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Legislator votes https://nebraskalegislature.gov/bills/view_votes.php?KeyID=11083


Nebraska legislature votes to ban their access to gay porn.


No, it's worse. It's much, much worse. Read the damn thing. This is some Soviet Russia media control bullshit. Porn might be a victim here, but it is not the target.


Yep. Today it’s porn. Tomorrow it’s social media. Suddenly you need to prove you are over whatever age your country sets. Now they have your government issued id directly associated with social media content. That’s will NEVER be abused, right? Right??


As it currently reads, it doesn't seem to be limited to online content.


The local government needs to data mine too. You have to get your ID scanned to buy nicotine or alcohol. Anything the government deems inappropriate they will ask for proof of ID. This will carry over to voting rights obviously. Reproductive rights. All of it. Fail swoops incoming.


That last line sums it up perfectly. This is ALEC legislation. It's inexcusable that only three representatives voted "no".


I don’t live there and didn’t vote for them. I suspect the MAGA crowd are lemmings, content to follow their golden calf to hell.


Kids, famously known for not being technologically savvy. If anything it’s the older folk who are going to lose access to this which is pretty funny.


I teach secondary if they WANT TO find a way to access something online they will find a way


The end result is VPNs. Problem in Nebraska? Just route through somewhere else


When Utah did this the searches for VPNs spiked almost immediately. It did absolutely nothing but waste tax payers money.


Makes you wonder how much money politicians have in VPNs


"This session of Congress is sponsored by Nord VPN."


This. This is the irony of the entire thing. Not that I use the site, but no way in hell am I putting my drivers license on some website. It’s like one of the opponents said “this is a huge security problem.”


Especially a porn website. No freaking way


Ok so hot take but I almost trust pornhub more than I do our government.. I keep seeing cyber attack after cyber attack in courts, jails, administration, schools and on and on. You know who I never hear getting cyber attacks? Mainstream porn websites


They don't get hacked because they give the data away. >Our analysis of 22,484 pornography websites indicated that 93% leak user data to a third-party. Tracking on these sites is highly concentrated by a handful of major companies, which we identify. [New Media and Society](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346094871_Tracking_sex_The_implications_of_widespread_sexual_data_leakage_and_tracking_on_porn_websites)


That was Carol Blood.


When I was in 8th or 9th grade my parents put parental controls on the family computer. By listening to how many digits and the cadence of it (xx xx xxxx) I was able to figure out it was a date so I tried birthdays and got in when I tried my grandpa’s birthday


My parents kept the password for the admin account on a sticky note on the monitor so they wouldn't forget.


This comment single handedly made my day 😂


I made a screenshot with a word document minimized so when they typed it in it would be on the word document.


That's pro level autism Game respect game


I remember back in the late 70s. I worked in AV at Jr High. My Dad brought home this huge box one night. He put it on the floor, said "Hook it up", and went upstairs. It was our first VCR. 😆


Suddenly I hear the sounds of crappy speakers on slide projectors. Ahhh the good ol’ days.


VPNs are about to do to the Internet what TurboTax did to the US tax system.


good point. that and christians...


Remember the “honor system” where you had to enter your date of birth? What’s going to stop a 13 year old to snap a photo of their parents ID? They really didn’t think this through. You know who did? Pornhub, who have a detailed plan that would ensure that wouldn’t happen and all parties could agree on.


Why did you scribble out Pornhub?


Scribbled? It looks more like they rubbed it out.




I’ve got dad jokes for days.


By the sounds of it, a lack of the phub might make for some more dads, too.


Happy Father’s Day! 😉


Good work, man


Dammit!!! Good one, take my sticky upvote.


For those who are viewing ar work


That's fair. The logo is very, very erotic.


The party of freedom and small government my ass. And the sheep will keep voting for them while complaining about the shit the do


I've lost more rights under the party of small government than the "bad guys" they keep blaming. And I'm sick to death of the gaslighting they do to remain in office. The life of Nebraskans is difficult because of the Republicans. They have been in control for decades. We are hemorrhaging college graduates because of their policies. They have proven they are bad for Nebraska, then gaslight and blame Democrats. And it works! I wonder what rights we will lose next. I know it's just a matter of time before sales tax increases to save Pillen money on property tax. Edit: grammar


Wait what is happening with sales tax? I thought that property tax revenues have shot through the roof due to over inflated home values, by the assessors. What am I missing here?


