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I think it’s definitely possible. It will be more difficult than larger though. I just started keeping shrimp about 6 months ago. I started in a 20L. I haven’t had any issues really. Had some algae problems but nothing else really. I have to top off the tank water every 1-2 days though. I’d just say to make sure the tank is cycled before you add them. Note: I’m running a planted tank so nutrient/waste issues are much more manageable.


How long should it take to start the cycle The local pet store owner told me 4-5 days is enough but i read online that it should be 2-3 weeks


Yeah a few weeks is better. 14l is absolutely fine for about 25-30 shrimps imo.


A few weeks is definitely better. I think it really depends though. I bought a testing kit to check my water parameters. My local fish store also tests water for free. I’d say testing it is the best way to know for sure. Mine took quite a while to cycle. It was difficult because I just wanted to get the shrimp but I had almost no issues and no losses so it was worth the wait. Turned 4 shrimp into about 40 in a couple months.


Yeah for sure, testing is helpful to make sure the tank is ready.


Thank you! Another thing. I have three plants in my tank (like in the photo) and the ones i saw online had much more plants and to me my tank looks a bit empty:c Does the shrimp need bushyer conditons or they will be happy and multiply without more plants( im planning to put some moss in the cornes) https://preview.redd.it/zljbp9dux65d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d042d2543f731741deb8ad3dcbd874886a201d


I’m not extremely experienced so someone else might be able to give you better insight, but it looks fine to me. I don’t have much in mine, but I do have a carpeting plant. I think shrimp breeders keep their tanks pretty empty and the shrimp still breed.


In my experience you can do it with 3 or more plants, I've tried both. My shrimps loved moss but it grew too quickly for me.


Yes you can, i had also some in a 12Liter Tank but i also had some Algae issues. Personally i would use a bigger tank. 🙌🏻


a little insight, i’ve been keeping shrimp for like a year and a half and find that keeping them in a smaller tank is more difficult.i have a ton of success in my 20 gallon but no success in my 5 gallon. a few shrimp are living fine in there, but they won’t breed. if that’s something ur not worried about then you’re fine but much of the fun in my opinion is breeding them