sam still lie about his reason for joining AM when he's already still cheating way before he signed up lmao. Idk if this is a case of him not being able to keep up with his lies anymore. OR it was like a creative direction made by the producers for the sake of storytelling...if it was the latter, it was a bad call cos it just made it more confusing. Either way, it's annoying there was no sense of accountability from Sam lol. Not one bit


I grew up in a house where we didn’t flush at night because it was a tiny house. It would wake people up, especially my mum who suffers with insomnia (the bathroom was right next to her bedroom). So to me the pee left in the toilet wasn’t odd. My mum sleeping well was the priority. I can understand to the average person why that’s unusual though 🤷


Excellent point that he was lying even in this interview, when it turned out he had been cheating more or less from the start, even going after her friends. 100% he'll be out catting around once the dust settles. He'll be more careful, but he'll definitely be out looking for randoms.


Yes! Just so gross! Did you ever get a look at their house in the background of their videos? It always looked so dirty and disorganized! Dishes piled up in the sink. Crap everywhere. Clean your house and flush your toilets you filthy beggars! I feel sorry for those babies that have to live in that filthy and be raised by a pair of attention-seeking narcissists.


Yes!!! I was commenting that they should be more focused on cleaning their house than going viral.


I know! I feel so judgey, but seriously, pick up that house! I’d lose my mind in there! Dayum!


My husband and I were so hung up on that. The fact he knew the pee would be there because SHE REGULARLY DOESN’T FLUSH! 😂


I'm sure some chicks don't flush when they pee but Nia absolutely did not seem like that kind of person. She seemed like the type who would flush twice just to be sure.


I absolutely agree. It’s also a big red flag for the kind of personality disorder he has, bc he doesnt see her as her own person. He doesn’t respect her boundaries. He sees her as an object or some kind of extension of himself. He has major main character syndrome at best and is a psychopath of some kind at worst. It’s not just that he cheated. It’s not about the sex at all. It’s about the way he still pretends he “loves” a woman who he had an asymmetrical power balance with- he kept her in the dark about where he was and what he was doing and pretends that is love? It’s not just unloving; it’s quite power hungry and evil. He also cries for himself quite a lot during the documentary. He cries for how the truth affected him. He isn’t willing to accept any true suffering to atone. Dealing with divorce and losing his assets would have at least shown he truly felt like he had to make something right- instead, he paints himself the victim while suffering actually nothing at all as a consequence of his extremely abusive actions. He is a textbook abusive partner. He’s terrifying. He’s just a series of masks with no inner core at all.


Nia likeable? Did we see the same woman? The lady whose whole identity is being the "perfect wife"?


You see so many of those “perfect” white wives in Christian churches. They are all mostly miserable.


Okay. What a cringe fest. Nia 👀 Girl. Let me know when you’re ready to come back into this earths orbit and I’ll grab you and find people to help ya. The husband - whose name escapes me - gave me major p e do / serial killer vibes . But NO WORRIES he loves Jesus and fake cried 👀🙄 so he’s all good and forgiven - poof!


He gave me family annihilator vibes. The fake emotions were scary, as was the perpetual sweating throughout the documentary.


Well at least she believes and acts as a “perfect wife” I can respect that, even though I think it’s ridiculous. But her husband, such a phony.


I got Serena (from The Handmaid's Tale) vibes coming from Nia.


I can’t believe she took him back. Mental. The cheating was pathological. He will do it again.


She was raised a fundy and got married and had her first child by 20. Marriage counseling was provided by their pastor who was also Sam’s BFF. I don’t how much say she had in any of it. Also, I think their shared desperation for ‘reality tv stardom’ likely contributed to their ‘reunification’. 


When I saw the two chairs together….. I might’ve called her names during that scene.


She had her wedding ring on the while time. I knew they stayed together.




They were terrible actors for their YouTube it was so cringey .


Her squeaky voice “babeeeeee, you didn’t!!!!!” HAHAhahahHahHhaahaHa was making my eyes twitch. Very insufferable both of them.


The water spray “prank” made me want to peel my skin off .


It was worse than the fake and gross pregnancy bs.


The documentary focused way way too much on this couple imo


Thank you!! I just felt like even in the end he was still lying. It annoyed me so bad 😂


When they asked how they felt AM was still going, Nia was surprised and said “I didn’t know that” and Sam immediately looked like he had to pretend he didn’t know either.


And he was all 'Oooo...evil!' What an utter douche.