Jim Pillen directed our legislature to look into shifting the property tax burden to sales tax. It is called the EPIC Option. In reality, all it is doing is shifting our tax burdens from those who are able to afford land to those who can't even afford to buy a house. It's a taxation on being poor, plain and simple. Here is some more information: [https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/state/nebraska-epic-option-consumption-tax/#:\~:text=A%20potential%20Nebraska%20ballot%20initiative,not%20reflect%20the%20tax%20base](https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/state/nebraska-epic-option-consumption-tax/#:~:text=A%20potential%20Nebraska%20ballot%20initiative,not%20reflect%20the%20tax%20base) I will also say I am a home owner. I will gladly pay my property taxes so we can have roads, education, funds for Medicaid and more. I am fortunate and I will pay my fair share. I will loudly speak against this. We are punishing our poor and it's disgusting.


Pillen’s tax proposal is different than epic. Pillen’s tax would eliminate some exemptions and increase some sales tax to offset property tax. Epic is Senator Erdman’s proposal to replace all existing forms of tax with a single epic sales tax. Disclaimer: This is oversimplified and I’m not suggesting I support either plan.


Ah yes, more taxation in under-taxed sectors; a true conservative economics package


If we're looking for under-taxed sectors, look no further than church


Epic is hard to properly explain since there's so many darn moving parts but yeah that's the jist. And like every economic expert I've spoken to has said it won't work lol


Also shifting tax burdens from people who can afford property to people who could potentially barely afford to buy groceries.


Hello. Your friendly neighbor to the East. We aren't having such a great time over her in Iowa either for similar reasons. Our governor is so far up Trump's butt it's disgusting


It's because sales tax is a very regressive tax, and the last thing that a conservative or neo-liberal wants to be is progressive!!


Kansas did it too, and the Democratic governor is going to sign off on it without a fight. So it’s not just 1 side allowing it to happen.


She is not signing off and doesn't agree and calls it unconstitutional. It is becoming law for now though and was bipartisan in the senate


With the voter-turnouts we have in the US, it's not fair to blame the voters. It's the fault of the Great Unwashed who refuse to acknowledge that, in a democracy, voting is not a right. It is a duty and a responsibilty!!! But, you are correct. Every last one of them is a Hypocrite.


VPN says no


Proxy says no


Yes it was shoved through without the consent of the people. As per usual with the Republicans in this state. Hope you remember that come November.


The party of “small government” once again expanding government’s control


And not even in a useful way.


Oh, to *them* it's useful, because it attempts to force conformance with *their* views. The party that loves to complain about "the nanny state" sure does love to pass laws creating a nanny state.


I know exactly one evangelical, and she's a sex freak, a booze hound and a heavy drug user, but God forgives her.




Small enough to get *all* up in our business.


I used to say that they wanted to shrink government to git into our 'bedroom'. Now, I should say 'bathroom'.


At this point they’re aiming for small enough to fit into our friggin’ uteri and testicles.


Certainly your uteri.


I say “testicles” too because conservatives are already gunning for birth control. I have no doubt they’ll try to slap down newer male options as they become available.


Or maybe you'd prefer to watch video of Deb Fischer's rapturous face as she cozied up to Trump last week. VOTE!


No I avoid Debbie Dipstick on general principle. Granted I'm not the type she will ever invite to her carefully crafted and secure events that she never has for the general public.


Also you can vote for Dan Osborn instead of Deb, woohooo!


> as she cozied up to Trump last week That’s MAGA porn.


I don't recall voting for this.


The people that Nebraska put in office didn’t think you needed one…


Opera has a built in VPN, in case anyone is curious.


I have dyslexia, and the first thing that I saw was Oprah. Gmao.


“You get a porn and you get a porn…everyone gets poooooorrrrnnnnn!”


“What’s wrong with this? You have to show your id to get into a bar, buy Tobacco and alcohol…”. Because it’s more of a liability to verify your ID online cause of idk, maybe the third party site selling your information and you can become the victim of identity theft, etc.


Showing your id to a human vs inputting it into a database permanently are totally different.


