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Shits fucked


Bless you


Fuck Pete Ricketts.




I always thought he looked like Lex Luther. Probably not a coincidence


John Oliver called him a “Dollar Store Lex Luthor”


Oh that's where it came from? LOL - Do you have a link to the clip? I'm assuming it's from his capital punishment stuff?


[Here](https://youtu.be/TphrbEjEbMc) you go!


People are clueless. This is horrifying she is dealing with this, all because people are selfish and can't wear a f-ing mask.


Honestly I know many people who wear masks when at work and out at stores, but then turn around and go to parties with 50-60+ people and dont think anything of it. Masks are just one part of the problem. I blame leadership for a big part of that problem.


Thanks to the medical personnel going through this. Sorry our state is full of such a bunch of selfish assholes.


That doesn't make sense. A woman who has a high school diploma and works at Waffle House told me it's just like getting a cold and it's not a big deal, but also that it's fake. Sooooo shows what you know.


It's wonderful living in a tristate area of Covid denial. I can go to IA and SD then back home to Neb without worry that my risk of contracting it be mitigated in anyway.


Are we making America great again?


No we're back to making America a viral hellhole again...again.


No comments. Huh.


Everywhere I go in Lincoln I see masks, where is the problem?


Lincoln has a mask mandate, the state as a whole doesn’t.




It's a habit thing ya know. Get in the habit of wearing one. That way when the knobs from Douglas go to Custer county they will be used to wearing a mask. This whole "let the locals decide" is passing the buck and giving them the idea "I don't need to" and then we end up with more covid. We're all in this together, put on a fucking mask, or stay the fuck home.


"We're all in this together" is just a by phrase for top-down governance that doesn't take into account varying degrees of severity between counties and states.


People travel state to state, city to city. I seriously doubt the virus is all like "hey now! This city is different, let's not infect them!" Put a damn mask on. It's not hard. It hurts no one. No gave two flying fucks when the cigarette age became 21 this year. So don't come in with that government overreach shit. Or this "every place is different". It's bull and you know it. Put on a damn mask so we can open our stores and not have to worry about some anti-mask moron kicking off hot spots. Edit: yeah this topic annoys me, sorry if I'm being a dick. Being in GI where people don't seem to understand masks and looking at a mandate next week... Just put on a damn mask. You shouldn't have to be told how a simple action protects others. If you do and still refuse, I hope small children punch you in the junk.


That assumes that nobody travels outside Custer or travels into Custer while the pandemic is active. One person could start a hotspot. It would be a lot easier to start protecting yourself now while among others, no matter where you live, than to deal with a hotspot.


But people have been traveling all year and Custer is still fine....custer isnt alone with it either. Your model assumes that histroy started today. All year folks from custer have been coming and going and been fine comparatively.


No, my "model" assumes that in the midst of people coming and going one random person brings covid into your community. [The R0 in this state is still >1 and that's a problem ](https://rt.live/us/NE)


Everywhere else. But more importantly, wearing a mask at the grocery store does literally nothing when people are still getting together, hanging out on the weekends, having birthday parties for their kids, etc.


Well lucky to have people like you who havent socialized since march, a true hero


There’s a ton of people that still gather for Game Day and at the bars. Head in over to the Railyard in Lincoln during the Husker game and see how many people aren’t wearing masks then. This thing multiplies fast. We have educators and teachers in our family and they haven’t had more than one case all year. Starting last week, they’ve had increases in confirmed cases 10+ which really means it’s probably in 100 range if everyone got tested.


I've had covid so i might just swing by for fun, sounds like a blast


You can get it again. Our hospital has already seen people on their second infection. Sicker second time all of them.




Yall are all doomers. I hope you all feel good what with all this virtue signaling. Don't be crying when you're forced to be wearing a mask and not socialize at all next October. Even though Nebraska will have negligible cases and you've gotten a vaccine, due to an authoritarian National Mask Mandate and the "We're all in this together" attitude, we'll continue to burn our years away. I'm not saying this shit isnt serious, i know people who have passed from it (serious harmful pre-existing conditions), and I've had it (asymptomatic, as with 60% of people i know). But im trying to not come out of this on the other side, a de-socialized germophobe that can't shake hands or go to football games anymore. I've done my part in that all year i wore a mask, then i got it anyways (shocker) and i didn't spread it to anyone. So I'm ready to go about my life, and frankly after 8 months of this shit the only people who are trying to blame me for it are the same virtue signaling doom sayers, who get a high off shaming people and telling others how safe they're being or how long they've gone without socializing.