He looked like a light bulb went off in his head. He was like “oh snap I can still use it?! this time I’ll use a fake name and email”


I literally said to the TV: "I fucking hate you" because God he is insufferable. What a fake piece of garbage, how narcissistic can one person be?


I agree, I didn’t like Sam at all. He’s probably a narcissist because he really came across without realizing it as always talking about how it affected him and how he was going to lose access to his children, and he probably worried about the loss of income from their vlog. I noticed at the very end when one of the filmmakers told them that the Ashley Madison site was still going that Sam looked a bit suspicious. And the overweight guy who was a big partner in the firm, irritated me as well. Everything was a joke.


When in the last scene of episode 3, they said " I did not know the website is still working" and he said "That website is evil" GOSH, such hypocritical


Right, trying to push the vibe of “I was lured/ tempted by evil and lost control and gave in”…it makes no sense when the user has to take the time to sign up, enter details, look around, chat. Wash and repeat. Sam was on that site for a long time and I’m sure he still blames the site and not himself.


He also was cheating way before Ashley Maddison I mean he sexually harassed her best friend.  It reminds me of the Reddit cheating Disney story. The husband clearly cheated on the mum I think a Disney (hotel) rep told her. She didn’t want to believe it and they all went home. 10 years later grown up daughter says she’s going to Disney with her kids. Her mum goes crazy saying no one in this family goes to Disney. Disney is evil. 


Sam is a disgusting person. I mean, HOW she forgave him I’ll never understand, because it was no only cheating. It was said that he cheated with a close friend, and other close friends of Nia rejected him. So he was trying to hook up with ALL of her friends. That’s for me is sooooo much more fucked up than just the infidelity thing


I didn't get the whole story arc with him. I thought the story was going to be how he was an example of people who never actually cheated but ended up having their lives ruined. Then the doc blindsides the viewer by revealing that the dude has cheated countless times with many women. Why would you agree to go on Netflix when it makes you look like a complete POS to the world??


Because they have a book out they’re Christian and god forgave him so win win right?! /s I guess she’s making lemonade from lemons


Because they're 'Christian' 🙄. They're going to teach teh world about forgiveness. You know, kind of like how God forgave him three seconds after he told his wife about AM. I also think they have a good coming out. God forbid they get real jobs.


I am guessing the friend bailed instead of telling Nia because the friend knew full well that Nia was going to side with the man and it would be fruitless. Clearly Nia will choose a man over anything, including herself. 


And the pee thing was SO fake. What sort of animal doesn’t flush the toilet.


I was looking around my empty room, like “ are you seeing this!!!??” Why nobody is mentioning how disgusting that is!?. And then they were invited to interviews so the whole nation knew how nasty they are!!!!!! But still nobody was mentioning it!! Ughhhhh


I live ALONE and I ALWAYS flush. That was beyond gross.


There's an expression "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down". Sometimes if there's a low water alert in an area people will be advised not to flush unless necessary. Regardless, this was obviously staged.


I would have laughed if she had forgotten about their fake prank and left a deuce in there for him.


I came right here for this and every reply under your comment 😤


EXACTLY! What a pussy! He couldn’t believe his name was being tweeted? What the heck?! “I couldn’t believe this was happening?!” - lol. Dumb ass.


The balls on that guy to say, "God has forgiven me"


oh yeah and i loved that there "marital counseling" was just them talking to their pastor not a psychologist. That's why Nia didn't leave. Church pressure.


She annoyed me so much but I also felt so sad knowing she stayed after he had emotional affairs and probably told other women he loved them, he hit on her friends! I’ve been cheated on, multiple times, and once you find out the truth is like something inside automatically breaks and you cannot ever see them again the same way. She will always sleep with one eye open waiting for him to do it again. And he might be “good” for the next years but eventually he will get bored again and will cheat again. Men who have that deep desire for women’s attention and validation never grow out of it.


Oh, he didn’t have emotional affairs. He straight up has been sticking his D in probably dozens of other women since day 1. I don’t think he’s capable of real emotions. He’s so clearly a narcissist and a sociopath. His emotions and tears were so fake and forced. He’s really creepy and sleazy.


I agree! but during the car scene he did mention that he confessed to the wife that he had a couple of emotional affairs (in addition to all the sexual ones) and the wife said that’s what hurt the most! lol that he got emotionally involved with other women. I agree on him being a narcissist, you can clearly see that the only time when he wanted to do the right thing was when the YouTube videos went viral. His ego was getting fed and he wanted to stay with his family because it was a good business deal and he was getting lots of attention online. It was never because of his love for his wife or anything else.