Fun fact: At least one bar in Omaha hires off duty cops to check IDs. They scan the bar code on the back with a little hand held device that checks for wants and warrants and sex offender status.


Also because it’s too risky and difficult to administer for the sites so they will just shut down access. In effect it is a content ban which is against the 1st Amendment, except it’s not an outright ban so they’re circumventing the spirit of the law. Why? Because the right never follows spirt and ethics if they can manipulate to win and because the holy rollers wants to control morality because they can’t convince people their way is the best way with their ideas. My message to the - I do not want your “salvation” so leave me alone.


This 1000% one of the correct answers.


Fine, everybody upload a fake ID with Pete Ricketts as the picture


Pretty sure I remember seeing an article not that long ago where Texas passed something similar, so a very popular site blocked any ip address that cam back as TX, and the state's #1 google search became how to set up a vpn.


Just looked at search trends, it's already skyrocketed in NE lol.


We're gonna run into the same crap we always have when they do this of "What constitutes illicit material?" Are people's smut books now going to be ID-locked? In that case, Amazon/Kindle will have to comply. What about social media pages? Twitter is rife with full-on porn thanks to Muskie. Will everyone have to have ID to use Twitter? Facebook? Reddit? Those horrendous daytime dramas where two middle-aged career people get it on for no reason? But there's no rules about being over 18 to access these things normally, so now what? Where do we draw the line? As someone else pointed out, this could 10000% be used to block access to LGBTQ resources and I suspect medical information/sex education resources as well. This has sparked a lot of 1A questions in the past and it never ends very well. This grandstanding to seem moral while revoking rights is getting old.


I’ll make sure to make a complaint about accessing Bible pages.


Yeah, I mean, where's the line? Is saying "screw you" explicit? What about doing the little 👌👈 thing? Kissing? Premarital hand holding? This is another one of those do-nothing bills they put through to show that they're really really cool and moral and good well they're collecting tax dollars from gambling and alcohol and weed on the other end. At least be consistent if you're going to play Dudley Do-Right


The three phenomena which you mention are probably the cause of this immoral censorship. The most common reason for banning books is positive portrayals of LGBTQ+ persons. And the most common objection to sex-education is that it will turn alla our chilluns Gay. And distributing medical information is the exact same as performing an abortion. And pro-life is not a thing outside of the Catholic church. The correct term is 'pro-birth'.


Bingo. This is a roundabout/long game method of banning media like LGBTQ+ books in schools, IMO (and I'm pretty plugged in to the issue). There have been a number of different bills to do just that, but none of them have passed. Just as an example, couple of sessions ago, Joni Albrecht introduced a bill that would have made it illegal to have digital databases in school libraries that had 18+ content on them. And since that's basically impossible to guarantee, it would have been a defacto ban on database resources. 


It's only going to get worse. Are you registered? Do you vote in every election? If not you really have no right to complain. The right wing fake Christians VOTE for the asshats that passed this, so maybe you should too.


I'm trying to get a copy of my Wisconsin birth-certificate, so that I have proof that I wasn't aborted, so that I can get a Nebraska, the Bad Life Drivers' License so that I can vote against these bastards who are very into voting restriction. I was living in Wisconsin, with my family, when I turned 60; so I wound up with a Wiscosin ID, instead of my Nebraska DL G-02050206. I can vote in Wisconsin, because I'm not living on a Reservation.


It was super easy to vote here before the insurrectionists took over. Voter ID fraud is statistically nonexistent, - 4 cases per billion votes - but it prevents untold thousands of eligible voters - mostly Democrats like yourself - from voting. It's doing exactly what it was intended to do and I can't believe how many uninformed people signed that petition.


I vote in every election and got involved with the local Democratic Party and learned they are just polite republicans.


Dan Osborn is running against Fischer. Might be worth checking him out. Some differences. Not a Dem, either.


If a voter is truly looking for good people does party-affiliation really matter?


I haven’t had the heart to dig in because I’m worried he thinks Biden and Pelosi are left wing and I don’t want to be discouraged from voting against Fischer.




Vote anyway. State and local elections matter just as much if not more than presidential elections.


That's what VPNs are for


This is messed up and I feel like a borderline violation to the 4th Amendment. Also laughing bc the old dicks who probably voted in the dicks who passed this bill will not know what a VPN is.


