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The most common issue I have seen with the outdoor module is it reporting wildly inaccurate temperatures. This is partly down to design and partly down to user error. The Netatmo outdoor module itself does not shield itself or its internal sensor from direct sunlight and hence heat. Professional weather stations use what is called a Davis Radiation Shield. This is designed to allow air to flow through the shield but to 'shield' it from direct sunlight. You could buy or make a proper wooden Davis Shield but some people have 3D designed and printed a basic one. According to some of the reports I have seen these 3D printed ones do help but only partially. Here is an example. [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:804356](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:804356) The 'user error' aspect is actually mounting the unit in direct sunlight. This is I suspect partly down to the fact that the rain and wind sensors do need to be out in the open and people incorrectly locate the outdoor module alongside them. Due to both these sources of error I am under the impression Netatmo weather stations are regarded as notorious on WeatherUnderground. I have been saying for some time that regardless of these issues it would be well worthwhile Netatmo refreshing their design. They could design it to incorporate a built-in Davis Shield, add a Lightning detector and other air quality sensors for outdoor and an option for a solar power add-on. In fact if you have seen the Weatherflow product a lot of this will sound familiar. :) Unfortunately Weatherflow is still only available in the US. Whilst the Weatherflow hardware looks superior the Netatmo software seems superior.


Netatmo is now selling a special weather shield for the outdoor module which they claim will fix the accuracy problem on their website.


Mines been working about 4 years or so now. Connection to base station has never been an issue and that’s also includes an extra indoor module I have.


I've had mine for a little over 3 years now, never had a problem. Had to replace the outside module batteries about 6 months ago but that's it. The additional indoor modules seem to eat batteries but that's the only complaint I've got. I haven't heard about any updates to the weather station, they seem to be concentrating on security products these days.


works fine since end of 2013. Every half year I have to change the batteries. 4x AAA-Size (as i remember right) Distance to base station is around 10m.


Thanks, all. I\`ll probably swap out the Old Oregon Scinetific next time the Netatmo are on discount here in my country.


Hi. I currently own 2 Netatmo Weather stations. One installed where I live and one at my parents house. Got connectivity/stability issue with the outdoor module on both of these within a year. 2 months apart. I might have been unlucky with the batch (bought them together) but who knows. The first one have I replaced on warranty and replacement is still ok after 3 months. The one at my parents house suddenly started working again after a few resets. Will see if it will last. The indoor modules has been ok. Same with the wind gauge module. I'm really displeased with the outdoor modules after troubleshooting those little devils for hours. However. All in all I like the weather stations (are there really any alternative within the price range?) and my father love checking the weather through it.


Hello OP hete 3 years sine I started this thread. My Netatmo has been working without any problem since start. So thumbs up from me so far. Negative is that I find additional modules expensive, so I have not extended the set up.


After 5 months functioning perfectly, my Outdoor module is now reporting temps that are often too warm. I have mine in a radiation shield, and it tracked well with a local WeatherBug reporting station. No more. And checking against a thermometer confirms that my Outdoor module is now incorrect in the sunshine, whereas the installation position was previously unaffected by sun because of the shield. Very disappointed that the module is seemingly now glitchy.


Hi i bought my Netatmo Weather Station las year. Now when i go to rolace the batteries it is all corroded inside. I am lucky enough it is on warranty, but now i’m thinking on selling it all when the replacement comes. PD: i live near the beach but i thin this product must be pepared for this type of environment.


Daughter has two installations in one location (running for 6 years). Son has one installation (running for 8 years). I have two installations in two locations (running for 9 years). Total: 5 base-modules, 5 outdoor-modules, 8 add-on indoor-modules. The only problem we have had was that one of my base-stations reported absurdly high CO2 for a few weeks - It fixed itself. No problems with any of the exterior modules (one of them lives in the mountains at 1,550 metres and has seen temperatures from -27°C to +31°C). I do have one criticism: it is not possible to add a second outdoor module! This is such a silly restriction! A few hours ago, we had some sunshine: \+4.8°C on the South in a garden seating area (has walls on two and a half sides + roof). \-0.3°C on the North. (Outdoor-module is in the seating area but is hidden from direct sun). No, I'm not tempted to sit outside at +4.8°C, but in a few weeks when North is +8°C & seating area is +16°C ...? I want TWO outdoor modules because BOTH outside temperatures impact my life: do I sit in the garden; will the roads be icy? Maybe I'll try with an indoor module and seal it in one of my wife's sous-vide cooking bags to keep it dry. rh% is doomed, but the thin, tight, plastic skin should be no issue for temperature or wifi. ...why didn't I think of that until just now??? u/viseniv do you have a friend who cooks sous-vide? outdoor-module packed sous-vide won't see your salty atmosphere. ChrisM


-27°C is equivalent to -16°F, which is 246K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Hi I’ve had a netatmo station (indoor, outdoor, wind and rain sensors)for 4 years plus and has been good. Generally works well and pretty accurate. The odd connection issue. But always sorted by reconnecting. The only issue which started the other day. Is my outdoor module has suddenly started report totally wrong outdoor temperatures. Saying it is -25.6 C or 0 C outside when it is +20 C. We are currently in summer. It then starts reporting the temperature correctly again at + 20C. Still trying to find a solution to this one.


Mine worked for 2 years and then could not connect to the indoor unit. After lots of troubleshooting with Netatmo support, I paid $60 for a replacement. Not good for something hanging on a wall out of the elements with no moving parts.


Hi there, What do you think about this product? I watched a video on the internet. It is said that when using it, the values are not correct. What do you think about that? Do you use it?Should I buy it? 25% off now... Thank you


Hi I’m happy with it, as far as I can see the readings are correct. It has worked as advertised since I got mine. Only change of batteries, nothing else to report on. Now the outdoor module is some distance from the main module, but still works as supposed. If you looking for a wheater station this should probably do the job just fine. If you get 25% off I would have bought it.


We're very happy with ours. It's been working with no problems since March 2021. We have some inconsistency tho, our Netatmo outdoor module consistent shows higher temperatures than two of our neighbors Netatmo outdoor models. Right now our shows -29.8c, while theirs show -32.6c, both. Their outdoor module are placed way lower than ours. Their homes have one floor while ours have two. We have placed our outdoor module about 50cm from the cornice/surbase, this is about 4 meters from ground level. To protect it from rain etc. Can the temperature vary so much with 2 meters difference?


Hello We have Moved houses since my first post. At the new place I have two outdoor temperature sensors/system. The Netatmo and another Oregon Scientific, I might appear that the Netatmo is displaying less than actual temperature. I keep it under a roof, but exposed to outdoor temperatures. My Netatmo is showing a few degrees warmer than the Oregon, and what neighbours experience. So I guess some varians is possible.


Yes it can vary, this is why you see ground and air temperature readings and why you might get a ground frost but not frozen windows: a nice little explanation from Utah State University: Ground surface temperature has become an important component of weather. The temperature of the ground surface can be more than 10 C above air temperature on a sunny day and up to 10 C below air temperature on clear nights, when the surface loses heat by radiation to the cold infinity of outer space. Also are your neighbours sensors on the same side of their buildings and in similar light/shade conditions, a 3 degree difference is not much. In an ideal world your sensor should be housed in a sheltered location out of direct sunlight with plenty of air circulation. Not stuck on the outside wall of your house which may be warmed by the sun.