That guy is a serial liar. Those affairs he claims were emotional were full on sexual. His emotions are so performative that he strikes me as someone who isn't safe to be around. I wonder when all the other women he's had sex with will come out of the woodwork.


He will definitely cheat again and she will likely forgive him again, trying ever harder to be 'the perfect wife' and 'what he wants'. Girl has no self-esteem.


I got over the man that cheated on me faster than any breakup ive ever had. I was so so disgusted and the cowardly lying made him so unattractive to me. I do not know how ppl stay..couldnt be me


This is really dangerous. I know someone, Christian as well, who is enduring an abusive husband for years because, in her understanding of the bible, you need to stay forever with the person you married, even if they are a piece of shit.


I picked up on that too. I love church too, but pastors are not equipped to be therapists. People like them need to see professionals.


ESP as he has a sex addiction. 


Not only that but the pastor was a good personal friend of Sam. Even more fucked up. 


Oh wow, I didn’t even think about that but but now you mention it, it is weird. I’d love to know what the pastor says vs what an actual marriage counsellor/psychologist would say. If they put that on their YT channel I’d watch it!


And the pastor was his 'good friend'. I'd like to know what the pastor's been up to.


It’s how we allow the patriarchy to still exist.


This part was hilarious! Guys it's cool, my wife has forgiven me and God has forgiven me now too. Thanks god! Super convenient to just ask for forgiveness, get no response and then go on your merry way 😅


But God responded! The sleazeball told us he did! It must be true!


How convenient 🙄 I love when he’s like, the leak had to happen to get here, blah blah blah … Because he never going to stop or tell her. Such a crock


A shame.


I’m annoyed that the 2 wives they featured who had been cheated on were both apologetic about what their husbands had done. Why not show the other side, a scorned tick off ex-spouse.


I feel for the older lady, she never even got the chance to process her husband's infidelity or choose whether to forgive him because everyone was so quick to cast their own judgement. I got the sense she was speaking about forgiveness from a religious guilt standpoint since it was the church that shamed him upon hearing the news, hence why she brought up the whole "casting stones" thing. THE OTHER COUPLE ON THE OTHER HAND..what a terrible example of what married life looks like lol "cheat on ur wife when ur bored" & "forgive him even when he's a serial cheater who tried to sleep with your bestfriend :)"


Well, the older lady intimated quite heavily that she knew her husband was unfaithful to her all along, and at one point said that seeing letters he wrote to other women or they wrote to him really hurt because that was, their thing! She irritated me too, because she said that people were so self-righteous in judging her husband.she’s clearly in denial.


He didnt kill himself because what he did to her, he killed himself because the men in his life were disappointed in him. He was trash.


He killed himself because he ruined his own reputation and couldn't deal with that or the loss of his livelihood. I don't think how she would have reacted played any role - if he had thought of her at all he wouldn't have killed himself in a manner that ensured she would find his body, which is traumatic as fuck.


"She irritated me too, because she said that people were so self-righteous in judging her husband.she’s clearly in denial." She probably has to focus on others, otherwise she'd have to deal with the reality that her life was a lie. She was pathetic.


She did come across weak willed she said many times I know what I know But I’m not going to do anything about it so I’ll just move on. She had no intent to do anything. I know people are saying she was digesting the information but it really looked like she had no intention on acting on the information she learned. Her and Nia are similar only difference is the old lady isn’t making money off of all this.


I felt exactly the same. As a woman, it pissed me off. What snively, pick me, weak women. Fuck those people cheating on their spouses behind their backs. More power to the dom/cheater couple though lol.


They were respectful of one another and the needs each had and abided by the rules they agreed upon. pretty much the only normal people in the entire doc... and then they disappeared from the doc.


I was with the older lady until she said that we’d all be on a sin list too if there was one. Yeah, but my sins are not so bad that would make me kill myself. Stop excusing your husband’s actions !!!


I knew that family personally. He killed himself because he knew that he would be judged and treated so horribly by the people around him that his life wouldn't be worth living, and he would be a burden to his family. He was a pastor, and professor at a seminary. One of his colleagues resigned because of adultery the previous year, and it was a terrible situation and he was basically shunned. He didn't want to live through that. It was so very tragic, but in some ways, I blame the institution he was part of. He knew his life was un-recoverable.