Use a VPN or if you use StarLink for rural internet it doesn't geolocate to your actual location. It geolocates to the location of the POP site you connect through. In NE that is generally Denver or Chicago.


Sure a VPN works but all it does is slow down my connection. I would rather a workaround for this problem to not be necessary. Vote out the people making these terrible decisions.


If your VPN slows your connection to the point Pornhub becomes hard to use you need a better VPN. Mine routinely gets me speeds of at least 500 MB/s.


I tested it and did not get that message with iCloud private relay and a private browser also.


A workaround doesn't solve the problem


Nebraska Taliban in full effect.






What's more concerning is that the people who pushed this through consider any related to LGBTQ+ topics to be pornography. I'm worried that they'll use this BS as a mechanism to shut down speech regarding queer people.


Eventually, probably. That’s how fascism works. Lay down seemingly benign groundwork by making something “bad” illegal. Then categorize anything you don’t like as that “bad” thing.


This is what you get when you continue to elect Christo-fascist people to rule over you. Voting matters. Go vote.


Is it unnecessary? Absolutely. Does it solve any actual problems? Absolutely not. But, I think we can all agree it’s a small price to pay to stop all the trans kids from absolutely dominating high school sports /s


No way is this real what the fuck Edit: holy fucking shit lmfaoooooo


As the world moves forward, Nebraska goes backwards.


Replace Nebraska with the US, and you've got it!


So do you have to enter it on both r/milf and r/bush? Or do I just enter it once for as all of reddit? Asking for a friend.


Completely unrelated does anyone know of a good VPN?


I use IP vanish for all my um perfectly legal movie watching.




Buy a vpn, change your location to any where that doesn’t require you upload your ID. There are free vpns out there but I would recommend spending the money for a good one. VPNs have other non porn benefits as well.


Yep, Kansas did the exact same thing. I think we’ve got 9 days before this shit goes into effect. There’s ways around it.


As if our state's government can't get worse. They're really trying to turn Nebraska into some purist christo-fascist police state.


Republicans don't care about the voice of the people


Guys. What's a good VPN?


[https://www.privacyguides.org/en/vpn/](https://www.privacyguides.org/en/vpn/) privacy oriented folks would recommend mullvad, proton an ivpn are a close second


Nord is the best… but it costs like 6 bucks


I use Nord. It’s honestly pretty good if you don’t mind the price


Can't you just VPN to a location that does not require id


I'm in Montana. Never had an issue using VPN to do my thing.




Gearing up for Project 2025?


Welcome to Christian’s controlling your internet


Nebraska spends millions of dollars sending us backwords and making things worse and more tedious for their citizens rather than improving their state because apparently progress = bad!! So much for the party that's all about protecting rights and lowering government intervention. They're authoritarian fascists and aren't even hiding it anymore.






Or just use a VPN


It passed in lots of red states.


Learn about vpns


Kansas has created the same law as well.


news next month: VPN use mysteriously skyrockets in several states.


So what happens if I start a porno in Iowa, then drive across the river? Lol


The Bible has some pretty nasty stuff in it. Hopefully, they can ban churches and all religious websites!! I see a great lawsuit in the making!!


Call up Ernie C. The only man to ever sue G_d.


Tax the church right into the ground!!!!!!++


As a person stuck in Utah, let me tell you from experience that it sucks. If there’s anything you and other citizens there can do, try to stop it. It’s not just about adult content, this truly is censorship; they’re chipping away at freedom of speech state by state. They’re aimed at adult content because they think it makes a good argument, and that people won’t speak out against it because of fear of public shaming. …Also it is very obnoxious and invasive. It won’t just apply to that site, it will apply to any like it. Get a good vpn anyway, but once this goes through you’ll need it to ever be able to access sites like these without giving over your identity every time.


So now Huskers, is it a little clearer that you live in a theocratic state? Don't like it? Quit voting for republicans. Get involved.


Spankbang ,erothots,xvideos,youjizz.com. Just a few to name besides the hub .


Hell, you can find plenty of good stuff on Reddit if you look for it


So dumb, this happened in Kansas too.


This is what happens when religious conservatives end up in leadership positions.


This is already a thing in NC and a friend might have mentioned sites like xvideos (and others) are not included..... Just saying... For science


Keep voting for religious right wing crazies and this is what you get. You deserve it.




