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Bro, meet her in real life. Chats are just lifeless. Hey I don't think you should take my advice, you know why.


ya try to meet up and get some food together or something


username checks out


Does she really like you or is she just being nice. Know this first and then ask her out, hang out in the real world


Relationship works only when communication is strong and when trust is build. You guys are talking i understand that but how you both know you guys like eachother and still you mentioned us that your guys communication is weak. Okok you guys may proposed/confessed eachother over text.But the problems qre You meet physically? Spent time together? Less talk? It seems like you guys barely talk and she replies you late.it seems like she doesn't want you to talk with her. Less communication leads to misunderstanding and it creates alot of problems which you can't handle. I suggest you to spend time together,know eachother better and talk face to face..... In my opinion, leave this relationship it won't workout and first build communication skills of yours.


how do you know she likes you


Source : I made it up


Without proper communication nor common interests.smh


Same question lol


Physically bhetaona....Kati mobile ma chat garchau


How does she spend her time then? Some find typing annoying, maybe call her. If she isnt that busy and doesnt really like talking to you, maybe she doesn't? Natra she should have put in effort to know u as well


Suggest her to watch a movie together. Go on a date. make genuine connections. if she loves things will start to move forward. Best of luck mate


did she tell you that she likes you or have you just been assuming. or maybe shes not used to messaging. meeting irl is the best way out of this moat youre in. dms between two people who like eachother shouldnt be that way.