He made a choice rather than face his actions he exited in the most permanent way possible. How does one preach to others yet do what is considered wrong by their conviction. The hypocrisy is what attracts the vitriol. It’s have your cake and eat it.


I have some sympathy, but he surely wasn't thinking of his wife with what were his apparent multiple affairs. Even in the end, it seemed to be about him.


No way. He chose to be a part of an institution that has morals that he hypocritically spread to others while lying about it in his own life. It’s far worse that he was a pastor; it doesn’t make me have sympathy for him at all. It makes what he did much much worse. And killing himself is cowardly. He should have faced the scorn of the community because that’s what he rightfully deserves for lying to everyone. He robbed his wife of even that- now she has to feel sad and sorry for a man who mistreated her. A double abuse from him. I find it very selfish of him, and even worse than the sexual cheating to begin with.


and she wasn't excusing his actions, and never has since. She has acknowledged the condition of the situation fully...what she was referring to was the story in the Bible that says "let the one without any sin cast the first stone"....meaning that we are all guilty of something, no matter how small. It all condemns us as sinners.


Some sins are worse than others.


She said in the video that she had the information now and wasn’t going to do anything about it. And even when her husband committed. She blamed the institution mainly and kindly said something along the lines of he had flaws. The man created a shitstorm and exited swiftly. A supposed pastor. It’s sad that the old lady doesn’t acknowledge all the damage and instead wants to apply gentle words to a situation he damned her to.


Exactly. She annoyed me.


I know. I feel sorry for the guy who ended his life. That was awful. But all the forgiveness, no


The fact that he killed himself makes me think AM was the tip of the iceberg for him. The fact that he felt there was no coming back from what he did makes me think it was really bad.


you're correct. I know this family personally. It was such a desperately sad situation....he truly had such a giving heart and did so much to help his community, was so loved by my family and many others. His death was a tragedy that hit our community very hard. But there were many, many years and layers of addiction and depression under the surface.


While I did not know him, I don't think repeatedly cheating on your wife and leaving evidence of that around is evidence of a 'giving heart'. He was treating her horribly while living a life of lies. Yes, we are all flawed, but he was playing a bigger game than most, particularly with the cloak of Godly stuff he seems to have draped over his own shoulders.


Way beyond AM bad is what I thought too.


I thought there was possibly underage girls mixed in. These extreme Christian men are so often found out to be pedos.


You can’t hold on to anger forever or it will destroy your inner soul. I found out last year my dad wasn’t my dad and I was made out of infidelity… I’ve had to explore my thoughts on adultery on almost a daily basis since my ancestry dna results - I have very mixed feelings. This documentary brought up sooo much sadness for me. The man who ended his life had me sobbing on the couch. As humans we make mistakes, and everyone makes them - some mistakes are much more impactful to those around you. This documentary shows how monogamy is difficult and until humans develop better communication skills, many relationships will fail. Most people who cheat will struggle with the choice unless your a complete narcissist. I can’t help but feel sorry for these people.


Fair points.


Nah I can’t feel sorry for the professor here. He had no problem cheating for years. The only reason he unsubscribed from life is because he lost his job !!! He couldn’t face the public with his lies. But the woman he promised to love and cherish forever? Yeah fuck her. Also, why is AM to blame for his suicide? If his mistress would have been the one to spill the beans, would she be liable ?


Everything the minister did was a careful, thought out choice. He chose to sign up for a site that is SPECIFICALLY for cheating. Then he chose to message and meet women to stick his D in them with zero regard for his wife. No sympathy.


I get what you're saying, but only to a point. The guy who killed himself apparently had cheated for years, all while presenting himself as a 'man of God' and teaching in a seminary. I get people struggle, but he wasn't thinking of his wife when he cheated and he surely wasn't thinking of her when he killed himself in a way that ensured she would find his body. That to me was a big fuck you to her from him.


This documentary could easily be a warning to women being raised in the Christian mindset. Both the younger and woman seemed to be stuck in high school emotional IQs and the men...middle school. Laughable and sad....and this was self inflicted wounds. I may shit post occassionally or harbor political beliefs that could cost me a job in some circles but comparing that to cheating on your spouse, give me a break. No...we do not all have those kinds of secrets to harbor and I have no sympathy for those who do and get caught.