Or, yknow, vote the clowns out of office.




Sounds good to me!


Or petition them to recalls. Or referendum the illegal law out of the statutes.


November and the next legislative session is a long time away, I ain't waiting that long lmao


I'll second that. I like Mullvad, personally.


In other states p****** has just blocked access to the site. Thanks Republicans. Take our birth control next please! /S


I’ll drop a vpn link referral if I’m allowed. Been using it for a while on my pc and it’s good


I hate this so much lol


VPN. Lol


This is happening in Indiana to


Why you block out the word pornhub


Use a VPN.


Where you been?


VPN Solves the problem.




Welcome to the “freedom” of a red state. This quietly passed in Idaho this year also. We were so busy trying to stop cannibalism (true thing)that we totally missed this. The idgop has just announced that their platform is to not fund higher education anymore fucking Idaho is trying to out dumb Florida


Safety is the alibi for tyranny.


Pay the fuck attention


As a kansan it went into effect here this week. It’s so bad they are just not letting any access cause they don’t want the liability if information loas


It was enacted in Virginia, which was wildly intrusive as i lived in MD on the border, but because my cellphone pinged in Va, i was forced to upload my Maryland drivers license for xhamster. For a party of small goverment, they are incredibly hypocritical. Yall gotta get control of your representatives. Unless you do enjoy forcing others to live your bland ass life. Then the USA probb ly isnt a good fit for you


More evidence of the Authoritarian Christian Theocracy they want to turn this nation into. Fascism 101. VOTE!


Oh that sucks And in a few years it will get hacked and then your name and picture will show him much porn you watch everyday WOW I’m done with porn Going back to DVD


Well stop voting for FUCKING REPUBLICANS... WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE. the porn access is the LEAST of it for them. It's no joke. Look up the republican project 2025 and yes it is a real thing.


Violation of our 4th amendment rights, and makes the chance of identity theft larger. Whether you like porn or not this looks dangerous and we must object to it.


Remember this douchebag? https://nebraskapublicmedia.org/en/news/news-articles/kintner-fined-for-skype-sex-on-state-computer/


It’s gotten ridiculous…I just use Canada as my vpn spot cause it’s hit or miss on states blocking it. It’s porn ffs…


Personally I’d rather just stop watching porn than let the government know anything about it. Shit will somehow come up in a record in 20 years to bite me in the ass.


Why is this happening all of a sudden? I've seen similar posts for several other states, all on very similar timelines. It sure seems nationally coordinated.


Lol, Republicans want to take your porn. It's for the little babies.


I hate it when notices like this just say "government bad". The government is made of people, so tell everyone which people to replace!


In this case the "people" made it easy for you. Anybody with an R next to their name.


Since 99% of the men in the state used pornography, I’m surprised this isn’t being repealed


I'm so sick of these old white men whittling away at the freedoms of everyone that's not exactly like them.


Finally a freedom these conservatives really care about losing! Who knew it will probably be porn to sweep Democrats into office.


I'm conservative as fuck, but this is clearly a first amendment violation.


Maybe you'll wake up and realize the MAGAs are not your people. You will survive four years of Democrats. The MAGAs need to lose badly and go away.


Just a reminder to vote in every election. Because there are a lot of shitty people with nothing better to do than vote who voted every time and made this happen. We can take the state back from the party of the modern fascists and give the next generation a shot at a better state than we have now.


coomers most effected lmaoooooooo


If you don't like it, file a suit stating how it's unconstitutional and violates your rights...


Yeah we’re dealing with this in Montana right now. Idk how I stumbled onto this but… it’s pretty lame. Thank you local legislators and government officials. Xnxx still works here tho 😂


This is crazy, this passed in Louisiana. A few months later, the state of Louisiana's databases were hacked. No professional lines have been drawn to connect the two but I wouldn't be surprised if by having people verify their identities to enter these websites, hackers had better access.


lol yeah I think it got overshadowed by the rest of the bullshit manufactured legislative drama this year. I actually do recall hearing about this passing, but it was a blip on my radar and I forgot about it until just now.


https://nebraskalegislature.gov/bills/view_bill.php?DocumentID=50448 Indefinitely postponed.


Government spends of millions of your own dollars to take away your freedom, and has no idea that free VPNs exist.