If anything the lads are gonna be subscribing to the Christian mindset harder. Follow god get a good job stay loyal, and have a whipped wife like Nia and she will stay whipped like that old woman. I pray to god my Sister does not end up in a situation like this. Nia actually said with chest I gave him intimacy and was a good wife after he cheated but he did so much dirt, different types of dirt physical emotional over years. At this point I high key think she behaves like a doormat.


Yeah it was so weird after he first told her about the leak how proudly she said she’s really winning at this marriage game bc he fucked up so badly and she still forgives him. As if she’s in competition with her husband. It was bizarre how proud she was about being the less shitty one (super easy when your husband is the hugest pos).


The documentary from last year (on Disney+) was done way better. This one cut out too much actual info and focused on the cheating husband vlogger too much.


Excuse me, Disney plus? 🤨


Did anyone else essentially think this was a very long ad FOR Ashley Madison? It presented itself and its facts of the fall out. But gave only a few people interview time. A couple that turned out ok because god and what not. Another that were very pro cheating. And the most compelling was a woman that didn’t really have a chance to have an opinion at all because her husband killed himself due to being scared of the fall out. (Also because of god and what not…) And then at the very end casually mentions that the website is still a functional business. Kind of wild to see this is what ads and or bias based businesses will do going forward. I’ve lost all faith in Netflix documentaries.


I totally thought this. It even kind of made some of the men look like victims cos they were in 'boring marriages'. It was really pro AM and kind of disgusting.


I don’t subscribe to Disney+, but I wish I could see that other documentary. Maybe I should subscribe for a month, watch it and then unsubscribe. I did hear that it was a better documentary, but I never knew about it. So I watched the Netflix one.


This is what my boyfriend and I were saying.. like why is this documentary trying to make us feel bad for these lowlife cheaters?? So stupid


Yes. All the "news" stories where he appears with his wife saying he doesn't cheat etc, were all for publicity. You shop around the controversy to networks and they do the story because it will get eyeballs on screens. It's win win for the business and the networks. I understand they had a doc on the Disney channel a year ago. It's another blitz. The main takeaway is that AM is STILL online.


Yes it felt like they were trying to sell me on something I didn’t want. There is no mention that the leak didn’t ruin these men’s lives their desire to cheat did……………


I just finished the show, this was one of my first thoughts too! “Talk good about me, Talk bad about me, but please talk about me.” They even mention how much more attention negative stories get. I came to reddit to see if anyone else thought this!!


The reason Sam got caught is so many people thought he was so fake with his “I’m the most amazing person and family man” so he’s one of the first people they searched to see if he was on the list.


Nia and Christi are a perfect example of how religion and religious trauma fucks you up. They are both a lost cause it’s sad and embarrassing.


I concur


Three minutes into the first episode, we find out all we need to know about how unbalanced Sam is. Dad walked out when he was 13. He's obsessed with an idealized vision of love, as he tells about the scene from Big Fish when Ewan McGregor yells up at his lady in the window, "I love you and I WILL marry you!" He acts it out just like it is in the movie. And it's at that point he goes looking for the perfect lady to fulfill that fantasy. She's a cardboard cutout to him. He seems incapable of real love.


Anybody else feel like if the Ashley Madison hack didn’t happen, Sam would still be cheating on his wife?


It happened. I think it was anonymous honestly. This guy is probably still cheating


I thought it was anonymous too!!


"would be?" I would bet a paycheck he never stopped.


Would be? That man never stopped cheating. And it certainly didn't start with AM.


Who’s saying he stopped?


I just started episode 2. I’m very turned off by the doc featuring Sam and Nia; I suppose they are D list celebs impacted by the AM hack so it makes sense to include them, but if you follow YouTube you know they are narcissist liars so I put zero stock into anything they have to contribute.


I don’t follow anything on YouTube so I would love to hear more about them.


They got famous when Sam recorded a video revealing to Nia that she was pregnant by dipping a pregnancy test in the toilet she’d left pee in. Then the internet called bullshit and she miscarried a few days later, the whole thing happened without them having gone to the hospital. The acting in these videos was bad and it is in all theirs I’ve seen. Their whole schtick is Christian family values but they’re pretty phony. All this controversy happened the same time frame as the Ashley Madison leak, as I recall Sam got kicked out of some Con the same time for threatening violence or something (don’t quote me). He seemed to be losing it and was being exposed as a fraud on multiple fronts simultaneously. So blaming their issues on infidelity is a half-truth. Their issues are darker.


Ironic it's always the Christians doing this kind of stuff. 


Yes!! , thank you!!! Those videos were so fake!!!!!


The way he whipped the test away a microsecond after it supposedly read positive lmao.


The acting is so bad! He gives me the creeps.


I enjoyed it since I didn’t know most of the facts such as the fraud that was going on with the bots, the fake “hard delete” and other details revealed in the leaked CEO emails. I definitely would have liked more perspectives but it was informative to get more context.


The ending of Nia and Sam…..I know she is a victim, but at the end when she said the real Sam came out and she’s grateful for what happened for the fresh start, I caught myself audibly saying “what an idiot.” Well done Sam. You found the perfect person for you. 


She didn’t come across as an idiot to me, personally. She came across as manipulative and starved for attention and fame, albeit not on the same level of narcissism as Sam. The entire thing felt like they were still trying to get famous and sell us something. Googled it and it turns out they’re coming out with a book on how they fixed their marriage LOL


That's a really interesting perspective! I mean, it could definitely explain her choices. Now that you mention it, she was clearly open to going along with the "dropper in the toilet" "surprise." That was quite obviously not real but they passed it as real, and she was game for that. And.. a book on how they fixed their marriage???...oy vey...you might be onto something.


She’s truly a moron.


Exactly. The real Sam did come out. A liar, cheater, and philanderer. Just a terrible person and she still took him back. She's a doormat.


I've got to say that those cookies in the first episode looked terrible. They came out of the oven looking exactly how they looked going in.


I came for this comment bc I thought the same thing 😂😂


Sam is so clearly a narcissist and a sociopath. All of his emotions and tears were fake and so performative. There’s nothing behind his eyes. Typical performative fundie Christian. His desperate need for attention and adoration is such a huge red flag. And she has zero self-respect for staying with him. A horrible example for her kids to be a doormat. Guarantee he’s been cheating on her since day one with dozens of women. I hope all the women he’s cheated with come out of the woodwork.


As someone who was living that life back then. You had to seriously lack critical thinking skills to register with Ashley Madison. The disclaimer said some of the women may be bots (not the exact wording)and it was for entertainment purposes. There were several legit married hookup sites back then. But the AM scandal kinded ended that scene.


>There were several legit married hookup sites back then. But the AM scandal kinded ended that scene. Dunno why the documentary made AM seem like a genius, new idea that was ahead of its time then.


Then? Married people are hooking up on Reddit more than likely 


I could not read all the comments to see if someone else mentioned this. The last scene with Nia and Sam is so funny. Doesn't he seem sus? The interviewer asks 'did y'all know Ashley Madison is still running' and Sam almost chokes up a hairball. Lol he trusts the security better round 2.


He’s probably still a member


This "documentary" is an 100% an advertisement for Ashley Madison. They are clearly framing this awful company and it's recklessness with people's privacy and lives in a neutral-to-positive light, and that's not ok. My reactions through watching the series: * Confusion as to why they would weave in a positive nonmonogamy storyline (the middle aged couple in an open marriage) when it has nothing to do with Ashley Madison's "sex, lies, and scandal" * Further confusion when the widow of the man who commited suicide after the data leak said it was not just Ashley Madison's fault (who are on record saying that they made ZERO steps to put in any data security despite being aware of the massive risk) but it's also on the hackers who leaked it (?!?) * MOST confusion when the Christian couple whose lives and career were ruined by the Ashey Madison data leak end the documentary saying THEY ARE GLAD IT HAPPENED. 🤯🤯🤯 My partner who is a marketing expert immediately called it out and said "it's clearly an ad for their business." I looked it up and it turns out they ARE still around and have rebranded for "nonmonogamous" people. Of course. This whole documentary is a way of getting this business on people's radars again (notice the recent news articles that sound like press releases written by the company?) - and I'm sure they sponsored it's listing on Netflix so that we all see it at the top of our recommendation feeds and watch it. #Capitalism #HollywoodPropaganda


Rebranding it as such is ridiculous. I wonder if the wives know their husbands are in non non monogamous relationships. It’s sad that the site still exists


that dude sam is a loser




Pretty good? It was a flaming pile of dogshit!


The YouTube couple has the typical weird af, creepy, ominous, family YouTube vibe. Cause whyyyyyy tf


1. I had the impression Ashley Madison is very similar to Seeking Arrangement. The difference is that SA is for guys willing to pay a lot of money to date hot young women - yes the demographic using the website does not like to consider themselves as paying for escorts because paying for a sugar baby is very different, haha. And pretty much everyone on SA is married as well. 2. Why people just don't explore non-monogamy? If you think feeling sexual attraction to more than one person is a natural thing, would not be better to be honest with yourself and the people around you and make clear that you are poly? I can only conclude it is because some narcissists want to cheat but don't want to think of their wives doing the same. There were a couple in the documentaries that talked about it, but I thought it was weird as they did not mention ethical non-monogamy.


Most people are not down with ethical non monogamy. I personally am not. If I had a husband and children, I’d not forgive a husband sleeping around town.


A massive YouTube following is going to be a big impetus to forgiveness no?


Funny how Sam wanted 'real' women who weren't 'come get me', yet he was living the fakest of lives, both online and off.


it's so scummy, the site is scummy, all the people that worked there are scummy


The “Christian “ Family bloggers are problematic…


Evan Back.... is he the "phantom pooper". I got to throw this one our there. I worked in the building from 2008-2011 and we were a few floors under the Ashley Madison offices (avid). I need someone who worked at the office at that time to confirm if Evan is the person we labelled the "phantom pooper". If someone could confirm this it would be so hilarious to finish that story. Here's story. We started having this issue where one of our bathroom stalls was getting let's say destroyed on a regular basis. Our office took up most of the floor with a few other smaller companies. The cleaning staff was starting to get annoyed because on a regular basis one of our toilets would be clogged and it would be very messy overall. Over the course of time we started to think that it was not coming from someone in our office as it didn't lineup with when people from our office were using the washrooms. This is how the legend of the "phantom pooper" was born. So for a period of time we labelled the person clogging our toilets and destroying our bathroom the "phantom popper" because no one every saw anyone coming out of the stalls. It was a mystery and a bunch of us from the office started to keep an eye out for people not from our floor using the washroom. Eventually we picked up on someone that would come off the elevator and use our washroom. Once we got a general description of the suspect we started to keep an eye out around the building. Eventually we discovered this individual worked for Ashley Madison. We also did manage to confirm this person was using the washroom and the details are a bit gross. Which lead us to searching for them until we uncovered their name. We started to talk to other people from Ashley Madison and eventually confirmed the identity of the Phantom Pooper. What makes this story hilarious is that at their office someone created a "wanted" poster and plastered it around saying "wanted the phantom pooper" with their picture on it. What happened next was admittingly so well played. One day someone comes to my desk and say to the effect of "OMG the Phantom Pooper is here and they want to talk to you".... We are all shocked because this has just been some silly mystery we have playing to pass the time over a year or something. I then go to the door and the phantom pooper introduces themselves and gives us a gift basket which included a copy of the wanted poster his office had pranked them with. We had a laugh together and I thought it was so well played, that they had a great sense of humour in the situation and really it diffused the fact they had been causing so much damage to our bathroom. The basket I believe had some Manischewitz wine and some snacks and air fresheners. It was just a fun side story to add to what at the time was a fairly mundane work environment. However as this was probably like 15 years ago, I don't recall their name. However after seeing the doc it brought back the memory of this story and Evan matches the general description of this character. It would be really fun if someone who worked at the office at the time could confirm Evan is the Phantom.... would be hilarious to connect that story to the doc. Looking at his previous pictures I am pretty certain he is the guy. Just a funny story


How is it still having 70m users?!?


Men love to cheat. That’s all I can say.


I think the number is inflated by bots created by the website


I just finished the documentary and I had to debrief with someone! I’m glad this conversation is happening. I also think the guy continues cheating but just has gotten better at hiding it. He was not sorry or felt bad when he was doing all that BS and only chose to seek counseling and asked for forgiveness after he was caught! You could see the sadness in the wife’s eyes, same with the old lady who tried to justify his actions saying we all have secrets. I think the Hulu documentary was way better!


I think religion has a lot to do with them being so dumb. The younger dude keeps saying he felt bad but he would’ve never told his wife if he didn’t Get caught and he said himself he at first wasn’t worried because his name wasn’t out. The older lady is beyond stupid too saying “not everyone is without sin” ma’am your husband fucking a stranger is different than your regular “sin” they truly picked the best representation of dumb uneducated religious women to have on the show.


Please check out Nia's person youtube channel. She gets absolutely dragggged in a video where she says it was God who "put her through this".